How Many Times Can You Sell Them The Brooklyn Bridge??

1. Contemporary history proves that, seemingly due to reproduction, it can be sold in perpetuity...

"There's a sucker born every minute" ...P.T.Barnum

Hence we have Occupy Wall Street, the Obama constituency, Hillary voters, Global Warming advocates, etc., etc.
Now....the title...'selling Liberals the Brooklyn Bridge...over and over....they never learn. The very same designs that the Soviets had planned are echoed in Democrat/Liberal policies....and they are lies and frauds.
Liberalism is the American version of Soviet Communism, so let's examine that fraudulent political snow job, just to prove it a fraud.

2. Here's the selling point:
From each according to his ability, to each according to his need (or needs)
Karl Marx

Here we see the promise of big government to take care of you, cradle to grave....if you line up and vote correctly. They actually imagine that government can create wealth, prosperity, entitlements...and pay for 'em!!!
Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn?

Equality....everyone gets everything....nice Bridge, huh?
Astounding how many dolts actually believe the Party line.

3. Equality? Here's the reality, right from ground zero of the scam:

“The Kremlin ration, a special allocation of normally unobtainable products, is paid for by the top echelon at half its normal price, and it consists of the highest-quality foods. In Moscow, a total of 40,000 people enjoy the privilege of these special rations, in various categories of quantities and quality. There are whole sections of GUM – the huge department store that faces the Kremlin across Red Square – closed to the public and specially reserved for the highest of the elite, while for officials a rung or two lower on the ladder there are other special shops. All are called ‘special’: special workshops, special dry cleaners, special polyclinics, special hospitals, special houses, and special services. What a cynical use of the world!”
Boris Yeltsin, in his book, Against the Grain (1990),

Look closely for that 'equality' thing they promise.

Ever hear the stories about John Kerry cutting a line, bellowing 'do you know who I am????'
That's Liberal equality.

4. "The promised “classless society” of material and social equality was, in fact, the most granulated system of hierarchical privilege and power. Bribery, corruption, connections and favoritism permeated the entire fabric of Soviet socialist society.

And overlaid on this entire socialist system of power, privilege and Communist Party-led plunder was the Soviet secret police, the KGB, spying, surveilling and threatening anyone and everyone who challenged or questioned the propaganda or workings of the “workers’ paradise.”
How Communism became the disease it tried to cure

Anything there sound familiar????
Knowing that you live in Brooklyn stops people from buying the Brooklyn Bridge. Hope this helps. imagined (I almost said 'thought') that was....what...clever? Humorous?

It came across as the cry of a nobody yearning to be recognized, not to be left alone and ignored as usual.... truly pathetic.

I bet you thought I’d run out of ways to humiliate you.
You are describing your threads and posts, right?


An 'I know you are but what am I" post!!!!

What are you ....ten years old????

I see you straining to come up with something clever.....but it isn't in the cards, or in your DNA.

I recognize that you are intellectually....but chronologically as well???????

I'd be remiss not to point out that you still have been unable to respond in any way to the thread. never will.
Can you find anything I posted that isn't true, accurate, and correct?

Of course not. long have you owned the bridge?

The whole thing is gibberish . And you added nothing to the conversation.
Nice liberal response where you added nothing to the conversation, you fucking hypocrite.

There is no conversation. Just cut-and-paste nonsense.
There is no conversation, just typical liberal ranting when the truth is presented. Cant teach a liberal moron(I know, redundant statement) anything.

Someone who hates liberals but quotes George Carlin. Ironic?
George Carlin was no liberal, but a Libertarian. But since you are a mind numbed robot you don't know the difference between the 2. Look at how well George likes your liberal ideology....

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