How many seats will the Rep/Tea Party pick up in the House?

Mini 14

Senior Member
Jun 6, 2010
I'm setting the over/under at 54.

Some are saying it could be as high as 90, or as low as 25.

What's your thought? Over? Under? Should we start a board pool?

And what about the Senate? Will the Dems lose the 10 seats needed to give control to the Reps/Tea Party? I think they will. Over/Under there is 10 on the button!
There's really no need to add the Tea Party to the ticket ... it's been obvious from the jump that they are Republicans.

Dems keep the Senate and the House is a coinflip, IMO.
There's really no need to add the Tea Party to the ticket ... it's been obvious from the jump that they are Republicans.

Dems keep the Senate and the House is a coinflip, IMO.

You're right. It really isn't as much about the Republicans gaining control, as it is the Democrats being removed from power.

And I agree with your predictions, but I'm not going to be surprised if the Dems lose the Senate also. They have grossly underestimated how badly they have pissed of the voters.
There's really no need to add the Tea Party to the ticket ... it's been obvious from the jump that they are Republicans.

Dems keep the Senate and the House is a coinflip, IMO.

You're right. It really isn't as much about the Republicans gaining control, as it is the Democrats being removed from power.

And I agree with your predictions, but I'm not going to be surprised if the Dems lose the Senate also. They have grossly underestimated how badly they have pissed of the voters.

Oh, I'm sure they see the writing on the wall. You got guys like Evan Bayh not running and Scott Brown's election was a giant neon sign. They know they are in trouble.

I just hope this phase the country is in where both parties essentially switch having a controlled gov't is just a phase and not a full retard cycle from now on.
Without Gerrymandering and with a robust Contract with America type of National campaign, Republicans would pick up 100-120 seats.

At present, because the RNC would still rather lose than abandon Statism, it's more like 30-50.
What difference will it make if you replace their ranks with neocons? They're no better than liberals.
Without Gerrymandering and with a robust Contract with America type of National campaign, Republicans would pick up 100-120 seats.

At present, because the RNC would still rather lose than abandon Statism, it's more like 30-50.

Just what the Republicans need, another Contract with America. That way, in less than another ten years, they can betray the entire contract again and pull the same thing on the fools who vote for them in even less time next time. :thup:
Just what the Republicans need, another Contract with America. That way, in less than another ten years, they can betray the entire contract again and pull the same thing on the fools who vote for them in even less time next time. :thup:
Don't blame us, blame "Hope and Change". You were in charge, you fucked it up.
Without Gerrymandering and with a robust Contract with America type of National campaign, Republicans would pick up 100-120 seats.

At present, because the RNC would still rather lose than abandon Statism, it's more like 30-50.

Just what the Republicans need, another Contract with America. That way, in less than another ten years, they can betray the entire contract again and pull the same thing on the fools who vote for them in even less time next time. :thup:

I am glad to see you give them 10 years, considering it is starting to look like the dems are only getting 4 :) 4 controlling congress, and 4 in the white house at this rate.

That is why the next 4 months are so crucial. The Dems see the writing on the wall. Obama knows he is going to be a lame duck, and knows he may only be a 1 term president. so they have settled on pushing every controversial agenda Item they have through as fast as they can, while they can. So hold on to your asses people the next 4 months are going to be a generational ass raping like none you have ever seen. They will do as much damage to capitalism, and the constitution as they can before we kick their asses to the curb again.
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Don't blame us, blame "Hope and Change". You were in charge, you fucked it up.


I think you got the wrong thread there.
I am glad to see you give them 10 years, considering it is starting to look like the dems are only getting 4 :) 4 controlling congress, and 4 in the white house at this rate.

That is why the next 4 months are so crucial. The Dems see the writing on the wall. Obama knows he is going to be a lame duck, and knows he may only be a 1 term president. so they have settled on pushing every controversial agenda Item they have through as fast as they can, while they can. So hold on to your asses people the next 4 months are going to be a generational ass raping like none you have ever seen. They will do as much damage to capitalism, and the constitution as they can before we kick their asses to the curb again.

