How many red state dems will vote for Gina Haspel for CIA director?


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Donnelly from Indiana
Joe Manchin from West Virginia
Doug Jones from Alabama

Who else :dunno:
Only those who endorse torture

Screw you asshole, the commiecrats voted for her boss when maobama nominated him, he was the one that gave Haspel her assignments. The only reason you commies have not to vote for her, is she was nominated by Trump. Total hypocrites, one and all.

Only those who endorse torture

Screw you asshole, the commiecrats voted for her boss when maobama nominated him, he was the one that gave Haspel her assignments. The only reason you commies have not to vote for her, is she was nominated by Trump. Total hypocrites, one and all.


I would not vote to confirm her. The reason? Obvious isn’t it? She followed orders. That excuse went out the window at the Nuremberg Trials. I was only following orders. Pfui. We told the world then that if you commit an immoral, or illegal action, even if ordered to, you were wrong.

We prosecuted people for that. Abu Ghraib for one example. We punished the soldiers who were doing what the CIA agent told them to, and their excuse of following orders was rejected soundly by the Courts Martial. Why? First, Regulations prohibited the activity. Second, you can’t receive orders from someone who is not in your chain of command. The duty of those soldiers was to refuse those orders, not carry them out.

You can’t expect me to respect a person for taking the easy way out. I don’t want another yes man or woman in charge of the CIA, or really anything. I want someone who is going to do the right thing, not because it is politically advantageous or whatever. But because it is right.

You say no when you are given an illegal order. You say no and you tell others who work for you not to do it. They might find someone else to do it anyway, and I can’t control what anyone else chooses to do. But I can control what I do, and I can be responsible for my actions.

I would not vote to confirm. We have had enough of the CIA breaking the law, and doing criminal things. We’ve had far too much of that. It is not sexist or sexism, it is what is right, and what is wrong.
Only those who endorse torture

Screw you asshole, the commiecrats voted for her boss when maobama nominated him, he was the one that gave Haspel her assignments. The only reason you commies have not to vote for her, is she was nominated by Trump. Total hypocrites, one and all.


I would not vote to confirm her. The reason? Obvious isn’t it? She followed orders. That excuse went out the window at the Nuremberg Trials. I was only following orders. Pfui. We told the world then that if you commit an immoral, or illegal action, even if ordered to, you were wrong.

We prosecuted people for that. Abu Ghraib for one example. We punished the soldiers who were doing what the CIA agent told them to, and their excuse of following orders was rejected soundly by the Courts Martial. Why? First, Regulations prohibited the activity. Second, you can’t receive orders from someone who is not in your chain of command. The duty of those soldiers was to refuse those orders, not carry them out.

You can’t expect me to respect a person for taking the easy way out. I don’t want another yes man or woman in charge of the CIA, or really anything. I want someone who is going to do the right thing, not because it is politically advantageous or whatever. But because it is right.

You say no when you are given an illegal order. You say no and you tell others who work for you not to do it. They might find someone else to do it anyway, and I can’t control what anyone else chooses to do. But I can control what I do, and I can be responsible for my actions.

I would not vote to confirm. We have had enough of the CIA breaking the law, and doing criminal things. We’ve had far too much of that. It is not sexist or sexism, it is what is right, and what is wrong.

Bullshit, the DOJ said it was legal. We didn't water board people willie nillie, it was done under close medical supervision to insure the individual was not physically harmed. But my point is, if Brennan was qualified after he was her boss, then Haspel is qualified. Anyone who voted for Brennan should vote for Haspel, including brain dead McCain.

Only those who endorse torture

Screw you asshole, the commiecrats voted for her boss when maobama nominated him, he was the one that gave Haspel her assignments. The only reason you commies have not to vote for her, is she was nominated by Trump. Total hypocrites, one and all.


I would not vote to confirm her. The reason? Obvious isn’t it? She followed orders. That excuse went out the window at the Nuremberg Trials. I was only following orders. Pfui. We told the world then that if you commit an immoral, or illegal action, even if ordered to, you were wrong.

We prosecuted people for that. Abu Ghraib for one example. We punished the soldiers who were doing what the CIA agent told them to, and their excuse of following orders was rejected soundly by the Courts Martial. Why? First, Regulations prohibited the activity. Second, you can’t receive orders from someone who is not in your chain of command. The duty of those soldiers was to refuse those orders, not carry them out.

You can’t expect me to respect a person for taking the easy way out. I don’t want another yes man or woman in charge of the CIA, or really anything. I want someone who is going to do the right thing, not because it is politically advantageous or whatever. But because it is right.

You say no when you are given an illegal order. You say no and you tell others who work for you not to do it. They might find someone else to do it anyway, and I can’t control what anyone else chooses to do. But I can control what I do, and I can be responsible for my actions.

I would not vote to confirm. We have had enough of the CIA breaking the law, and doing criminal things. We’ve had far too much of that. It is not sexist or sexism, it is what is right, and what is wrong.

Bullshit, the DOJ said it was legal. We didn't water board people willie nillie, it was done under close medical supervision to insure the individual was not physically harmed. But my point is, if Brennan was qualified after he was her boss, then Haspel is qualified. Anyone who voted for Brennan should vote for Haspel, including brain dead McCain.


I told you why I wouldn’t. The DOJ said it was legal to round up the American Citizens of Japanese descent and put them in Internment, read prison, camps. The argument that the DOJ said it was legal is a funny one IMO. The DOJ said that police departments were breaking the law, and Trump shut down those investigations. Why? I thought the DOJ was the decider in such matters.
Only those who endorse torture

Screw you asshole, the commiecrats voted for her boss when maobama nominated him, he was the one that gave Haspel her assignments. The only reason you commies have not to vote for her, is she was nominated by Trump. Total hypocrites, one and all.


