How much longer will we the American people acccept high grocery prices?

That’s a good point there because we started to lose tons of the steel and auto jobs right around that time in the 1990s.
Yep it was during Clinton & Papa Bush that we were sold down the river ( Clinton gave the Chinese the ability to easily hit Chicago & Dallas , When on a good day the Chicoms could only hope to hit Boise or Vegas with what Rocket capability they had .
Do you know what the net profit margin is for grocery stores? I didn't think so.

The word you were looking for in your headline is ACCEPT.
I have to use the speaker app due to an injury. So that’s why it said what it said… Thank you I will correct the error
You're preaching to the choir re: greed--I think your post is aimed at the OP. I agree with your view that everyone is greedy. However, the inflation we are seeing now was solidly under control until two years ago when the government artificially inflated the economy by releasing ridiculous amounts of money. Coupled with government overreach in regulations, costs followed. The profits of EVERYONE are not going to go down--nothing in that regard changed. The only thing that did, was the actions of the government trying to manipulate the market. Now inflation is out of control and the government response is more control i.e. an increase in interest rates to remove -- or at least stifle an increase in the money supply. The problem with that is it also stifles industry.
To that point it is fair to say that in general corporations are way more greedy compared to your regular every day American. You are right that greed is an issue that affects Americans of all classes. But let’s just be honest here more so of course it is Wall Street or the white collar worker who is of course far more greedy than any other class of people. And just the way the super rich act when they get caught red-handed doing something illegally … they often cry like babies…. and they’re rich Trophy Wives leave them at the drop of a dime as soon as they lose all their money.

And I would say corporations are simply not what they used to be. Back in the day for example take a Henry Ford The founder of Ford motor company… one of the greatest men to ever live… one of the men who built America. He used to hate unions but then at the urgency of his wife and son he agreed to work with the UAW and he would later say it was one of the best decisions he ever made.

Todays big time billionaires like the guy who owns Tesla and the guy who owns Amazon. Jeff Bezos and Elon musk are anti-union ….they haven’t come around yet. And they’re paying a very low wage with no pensions to the masses of their workers. The hope is that these two Giants can come around and do the right thing pay their workers more provide a pension. And I just can’t believe that there are Republicans and even Democrats who look at this issue and who are either poor or working class and they just accept what billionaires are telling them. It was never like this in the American past

Democrats and Republicans are not what they used to be. I would say the Internet, social media, drugs has played a role in making things worse.
Corporations all across America have become incredibly greedy. They’re making up all sorts of excuses for why the grocery prices are still high. Come on Joe Biden where are you ….. you say you’re a man of the people man of the working man where the hell are you? He’ll give away all this money to support “equity clauses” which is nonsense. Where is the Democrat party to stand up for the workingman and force the corporations to lower the prices. If we don’t have any more Democratic voters or we don’t have that many who actually care about working class things anymore ….they have been brainwashed into supporting equity nonsense.

One of the worst things in this country is when poor Americans or working class American accept the talking points from billionaires that you should be happy paying a higher price. This shit would’ve never lasted in the American past when we had an honorable society.

we have work to do my friends

Another $70/bag of groceries day! So sick!!
Another $70/bag of groceries day! So sick!!
I’m really sorry it’s happening to you brother.

I’m seeing more and more Americans shopping for every day groceries at the dollar tree. Back in the day they would go there for a few things now we’re seeing more and more of them there at the dollar tree or places like “save a lot.”

We got bad leader ship in this country.
But we the people have to get out there and protest this stuff. This is it this is the real stuff to protest, yet we have Democrats telling us to protest racial issues. The problem is the government has so many Americans zonked out on drugs and social media like Instagram and TikTok it’s tough to do these things it’s tough to get out there and make our voices be heard. But we have got to believe in ourselves and we will make a positive difference my friend.
What the hell you talking about essential errands? Other than visiting the doctor, I can't think of any. Gas costing you too much to travel to work, work remotely, countless jobs available. Have your groceries delivered.

My son makes six figures a year, he never leaves his apartment, NEVER. He eats like a king, everything delivered. I can tell you what he has spent on gas the last two years, ZERO. What is it, Walmart, a hundred bucks a year and free delivery. Amazon Prime, is that not free delivery as well?

