How many posters here are smarter than all the world's scientists?

I don't see the tools with which we used to post up polls but we can ad lib.

Just tell us in the comments. How many people believe they are more intelligent than all the world's active climate scientists. In case you were unsure, if you have EVER put up a post that accused all those scientists of lying, of being biased by "donations and bribes", of claiming that they put out results to please whoever pays for their grants, you should post "ME!". Got it? Okay. Can't wait to see the results!
Every single poster who identifies as conservative, right wing, republican, or tRump supporter.
I suspect many of these denier posters won‘t have the conjones to come out and join this discussion, though we know who most of these posters are.
Every scientist in the world admits the on going climate crisis. Not one scientist in the world has ever come out against it. That’s enough to tell you that we’re all fucked unless we make drastic changes like banning meat, air travel, the gas industry and so much more.

For some reason Trumptards don’t believe science and are becoming a threat to the existence of life in earth
Maybe you should put us all in camps.
You know those scientists believe in climate change before they start working on it, Scientists have agendas too. And the financial rewards from people who are only trying to redistribute wealth for those scientists are huge.

Sounds like someone there just made a predetermined conculsion based on entirely on his politics instead of any evidence, and it wasn't the scientists.
By now NYC was supposed to be underwater and there should be no polar ice caps anymore. It is bullshit.
al gore polar bears.jpg

So, not the IPCC, just an official. Not honest of you leave that out.

And what's the problem with the quote? After all, it doesn't say the plan is to redistribute wealth. It says that's what's already been done.

Basically he says -- correctly -- that we've been subsidizing fossil fuel users by allowing them to pollute the world without paying for it.
Go read the Climategate emails

We have. That's one reason we know with 100% certainty that your cult deliberately lied and engaged in fraud.

Remember, you can't gaslight honest, intelligent and informed people. That only works on your fellow cult rubes. To us, you're like a flat-eather screeching at us about the horrible immoral round-earthers. We know the facts, so we know with 100% certaintly that you're lying.

Then go look at the fraudulent data

If you're not engaging in more open fraud for the glory of fascism, I'm sure you can point us to the fraudulent data, and demonstrate how it's fraudulent. Please proceed.
Thanks for confirming the material in my signature. Again.
Every scientist in the world admits the on going climate crisis.

TOTAL BULLSHIT. Total CO2 for the atmosphere is 0.041%. Of that, about a third can be attributed to rises during the industrialization period of man, or about 0.0136% of the atmosphere, or about 1/7400th of the atmosphere! Not only is there no mechanism by which so little of a trace gas can so greatly affect the atmosphere, not only is there no correlation between earth temperature and CO2 these past 200 years, not only is most of that change too recent for the Earth to have responded yet,

Maybe you should put us all in camps.

Why are you always dreaming of camps? You make your intentions too obvious that way.

You don't sea any non-fascists here fantasizing about sending their political opponents to The Gulag. It's just you doing that, constantly.
By now NYC was supposed to be underwater and there should be no polar ice caps anymore. It is bullshit.

Nope, the scientists never predicted that. You're repeating some fabricated nonsense that your cult fed you, because that's what authoritarian-followers do

Well, I didn't see a single peer reviewed article among those sources and a large portion were all from one man (Paul Ehrlich) but despite that, I will put you down for a firm YES.
It really sounds like you had your mind made up when you started this thread.

But, hey, the science is settled, right?
"But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy. Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore..." -- IPCC

And the actual source of this supposed quote is ... ?

If you're not committing open fraud for the glory of your fascist cult, it shouldn't be a problem for you to show your source.

IPCC Official: “Climate Policy Is Redistributing The World's Wealth” - The Global Warming Policy Forum

I thought you knew this by now
He's been shown the quote numerous times.

But it goes against his programming, so he denies it's real.
TOTAL BULLSHIT. Total CO2 for the atmosphere is 0.041%. Of that, about a third can be attributed to rises during the industrialization period of man, or about 0.0136% of the atmosphere, or about 1/7400th of the atmosphere! Not only is there no mechanism by which so little of a trace gas can so greatly affect the atmosphere,

Ah, the "DERP! CO2 IS JUST A TRACE GAS!" fallacy.

not only is there no correlation between earth temperature and CO2 these past 200 years,

Cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo ...

