How much do extremely wealthy people owe to the society that gave them the chance to prosper so much?

so you are not just a thief but a communist,,,

I and many other americans say,,

Oh there won't need to be a real fight. Conservatism is dying.
I'm not a conservative,,,

and if you think there wont be a fight you are also a fucking idiot,,,
The Right is losing the fight already, because they never offer up better ideas. All they do is oppose the other side's ideas.

So they will inevitably lose. Universal health care is coming sooner or later. And it will be the Right's fault for never offering an alternative.
thats cute you think repubes are rightwing,,,
On this we agree. The Republican Party abandoned its principles long ago. I've said that many times over the years on this forum. Which is why I resigned from the party years ago.

So where it the Obamacare replacement?

Nowhere. It never existed, does not exist, and will never exist. It was a hoax. And the pseudocons never held anyone's feet to the fire to produce one.

Thus, UHC here we come!
repubes are all in favor of government control of healthcare,, not sure how people cant see that,,, as for universal HC they know its not affordable and will cut down on quality,,,

they are full on a leftwing party,,,
Yes, I've said many times the Republican Party abdicated on health care decades ago. The rubes have never caught on. They keep falling for the "repeal and replace" hoax over and over and over.

UHC here we come!
so you are not just a thief but a communist,,,

I and many other americans say,,

Oh there won't need to be a real fight. Conservatism is dying.
I'm not a conservative,,,

and if you think there wont be a fight you are also a fucking idiot,,,
The Right is losing the fight already, because they never offer up better ideas. All they do is oppose the other side's ideas.

So they will inevitably lose. Universal health care is coming sooner or later. And it will be the Right's fault for never offering an alternative.
thats cute you think repubes are rightwing,,,
On this we agree. The Republican Party abandoned its principles long ago. I've said that many times over the years on this forum. Which is why I resigned from the party years ago.

So where it the Obamacare replacement?

Nowhere. It never existed, does not exist, and will never exist. It was a hoax. And the pseudocons never held anyone's feet to the fire to produce one.

Thus, UHC here we come!
repubes are all in favor of government control of healthcare,, not sure how people cant see that,,, as for universal HC they know its not affordable and will cut down on quality,,,

they are full on a leftwing party,,,
Yes, I've said many times the Republican Party abdicated on health care decades ago. The rubes have never caught on. They keep falling for the "repeal and replace" hoax over and over and over.

UHC here we come!
what gets me is people think having government in control of HC is a good thing,,,
so you are not just a thief but a communist,,,

I and many other americans say,,

Oh there won't need to be a real fight. Conservatism is dying.
I'm not a conservative,,,

and if you think there wont be a fight you are also a fucking idiot,,,
The Right is losing the fight already, because they never offer up better ideas. All they do is oppose the other side's ideas.

So they will inevitably lose. Universal health care is coming sooner or later. And it will be the Right's fault for never offering an alternative.
thats cute you think repubes are rightwing,,,
On this we agree. The Republican Party abandoned its principles long ago. I've said that many times over the years on this forum. Which is why I resigned from the party years ago.

So where it the Obamacare replacement?

Nowhere. It never existed, does not exist, and will never exist. It was a hoax. And the pseudocons never held anyone's feet to the fire to produce one.

Thus, UHC here we come!
repubes are all in favor of government control of healthcare,, not sure how people cant see that,,, as for universal HC they know its not affordable and will cut down on quality,,,

they are full on a leftwing party,,,
Yes, I've said many times the Republican Party abdicated on health care decades ago. The rubes have never caught on. They keep falling for the "repeal and replace" hoax over and over and over.

UHC here we come!
what gets me is people think having government in control of HC is a good thing,,,
It's isn't a good thing, but it is inevitable. Thanks to the Republicans, Trump, and the rubes who bleev them.

It's a lock.
so you are not just a thief but a communist,,,

I and many other americans say,,

Oh there won't need to be a real fight. Conservatism is dying.
I'm not a conservative,,,

and if you think there wont be a fight you are also a fucking idiot,,,
The Right is losing the fight already, because they never offer up better ideas. All they do is oppose the other side's ideas.

So they will inevitably lose. Universal health care is coming sooner or later. And it will be the Right's fault for never offering an alternative.
thats cute you think repubes are rightwing,,,
On this we agree. The Republican Party abandoned its principles long ago. I've said that many times over the years on this forum. Which is why I resigned from the party years ago.

