How much is Too Much

Oil companies need a constant flow of fuel. Any significant backup will cause a price drop to stimulate sales. This is well within the ability of the consumer to effect. For my part I reduced my speed on the interstate to the speed limit. Most fly by me at 10 mph over, so they are not terribly concerned about gas prices.
Essentially, they can charge whatever they want for it. What are you going to do, not drive your car?
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So what price at the pump is the price that would drive you to make major changes?

Change jobs
Change vehicles...

Understand, the pricing of gasoline has little to do with the market. If it did, gas would be 10-12-15 dollars a gallon already.

After all, what choice do you have?

The energy companies recognize that there needs be a balance otherwise the outcome they've fought so hard against over the last 40 years, the move away from fossils, will become reality, and quickly.

Not a left/right Dem/Rep question.

Just, what is the price point that will force your hand.
Another obvious option is to continue as has been the experience since the end of WW2 and probably even before.

Fight more wars and win more wars in order to maintain America's demands on the price of a barrel of oil. If not then countries such as Russia will cause the price to be controlled by outside foreign influence.

All other solutions are irrelevant and only secondary to the main solution.

British colonialism throughout the world's oil rich countries, established the fact many years ago.
They weren't in the ME for those countries' spring cabbage crops!

A tough question, really. So many variables.

If gas went that high, it would also mean wages have gone up quickly. Gas producers aren't going to price their product out of the reach of its users.

Even now, with some time to ramp up,, they could produce much more gasoline than the global market demands. But doing so would drop the price so far that they would be forced to stop producing.

So such a high price in the absence of much higher wages or altered demand (a magical double in demand overnight, for example) would basically amount to shooting themselves in the foot.

At any rate, to answer your question in a "ceteris parabus" world, I would say that I would continue to drive to work, and use trains and planes for long trips. And hold my breath and wait for alternatives to arise.
funny one of USMB;s biggest stupid fuck trolls is complaining about gasoline when he brought it on himself it is the way it is by wanting trump out of office and this dumbass stupid clown of a president in who us solely responsible for this mess.fucking hypocrite.:abgg2q.jpg:
funny one of USMB;s biggest stupid fuck trolls is complaining about gasoline when he brought it on himself it is the way it is by wanting trump out of office and this dumbass stupid clown of a president in who us solely responsible for this mess.fucking hypocrite.:abgg2q.jpg:
Such proud childishness and stupidity by you. Embarassing.
Marxist America wants to know, how much do they need to raise the price of gasoline before you by a state subsidized car and conform to the new world order.
The next time one of you freaks uses the word "Marxist" correctly will be the first time.

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