How much longer will we the American people acccept high grocery prices?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Corporations all across America have become incredibly greedy. They’re making up all sorts of excuses for why the grocery prices are still high. Come on Joe Biden where are you ….. you say you’re a man of the people man of the working man where the hell are you? He’ll give away all this money to support “equity clauses” which is nonsense. Where is the Democrat party to stand up for the workingman and force the corporations to lower the prices. If we don’t have any more Democratic voters or we don’t have that many who actually care about working class things anymore ….they have been brainwashed into supporting equity nonsense.

One of the worst things in this country is when poor Americans or working class American accept the talking points from billionaires that you should be happy paying a higher price. This shit would’ve never lasted in the American past when we had an honorable society.

we have work to do my friends
I can remember a day when during economic downturns the media would be out in full force reporting on the problems people and families are having... but not now... we see nothing on the pain people are feeling... and its because they the media aren't feeling it.... maybe that needs to change...
Corporations all across America have become incredibly greedy. They’re making up all sorts of excuses for why the grocery prices are still high. Come on Joe Biden where are you ….. you say you’re a man of the people man of the working man where the hell are you? He’ll give away all this money to support “equity clauses” which is nonsense. Where is the Democrat party to stand up for the workingman and force the corporations to lower the prices. If we don’t have any more Democratic voters or we don’t have that many who actually care about working class things anymore ….they have been brainwashed into supporting equity nonsense.

One of the worst things in this country is when poor Americans or working class American accept the talking points from billionaires that you should be happy paying a higher price. This shit would’ve never lasted in the American past when we had an honorable society.

we have work to do my friends
Are there particular corporations? If the farmer has to pay more for fertilizer for his crops, and pays more for workers to harvest those crops. Transportation costs are higher due to diesel prices and driver pay. Those costs are passed to the grocery store, which also has to pay more for their workers and utilities. All which get passed on to the consumer.
Corporations all across America have become incredibly greedy. They’re making up all sorts of excuses for why the grocery prices are still high. Come on Joe Biden where are you ….. you say you’re a man of the people man of the working man where the hell are you? He’ll give away all this money to support “equity clauses” which is nonsense. Where is the Democrat party to stand up for the workingman and force the corporations to lower the prices. If we don’t have any more Democratic voters or we don’t have that many who actually care about working class things anymore ….they have been brainwashed into supporting equity nonsense.

One of the worst things in this country is when poor Americans or working class American accept the talking points from billionaires that you should be happy paying a higher price. This shit would’ve never lasted in the American past when we had an honorable society.

we have work to do my friends
I can't fault the corporations. They are reacting to economic realities brought on by Joe Biden and the democrats. High Fuel Costs, High mandated wages for unskilled labor, social programs that lead to a shortage of workers because they are supported by the government, equity policies (as you mentioned) in addition to ridiculous regulations on producers and green initiatives. Who could not see this rampant inflation coming. Joe "your taxes will not increase if you make less than $400K" Biden lied through his teeth as he knew that if prices of EVERYTHING increased, then taxes would follow suit to fund his money laundering operation. I put 100% of the blame on Joe Biden and communist/globalist democrats.
It is the disastrous policies of this Democrapic administration that is causing this inflation, not “corporate greed”.

You're the same breed of economically-illiterate cretin as those who blame the Big Evil Oil companies for gasoline prices, because they make five to ten cents per gallon in profits on each gallon of gasoline, while government imposes multiple dollars worth of taxes and other regulatory burdens per gallon of gasoline.
Corporations all across America have become incredibly greedy. They’re making up all sorts of excuses for why the grocery prices are still high. Come on Joe Biden where are you ….. you say you’re a man of the people man of the working man where the hell are you? He’ll give away all this money to support “equity clauses” which is nonsense. Where is the Democrat party to stand up for the workingman and force the corporations to lower the prices. If we don’t have any more Democratic voters or we don’t have that many who actually care about working class things anymore ….they have been brainwashed into supporting equity nonsense.

One of the worst things in this country is when poor Americans or working class American accept the talking points from billionaires that you should be happy paying a higher price. This shit would’ve never lasted in the American past when we had an honorable society.

we have work to do my friends
Force corporations to lower prices--wow, guess that whole free market thing was just a bunch of horseshit. I mean you guys really don't think things through do you. You advocating for price controls now?

Hell, who would have thunk it. You stupid shits have to pay six dollars for a dozen eggs and suddenly you are screaming for the government to regulate prices. I mean here is a thought, DON'T BUY THE DAMN EGGS. What part of a "free market" do you not understand?
It is the disastrous policies of this Democrapic administration that is causing this inflation, not “corporate greed”.