I don't give them ten years. Hell, I don't even give them 6. The Republicans are just as bad as the Dems, even worse in many ways. You keep saying Obama will be a lame duck, yet the GOP has nobody to run against him. You know why? Because all the offered candidates so far are complete morons, even worse than Obama could ever be.
I am glad to see you give them 10 years, considering it is starting to look like the dems are only getting 4 :) 4 controlling congress, and 4 in the white house at this rate.

That is why the next 4 months are so crucial. The Dems see the writing on the wall. Obama knows he is going to be a lame duck, and knows he may only be a 1 term president. so they have settled on pushing every controversial agenda Item they have through as fast as they can, while they can. So hold on to your asses people the next 4 months are going to be a generational ass raping like none you have ever seen. They will do as much damage to capitalism, and the constitution as they can before we kick their asses to the curb again.

I don't give them ten years. Hell, I don't even give them 6. The Republicans are just as bad as the Dems, even worse in many ways. You keep saying Obama will be a lame duck, yet the GOP has nobody to run against him. You know why? Because all the offered candidates so far are complete morons, even worse than Obama could ever be.

Not saying you are wrong, But I think Obama could be the worst. because not only is he a moron, but he is trying to make sweeping fundamental Changes to America at the same time. :)

When I say he will be a lame duck I mean after the mid terms, if the Republicans take both houses of congress. Traditionally in that situation the president is referred to as a lame duck because he can't get shit done. Like bush was for his last 2 years.

Your assertion that the Republicans will have no one to run against Obama in 2012 makes no sense. Bush was so bad we elected Obama when we knew little about him other than he was inexperienced, and talked about hope and change. It is entirely conceivable that a no name Republican candidate could defeat Obama in 2012 if he continues to go against the will of most of the people on so many issues. In fact I think if the republican put up anyone who has ran before, or is part of the Washington establishment already this time. it will hurt them. I think their bust shot lies in a relative new comer that has little track record to be bashed with, and contrast him/her self against Obama well.

you have to remember elections are decided by the undecided independents in the middle, and they are very reactionary in their voting. They tend to always be tossing someone out rather than voting for someone. That is how Obama walked into the office with little experience, and little actually known about his politics.
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There's really no need to add the Tea Party to the ticket ... it's been obvious from the jump that they are Republicans.

Dems keep the Senate and the House is a coinflip, IMO.

I've dropped both parties and now consider myself a conservative constitutionalist {well, if there IS such a thing, but all anyway}

and I won't vote for ANYONE unless I agree with their platform, and can see their track records.

If I don't like either candidate?

I'm going to use my power of Write In to express myself.
I am glad to see you give them 10 years, considering it is starting to look like the dems are only getting 4 :) 4 controlling congress, and 4 in the white house at this rate.

That is why the next 4 months are so crucial. The Dems see the writing on the wall. Obama knows he is going to be a lame duck, and knows he may only be a 1 term president. so they have settled on pushing every controversial agenda Item they have through as fast as they can, while they can. So hold on to your asses people the next 4 months are going to be a generational ass raping like none you have ever seen. They will do as much damage to capitalism, and the constitution as they can before we kick their asses to the curb again.

No kidding.

But what do we do, now? He's evaded all of the Natural Born Citizen arguments that were our Big Fat Chance to have him ReMoVeD, and his reign Erased from history.

Now, we'd have to Impeach AND Prosecute him, as a Traitor, to reverse all of this wind of change that he blew in on.
No kidding.

But what do we do, now? He's evaded all of the Natural Born Citizen arguments that were our Big Fat Chance to have him ReMoVeD, and his reign Erased from history.

Now, we'd have to Impeach AND Prosecute him, as a Traitor, to reverse all of this wind of change that he blew in on.

Run on that platform and see how fast you get laughed out of the room by everyone who still has their sanity intact.

But, what do we DO??? We can't just sit here and let it ALL go down the tubes.

Can we?...
I think the party that will suffer the most damage from the Teabaggers is the Republican Party. Going to be an interesting election.

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