How many times does Romney have to say he doesn’t care about poor people?

This man who depends on special tax treatment for all his 20 million dollars, who was born rich, whose children were born rich, this is what he think of Americans who aren’t born rich. People making less than $20,000 pay more in tax than he does, then he says this shit, because it is what they think of the rest of us. Those born to wealth think they own it all, they think that anybody who wants a decent wage is just greedy remember these are the same people who are trying to bust unions everywhere. They are a bunch of spoiled rich babies and if you vote Republican, you are selling your families future down the river so rich brats like the Romney boys can have it all.

SECRET VIDEO: Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters | Mother Jones

How many times do Poor People Sell out to dependency? Luckily, not all are fooled into trading Liberty, Independence, for a free ride at someone else's expense, on someone else's terms. Open up your eyes' and you Will See through the Hypocrisy and Double Speak.
This man who depends on special tax treatment for all his 20 million dollars, who was born rich, whose children were born rich, this is what he think of Americans who aren’t born rich. People making less than $20,000 pay more in tax than he does, then he says this shit, because it is what they think of the rest of us. Those born to wealth think they own it all, they think that anybody who wants a decent wage is just greedy remember these are the same people who are trying to bust unions everywhere. They are a bunch of spoiled rich babies and if you vote Republican, you are selling your families future down the river so rich brats like the Romney boys can have it all.

SECRET VIDEO: Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters | Mother Jones

How many times do Poor People Sell out to dependency? Luckily, not all are fooled into trading Liberty, Independence, for a free ride at someone else's expense, on someone else's terms. Open up your eyes' and you Will See through the Hypocrisy and Double Speak.

It seems to me that America's investor class are completely dependent on tax cuts and we are running out of those since taxes on the richest are the lowest since just before the Great Depression, so if somebody in Washington don't man up and say look you rich entitled babies are going to have to cough up some of that trust fund money. BTW way I don't want any of the money, I just want them to pay their credit card off.
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This man who depends on special tax treatment for all his 20 million dollars, who was born rich, whose children were born rich, this is what he think of Americans who aren’t born rich. People making less than $20,000 pay more in tax than he does, then he says this shit, because it is what they think of the rest of us. Those born to wealth think they own it all, they think that anybody who wants a decent wage is just greedy remember these are the same people who are trying to bust unions everywhere. They are a bunch of spoiled rich babies and if you vote Republican, you are selling your families future down the river so rich brats like the Romney boys can have it all.

SECRET VIDEO: Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters | Mother Jones

How many times do Poor People Sell out to dependency? Luckily, not all are fooled into trading Liberty, Independence, for a free ride at someone else's expense, on someone else's terms. Open up your eyes' and you Will See through the Hypocrisy and Double Speak.

Sure..if there are no jobs..they should take up arms..and take what is rightfully belongs to them..right?

The only way to assuage poverty is through violent revolution.

Didn't know you were so

How much of Obama REAL money has he given to charity and how much has Romney give. Then get back to me.

I mean REAL money for obama .. Not our tax dollars

Obama's church doesn't require him to donate a percentage of his income. The Mormon church does.

As a matter of fact, it requires 10 percent of your net worth.

Yes Obama's Church does.
All Christian Churches require 10 percent. The Bible says for believers to do so. This includes Obama's Church.
It's is not just a Mormon thing.
Not all, but most poor people are that way because they are lazy, make bad decisions, have bad attitudes, have kids out of wedlock, etc.

That's the truth nobody talks about.

That's bullshit, people are poor for the same reason they are rich, they are born that way, here's a link to help you catch up with the truth of how class fixed American really is:

Class Matters - Social Class in the United States of America - The New York Times

Your pretty stupid. Romney's dad was born poor. Anyone can be a success IF THEY TRY.
Not all, but most poor people are that way because they are lazy, make bad decisions, have bad attitudes, have kids out of wedlock, etc.

That's the truth nobody talks about.

That's bullshit, people are poor for the same reason they are rich, they are born that way, here's a link to help you catch up with the truth of how class fixed American really is:

Class Matters - Social Class in the United States of America - The New York Times

Your pretty stupid. Romney's dad was born poor. Anyone can be a success IF THEY TRY.

Romney's dad was not born "poor", poor people don't live abroad for political reasons like protecting their right to live as polygamist.

Of course anybody can win the lottery but that's no way to set up a society, people should get decent wages and the GOP are consistently fighting better wages for anybody, except the very rich, those bonuses and stock options are all too little for the wondrous job creators.
How much of Obama REAL money has he given to charity and how much has Romney give. Then get back to me.

I mean REAL money for obama .. Not our tax dollars

Obama's church doesn't require him to donate a percentage of his income. The Mormon church does.

As a matter of fact, it requires 10 percent of your net worth.