So, there is this shampoo that I really like, I could buy a two pack, shampoo and conditioner, for ten bucks. Now, just the shampoo or the conditioner alone is nine bucks. Fawk that, I bought baby shampoo, and I cut it with water. I really like steak, I mean good steak, prime beef. But at twenty bucks a pound I will eat chicken. You starting to see how this works?
Sure, you can live like that in San Quentin too. Such an existence. Look at four walls of your cracker box. Buy things that you've never had the chance to examine so that you can return them when they arrive and you find they either aren't what you ordered or they are lesser quality than you could tell from the photo. Yeah, FAWK THAT.
Are there particular corporations? If the farmer has to pay more for fertilizer for his crops, and pays more for workers to harvest those crops. Transportation costs are higher due to diesel prices and driver pay. Those costs are passed to the grocery store, which also has to pay more for their workers and utilities. All which get passed on to the consumer.
And it all stems from Biden jacking the price of fuel on day 1 of his presidency. EO 13990.
Biden's policies didn't cause the spike in inflation. But those policies have darn sure exacerbated it, prolonged it, pushed it far further into our future than it had to be.
Nah, he directly caused a lot of it.
Yes you make fair points. The question remains what can be done on an all-around basis to get the prices lower to where they were during the trump administration
That's a tough one, in the scenario presented, I can only see the price of diesel and price of fertilizer fluctuating. Seems the other option would be for all the illegal immigrants start working for less than citizens, although that savings may not be passed on to consumers.
of course it is Wall Street
Do you think blue collar doesn't invest in Wall St. I was blue collar for fifty years and I am invested in Wall St. So is anybody that owns a 401K. How is investing money in order to create wealth, greed? Do you own a home--you invested money with an eye on what would happen to real estate prices with a secondary concern with stabilizing your housing costs and not buying a landlord's house for him by paying rent.
The hope is that these two Giants can come around and do the right thing pay their workers more provide a pension.
I think you paint with too broad a brush. My personal view of unions is they are the lowest of the low. They had a time when they were a great thing. That hasn't been for at least forty years. I was a union skilled employee for nearly 40 years. Any benefit we gained was promptly taken away by the union in the form of dues or union provided health insurance or "pension" Any increase was eaten by the first two while the pension was a carrot--after 33 years, I retired only to be told the fund was insolvent and would be turned over to the PBGC while I received less than half of what was promised. Ever hear of Enron? Screw unions.

How much longer will we the American people acccept high grocery prices?​

Right up until a republican is sworn in as the next president. The double standard is alive and well.
Do you think blue collar doesn't invest in Wall St. I was blue collar for fifty years and I am invested in Wall St. So is anybody that owns a 401K. How is investing money in order to create wealth, greed? Do you own a home--you invested money with an eye on what would happen to real estate prices with a secondary concern with stabilizing your housing costs and not buying a landlord's house for him by paying rent.

I think you paint with too broad a brush. My personal view of unions is they are the lowest of the low. They had a time when they were a great thing. That hasn't been for at least forty years. I was a union skilled employee for nearly 40 years. Any benefit we gained was promptly taken away by the union in the form of dues or union provided health insurance or "pension" Any increase was eaten by the first two while the pension was a carrot--after 33 years, I retired only to be told the fund was insolvent and would be turned over to the PBGC while I received less than half of what was promised. Ever hear of Enron? Screw unions.
Unions haven't been needed since just before WW2.
Do you think blue collar doesn't invest in Wall St. I was blue collar for fifty years and I am invested in Wall St. So is anybody that owns a 401K. How is investing money in order to create wealth, greed? Do you own a home--you invested money with an eye on what would happen to real estate prices with a secondary concern with stabilizing your housing costs and not buying a landlord's house for him by paying rent.

I think you paint with too broad a brush. My personal view of unions is they are the lowest of the low. They had a time when they were a great thing. That hasn't been for at least forty years. I was a union skilled employee for nearly 40 years. Any benefit we gained was promptly taken away by the union in the form of dues or union provided health insurance or "pension" Any increase was eaten by the first two while the pension was a carrot--after 33 years, I retired only to be told the fund was insolvent and would be turned over to the PBGC while I received less than half of what was promised. Ever hear of Enron? Screw unions.
You are bringing up very fair points. One thing I will say is that many young Americans right now don’t have the option to invest in a 401(k), they certainly don’t have the pension jobs that folks like you had or my dad or my grandfather had.

I have numerous family members who were a part of the UAW years ago. They had to pay little union dues and they’ve always said that the union brought them so much more than it took from them.

I’ve already stated that I deeply respect the white collar Man of the American past… and I suppose that there are those today white collared and very wealthy who are like those of the American past… I just haven’t heard much of them.
Corporations all across America have become incredibly greedy. They’re making up all sorts of excuses for why the grocery prices are still high. Come on Joe Biden where are you ….. you say you’re a man of the people man of the working man where the hell are you? He’ll give away all this money to support “equity clauses” which is nonsense. Where is the Democrat party to stand up for the workingman and force the corporations to lower the prices. If we don’t have any more Democratic voters or we don’t have that many who actually care about working class things anymore ….they have been brainwashed into supporting equity nonsense.

One of the worst things in this country is when poor Americans or working class American accept the talking points from billionaires that you should be happy paying a higher price. This shit would’ve never lasted in the American past when we had an honorable society.

we have work to do my friends
Plant a garden, buy puffed wheat, or starve. The choice is yours.
Plant a garden, buy puffed wheat, or starve. The choice is yours.

I’m getting by. What do you say rather what does the country say those living in massive communist Style tiny apartments in inner cities who simply have no room for a garden.

So many poor Americans are stuck in a trap of using the little money they have to buy drugs, to buy alcohol to buy cigarettes at high prices and they’re in an endless cycle ….it wasn’t like this in the American past.
That's a tough one, in the scenario presented, I can only see the price of diesel and price of fertilizer fluctuating. Seems the other option would be for all the illegal immigrants start working for less than citizens, although that savings may not be passed on to consumers.
That sounds like the democrats do best, bring immigrants in and make slaves of them.

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