How much is Too Much

None. I live 5.9 miles from my work by the shortest route and my car averages over 30 miles per gallon. I could walk there if I had to I suppose. If gas gets too expensive to make that affordable, I am guessing my work would close down because of having no customers.
So if gas goes to $30 a gallon you're OK?

Doesn't matter, you have no choice.

If your car's empty and you need to go, you will pay the price, or what is the price that makes you say, no more?
I don't have to look at #8, we are discussing YOUR topic, deal with it.

The response to your post is identical to #8 post I wrote.

I see no reason to repeat the same paragraph when you can just look up, or don't
You asked "So what price at the pump is the price that would drive you to make major changes?" If you are not interested in answers to your very own question, then perhaps you should stop asking for them.
Your inability to respond to the question is your failure alone.
That you think you've responded is your failure alone.

Did I ask what you're doing now?


The try to answer the question or just STFU!
Your inability to address the topic with any sense of intelligence is noted.
Seems your avatar is dead on.
Beware of posting the same thing repeatedly!
So I should have copied and pasted post 8 in response to 3 people who asked the same question?
Or maybe "Post number eight"

If this is a warning apply some common sense before getting the panties in a wad.

A tough question, really. So many variables.

If gas went that high, it would also mean wages have gone up quickly. Gas producers aren't going to price their product out of the reach of its users.

Even now, with some time to ramp up,, they could produce much more gasoline than the global market demands. But doing so would drop the price so far that they would be forced to stop producing.

So such a high price in the absence of much higher wages or altered demand (a magical double in demand overnight, for example) would basically amount to shooting themselves in the foot.

At any rate, to answer your question in a "ceteris parabus" world, I would say that I would continue to drive to work, and use trains and planes for long trips. And hold my breath and wait for alternatives to arise.
Agree with what you're saying but you evade the question.

What's the dollar number in your current life that would cause to to say EFF IT, I AINT PAYING

It's really just a cost benefit thing, right?
If the COST > BENEFIT we choose to refuse the offer
The option to refuse does not exist.

For me, that number is in the 23-29 range.
That would force me to make major changes.
Why the large range?
Incrementalism. If you pay 10, why not 10.10? Upward and onward.
By the time you realize where you are, it's too late.
Asking "How much is Too Much" is insulting. You're asking people to think. So always a great question. And "I don't know" is a great answer. Be reasonable, dammit. Answer the question! I did. Here's another. "It depends." Depends on what? What everyone else is doing!
So if gas goes to $30 a gallon you're OK?

Doesn't matter, you have no choice.

If your car's empty and you need to go, you will pay the price, or what is the price that makes you say, no more?

I don't think you understand, if gas gets to 30 bucks a gallon, you are going to starve to death.
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So what price at the pump is the price that would drive you to make major changes?

Change jobs
Change vehicles...

Understand, the pricing of gasoline has little to do with the market. If it did, gas would be 10-12-15 dollars a gallon already.

After all, what choice do you have?

The energy companies recognize that there needs be a balance otherwise the outcome they've fought so hard against over the last 40 years, the move away from fossils, will become reality, and quickly.

Not a left/right Dem/Rep question.

Just, what is the price point that will force your hand.
I suggest only those on the bread line will reduce consumption. Most on here will do nothing but whinge about Biden causing it but not stop driving. Its coming up to the driving season. Tell me after that.
I don't think you understand, if gas gets to 30 bucks a gallon, you are going to starve to death.
Seems you're inability to actually address the question shows how unsure you are over your beliefs.
I suggest only those on the bread line will reduce consumption. Most on here will do nothing but whinge about Biden causing it but not stop driving. Its coming up to the driving season. Tell me after that.
To paraphrase a comment from the 2000s...
"At $5 a gallon the price of gas is almost as important in the car buying decision process as the number of cupholders."

this is true as you noted.

But what about $15...20...30...

The price is not based on supply and demand since the energy companies have a monopoly and can charge what they want, if they want.

Noted that the "right" cannot seem to address the question.
Seems you're inability to actually address the question shows how unsure you are over your beliefs.

Your responses show me that you are yet another sock. You should be more careful. You dropped out of character and are responding like your alter ego.

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