how many times have you seen a leftist call out a (D) politician?

Democrats base their condemnation on proof - not conspiracy theories and lies. BTW, please gives us some "credible" proof of Schumer, Pelosi, and Waters so-called corruption.

Democrats base your accusations on misquotes, like every supposed Trump is a racist misquote and almost everything else he said where you misquoted him.

Misquote = lie, Democrat = liar
You’re so full of shit.

I don’t know if you can provide it or not, but if you make an accusation, the honest thing to do is to back it up.

My guess is if you tried, you’d show a post that doesn’t make any such claim but you’ve twisted in your mind in order to justify your belief in who I am.
I see conservatives call out corrupt, life long (R)s all the time. We consistently say certain politicians are corrupt and criminal all the time.

When was the last time you saw a leftist call out the corruption of Schumer? Pelosi? Waters? or any number of (D) criminals?

Its clear to see the Ds are lock step and will protect their own no matter how obvious the corruption is.
Two many times to count, Seems we have to many people from both party's who jump right on any propaganda that screams loud & often.
Democrats base their condemnation on proof - not conspiracy theories and lies. BTW, please gives us some "credible" proof of Schumer, Pelosi, and Waters so-called corruption that would be prosecutable.
Show your proof
Democrats base their condemnation on proof - not conspiracy theories and lies. BTW, please gives us some "credible" proof of Schumer, Pelosi, and Waters so-called corruption that would be prosecutable.
then give me proof

trump colluded with russia
kavanaugh was a rapist
trump said to drink bleach
unvaccinated people are going to kill us all

man, this could be a long list but we'll start here.
Note he asked for examples and you defended Democrats and yet couldn't do it, LOL.

Duh, dar, but you're not a Democrat, LOL

yet you morons still cannot give an example of me defending Dems...just so odd
People like me want to see the facts and the evidence. For 30 years you've claimed the Clintons are corrupt criminals yet you have yet to produce a shred of evidence that they are. Republican lies about Democrats are useless and that's all you have.

Go look in a mirror and we will call it even. A democrat could be caught on tape doing something wrong and you look the other way. So take a hike.
The BIDEN recession is beginning RIGHT NOW. Q4 2021.


Let everyone know you voted for Biden.

Victory lap time!
You lied by saying he covered up for her. The report was thorough and published. Clinton even sat for an interview, something Trump never did.

She was never indicted. Not even by Trump’s appointees. It’s a fact. You are delusional.

What the FUCK?

No, we have Clinton lawyers indicted BECAUSE Comey and his bunch of traitors covered up for Hillary.

We KNOW that democrats aren't subject to the law and there really is no law in America. That doesn't alter the irrefutable and proven fact that Comey ran a coverup for Hillary.

You can't lie this into the cornfield.
And yet, here in Normal World, I have disagreements with the Democrats on virtually every issue.

You're free to start a thread and challenge me on that. Go ahead.

You live in one reality, I live in another. I prefer mine.
put up a post number from a thread!!! It's really quite simple since you're so confident of yourself. Don't need a new thread, enter it here.
Damn shame you people need the POTUS to kick ass. I was kicking ass under Obama, Trump and now Biden.

I do not need the POTUS in order to do that, I do it all on my own.

You might try it once and see how it feels.
Damn shame that you don’t realize how policies originated in the oval office trickle down to the people. Damn shame that you don realize that Trump had set America back on course. Damn shame that you can’t look past your nose.
Everything he did was Us vs them" right from the start. That is how he won the nomination and how he won the first election. It is the one constant theme in his presidency.
Haha…weird that you soft Pajama Boys see it that way.
Trump appropriately exposed and challenged America’s enemies within and that had you and Mac1958 pissing yourselves…are you part of the ‘enemy class’?
He went after a bias corrupt and complicit media and social media, establishment do-nothing swamp rats, an indoctrinating academia, illegal wetbacks, the Hate America Left and everything that does and has been assaulting America at its core.
If that bothers you, you may need to ask yourself “what kind of an American am I?”
yet you morons still cannot give an example of me defending Dems...just so odd

I've given countless of them and you just deny every time your Democrat loving posts are defending Democrats. I just quoted you defending Democrats and you ... denied it ... You're shallow and pathetic

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