How much energy does it take to make 1 gallon of gasoline?

the refineries consume tremendous amounts of energy.
the tankers burn large amounts of bunker oil/diesel.
The drilling rigs take energy.

Why is the amojunt of energy to make ethanol readially available and not easy to find for Gasoline?
the liberal media?

The energy consumed is 17% of the useable energy in the resulting fuel

EIA Energy Kids - Oil (petroleum)

A 42-U.S. gallon barrel of crude oil provides slightly more than 44 gallons of petroleum products. This gain from processing the crude oil is similar to what happens to popcorn, which gets bigger after it's popped. The gain from processing is more than 6%.

One barrel of crude oil, when refined, produces about 19 gallons of finished motor gasoline, and 10 gallons of diesel, as well as other petroleum products. Most petroleum products are used to produce energy. For instance, many people across the United States use propane to heat their homes.
Far, FAR more efficient than ethanol production, which doesn't even break even.
Maybe ending the oil subsidies will effect this number?

So gas can go from $4.00 a gallon to $6.00 a gallon?

I am a Democrat because I believe in the environment and conservation. For instance, we must raise the price of gasoline, like they do in Europe, to increase conservation. If we don't, there will soon be a big gas shortage, and this will mean higher gasoline prices for you and me.
whats the differance we already pay that in subsidies

Like any tax based expenditure, the true cost is hidden. Also it is spread out, and thus is probably less in taxes than the effect you would see at the pump.

Add in the fact that it is a commodity and traded, any increase would have a ripple effect via speculation and hedging by refiners/users.

Or to scale it, the subsidies (really tax breaks) amount to $4 billion a year. assuming 300M americans, thats a total of $13.33 per person. Big savings there.

Hell lets cut the number in 1/2 to represent taxpayers. You are now up to $26.66 saved per person cutting this, without knowing how it would increase costs later on.

But keep going after the lefts favorite boogeyman. OOOGA BOOOGA.
Funny how they hate subsidies for oil, which is useful necessary to society, but love subsidies to semi-useless green energy sources, innit?

I wonder if TdM knows that the government makes more money off a gallon of gas than the gas company does?
Ethanol has another problem, it is highly corrosive to boat fuel systems, weed eaters and two cycle engines.
A lot more than it did when crude was seeping out of the ground in Pennsylvania. One day after all the low hanging fruit is plucked, it will exceed the energy you get from burning a gallon of gasoline, and that will herald the end of the oil age.

It has already happened. The Second Law of Thermodynamics demands that the energy input into creating everything needed to make the gasoline exceeds the energy of the gasoline itself.

And for the record, easy oil disappeared in 1901. January to be exact. That was the first successful application of a new technology needed to unlock huge new resources of "more difficult" crude for use by humans.
I am a Democrat[/URL] because I believe in the environment and conservation.

I am an independent because I believe the Democans and Republicrats are incompetent in understanding or protecting the environment and don't want anyone to conserve anything.
I am a Republican because I believe there should be a balance between business and industrial development and environmental protection/conservation.
the refineries consume tremendous amounts of energy.
the tankers burn large amounts of bunker oil/diesel.
The drilling rigs take energy.

Why is the amojunt of energy to make ethanol readially available and not easy to find for Gasoline?
the liberal media?

The energy consumed is 17% of the useable energy in the resulting fuel

EIA Energy Kids - Oil (petroleum)

A 42-U.S. gallon barrel of crude oil provides slightly more than 44 gallons of petroleum products. This gain from processing the crude oil is similar to what happens to popcorn, which gets bigger after it's popped. The gain from processing is more than 6%.

One barrel of crude oil, when refined, produces about 19 gallons of finished motor gasoline, and 10 gallons of diesel, as well as other petroleum products. Most petroleum products are used to produce energy. For instance, many people across the United States use propane to heat their homes.
Far, FAR more efficient than ethanol production, which doesn't even break even.

We spent thousands of lives and over 1 trillion to protect oil supplies over the last 10 years, how much do we spend to protect corn supplies?
The energy consumed is 17% of the useable energy in the resulting fuel

EIA Energy Kids - Oil (petroleum)
Far, FAR more efficient than ethanol production, which doesn't even break even.

