How much do extremely wealthy people owe to the society that gave them the chance to prosper so much?

Does your lifestyle depend on society?
I'm certainly adult enough not to need other people's money to feed myself, educate myself, pay for my healthcare, or subsidize my other personal expenses. How about you? Adult enough to be paying your own way in life?
I work for someone else so I need other people’s money to feed myself.

Did you go to public or private school? Either way, someone else paid to educate you. Republicans like to believe they were born in the log cabin they built with their own two hands.
You don't understand the difference between money you earn and money the government takes from someone else and gives to you?

We knew you didn't.
I understand. I also make good money and don’t mind paying taxes if it goes to things that benefit society. Not pentagon spending.
how much more did you pay beyond your required amount??
If I could I would cheat and not pay any taxes. Unfortunately only rich guys like trump can get away with that.
that doesnt answer my question,,
you said you have no problem paying more,, so how much more did you pay beyond what youre required to pay??

and so you know trump paid 4 million beyond what he owed,,, along with donating his salary back to the government,,
Bad argument. It’s like asking al gore why he has five homes. I can’t solve the debt problem alone. Every rich person has to pay their fair share. And we need to cut pentagon spending in half.
why wont you just answer the question???
I didn’t pay any more than required. I’m asking that my government require more from people in my tax bracket. All of us.
That's what makes you a fucking greedy douchebag hypocrite.
Nonsense. I know just me paying more taxes won’t do it. All of us need to pay more.

Dont worry. We won’t raise your taxes poor boy
we all did pay more and they spent beyond that amount,, and everytime they collect more they still increase beyond that amount,,

you see a pattern that cant ever catch itself dont you??
What's the difference between taxation and theft?

Without taxes we can't have a functioning society. You benefit more from society than you realize. You owe something back. That's just the way it is.
Like I said, younger people seem to get it. Republicans will say you will change your tune when you get older and have money. If that happens that means you forgot where you came from. It doesn’t mean you got wiser with age.

I should be a republican. I’m a male, white, successful, have no kids or student loans. No mortgage either. If I was greedy I’d say they should give me a tax break.

I shook my head when they sent me stimulus money. That should have only went to people who needed it. But yes I cashed it. That doesn’t make me a hypocrite. If I was in Congress I would have excluded people like me from the stimulus. But I’m not going to throw $950 away
Does your lifestyle depend on society?
I'm certainly adult enough not to need other people's money to feed myself, educate myself, pay for my healthcare, or subsidize my other personal expenses. How about you? Adult enough to be paying your own way in life?
I work for someone else so I need other people’s money to feed myself.

Did you go to public or private school? Either way, someone else paid to educate you. Republicans like to believe they were born in the log cabin they built with their own two hands.
You don't understand the difference between money you earn and money the government takes from someone else and gives to you?

We knew you didn't.
I understand. I also make good money and don’t mind paying taxes if it goes to things that benefit society. Not pentagon spending.
how much more did you pay beyond your required amount??
If I could I would cheat and not pay any taxes. Unfortunately only rich guys like trump can get away with that.
that doesnt answer my question,,
you said you have no problem paying more,, so how much more did you pay beyond what youre required to pay??

and so you know trump paid 4 million beyond what he owed,,, along with donating his salary back to the government,,
Bad argument. It’s like asking al gore why he has five homes. I can’t solve the debt problem alone. Every rich person has to pay their fair share. And we need to cut pentagon spending in half.
That is a good question for Algore. Why do all you hypocrites who believe it's evil to keep your own money never pay a dime more than Uncle Sam demands? "Their fair share" is zero, and so is mine. You want to pay more, so what's stopping you?

Because unless we make all rich people pay higher taxes, none will.

Then maybe they’ll start questioning all that military spending we do.

And who does the military work for? They protect corporations so they can safely sell their products around the globe. So corporations who sell internationally should pay more in taxes to pay for all the money we piss away through the pentagon.

First you'll have to demonstrate that the rich are obligated to pay more while Algore isn't.
Does your lifestyle depend on society?
I'm certainly adult enough not to need other people's money to feed myself, educate myself, pay for my healthcare, or subsidize my other personal expenses. How about you? Adult enough to be paying your own way in life?
I work for someone else so I need other people’s money to feed myself.

Did you go to public or private school? Either way, someone else paid to educate you. Republicans like to believe they were born in the log cabin they built with their own two hands.
You don't understand the difference between money you earn and money the government takes from someone else and gives to you?