I would not vote to confirm her. The reason? Obvious isn’t it? She followed orders. That excuse went out the window at the Nuremberg Trials. I was only following orders. Pfui. We told the world then that if you commit an immoral, or illegal action, even if ordered to, you were wrong.

We prosecuted people for that. Abu Ghraib for one example. We punished the soldiers who were doing what the CIA agent told them to, and their excuse of following orders was rejected soundly by the Courts Martial. Why? First, Regulations prohibited the activity. Second, you can’t receive orders from someone who is not in your chain of command. The duty of those soldiers was to refuse those orders, not carry them out.

You can’t expect me to respect a person for taking the easy way out. I don’t want another yes man or woman in charge of the CIA, or really anything. I want someone who is going to do the right thing, not because it is politically advantageous or whatever. But because it is right.

You say no when you are given an illegal order. You say no and you tell others who work for you not to do it. They might find someone else to do it anyway, and I can’t control what anyone else chooses to do. But I can control what I do, and I can be responsible for my actions.

I would not vote to confirm. We have had enough of the CIA breaking the law, and doing criminal things. We’ve had far too much of that. It is not sexist or sexism, it is what is right, and what is wrong.

Bullshit, the DOJ said it was legal. We didn't water board people willie nillie, it was done under close medical supervision to insure the individual was not physically harmed. But my point is, if Brennan was qualified after he was her boss, then Haspel is qualified. Anyone who voted for Brennan should vote for Haspel, including brain dead McCain.


I told you why I wouldn’t. The DOJ said it was legal to round up the American Citizens of Japanese descent and put them in Internment, read prison, camps. The argument that the DOJ said it was legal is a funny one IMO. The DOJ said that police departments were breaking the law, and Trump shut down those investigations. Why? I thought the DOJ was the decider in such matters.

Korematsu v. United States, 323 U.S. 214, was a landmark United States Supreme Court case concerning the constitutionality of Executive Order 9066, which ordered Japanese Americans into internment camps during World War II regardless of citizenship. In a 6–3 decision, the Court sided with the government, ruling the exclusion order was constitutional.

Korematsu v. United States - Wikipedia

You got a link that Trump stopped investigation into PDs?

Nelson will vote to confirm her in Florida, along with the gal in North Dakota.

She'll be confirmed. No doubt about that.
She will be confirmed.

She is a thorough bureaucrat, quite a competent one, who, unfortunately, will follow orders that she should not follow.

Those who endorse her, while calling those who oppose her "commies", are the true alt right fascist enemies of America. There will come a day of reckoning for them.
Only those who endorse torture

Screw you asshole, the commiecrats voted for her boss when maobama nominated him, he was the one that gave Haspel her assignments. The only reason you commies have not to vote for her, is she was nominated by Trump. Total hypocrites, one and all.


I would not vote to confirm her. The reason? Obvious isn’t it? She followed orders. That excuse went out the window at the Nuremberg Trials. I was only following orders. Pfui. We told the world then that if you commit an immoral, or illegal action, even if ordered to, you were wrong.

We prosecuted people for that. Abu Ghraib for one example. We punished the soldiers who were doing what the CIA agent told them to, and their excuse of following orders was rejected soundly by the Courts Martial. Why? First, Regulations prohibited the activity. Second, you can’t receive orders from someone who is not in your chain of command. The duty of those soldiers was to refuse those orders, not carry them out.

You can’t expect me to respect a person for taking the easy way out. I don’t want another yes man or woman in charge of the CIA, or really anything. I want someone who is going to do the right thing, not because it is politically advantageous or whatever. But because it is right.

You say no when you are given an illegal order. You say no and you tell others who work for you not to do it. They might find someone else to do it anyway, and I can’t control what anyone else chooses to do. But I can control what I do, and I can be responsible for my actions.

I would not vote to confirm. We have had enough of the CIA breaking the law, and doing criminal things. We’ve had far too much of that. It is not sexist or sexism, it is what is right, and what is wrong.

Bullshit, the DOJ said it was legal. We didn't water board people willie nillie, it was done under close medical supervision to insure the individual was not physically harmed. But my point is, if Brennan was qualified after he was her boss, then Haspel is qualified. Anyone who voted for Brennan should vote for Haspel, including brain dead McCain.

Torture is still torture
Even if we do it
Only those who endorse torture

Screw you asshole, the commiecrats voted for her boss when maobama nominated him, he was the one that gave Haspel her assignments. The only reason you commies have not to vote for her, is she was nominated by Trump. Total hypocrites, one and all.

Anyone still calling people commies lives in the past and is not mentally well
Only those who endorse torture

Screw you asshole, the commiecrats voted for her boss when maobama nominated him, he was the one that gave Haspel her assignments. The only reason you commies have not to vote for her, is she was nominated by Trump. Total hypocrites, one and all.

Anyone still calling people commies lives in the past and is not mentally well
Accepting the fact that you are a commie is the first step to helping you overcome your affliction.
Only those who endorse torture

Screw you asshole, the commiecrats voted for her boss when maobama nominated him, he was the one that gave Haspel her assignments. The only reason you commies have not to vote for her, is she was nominated by Trump. Total hypocrites, one and all.

Anyone still calling people commies lives in the past and is not mentally well
^^^^ just so
But you are commies.

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