How many posters here are smarter than all the world's scientists?

Nope, it holds my heat. My body temperature doesn’t go up!
Of course it does. Wrap yourself in a blanket, and your skin temperature will rise. Your core temperature will also rise, but not as much.

Are you just playing dumb, or are you serious with your claim that a blanket won't make you warmer?

That is, are you a troll or a moron? Don't bother answering. Either option makes it clear you're a waste of time.

mamooth has been sniffin' at that ol' CO2 bottle again.


:banana: :smoke: :banana:
Well, not 10 years, but there have been so many dire predictions that simply haven't come true.
So you gave us a list of:
1. Media hysteria, which you fell for hard.
2. Predictions that have nothing to do with climate.
3. Predictions that were never actually made
4. Predictions that actually came true.

As Einstein said about the book _A Hundred Authors Against Einstein_, "If I was wrong, they wouldn't need 100." If deniers could show just _one_ actual failed prediction of climate science, they wouldn't need to peddle a Gish gallop of crap. But they can't, so they do.

Here' s a challenge that the deniers can all run away from, again. Show us _one_ consensus prediction of climate science that was actually made, and which failed.

Here' s a challenge that the deniers can all run away from, again. Show us _one_ consensus prediction of climate science that was actually made, and which failed.

Any and all predictions of 2 feet or more sea level rise by 2100 ... every ... single ... one ...
Using actual data, we can calculate the rise to be only 22 inches ... {Cite}

[sticks tongue out] ...
Nope, it holds my heat. My body temperature doesn’t go up!
Of course it does. Wrap yourself in a blanket, and your skin temperature will rise. Your core temperature will also rise, but not as much.

Are you just playing dumb, or are you serious with your claim that a blanket won't make you warmer?

That is, are you a troll or a moron? Don't bother answering. Either option makes it clear you're a waste of time.
Nope and nope and nope. 97.1 in or out of the blanket. You are confused I would combust in your scenario, and I sleep 8 hours without self combusting under multiple blankets.

curious, got a link that actually says your nonsense?
Nope, it holds my heat. My body temperature doesn’t go up!
Of course it does. Wrap yourself in a blanket, and your skin temperature will rise. Your core temperature will also rise, but not as much.

Are you just playing dumb, or are you serious with your claim that a blanket won't make you warmer?

That is, are you a troll or a moron? Don't bother answering. Either option makes it clear you're a waste of time.
If you're comparing CO2 to a blanket, it's a faulty analogy. With a blanket, the body is the source of heat, keeping it in.

With CO2, the source of heat -- the sun -- is outside the blanket.

Do you put on a blanket when the room is warm?

With CO2, the source of heat -- the sun -- is outside the blanket.
It's a good analogy, not a perfect one.

If you restrict heat flow, then an object has to get hotter to lose the same amount of heat. That's what the blanket or atmosphere does here.

Nope and nope and nope. 97.1 in or out of the blanket.
So according to jc, you can toss a wool blanket over an incandescent bulb, and the bulb won't get any hotter.

jc, I suggest you _not_ try that experiment at home. Please don't burn your house down to pwn the libs. I wouldn't want to see your total ignorance of thermodynamics cause you harm.

curious, got a link that actually says your nonsense?
You actually want a link that says a blanket will make you warmer?

If the blanket isn't making you warmer, then why are you using it? Have humans been using blankets for thousands of years incorrectly? Good thing you pointed that out.
jc, I suggest you _not_ try that experiment at home. Please don't burn your house down to pwn the libs. I wouldn't want to see your total ignorance of thermodynamics cause you harm
So a lightbulb in my lamp gets hotter because I have walls and ceilings? How come the lamps in your mythbuster video didn’t get hotter?
So a lightbulb in my lamp gets hotter because I have walls and ceilings?
Well, yes, but only by a tiny amount. Again, this is basic thermo, and you fail completely at it. I'd explain, but I can't dumb it down enough so that you'd be able to understand it, so there's no point. Nor do I care if saying that triggers you, so go on and stamp your widdle feet.

How come the lamps in your mythbuster video didn’t get hotter?
I don't know if you really are as stupid as you sound, or if you're just a dishonest troll. Keep talking, so that everyone can try to figure it out. At this piont, you're just a study in abnormal psychology.
Well, yes, but only by a tiny amount. Again, this is basic thermo, and you fail completely at it. I'd explain, but I can't dumb it down enough so that you'd be able to understand it, so there's no point. Nor do I care if saying that triggers you, so go on and stamp your widdle feet
Again, yawn, why didn’t the bulb in your mythbuster video get hotter? You’re in stupid land
If you're comparing CO2 to a blanket, it's a faulty analogy. With a blanket, the body is the source of heat, keeping it in.
With CO2, the source of heat -- the sun -- is outside the blanket.
Do you put on a blanket when the room is warm?
-- daveman

Great point ... they do make blankets designed to keep heat out ... fire fighters in forest fires pack them in case the fire overruns their position ...

Here's an interesting fact about blankets ... it's not the fibers that keep you warm or cool ... it's the air trapped in the layers of the fabric ... turns out air is an excellent insulating material, if we can keep it in one place ... air is also an excellent convector of heat energy ... it's very easy to move hot or cold air around ... so there's the main fault with the blanket analogy ... it prevents conduction of heat energy, and they work both ways keeping energy out and keeping energy in ... radiative energy is a whole different kittle of fish ...

Only GHGs in the lower half of the atmosphere are raising temperatures ... the GHGs in the upper half of the atmosphere work to keep solar longwave off Earth's surface, reducing temperatures ... this fact mitigates much of the man-made global warming due to carbon dioxide ...
  1. shaped like or approximately like a circle or cylinder.
  2. shaped like or approximately like a sphere.

    Yes it is.

I don't know if you really are as stupid as you sound, or if you're just a dishonest troll. Keep talking, so that everyone can try to figure it out. At this piont, you're just a study in abnormal psychology.
I enjoy showing your stupid off for all to see. BTW, they had thermometers in the video and the one in the controlled box didn't get any hotter. So your lightbulb theory is disproven. BTW, would you actually put a blanket on a white hot bulb? And if you did that, you wouldn't think fire might happen?
Only GHGs in the lower half of the atmosphere are raising temperatures
not to be an ass, although I will come off as one here, but if C02 doesn't create heat, how can it raise temperatures? You just said GHG's, are you saying water molecules or all of the properties do it? Again, temperatures don't go up because of GHGs, the GHGs hold the heat the sun provided longer in an area lower in the atmosphere.
How many people believe they are more intelligent than all the world's active climate scientists.
Poll fail. No one challenges the intelligence of climate scientists. The world is full of intelligent people who use their intelligence for personal or political gain.
Only GHGs in the lower half of the atmosphere are raising temperatures
not to be an ass, although I will come off as one here, but if C02 doesn't create heat, how can it raise temperatures? You just said GHG's, are you saying water molecules or all of the properties do it? Again, temperatures don't go up because of GHGs, the GHGs hold the heat the sun provided longer in an area lower in the atmosphere.

I don't have the year to teach you general chemistry ... sorry ... you'll need to find out on your own the what and why of emission spectra ... when "Balmer Series" means something to you, let me know ...

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