How much do extremely wealthy people owe to the society that gave them the chance to prosper so much?

"But don't you understand, it's GOOD theft!! Think of all the good things we could do if their money was our money!!"

Seems to me it creates far more opportunities and national empowerment in the hands of the people it actually belongs to, completely aside from the fact that it's morally wrong to take someone else's stuff simply because you want to have it instead.

I don't think taxes are theft, and neither do most conservatives when it comes to funding things they care about. Don't be a hypocrite.

The difference between you and a conservative on this point is that the things conservatives care about are things that government is actually supposed to do. The things you care about are just things you want because you've decided, based solely on your undeserved ego, that you know better than other people how they should live their lives.

Do NOT try to force your fucking parameters onto me and then presume to call me a "hypocrite" for not living up to what you've decided I should be and think and do. I've told your arrogant ass before, you haven't proven that you're capable thinking for yourself; you certainly aren't qualified to think for ME.
There isn't that much the government provides that I can't do without.

Your thought process gives away your extreme selfishness.

as if you can quantify my thought process.

State governments are more important to peoples' everyday lives than the federal government.

But we pay more to the federal government than we do to our own state's governments

We have it all backwards.
. . . Says the guy trying to make something noble out of wanting other people's money.

You are just finding new ways to repeat yourself. I'm not really interested in doing the same.

You are kidding yourself if you think you aren't repeating yourself. And I see no reason to put more effort and creativity into responding to you than you put into mindlessly chanting over and over what you want and how you wish to excuse it.

Anytime you'd like to say something new and interesting, I'll be happy to give you a new and interesting response.
You are kidding yourself if you think you aren't repeating yourself.

If it wasn't obvious I'm trying to wind down the thread so I can stop doing that. 33 pages is enough. I'm ready for the next one.

You really should have someone look into this control-freak issue of yours. If you're done failing at justifying your avarice, just leave. It's not for you to decide that everyone else has to stop talking about it simply because you haven't been able to get your way.
You really should have someone look into this control-freak issue of yours. If you're done failing at justifying your avarice, just leave. It's not for you to decide that everyone else has to stop talking about it simply because you haven't been able to get your way.

I woke up with almost 40 notifications from this thread. Most of the posts have been directed at me. I try not to be rude and ignore posts.
The argument that the high income earners don’t pay their “fair share” is flawed. The Left acts like the irresponsible adult child whose parents are already paying for living essentials and opportunity yet the child insist on spending more and more; refuses to cut back or even assess what is essential vs. entitlement to luxuries. When told that spending must be capped or cut, the child starts crying about “fairness” and “equality”.
As we have seen time and time again, more money doesn't to schools doesn't work. Hold them accountable.

There are teachers using their own money to supply their students.

I hear of this, I don't know how much is true. My issue with supplying the schools more is that we do not see a correlation with more money and supplies and better grades and better students.
I hear of this, I don't know how much is true. My issue with supplying the schools more is that we do not see a correlation with more money and supplies and better grades and better students.

It's true and it happens a lot, especially in poor schools where teachers are already not making a lot of money.
youre trying to wind it down because you are failing to get your communist views accepted by a free people,,

I never expected to change your mind. My biggest hope in discussion is to make people at least realize that the people that disagree with them are not evil. That may be impossible too.
I hear of this, I don't know how much is true. My issue with supplying the schools more is that we do not see a correlation with more money and supplies and better grades and better students.

It's true and it happens a lot, especially in poor schools where teachers are already not making a lot of money.

I hear anecdotal stories but I have yet to met a teacher or known a teacher that has done this.
youre trying to wind it down because you are failing to get your communist views accepted by a free people,,

I never expected to change your mind. My biggest hope in discussion is to make people at least realize that the people that disagree with them are not evil. That may be impossible too.
not sure about you because youre a faceless voice on the internet,, but your views are very evil and need called out when they show their ugly face,,,

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