How many posters do you ignore?

round and round it goes.....this is why i'll probably end up a doddering old fool yammering to myself.....~S~
None. No need for a list. I know who the a-holes are so it’s just a matter or whether or not I feel like clicking in. Already know what kind of drivel to expect so if in the mood I might give the jerk a look.
I sometimes report mods just for giggles. I think last time I reported one was when flacaltenn said he was gonna close a thread for being off topic. I reported his post for being off topic. lol.

Other than that, I'd never report anyone unless they were making bomb threats or something, but I'm more likely to have em swatted by the man versus reporting to a mod. I've never been a fan of appealling to authority for silly squabbles and stuff.
I always have an argument with myself before I report anyone (unless it is an unclothed human pic) because I don't want to be a nuisance to the mods. But especially in the CDZ, it is up to us to report un-CDZ-like behavior, because there aren't enough mods to keep it clean without us, and there is a place for the CDZ, if it can be kept to its standards.
Maybe it would be more efficient if we asked who the good posters are instead of who the bad ones are. The list might be more manageable [emoji14]
There are a lot of good posters here. You are among them. Any poster who has the patience to back up their statements with a reason and maybe even a link AND manage not to call me a stupid bitch in the first sentence, is alright with me
I have about 50 (so far) on my list. Saves time and cognitive aggravation.

How about you?

I have never ignored or reported any poster on any forum. When a poster insults me I insult back with gusto (con brio).
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Did the OP start this thread in the CDZ knowing that it was an impossible topic to hold in the CDZ?
Maybe it needs to be moved?
'Cuz some people here aren't being very civil. Gracie.
So hit that report button, OldHag. And remember to hit it on those who attacked me for responding to a question they didn't like the answer to.
No one attacked you, Gracie. At least not then. Maybe you should call in some of your friends, the Bitches with Brains crowd, so you can hide behind their skirts and shoot out inane posts that say nothing while they protect you.
And who exactly are the Bitches with Brains??? Plus, since when do I have to hide behind anyone or need protection? BWAHAHAHA!!!!

LOL! Its a might early hitting the sauce, ain't it Old Hag? the Bitches With Brains. I be mighty curious!!!
Did the OP start this thread in the CDZ knowing that it was an impossible topic to hold in the CDZ?
Maybe it needs to be moved?
'Cuz some people here aren't being very civil. Gracie.
So hit that report button, OldHag. And remember to hit it on those who attacked me for responding to a question they didn't like the answer to.
No one attacked you, Gracie. At least not then. Maybe you should call in some of your friends, the Bitches with Brains crowd, so you can hide behind their skirts and shoot out inane posts that say nothing while they protect you.
And who exactly are the Bitches with Brains??? Plus, since when do I have to hide behind anyone or need protection? BWAHAHAHA!!!!

LOL! Its a might early hitting the sauce, ain't it Old Hag? the Bitches With Brains. I be mighty curious!!!
I'm not naming anyone. You know who you run with.
You've engineered it so I can't flame you in the FZ, so MODS, you had best leave this alone. I'm sick of this bitch and it's not right there is nowhere I can say so.
Ah. THAT'S the crux of your hissy fit! I can't go to the FZ or see you flaming me.

Poor OldHag. So tired of the unfairness of it all, she says. :itsok:
Did the OP start this thread in the CDZ knowing that it was an impossible topic to hold in the CDZ?
Maybe it needs to be moved?
'Cuz some people here aren't being very civil. Gracie.
So hit that report button, OldHag. And remember to hit it on those who attacked me for responding to a question they didn't like the answer to.
No one attacked you, Gracie. At least not then. Maybe you should call in some of your friends, the Bitches with Brains crowd, so you can hide behind their skirts and shoot out inane posts that say nothing while they protect you.
And who exactly are the Bitches with Brains??? Plus, since when do I have to hide behind anyone or need protection? BWAHAHAHA!!!!

LOL! Its a might early hitting the sauce, ain't it Old Hag? the Bitches With Brains. I be mighty curious!!!
I'm not naming anyone. You know who you run with.
Again...LOL! I run with nobody. But, you addressed the so called Bitches With Brains so now you can name them. Or stay the chickenshit you always were/are.
Oh. Wait. I "run" with Kat. She is the only one, actually, and its a hit and miss thing when I am actually here. claiming Kat is a bitch with brains?
Oh. Wait. I "run" with Kat. She is the only one, actually, and its a hit and miss thing when I am actually here. claiming Kat is a bitch with brains?
You'll not be setting me up that way, Gracie. Sorry.

Maybe we should let the thread get back to the topic?
Just a suggestion.
I've never used the feature until just a couple of weeks ago. Finally put daniel on ignore. The stoner koans are tiresome.
I ignore Angry Black Men/Women, morons and idiots.
Some those people are funny and show you if they are hunting, melting down, screaming at the sky...LOL my axx off.
Oh. Wait. I "run" with Kat. She is the only one, actually, and its a hit and miss thing when I am actually here. claiming Kat is a bitch with brains?
You'll not be setting me up that way, Gracie. Sorry.

Maybe we should let the thread get back to the topic?
Just a suggestion.
You set yourself up with your ravings, dear.
And its not off topic. We are discussing how many are on someone's iggie list with others. OldLady. And some having a hissy on who is on that list.
You stepped in it yourself, sweetcheeks. Live with it. :)

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