How much do extremely wealthy people owe to the society that gave them the chance to prosper so much?

You have made it quite clear that you don't care about anybody but yourself. No further demonstration is necessary.
It's quite possible to care for many people without wanting to subsidize every hands-out liberal loser.
It's also quite possible to care for people without using government to force others to join your effort.
It's also quite possible to care for people without using government to force others to join your effort.
Indeed, that is true charity: using your own wealth instead of advocating others to do so via government force.
Jeff Bezos has seen his net worth increase by 70 BILLION due to the Democrat party's coordinated attack against small business. If you figure something in the neighborhood of 35000 as the mean per capita income, that represents 2 million Americans.

Bull Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, the Walton Family and other multi billionairs have also reaped the benefit of this planned destruction.

What do they owe for the way they own the political party that is enriching them by ruining so many people's lives? It's hard to even comprehend.

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