So where it the Obamacare replacement?

Nowhere. It never existed, does not exist, and will never exist. It was a hoax. And the pseudocons never held anyone's feet to the fire to produce one.

Thus, UHC here we come!
repubes are all in favor of government control of healthcare,, not sure how people cant see that,,, as for universal HC they know its not affordable and will cut down on quality,,,

they are full on a leftwing party,,,
Yes, I've said many times the Republican Party abdicated on health care decades ago. The rubes have never caught on. They keep falling for the "repeal and replace" hoax over and over and over.

UHC here we come!
what gets me is people think having government in control of HC is a good thing,,,
It's isn't a good thing, but it is inevitable. Thanks to the Republicans, Trump, and the rubes who bleev them.

It's a lock.
not if we stand and fight,,

You're gonna love my health care plan, bleev me. It will be terrific. ObamaCare is a disaster. Total. Disaster. I can't wait to run this guy out of town on a rail, folks. (cheers, applause, hoots) Won't it be great? No more Obama! (yeehaws, applause) You're gonna get tired of winning, that I can tell you. My beautiful health care plan will cure cancer. It will pay for my daughter's fake tits. And no Mexicans will ever be able to get insurance again! (wild stomping, cheers) We are going to build more hospitals, more clinics, hire more doctors, and hot nurses, I promised hot nurses didn't I? (laughter) Yeah! I love nurses. Sometimes I wish I was as sick as Hillary so I could visit some nurses, you know what I mean? (laughter, applause, "locker up! locker up!") You got that right! Locker up!

And that's my health care plan, folks. What do you think? Do you love it? (applause, cheers, whistles, music) It's beautiful! Beautiful.
When landlords buy rental properties, they are not providing anything,
They are buying with the good credit they earned and are providing housing for someone else. It is a transaction both parties consent to and benefit from. If it were not something that was wanted by many people they would not waste their time to acquire it.

They are not building the houses, so are not providing anything.
They are competing unfairly for the existing limited housing, so are the cause of housing being twice what they should be, and unaffordable.
It is landlords who cause people to have to rent.
I know because I am a land lord, and I do my own taxes.

They are not building the houses, so are not providing anything.

If they aren't providing a good or service, they'd have no customers.

They are competing unfairly for the existing limited housing, so are the cause of housing being twice what they should be

That's hilarious!

Landlords have customers because they buy up the limited resources.
Its called a monopoly.

Landlords have customers because they buy up the limited resources.

Yes, they're providing use of a limited resource.

Its called a monopoly.

You must have a unique definition of monopoly.
Can you share it here?

Landlord monopolies are ancient.
Why do you think they are called "landLORDS"?
Originally is was by government edict.
Now it is by corrupt tax laws and bank collusion.

If you think a monopoly can only be when there is a single entity, that is wrong.
For example, insurance companies can illegally collude to collectively price fix.
That is also a type of monopoly.

When landlords outbid and prevent people from being able to buy their own home and instead have to rent, the landords are not providing anything.
Anyone who can pay rent, should be able to afford their own home.
It is only unscrupulous landlords who prevent that.
I know the tax laws that make that happen, because I am a landlord and do my own taxes.

Landlord monopolies are ancient.

Landlords in 2020 are like royal landowners from hundreds of years ago?

Go fuck yourself.

When landlords outbid and prevent people from being able to buy their own home.

If that were the case, why is the homeownership rate double the rental rate?

the landords are not providing anything.

Does it hurt to be so stupid?

I dunno about where he lives, but where I live, most of the rental housing is in apartments, not single-family houses. In short, landlords and homeowners are working with completely different types of buildings.

It's the house flippers that make buying a home difficult, not the people wanting to rent them out.
so you are not just a thief but a communist,,,

I and many other americans say,,

Oh there won't need to be a real fight. Conservatism is dying.
I'm not a conservative,,,

and if you think there wont be a fight you are also a fucking idiot,,,
The Right is losing the fight already, because they never offer up better ideas. All they do is oppose the other side's ideas.

