How many times has humanity been wiped down to near extinction?

Only a small portion of Gobekli has been examined. Curious as to what is tested to suggest when something was built?
Much of that data actually comes from the trash ancient people left

Bits of food, clothing, other natural fibers etc. And even that only tells you so much

Another curious item on top of the vulture stone are the "handbags of the Gods" These appear in carvings all over the world

Those ancient Egyptians sure did get around huh ?
Yup! All over the world

Interesting OP ... conquering humans tend to destroy all traces of any previous society ... see how China is erasing the memory of Tibet ... or the Irish hybrids were confined to a small island in the Atlantic ... if Pharaoh is god, then there won't be much evidence around saying he ain't ...

Genocide is as human and human can be ...
With the recent discovery of Gobekli Tepi, it's indisputable that a prior, advanced human civilization was laid low during the Younger Dryas. By itself it speaks to a prior civilization that warned doom from the sky above. Then you add to it that the Egyptian Priest who told that the destruction happened 9,000 years prior, also dating back to the Younger Dryas.

With respect to the dating of the Sphinx and Great Pyramid, it's clear that these were already there when the Egyptians arrived. Since both the Sphinx and Pyramids show water erosion, they too predate the Younger Dryas. The question is: did the builder of the Pyramids intentionally make a construct they KNEW would survive the certain destruction?

Humans have been the same genetically for 200,000 plus years. The idea that we only developed technology a few thousand years ago is now demonstrable false. They was at least one prior, advanced civilization. I suspect there were others as well



Göbekli Tepe - Wikipedia

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I believe the end of the world scenario happened at least three times before during the worlds of Eden, Lemuria, and Atlantis. it is now the world of Earth. Dolores Cannon said the pyramids of Egypt were built by Giant Humans with help from Aliens.
No doubt in my mind that there have been numerous previous civilizations, but likely none were as gullible and brainwashed as today.

From Wikipedia

Unlike the Valley Temple, both the Sphinx enclosure and the Sphinx Temple remained unfinished. The north and east walls of the enclosure are cut back unevenly and insufficiently. The Sphinx Temple lacks in height and work to fit casing blocks was only partially completed.[19] Lehner suggests that a Sphinx cult wasn't established when work ceased prematurely, hence the relative lack of cultural material from the Old Kingdom.[20][21]

Peter Lacovara, an Egyptologist and curator at the Michael C. Carlos Museum, assigns "some of the erosional features" on the enclosure walls to quarrying activities rather than weathering.[22]
I believe the end of the world scenario happened at least three times before during the worlds of Eden, Lemuria, and Atlantis. it is now the world of Earth. Dolores Cannon said the pyramids of Egypt were built by Giant Humans with help from Aliens.

Built by giant humans, most likely; were there when the Egyptians arrived, absolutely
With the recent discovery of Gobekli Tepi, it's indisputable that a prior, advanced human civilization was laid low during the Younger Dryas. By itself it speaks to a prior civilization that warned doom from the sky above. Then you add to it that the Egyptian Priest who told that the destruction happened 9,000 years prior, also dating back to the Younger Dryas.

With respect to the dating of the Sphinx and Great Pyramid, it's clear that these were already there when the Egyptians arrived. Since both the Sphinx and Pyramids show water erosion, they too predate the Younger Dryas. The question is: did the builder of the Pyramids intentionally make a construct they KNEW would survive the certain destruction?

Humans have been the same genetically for 200,000 plus years. The idea that we only developed technology a few thousand years ago is now demonstrable false. They was at least one prior, advanced civilization. I suspect there were others as well



Göbekli Tepe - Wikipedia

View attachment 853673
I think it looked pretty dicey in the film Waterworld starring Krvin Costner. We were on a steep downturn at that time. Worse than the Obama presidency and nearly as bad as when trump was rejected.
Did the people themselves bury the city, or did other forces or entities?

Am not aware that we yet feel ultra confident about any explanation that has so far been conjectured .

My guess is that the local Anunnaki /Elohim sky God in Sumeria advised there would be a "great flood " because it had been ordered by the Councilof 600 to wash away the Nephilim and all evidence of them.
But possibly that local God -- the equivalent to the ME Yahweh ---was a bit soft/romantic and wanted to give survivors the chance of starting again with some carry-over help .
In the ME it was to an extent repeated with the sky God giving Noah a direct escae route but nobody else .

Same myths and legends are depicted all round the globe
From Wikipedia

Unlike the Valley Temple, both the Sphinx enclosure and the Sphinx Temple remained unfinished. The north and east walls of the enclosure are cut back unevenly and insufficiently. The Sphinx Temple lacks in height and work to fit casing blocks was only partially completed.[19] Lehner suggests that a Sphinx cult wasn't established when work ceased prematurely, hence the relative lack of cultural material from the Old Kingdom.[20][21]

Peter Lacovara, an Egyptologist and curator at the Michael C. Carlos Museum, assigns "some of the erosional features" on the enclosure walls to quarrying activities rather than weathering.[22]

The Sphinx was in real bad shape when the Romans arrived ... much of what we see today is the repairs made by the Romans ... and all this had been buried with sand for almost two millennia before Napoleon had it dug out ...

Luckily, someone cut the nose off so now he's not so ugly ... whew ...

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