How much lithium is needed to replace all internal combustion engines in the world?

Lithium batteries can be charged from non-emitting sources.

You mean like those stupid wind farms and solar arrays that don't produce jackshit?

Ask the idiot Europeans how their Green renewable energy sources are going to keep them warm this winter without Russian fossil fuels.
There is 11,850,000,000 million tons of Lithium in earth crust & we only need 18 million tons of it.

Numbers are scary to Republicant's

Numbers are scary to Moon Bats.

For instance, 1.9% of the vehicles in Commie California are these stupid EVs.

In order to provide the power to charge those worthless vehicles California needs 19 more gigawatts of power over what they already have.

That is like the output of the two nuclear reactors at Diablo Canyon, which the moronic Environmental Wackos are demanding to be shut down.
It says the shortfall is more than 2 orders of magnitude.

Is it because they don't have machinery?

Care to post your math ... I have 12 billion tons divided by 18 million tons equals 666 times more abundant ...

Let's call the current production of lithium at 100,000 tonnes/yr ... 180 years to mine your 18 million tonnes needed to replace all piston engine rigs in the universe ... chief production is from Australia, and that's strictly 18th Century technology ... reserves are in Australia, Chile and Argentina ... so it looks like the Southern Hemisphere has us by the nuts ...

Why is there poverty in the Nigar River Delta region? ...
For those who may be confused: Li in a Li ion battery does not burn like gasoline. As such when you buy an EV you have MANY YEARS where you don't have to "top off the Li". You may have to get new batteries at some point and there is at least one facility in the US that is currently recycling Li Ion batteries so the possibility exists in the future that that could be done.

If you are still confused just remember: you have to fill up your tank of your car with GASOLINE ever few days if you drive. You DO NOT HAVE TO FILL UP YOUR EV WITH LI EVERY FEW DAYS.

In order to provide the power to charge those worthless vehicles California needs 19 more gigawatts of power over what they already have.

Something they COULD have it they mandated solar on all new construction and feed that back into the grid along with the current normal sources.

That is like the output of the two nuclear reactors at Diablo Canyon, which the moronic Environmental Wackos are demanding to be shut down.

LOL. Diablo Canyon is built within 5 miles of two fault systems. For those of you who don't know geology and don't know California: that's not a good thing.

Something they COULD have it they mandated solar on all new construction and feed that back into the grid along with the current normal sources.

LOL. Diablo Canyon is built within 5 miles of two fault systems. For those of you who don't know geology and don't know California: that's not a good thing.


Diablo Canyon puts out 20 Gigawatts of power.

You think these idiots in Commie California have problems now just shut that nuclear power plant down and see what happens. It will be a lot more than not using power over the Labor Day weekend like we are seeing now.

It would take several counties of land to have enough area for those stupid solar arrays to produce the same amount of power. And that is only during the day with the sun shinning.

The same amount of additional power needed now to provide the charging for the idiotic 1.9% EVs. Just think what it would be if say 50% of the vehicles are EVs. Or 100% like the moron Environmental wackos want.

Libtards never think these these things out, do they?

I actually found this interesting. One of the downsides of EV's is the battery placement and the cost of replacing the battery if needed.

This company wants to address this. It's pretty simple in concept. The batteries are to be located in a compartment under the car. If a one or more batteries is faulty, they can be changed out quickly and at much lower cost. The batter swap out is robotic. Drop the old battery package, insert the new one. Drive off.

It's so convenient that entire batter compartments can be swapped out in just a few minutes replacing a depleted batter with a fully charged one. Driver drives off and the company recharges the battery overnight to be ready for re-issuing the next day.

Where EVs work, there should be no hesitation ... where EVs don't work, then don't bother ... we can make this artificially more complicated but it still boils down to cost/benefit ratio ... using less energy (i.e. spend less money on) is best ...

The main flaw in the OP is that we're only replacing 10% of piston engine rigs ... and doing without the other 90% ... people will have to ride bikes and, you know, lose that weight ... [giggle] ...
It would take several counties of land to have enough area for those stupid solar arrays to produce the same amount of power. And that is only during the day with the sun shining.
And don't forget that those panels don't last forever either. Sitting in direct sunlight is a pretty harsh environment for anything to be in. Solar panels wear out and break, just like batteries do. Then there's the cost of replacing, recycling, and disposing of all these solar panels and batteries...
And don't forget that those panels don't last forever either. Sitting in direct sunlight is a pretty harsh environment for anything to be in. Solar panels wear out and break, just like batteries do. Then there's the cost of replacing, recycling, and disposing of all these solar panels and batteries...
Not only that but in a dusty desert environment where they would be the most effective they would have to be cleaned quite often.