You are incorrect, and I can tell you are not acquainted with the general practice of most Christian churches, including the Mormon Church.

First a tithe is defined as 10% of ones income which is donated to the church. Second, every preacher in every church I have attended in my long life, and every minister I have ever heard on radio or television has preached about the need to tithe. There may by some Christian churches which do not preach that a tithe is required, but I have never heard of them. The requirement of tithing is supposedly supported by a number of verses in the Bible, including the following:

'Even from the days of your fathers ye are gone away from mine ordinances, and have not kept them. Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the Lord of hosts. But ye said, Wherein shall we return? Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation. Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it” (Malachi 3:7-9, KJV).

There are other references to the requirement of tithes, and they can be found at the following link: - Keyword Search: tithe

Here is a link which gives a fairly good account of the requirement for tithing in both the Old and New Testaments:

What does the Bible say about Christian tithing?

PS: Mormons tithe at 10 percent of their increase, which is defined as income, not 10% of their net worth as you believe Here's one link:

Mormons and the practice of tithing - Guest Voices - The Washington Post
Nonsense. I was as poor as you can be in my twenty. I now make six figures. Determination and hard work DO produce results.
This man who depends on special tax treatment for all his 20 million dollars, who was born rich, whose children were born rich, this is what he think of Americans who aren’t born rich. People making less than $20,000 pay more in tax than he does, then he says this shit, because it is what they think of the rest of us. Those born to wealth think they own it all, they think that anybody who wants a decent wage is just greedy remember these are the same people who are trying to bust unions everywhere. They are a bunch of spoiled rich babies and if you vote Republican, you are selling your families future down the river so rich brats like the Romney boys can have it all.

SECRET VIDEO: Romney Tells Millionaire Donors What He REALLY Thinks of Obama Voters | Mother Jones

They do?
People who make 20,000.00 pays 2,154.00 without deductions and zero if they use deductions.
Mitt paid 3 million.
Stop believing the lefty lies and look up actual facts for yourself.
How much of Obama REAL money has he given to charity and how much has Romney give. Then get back to me.

I mean REAL money for obama .. Not our tax dollars

Obama's church doesn't require him to donate a percentage of his income. The Mormon church does.

As a matter of fact, it requires 10 percent of your net worth.

Other than one year, does Romney contribute 10% ??

We don't know, do we?
Not all, but most poor people are that way because they are lazy, make bad decisions, have bad attitudes, have kids out of wedlock, etc.

That's the truth nobody talks about.

That's bullshit, people are poor for the same reason they are rich, they are born that way, here's a link to help you catch up with the truth of how class fixed American really is:

Class Matters - Social Class in the United States of America - The New York Times

Your pretty stupid. Romney's dad was born poor. Anyone can be a success IF THEY TRY.

He was born a poor Mexican child......

Mitts daddy made his money. Mitt made his fortune from being George Romneys kid
Not all, but most poor people are that way because they are lazy, make bad decisions, have bad attitudes, have kids out of wedlock, etc.

That's the truth nobody talks about.

What about those people whose jobs evaporated so that companies like Bain could make more profit in China? How do they fit into your tidy little summation? What I don't understand is this: You guys have been pushing this trickle down bullshit for years. Many told you what outsourcing and pervading corporate practices would do to domestic jobs ... and now you are enjoying the fruits of your labors, yet you blame poor people for the outcome? THEY did not destroy the economy.
How much of Obama REAL money has he given to charity and how much has Romney give. Then get back to me.

I mean REAL money for obama .. Not our tax dollars

Obama's church doesn't require him to donate a percentage of his income. The Mormon church does.

As a matter of fact, it requires 10 percent of your net worth.

Yes Obama's Church does.
All Christian Churches require 10 percent. The Bible says for believers to do so. This includes Obama's Church.
It's is not just a Mormon thing.

Actually, the other churches (besides Mormon) don't require it, they just suggest it.

Mormon churches require you to have a meeting with the bishop once a year to talk about how much you should tithe. the Mormon religion, tithing is a requirement (i.e. a bill for membership) while other churches don't really care if you give 10 percent or not.
Obama's church doesn't require him to donate a percentage of his income. The Mormon church does.

As a matter of fact, it requires 10 percent of your net worth.

Yes Obama's Church does.
All Christian Churches require 10 percent. The Bible says for believers to do so. This includes Obama's Church.
It's is not just a Mormon thing.

Actually, the other churches (besides Mormon) don't require it, they just suggest it.

Mormon churches require you to have a meeting with the bishop once a year to talk about how much you should tithe. the Mormon religion, tithing is a requirement (i.e. a bill for membership) while other churches don't really care if you give 10 percent or not.

Thus the difference between a religion and a cult.
How many times does Romney have to say he doesn’t care about poor people?

I do not know how many times he HAS to say it, but I sincerely hope he keeps on saying it over and over and over again.


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