You're the same breed of economically-illiterate cretin as those who blame the Big Evil Oil companies for gasoline prices, because they make five to ten cents per gallon in profits on each gallon of gasoline, while government imposes multiple dollars worth of taxes and other regulatory burdens per gallon of gasoline.
What is causing inflation is stupid shits still buying stuff when the price goes up. What part of supply and demand do you not understand.
Corporations all across America have become incredibly greedy. They’re making up all sorts of excuses for why the grocery prices are still high. Come on Joe Biden where are you ….. you say you’re a man of the people man of the working man where the hell are you? He’ll give away all this money to support “equity clauses” which is nonsense. Where is the Democrat party to stand up for the workingman and force the corporations to lower the prices. If we don’t have any more Democratic voters or we don’t have that many who actually care about working class things anymore ….they have been brainwashed into supporting equity nonsense.

One of the worst things in this country is when poor Americans or working class American accept the talking points from billionaires that you should be happy paying a higher price. This shit would’ve never lasted in the American past when we had an honorable society.

we have work to do my friends
Like the Robber Baron era?
What is causing inflation is stupid shits still buying stuff when the price goes up. What part of supply and demand do you not understand.

So the answer, then, is to stop buying stuff.

No fuel for our vehicles, to get to and from work or to run other essential errands. No food, no utilities, etc.

Who needs any of that, anyway?

You're as much of an idiot as the OP is, if not more so.
With 10 Million newly arrived Future Citizenry ( Illegals / Getaways / Visa Overstayers / Refugees ) then expect shortages & higher prices indefinitely
The short answer is that the people will accept just about anything as long as there is no outrage in the media and there won't be any outrage in the media as long as a democrat is in the W.H.
Yeah, any good fascist wingnut government would just inform corporations of their pricing ability as part of freedumb.
One of the worst things in this country is when poor Americans or working class American accept the talking points from billionaires that you should be happy paying a higher price.

I don't think food prices are high enough and would gladly pay more for the betterment of the planet to combat climate change and social inequities!


WHEW. Thank you. The fever has broken and I've come to my senses now. :smoke:
Corporations all across America have become incredibly greedy. They’re making up all sorts of excuses for why the grocery prices are still high. Come on Joe Biden where are you ….. you say you’re a man of the people man of the working man where the hell are you? He’ll give away all this money to support “equity clauses” which is nonsense. Where is the Democrat party to stand up for the workingman and force the corporations to lower the prices. If we don’t have any more Democratic voters or we don’t have that many who actually care about working class things anymore ….they have been brainwashed into supporting equity nonsense.

One of the worst things in this country is when poor Americans or working class American accept the talking points from billionaires that you should be happy paying a higher price. This shit would’ve never lasted in the American past when we had an honorable society.

we have work to do my friends

Were not your friends.

Inflation was probably inevitable when Trump started an unnecessary trade war. If you guys were serious about wanting to bring down inflation, get rid of all the tariffs on Chinese goods.
I can't fault the corporations. They are reacting to economic realities brought on by Joe Biden and the democrats. High Fuel Costs, High mandated wages for unskilled labor, social programs that lead to a shortage of workers because they are supported by the government, equity policies (as you mentioned) in addition to ridiculous regulations on producers and green initiatives. Who could not see this rampant inflation coming. Joe "your taxes will not increase if you make less than $400K" Biden lied through his teeth as he knew that if prices of EVERYTHING increased, then taxes would follow suit to fund his money laundering operation. I put 100% of the blame on Joe Biden and communist/globalist democrats.
We all are 'greedy.' We aren't willing to live in poverty if we can avoid that. None of us ask our employers to pay us less money because we think we are being overpaid. It's pretty safe to say very few businessmen operate a business for any other reason than to make as much profit as they can.

The beauty of capitalism is that 'as much as they can' is limited by that wonderful thing call competition. One guy can't charge much more for the same product as the other guy and hope people will buy it. Also in capitalism, prices are modified by what the market can stand. Charge more than people can afford and they will choose to do without or figure out some other way to get it.

But who works for a living for any reason than to profit himself and those he feels responsibility for? And whether we run a business or work for wages, don't we all hope to be able to live comfortably when we retire? Maybe have a dream of some goal we want to achieve? A fishing boat or yacht. A nice home? Money to travel or spend in activities we love? Or even some just want to be able to afford to run a not-for-profit enterprise that benefits others.

And each one of us doing what we do to profit ourselves are also enabling others to profit as well as provide products and services that benefit all.

That's what you describe as 'greed.'

Blaming inflation on 'greed' is like blaming plane crashes on gravity.
We all are 'greedy.' We aren't willing to live in poverty if we can avoid that. None of us ask our employers to pay us less money because we think we are being overpaid. It's pretty safe to say very few businessmen operate a business for any other reason than to make as much profit as they can.