We knew you didn't.
I understand. I also make good money and don’t mind paying taxes if it goes to things that benefit society. Not pentagon spending.
how much more did you pay beyond your required amount??
If I could I would cheat and not pay any taxes. Unfortunately only rich guys like trump can get away with that.
that doesnt answer my question,,
you said you have no problem paying more,, so how much more did you pay beyond what youre required to pay??

and so you know trump paid 4 million beyond what he owed,,, along with donating his salary back to the government,,
Bad argument. It’s like asking al gore why he has five homes. I can’t solve the debt problem alone. Every rich person has to pay their fair share. And we need to cut pentagon spending in half.
why wont you just answer the question???
I didn’t pay any more than required. I’m asking that my government require more from people in my tax bracket. All of us.
That's what makes you a fucking greedy douchebag hypocrite.
Nonsense. I know just me paying more taxes won’t do it. All of us need to pay more.

Dont worry. We won’t raise your taxes poor boy
we all did pay more and they spent beyond that amount,, and everytime they collect more they still increase beyond that amount,,

you see a pattern that cant ever catch itself dont you??
Yea I don’t approve of that either. But just because the government spends too much doesn’t mean the solution is to lower your taxes
What's the difference between taxation and theft?

Without taxes we can't have a functioning society. You benefit more from society than you realize. You owe something back. That's just the way it is.
Like I said, younger people seem to get it. Republicans will say you will change your tune when you get older and have money. If that happens that means you forgot where you came from. It doesn’t mean you got wiser with age.

I should be a republican. I’m a male, white, successful, have no kids or student loans. No mortgage either. If I was greedy I’d say they should give me a tax break.

I shook my head when they sent me stimulus money. That should have only went to people who needed it. But yes I cashed it. That doesn’t make me a hypocrite. If I was in Congress I would have excluded people like me from the stimulus. But I’m not going to throw $950 away
What you mean is that the young are gullible and stupid. They should cut everyone's taxes to zero.

Thanks for admitting you're a hypocrite who didn't pay more when you had a change.
Does your lifestyle depend on society?
I'm certainly adult enough not to need other people's money to feed myself, educate myself, pay for my healthcare, or subsidize my other personal expenses. How about you? Adult enough to be paying your own way in life?
I work for someone else so I need other people’s money to feed myself.

Did you go to public or private school? Either way, someone else paid to educate you. Republicans like to believe they were born in the log cabin they built with their own two hands.
You don't understand the difference between money you earn and money the government takes from someone else and gives to you?

We knew you didn't.
I understand. I also make good money and don’t mind paying taxes if it goes to things that benefit society. Not pentagon spending.
how much more did you pay beyond your required amount??
If I could I would cheat and not pay any taxes. Unfortunately only rich guys like trump can get away with that.
that doesnt answer my question,,
you said you have no problem paying more,, so how much more did you pay beyond what youre required to pay??

and so you know trump paid 4 million beyond what he owed,,, along with donating his salary back to the government,,
Bad argument. It’s like asking al gore why he has five homes. I can’t solve the debt problem alone. Every rich person has to pay their fair share. And we need to cut pentagon spending in half.
That is a good question for Algore. Why do all you hypocrites who believe it's evil to keep your own money never pay a dime more than Uncle Sam demands? "Their fair share" is zero, and so is mine. You want to pay more, so what's stopping you?

Because unless we make all rich people pay higher taxes, none will.

Then maybe they’ll start questioning all that military spending we do.

And who does the military work for? They protect corporations so they can safely sell their products around the globe. So corporations who sell internationally should pay more in taxes to pay for all the money we piss away through the pentagon.

First you'll have to demonstrate that the rich are obligated to pay more while Algore isn't.
Al gore will have to pay more too. He’s rich
I work for someone else so I need other people’s money to feed myself.
So you're a good capitalist in denial. When someone trades their money for your services, the money becomes yours, which you then trade for a farmer's services and his food becomes yours. You should've learned this concept early on in your education.
Does your lifestyle depend on society?
I'm certainly adult enough not to need other people's money to feed myself, educate myself, pay for my healthcare, or subsidize my other personal expenses. How about you? Adult enough to be paying your own way in life?
I work for someone else so I need other people’s money to feed myself.

Did you go to public or private school? Either way, someone else paid to educate you. Republicans like to believe they were born in the log cabin they built with their own two hands.
You don't understand the difference between money you earn and money the government takes from someone else and gives to you?