We spent thousands of lives and over 1 trillion to protect oil supplies over the last 10 years, how much do we spend to protect corn supplies?
Was it that we were doing this by which you claim, in order to keep our own resources in abundance and secure for the continued future strength of this nation down the road, otherwise by keeping our resources un-tapped for the most part, and then making use of the vast resources of other nations that didn't mind doing all the hard work and drilling for the big pay off / the money ? I mean look at Dubi for example, wasn't it created from oil wealth ? The problem for us now, is that we have been undermined by our own in this nation, whom have led those in other nations to think of us as these very bad "blue eyed" devils, and espcially so with this Hugo Chavez who likes to make claims against those whom he considers to be prominant Americans for whom are players in this game that is being played. Then we have Obama running around trying to act as if we are the enemy to the world, and that we need to be taught a lesson according to his brain washing from his past. It's so wonder that we can get a fair deal at all anymore within the world, even though we are still the richest nation through our resources that we still posess, and that are resources of all kinds within this nation still.
I am a Democrat[/URL] because I believe in the environment and conservation.

I am an independent because I believe the Democans and Republicrats are incompetent in understanding or protecting the environment and don't want anyone to conserve anything.
Yay you. I take it you didn't read the link.
I am not so sure that the production does not already consume more than 100% of yield in producing gasoline.
That's because you're a fucking idiot.

Biofuels most certainly do consume more energy than they does windmill energy.
The energy consumed is 17% of the useable energy in the resulting fuel

EIA Energy Kids - Oil (petroleum)
Far, FAR more efficient than ethanol production, which doesn't even break even.

We spent thousands of lives and over 1 trillion to protect oil supplies over the last 10 years, how much do we spend to protect corn supplies?
Are you still bitterly clinging to the ridiculous idea that the war was about oil? :lol:

We get more oil from Nigeria than we do from Iraq.

Last year, we imported 1.68 million barrels of oil from Iraq. That's only 10% of the oil we imported from OPEC, and only 4.7% of total imports.

Meanwhile, corn production for ethanol is blamed for a dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico the size of New Jersey:

Dead zone in gulf linked to ethanol production - SFGate

Anyone who claims ethanol is good for the environment is a moron.
Ethanol Subsidies: Not Gone, Just Hidden a Little Better | Mother Jones

Here is Aaron Smith, writing a couple of days ago for the conservative American Enterprise Institute:

Deficit hawks, environmentalists, and food processors are celebrating the expiration of the ethanol tax credit. This corporate handout gave $0.45 to ethanol producers for every gallon they produced and cost taxpayers $6 billion in 2011. So why did the powerful corn ethanol lobby let it expire without an apparent fight? The answer lies in legislation known as the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), which creates government-guaranteed demand that keeps corn prices high and generates massive farm profits. Removing the tax credit but keeping the RFS is like scraping a little frosting from the ethanol-boondoggle cake.

The RFS mandates that at least 37 percent of the 2011-12 corn crop be converted to ethanol and blended with the gasoline that powers our cars…[As a result] the current price of corn on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange is about $6.50 per bushel—almost triple the pre-mandate level.​

As the Congressional Budget Office wrote back in 2010, "In the future, the scheduled increase in mandated volumes would require biofuels to be produced in amounts that are probably beyond what the market would produce even if the effects of the tax credits were included." [Italics mine.] In other words, the mandates have grown so large that the tax credits barely made a difference anymore. Demand for ethanol is driven by the mandates, not by the tax credit. When you take away the tax credit, nothing happens: Demand stays high because the law says so, corn prices go up accordingly, and corn farmers stay rich. The subsidies were a nice little fillip on top of that, but at this point it's basically chump change.​
There is so much overproduction of ethanol, that 20% is exported.

Funny, I don't seem to remember that being one of the original goals of this program.
Maybe ending the oil subsidies will effect this number?

Exactly, What do they get again? $8 BILLION in special industry tax breaks so that they can turn a tidy profit?
What drives me crazy, is when they go up, up, up on the price, but the quality of the product comes down down down, thus equating to more exceeding profits to be taken in the situation. How do I know this ? It's simple really, because my pick up truck lets me know this when I fill it up at the pump, and then how it runs afterwards. Sometimes I can get good results from the octane and quality of the gasoline I put into the tank (no spark rattle), but then when this price gets super high, and I fill up with the same type of gas that I always fill up with (unleaded regular), my truck begins running like crap afterwards. Now I am not sure if the gas stations is cutting corners (trying to capitalize on the high prices), and this by squeezing in some of the lower quality gas at a very low wholesale price back to them, and then taking advantage of the high prices in which the government is turning a blind eye towards when it comes to consumer protections, or really what is going on in all of this mess that we are being subjected to now in this nation.
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There is so much overproduction of ethanol, that 20% is exported.

Funny, I don't seem to remember that being one of the original goals of this program.
The original goal was to get prices down, and if they did that, then the economy would begin to roll again big time. Now why hasn't everything that is being done with energy, somehow bringing the prices way on down yet, instead of the prices going higher and higher and higher ?

It's the same ole same ole isn't it in this nation, where corporate profits trumps everything in this nation until the end ?

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