The beauty of capitalism is that 'as much as they can' is limited by that wonderful thing call competition. One guy can't charge much more for the same product as the other guy and hope people will buy it. Also in capitalism, prices are modified by what the market can stand. Charge more than people can afford and they will choose to do without or figure out some other way to get it.

But who works for a living for any reason than to profit himself and those he feels responsibility for? And whether we run a business or work for wages, don't we all hope to be able to live comfortably when we retire? Maybe have a dream of some goal we want to achieve? A fishing boat or yacht. A nice home? Money to travel or spend in activities we love?

And each one of us doing what we do to profit ourselves are also enabling others to profit as well as provide products and services that benefit all.

That's what you describe as 'greed.'

Blaming inflation on 'greed' is like blaming plane crashes on gravity.
We're also not living adam smith's pure capitalism.
So the answer, then, is to stop buying stuff.

No fuel for our vehicles, to get to and from work or to run other essential errands. No food, no utilities, etc.

Who needs any of that, anyway?
What the hell you talking about essential errands? Other than visiting the doctor, I can't think of any. Gas costing you too much to travel to work, work remotely, countless jobs available. Have your groceries delivered.

My son makes six figures a year, he never leaves his apartment, NEVER. He eats like a king, everything delivered. I can tell you what he has spent on gas the last two years, ZERO. What is it, Walmart, a hundred bucks a year and free delivery. Amazon Prime, is that not free delivery as well?

So, there is this shampoo that I really like, I could buy a two pack, shampoo and conditioner, for ten bucks. Now, just the shampoo or the conditioner alone is nine bucks. Fawk that, I bought baby shampoo, and I cut it with water. I really like steak, I mean good steak, prime beef. But at twenty bucks a pound I will eat chicken. You starting to see how this works?
We all are 'greedy.' We aren't willing to live in poverty if we can avoid that. None of us ask our employers to pay us less money because we think we are being overpaid. It's pretty safe to say very few businessmen operate a business for any other reason than to make as much profit as they can.

The beauty of capitalism is that 'as much as they can' is limited by that wonderful thing call competition. One guy can't charge much more for the same product as the other guy and hope people will buy it. Also in capitalism, prices are modified by what the market can stand. Charge more than people can afford and they will choose to do without or figure out some other way to get it.

But who works for a living for any reason than to profit himself and those he feels responsibility for? And whether we run a business or work for wages, don't we all hope to be able to live comfortably when we retire? Maybe have a dream of some goal we want to achieve? A fishing boat or yacht. A nice home? Money to travel or spend in activities we love? Or even some just want to be able to afford to run a not-for-profit enterprise that benefits others.

And each one of us doing what we do to profit ourselves are also enabling others to profit as well as provide products and services that benefit all.

That's what you describe as 'greed.'

Blaming inflation on 'greed' is like blaming plane crashes on gravity.
You're preaching to the choir re: greed--I think your post is aimed at the OP. I agree with your view that everyone is greedy. However, the inflation we are seeing now was solidly under control until two years ago when the government artificially inflated the economy by releasing ridiculous amounts of money. Coupled with government overreach in regulations, costs followed. The profits of EVERYONE are not going to go down--nothing in that regard changed. The only thing that did, was the actions of the government trying to manipulate the market. Now inflation is out of control and the government response is more control i.e. an increase in interest rates to remove -- or at least stifle an increase in the money supply. The problem with that is it also stifles industry.
Corporations all across America have become incredibly greedy. They’re making up all sorts of excuses for why the grocery prices are still high. Come on Joe Biden where are you ….. you say you’re a man of the people man of the working man where the hell are you? He’ll give away all this money to support “equity clauses” which is nonsense. Where is the Democrat party to stand up for the workingman and force the corporations to lower the prices. If we don’t have any more Democratic voters or we don’t have that many who actually care about working class things anymore ….they have been brainwashed into supporting equity nonsense.

One of the worst things in this country is when poor Americans or working class American accept the talking points from billionaires that you should be happy paying a higher price. This shit would’ve never lasted in the American past when we had an honorable society.

we have work to do my friends
How do you think as a fascist democrat, that your local grocery gets their stock in each week??? Were you under assumption such was accomplished by frog-marching that produce into the stores, and then it stocked itself upon those shelves?


Remove head from rectum, or just shut your trap up altogether. Biden did this, it was done by Biden and his handlers, all of whom are committed Marxist's, accomplished via the firm instructions of impossibly wealthy democrat tech billionaires, all of whom are committed fascists!

You're not surviving them, they are doing two things, first they crush you economically, two they either intend to kill you out of hand, or herd you into giant urban slums from whence you and your families, if you are still alive, will never, ever emerge from!

Its right in front of your willfully blinded eyes, right in front of them....Don't worry, most likely you will be stone cold dead by 2025 anyway! :eek-52:

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