We knew you didn't.
I understand. I also make good money and don’t mind paying taxes if it goes to things that benefit society. Not pentagon spending.
how much more did you pay beyond your required amount??
If I could I would cheat and not pay any taxes. Unfortunately only rich guys like trump can get away with that.
that doesnt answer my question,,
you said you have no problem paying more,, so how much more did you pay beyond what youre required to pay??

and so you know trump paid 4 million beyond what he owed,,, along with donating his salary back to the government,,
Bad argument. It’s like asking al gore why he has five homes. I can’t solve the debt problem alone. Every rich person has to pay their fair share. And we need to cut pentagon spending in half.
That is a good question for Algore. Why do all you hypocrites who believe it's evil to keep your own money never pay a dime more than Uncle Sam demands? "Their fair share" is zero, and so is mine. You want to pay more, so what's stopping you?

Because unless we make all rich people pay higher taxes, none will.

Then maybe they’ll start questioning all that military spending we do.

And who does the military work for? They protect corporations so they can safely sell their products around the globe. So corporations who sell internationally should pay more in taxes to pay for all the money we piss away through the pentagon.

First you'll have to demonstrate that the rich are obligated to pay more while Algore isn't.
Al gore will have to pay more too. He’s rich
ROFL! So? If he wants to pay more, no one is stopping him. The question is why should I pay more?
Does your lifestyle depend on society?
I'm certainly adult enough not to need other people's money to feed myself, educate myself, pay for my healthcare, or subsidize my other personal expenses. How about you? Adult enough to be paying your own way in life?
I work for someone else so I need other people’s money to feed myself.

Did you go to public or private school? Either way, someone else paid to educate you. Republicans like to believe they were born in the log cabin they built with their own two hands.
You don't understand the difference between money you earn and money the government takes from someone else and gives to you?

We knew you didn't.
I understand. I also make good money and don’t mind paying taxes if it goes to things that benefit society. Not pentagon spending.
how much more did you pay beyond your required amount??
If I could I would cheat and not pay any taxes. Unfortunately only rich guys like trump can get away with that.
that doesnt answer my question,,
you said you have no problem paying more,, so how much more did you pay beyond what youre required to pay??

and so you know trump paid 4 million beyond what he owed,,, along with donating his salary back to the government,,
Bad argument. It’s like asking al gore why he has five homes. I can’t solve the debt problem alone. Every rich person has to pay their fair share. And we need to cut pentagon spending in half.
why wont you just answer the question???
I didn’t pay any more than required. I’m asking that my government require more from people in my tax bracket. All of us.
That's what makes you a fucking greedy douchebag hypocrite.
Nonsense. I know just me paying more taxes won’t do it. All of us need to pay more.

Dont worry. We won’t raise your taxes poor boy
we all did pay more and they spent beyond that amount,, and everytime they collect more they still increase beyond that amount,,

you see a pattern that cant ever catch itself dont you??
Yea I don’t approve of that either. But just because the government spends too much doesn’t mean the solution is to lower your taxes
of course thats the only solution,,, government wont do it on its own they have to be forced,,
The very wealthy are so due to society. They profit the most (by definition) from society. They are defended by society (the sons and daughters of the poor, in fact). It is not only just, it is entirely in their interest to pay as much as necessary for society to continue. They have the most to lose. Playing apologist for the wealthy is about as pitiful as one can get.

Horseshit. That is a giant, steaming pile of horse apples. To say, "The very wealthy are only wealthy because of this society" is to say that there are no very wealthy people in OTHER societies. Likewise, the only definition by which they "profit most from society" is your own personal "I hate them because I'm not one of them" definition, and no one I would waste my time spitting on has any interest in living by your definitions. They are defended by society exactly as much as your worthless, sucking-the-intelligence-out-of-the-world ass is, and I don't see you suggesting that YOU should be stripped of your personal possessions (although I doubt the federal government has much use for your cardboard box and half-empty bottle of Ripple).

What is just is for fools like you to start producing and contributing something to make yourselves useful to society before you pollute the air with your greedy, jealous diatribes about how other people aren't contributing enough.
The very wealthy have purchased our government and gotten tax breaks they shouldn’t have got. That results in cuts to social progRams. When the rich became rich they had these social programs at their disposal. But now that they are rich they want to get more tax breaks and cut these social programs.

Thats like climbing the ladder of success then removing the ladder so the next generation has it harder than them.
every american deserves tax breaks regardless of income,, its the government that spends more than they take in,,,
If our government spends more than it takes in, no you don’t deserve a tax break.
Bullshit. How do I become responsible for the government's inability to control its spending?

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