So they will inevitably lose. Universal health care is coming sooner or later. And it will be the Right's fault for never offering an alternative.
thats cute you think repubes are rightwing,,,
On this we agree. The Republican Party abandoned its principles long ago. I've said that many times over the years on this forum. Which is why I resigned from the party years ago.

So where it the Obamacare replacement?

Nowhere. It never existed, does not exist, and will never exist. It was a hoax. And the pseudocons never held anyone's feet to the fire to produce one.

Thus, UHC here we come!
repubes are all in favor of government control of healthcare,, not sure how people cant see that,,, as for universal HC they know its not affordable and will cut down on quality,,,

they are full on a leftwing party,,,
Yes, I've said many times the Republican Party abdicated on health care decades ago. The rubes have never caught on. They keep falling for the "repeal and replace" hoax over and over and over.

UHC here we come!
what gets me is people think having government in control of HC is a good thing,,,
It's isn't a good thing, but it is inevitable. Thanks to the Republicans, Trump, and the rubes who bleev them.

It's a lock.
not if we stand and fight,,
The Right has been fighting empty-handed, and will continue to do so.

Democratic Plan: UHC

Republican Plan: NOTHING
Exactly how did they allow the super rich to prosper?

By creating the environment that allowed them to grow so well. Do you think Bill Gates would be where he is today if he had been born in some isolated African tribe where he didn't have the opportunity to learn how to read?

That isn’t an answer. Exactly how did they create that environment?
You must be insane trying to get an actual answer from a Liberal.

I'm amazed that I need to explain more.

You do. I asked you how they made it so the super rich can get that way and you posted a reply that was not an answer.

I could say that the super rich create their own environment and I would have said exactly the same thing you said.

If you don’t actually know the answer, well, that would not surprise me onebit. Typical liberal to post nonsense that they don’tunderstand but just heard someone else say.
Exactly how did they allow the super rich to prosper?

By creating the environment that allowed them to grow so well. Do you think Bill Gates would be where he is today if he had been born in some isolated African tribe where he didn't have the opportunity to learn how to read?

That isn’t an answer. Exactly how did they create that environment?

Gates benefited because of DARPA investments that created microprocessors, the internet, etc.
Gates could not have made a cent if not for investments, research, and improvements payed for by taxes.

Perhaps, but DARPA is not “the poor” that the OP wants him to pay back.
Exactly how did they allow the super rich to prosper?

By creating the environment that allowed them to grow so well. Do you think Bill Gates would be where he is today if he had been born in some isolated African tribe where he didn't have the opportunity to learn how to read?
Would you be posting on an internet forum if not for Bill Gates?
Exactly how did they allow the super rich to prosper?

By creating the environment that allowed them to grow so well. Do you think Bill Gates would be where he is today if he had been born in some isolated African tribe where he didn't have the opportunity to learn how to read?
Would you be posting on an internet forum if not for Bill Gates?

Yes. I was posting on ARPANET long before PC's were a thing.
Exactly how did they allow the super rich to prosper?

By creating the environment that allowed them to grow so well. Do you think Bill Gates would be where he is today if he had been born in some isolated African tribe where he didn't have the opportunity to learn how to read?
Would you be posting on an internet forum if not for Bill Gates?

Yes. I was posting on ARPANET long before PC's were a thing.
Bill Gates, and others like him, created an environment which has in turn created many millions of jobs around the world, if not billions.

We owe them, not the other way around.
Surely something, right? I see a lot of people talk like taxes are theft. Is it not just our obligation?
Little enough for them to continue to create new jobs which stimulate the economy with newly created wealth by more workers in the taxpaying community.
I have never understood why some people who pay less income taxes than their neighbor, would demand that the neighbor pay more.

About half of Americans pay no federal income tax at all; the rest of us pay it for them.

The richest among us tend to pay the most taxes, generally about 27% for the top 1%. They pay so much more than most of us do. Personally, I am thankful and wish them even greater future success, but I do pay a tidy sum of taxes myself.

To answer your original query:
This wealthiest among us owe us squat. They can take their money and run after firing everyone.

But instead, they make more money by continuing to employ people who buy homes and other things, paying property, sales, social security and other taxes, while these employers are paying similar taxes themselves.

The wealthiest among us pay most of the taxes, and that pays for most of the operations of the government, including schools, roads, law and order, defense, energy, etc.