See both lines going up there? That's called "correaltion".



Why do you think the earth will be "toppled"? You don't see any normal people shrieking such nonsense.
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If AGW was a real thing then then every once in awhile some of the dire predictions would come true but they never do. At least nothing that is real.

If AGW was a real thing then the butt pirates wouldn't have to lie about the data, which they have been caught doing many times.

The stupid political leaders that spout the bullshit don't even believe in it because they go jetting all over the world in CO2 guzzling airplanes and live in mansions that use as much energy as a small city.

Hell even the Worthless Negro doesn't even believe the bullshit of rising sea levels. He bought a house a few hundred feet from the ocean.


So, not the IPCC, just an official. Not honest of you leave that out.

And what's the problem with the quote? After all, it doesn't say the plan is to redistribute wealth. It says that's what's already been done.

Basically he says -- correctly -- that we've been subsidizing fossil fuel users by allowing them to pollute the world without paying for it.
Thanks for confirming the material in my signature. Again.

Dave, go away, the adults are trying to talk. You know, about the actual topic. Which is _not_ about you being so butthurt about always getting humiliated with facts and data.
Maybe you should put us all in camps.

Why are you always dreaming of camps? You make your intentions too obvious that way.

You don't sea any non-fascists here fantasizing about sending their political opponents to The Gulag. It's just you doing that, constantly.
No, putting dissenters in camps is a strictly left-wing thing. There you go lying again.

Bill Nye: Throw 'climate deniers' in jail [VIDEO]

Punish the Thought: Do Climate-change Skeptics Belong in Jail?

Punishing 'climate change deniers'

Climate Nazis

2005: Margo Kingston, in Australia’s Daily Briefing, said: “Perhaps there is a case for making climate change denial an offence. It is a crime against humanity, after all.”

2006: Bill McGuire, at University College, London, said: “We have Holocaust deniers; we have climate change deniers. And, to be honest, I don’t think there’s a great deal of difference.”

2006: The website called for Nuremberg-style trials for climate skeptics. The article was later retracted.

2006: Heidi Cullen featured Dave Roberts, who said online, “When we’ve finally gotten serious about global warming, when the impacts are really hitting us and we’re in a full worldwide scramble to minimize the damage, we should have war crimes trials for these bastards – some sort of climate Nuremberg.” The remark was not later retracted.

2006: Mark Lynas, a “green” columnist, wrote: “I wonder what sentences judges might hand down at future international criminal tribunals on those who will be partially but directly responsible for millions of deaths from starvation, famine and disease in decades ahead. I put [their climate change denial] in a similar moral category to Holocaust denial – except that this time the Holocaust is yet to come, and we still have time to avoid it. Those who try to ensure we don’t will one day have to answer for their crimes.”

2006: Spiked Online reported that when a correspondent for the American current affairs show 60 Minutes was asked why his various feature programmes on global warming did not include the views of global warming sceptics, he replied: “If I do an interview with Elie Wiesel, am I required as a journalist to find a Holocaust denier?”

2007: Ellen Goodman, in the Boston Globe, said: “Let’s just say that global warming deniers are now on a par with Holocaust deniers.”

2007: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. lashed out at global warming skeptics, saying: “This is treason. And we need to start treating them as traitors.” The penalty for treason is death.

2007: Yvo de Boer, secretary general of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, said ignoring the urgency of global warming would be “criminally irresponsible”.

2007: Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland, a UN special climate envoy, said: “It’s completely immoral even to question” the UN’s scientific opinion on climate.

2008: Dr James Hansen of NASA demanded that skeptics be “put on trial for high crimes against humanity and nature”. The penalty for crimes against humanity is death.

2008: David Suzuki, a Canadian environmentalist, said government leaders skeptical of global warming should be “thrown into jail”.

2008: Alex Lockwood, a British journalism professor, said that writers questioning global warming should be banned.

2009: A writer at Talking Points Memo said global warming “deniers” should be executed or jailed. He later retracted this remark.

2010: James Lovelock, inventor of the “Gaia hypothesis”, told The Guardian: “I have a feeling that climate change may be an issue as severe as a war. It may be necessary to put democracy on hold for a while.”