Take a piece of glass and put it on your roof. Come back a month later and see how much crud has accumulated on it. That is every one of these stupid solar cells ever made. They will significantly decrease in efficiency over time.

Terrible technology to mass produce energy.
Not only that but in a dusty desert environment where they would be the most effective they would have to be cleaned quite often.

Take a piece of glass and put it on your roof. Come back a month later and see how much crud has accumulated on it. That is every one of these stupid solar cells ever made. They will significantly decrease in efficiency over time.

Terrible technology to mass produce energy.

You know there are systems that self-clean the solar panels right?

Not only that but in a dusty desert environment where they would be the most effective they would have to be cleaned quite often.

Take a piece of glass and put it on your roof. Come back a month later and see how much crud has accumulated on it. That is every one of these stupid solar cells ever made. They will significantly decrease in efficiency over time.

Terrible technology to mass produce energy.
Exactly. There is also the problem of Evs being totalled at the end of the battery pack life. You can usually just move the decimal over one place from the new sticker price after a decade to see the value of car when it's time to replace the battery, and that value is usually less than a new battery pack. What a waste.
Exactly. There is also the problem of Evs being totalled at the end of the battery pack life. You can usually just move the decimal over one place from the new sticker price after a decade to see the value of car when it's time to replace the battery, and that value is usually less than a new battery pack. What a waste.

That is an engineer problem that companies are already addressing. See the video in post #187.

Instead of internal conformal batteries that are very hard to change, the engineering solution is modular replacement that is easy and can be done in about 10 minutes. Either for a fast 100% charge (and no you are not buying a new battery, you are swapping batteries for a charged one) or the replacement of defective battery.

Ah yes... yet another expense and yet something else to maintain. $$$


Okay, but it is a reality and addresses the decrease in efficiency resulting from dust.

Look I'm not 100% wacko on "green energy" we have major problems yet to overcome. I do think we will get there - eventually. It's also why the OP's insistence on measuring lithium production based on TODAYS numbers is irrelevant. The measurement is against future production and how that production changes over time as the forces of supply and demand are felt.

IMHO, the major problem right now isn't energy production. The major problem is energy storage for use in off peak production times. Basically being able to time-shift the gathering of green energy and when that energy needs to be consumed. And to do it with a high level of efficiency.

You know there are systems that self-clean the solar panels right?


There is a guy in our neighborhood that was stupid enough to get solar panels. I see him up on the roof power washing the panels several times a year.

There may some "self cleaning panels" but I sure as hell don't see any mechanism to do that when I drive by the stupid solar farms. All I see are the stupid panels sticking up on supports.

There are really on three ways to get crap off a surface. Either wipe it off, blow it off or wash it off. Very labor and energy intensive to do any of the three.

By the way a couple of months ago we had a very low intensity tornado go through an area north of Tampa. It hit on a solar farm built by Duke Energy (morons). Debris was scattered over an eight mile area. Total loss.

That tornado was barely even an EF0 intensity. I suspect even a Cat 1 hurricane would destroy most solar farms and also many roof mounted units.
Put a small voltage on the solar panel ... any neutral charged dust would be repelled ...
That is an engineer problem that companies are already addressing. See the video in post #187.

Instead of internal conformal batteries that are very hard to change, the engineering solution is modular replacement that is easy and can be done in about 10 minutes. Either for a fast 100% charge (and no you are not buying a new battery, you are swapping batteries for a charged one) or the replacement of defective battery.

The battery swap pipe dream is nothing new, and it is not the direction we are going. Besides the expense and maintenance of yet another additional infrastructure, there are so many problems with it that it would need its own thread.
There may some "self cleaning panels" but I sure as hell don't see any mechanism to do that when I drive by the stupid solar farms. All I see are the stupid panels sticking up on supports.

These probably apply to industrial solar panel use. For a homeowner rising it off with a hose a few times a year (in the desert it may be needed more often). Around here (Virginia) there are a couple of houses with solar panels, they get less efficiency in the winter (sun angle) and need to rinse them off in the spring when we get a lot of yellow tree pollen.

Other than they they say their home unit is very low maintenance. They see the biggest benefit in the summer to help cut cooling costs.

The battery swap pipe dream is nothing new, and it is not the direction we are going. Besides the expense and maintenance of yet another additional infrastructure, there are so many problems with it that it would need its own thread.

Slight correction: "It is not a direction we have been going".

It's very likely to be a direction we will go in the future once major automakers agree on a standard.

The infrastructure will be smaller then the current infrastructure to support ICE engines and their maintenance requirements.


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