Demonizing the successful has to stop. We need to encourage success. Everyone would love to be successful. Everyone can be, if they strive to do so, every day.
Last edited:
I dont think people should be punished because they are more successful. IE much higher tax burden. They already pay most of the taxes anyway.
They also give a lot of money and time, to charity.
I think taxes should go DOWN as you earn more. This serves as an incentive to be more productive and contribute to society.
Wow! Just what kind of government do you subscribe to?

The kind that actually strives to empower Americans.

I hate to break it to you, punkin, but what you're advocating sounds a lot like the opposite of empowerment. You don't ever empower people by giving them stuff and herding them where you've decided it's best for them to go.
That’s the funny oxymoron you can’t escape. Hey, where does government get money other than the treasury?

From the people. We can use that money to create opportunities for people that will empower our nation.

"But don't you understand, it's GOOD theft!! Think of all the good things we could do if their money was our money!!"

Seems to me it creates far more opportunities and national empowerment in the hands of the people it actually belongs to, completely aside from the fact that it's morally wrong to take someone else's stuff simply because you want to have it instead.
"But don't you understand, it's GOOD theft!! Think of all the good things we could do if their money was our money!!"

Seems to me it creates far more opportunities and national empowerment in the hands of the people it actually belongs to, completely aside from the fact that it's morally wrong to take someone else's stuff simply because you want to have it instead.

I don't think taxes are theft, and neither do most conservatives when it comes to funding things they care about. Don't be a hypocrite.
Then you have no point here!

I have gotten to the point where I recognize that at an intellectual level right vs left is just a disagreement about values and morality. That's why none of us ever really change minds here. We're all just barking at the moon.

Oh? I think it is very clear. You either value the work ethic, and support those who are willing to work to get ahead. Or you don't. I have a kid i was tutoring in geology. He's smart, likes learning, but didn't know what he wanted to do with his life. We talked and I suggested he look into a trade school. He found one in Idaho for a electrical lineman. It cost 17,000 and he didn't have the cash for that, though he could have taken out a loan. I told him I would cover it, and he could pay me back at zero interest when he got a job.

We made a handshake agreement and off he went. He had a job before he graduated, and had me paid back before 6 months had passed. Now, he's moved up to a higher paying job and at the ripe old age of 24 he's pulling down 150,000 per year. When he gets his journeyman certificate, he will up that to over 200,000 per year. I have done that several times over the years, and not once has the agreement been not paid back.

There are nephews and nieces that I won't do that for because I know they are not interested in work. They just want to keep going to school so that they don't have to work. one of them is quite the educated little idiot. He has three bachelors degrees, and mountain of debt he will never pay off, and he works at as a bartender.
Bullshit. The average Journeyman makes $55k. Yes there is a bell curve around that but to sell it like $200k is his earnings is likely an exaggeration. At $25 an hour (the going rate) he’d have to work 152 hours a week to earn that. Shit, working 80 hours a week he’s have to be pulling down $48 an hour. Bull shit.

Poor baby
All worked up.
so you are not just a thief but a communist,,,

I and many other americans say,,

Oh there won't need to be a real fight. Conservatism is dying.
I'm not a conservative,,,

and if you think there wont be a fight you are also a fucking idiot,,,
The Right is losing the fight already, because they never offer up better ideas. All they do is oppose the other side's ideas.

So they will inevitably lose. Universal health care is coming sooner or later. And it will be the Right's fault for never offering an alternative.
thats cute you think repubes are rightwing,,,
On this we agree. The Republican Party abandoned its principles long ago. I've said that many times over the years on this forum. Which is why I resigned from the party years ago.

So where it the Obamacare replacement?

Nowhere. It never existed, does not exist, and will never exist. It was a hoax. And the pseudocons never held anyone's feet to the fire to produce one.

Thus, UHC here we come!
repubes are all in favor of government control of healthcare,, not sure how people cant see that,,, as for universal HC they know its not affordable and will cut down on quality,,,

they are full on a leftwing party,,,
Yes, I've said many times the Republican Party abdicated on health care decades ago. The rubes have never caught on. They keep falling for the "repeal and replace" hoax over and over and over.

UHC here we come!
what gets me is people think having government in control of HC is a good thing,,,
Especially when our politics are so caustic and divided. The last thing we need is more shit to argue about.

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