2010: Dr. Donald Brown, Professor of “Climate Ethics” at Penn State University, declared that skeptics, who had caused “a 25-year delay in acting to stop climate change”, may be guilty of a “new crime against humanity”. The penalty for crimes against humanity is death.

2010: A video from the “10:10 campaign” showed climate skeptic children being blown up by their teacher in class, and their classmates were spattered with their blood and guts.

2011: An Australian journalist said climate skeptics should be “branded” with cattle-irons to mark them out from the rest of the population.

2011: Another Australian journalist said skeptics should be “gassed”.

2012: Professor Richard Parncutt of the University of Graz, Austria, recommended the death penalty for skeptics. He later withdrew.

2012: Dr. Donald Brown, Professor of “Climate Ethics” at Widener University School of Law, again declared that skeptics may be guilty of a “new crime against humanity”. The penalty for crimes against humanity is death.

2014: Dr Lawrence Torcello, assistant philosophy professor at Rochester Institute of Technology, wrote that people who disagreed with him should be sent to jail.

2014: During a February cold snap, the New York Times ran a cartoon headed “Self-Destructing Sabers for Dispatching Climate-Change Deniers” and showing a climate skeptic being stabbed with an icicle.

2014: The website said: “Those denialists should face jail. They should face fines. They should face lawsuits from the classes of people whose lives and livelihoods are most threatened by denialist tactics.”

2014: The host of MSNBC’s The Ed Show promoted Soviet-style re-education for climate skeptic politicians by conducting an on-air poll on the question “Should climate-denying Republicans be forced to take a basic earth science course?”

2015: Katie Herzog at on 16 January wrote: “If this planet is to survive the scourge that is humanity, we all have to stop reproducing. Yes, all of us. In that spirit, I propose we … sterilize every human male on his 10th birthday.”

2015: Comment on the webpage of the Brisbane Times about a category 5 cyclone along the Queensland coast on 19/20 February: “These type of weather events could happen further south in future and be more intense with global warming … if anyone has to suffer out of this one I hope it is a climate change denier, if anyone.” Downloaded from Cyclone Marcia: Live Coverage.

2015: The Australian Capital Territory’s Arts Fund gave $18,793 “to assist with costs of the creative development of a new theatre work, Kill Climate Deniers.

You klimate kultists are tremendously fucked up in the head.
Thanks for confirming the material in my signature. Again.

Dave, go away, the adults are trying to talk. You know, about the actual topic. Which is _not_ about you being so butthurt about always getting humiliated with facts and data.
You have provided neither facts nor data. You have been having your usual little bitch fit that people are allowed to disagree with you.

Tough shit, boy.
If AGW was a real thing then then every once in awhile some of the dire predictions would come true but they never do.

They've pretty much all come true. If your cult told you otherwise, your cult lied to you.

Hell even the Worthless Negro

Oh, that's right. You just make up whatever story helps you push your racist hatred. Thanks for reminding everyone why to not take you seriously on any topic.
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There is nothing gotcha about Cricks’ inquiry. Stand up for your convictions.
There is no inquiry.

What scientist?

What studies?

What theories?

This just more meaningless Leftist delusions!

The inquiry is the question in the lead post.

The scientistS are those professional scientists actively conducting research into the climate and global warming and publishing their findings in peer reviewed science journals.

The studies are the work reported on in those peer reviewed articles noted above.

The theory is the theory of anthropogenic global warming: that the Earth has been warming at an accelerating pace due to the greenhouse effect acting on increased GHGs in the atmosphere created by the human combustion of fossil fuels.

Surely that was all obvious.
I don't see the tools with which we used to post up polls but we can ad lib.

Just tell us in the comments. How many people believe they are more intelligent than all the world's active climate scientists. In case you were unsure, if you have EVER put up a post that accused all those scientists of lying, of being biased by "donations and bribes", of claiming that they put out results to please whoever pays for their grants, you should post "ME!". Got it? Okay. Can't wait to see the results!
Every single poster who identifies as conservative, right wing, republican, or tRump supporter.

You left out the verb. What should every single poster who identifies as conservative, right wing, republican or tRump supporter DO?
It was an answer to your thread title.

And that would include you, wouldn't it. So, Crepitus, YES.

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