How much longer will we the American people acccept high grocery prices?

many young Americans right now don’t have the option to invest in a 401(k),
Everyone can invest in a retirement. It's called "pay yourself first" If you started putting $10 a week into an interest bearing account when you were 20, increasing it as you earn more, by the time you are 50 you would have a hell of a nest egg and if you invested it correctly as it grew, theres your pension. Everyone seems to have the idea that you need an employer or the government to do things for you--screw them. Be self-sufficient. After all -- you are selling your labor and expertise, that is YOUR product.
Everyone can invest in a retirement. It's called "pay yourself first" If you started putting $10 a week into an interest bearing account when you were 20, increasing it as you earn more, by the time you are 50 you would have a hell of a nest egg and if you invested it correctly as it grew, theres your pension. Everyone seems to have the idea that you need an employer or the government to do things for you--screw them. Be self-sufficient. After all -- you are selling your labor and expertise, that is YOUR product.
I hear what you’re saying that is a good point. Everyone has their own way to build up money some people can come into money in different ways. But we have Americans who literally cannot afford that $10 right now that’s part of the problem. We have young Americans who are growing up at homes with no parents or with one parent in a jail cell. They’re just scrapping by

We don’t need an employer or a government saving up money for this. I wouldn’t say that and I don’t think many Americans would believe that. But it’s always nice to have a country to have a system where somebody can go to college become a doctor or if they want just get a great factory job out of the high school like we had for decades …. for almost 100 years we had that system and we let it slip away all for shipping jobs overseas to China. So the 1% of this country can get even more rich. The country is not what it used to be. We continue to buy cheap medicine from India and China when we could be making it in our own country

Going back to the point about how union jobs used to be a great thing for the middle class. Well those jobs provided a very easy way to get to a retirement pension. But we still do have jobs like government jobs for example correctional officers, policeman and firefighters they still have a pretty good government pension so when they retire they get to enjoy themselves. And they deserve it.
By the way I think most of us including Republicans can agree that the unions that represent police officers, correctional officers and firefighters are great unions.
But we have Americans who literally cannot afford that $10 right now that’s part of the problem.
Give me a break. In my small rural town Mickey Ds is paying burger flippers $22/hr and Walmart is starting people out at the same. Jobs are on every corner. Rents can be mitigated by having a room mate or a smaller place. Choices have to be made. Drive a beater. Wear $30 sneakers. Anybody can live without an X box. Use a cheap streaming service instead $100/mo television service. Don't get the most expensive phone every other year. Eat at home instead of paying $5 for a stinking Mickey Ds. Priorities.
It also seems like the stock market is set up for the well-connected. Goes back to who you know and who you can blow.

But it has for the middle-class American investing in stocks. It’s a tough thing we’re just trying to learn investing in stocks

How many cases do we have of middle-class Americans losing huge amounts of money in the stock market because they were ultimately misled by the elite in our country. Look at people like Sam Bankman Fried and Bernie Madoff and how they swindled money from so many working class people.

There’s all sorts of cases where a big-time corporations give insider information to their highest paid clients and then the stocks are moved stocks are bought and sold and it is the working class Man who gets screwed over royally.

Not many Americans are invested into the stock market and that is why a lot of blue-collar Americans are really turned off when politicians are talking about the stocks being up or down it’s like this doesn’t affect us.
Give me a break. In my small rural town Mickey Ds is paying burger flippers $22/hr and Walmart is starting people out at the same. Jobs are on every corner. Rents can be mitigated by having a room mate or a smaller place. Choices have to be made. Drive a beater. Wear $30 sneakers. Anybody can live without an X box. Use a cheap streaming service instead $100/mo television service. Don't get the most expensive phone every other year. Eat at home instead of paying $5 for a stinking Mickey Ds. Priorities.
I can’t give you a break. I’m not your employer. There’s nothing wrong with having disagreements. Plus I’ve stated so many times before that I greatly respect the wealthy class of American history so I don’t see what the problem is.

That sounds wild that people in a small rural area I making $22 an hour at Walmart and McDonald’s. I don’t know how they make that happen because of my area which is not a rural area but a suburb they’re paying like 14 an hour for those same jobs

This is the problem this is undeniable. Huge numbers of Americans can’t afford anything right now they are in the negative in their bank accounts. It’s called being overdrawn. They don’t have the good sneakers they don’t have the money to go to the mall and buy McDonald’s. There’s a big struggle going on right now

There’s plenty of good news in the country and that’s awesome. But we’re dealing with a lot right now with inflation with having a system where we don’t have many good jobs to offer Americans like we used to.

Please keep in mind you’re talking with someone who has voted Republican almost exclusively for the past four years.
Ever hear of Nancy and Paul Pelosi?
Yes of course im aware of the allegations of them engaging in insider trading and that is a disgrace.

Again I am not a supporter of Nancy Pelosi. You can tell by my posting history.

I’m a true blue blooded American patriot.
Concerned American

I 100% agree with you that those who are blowing money on useless things like McDonald’s, fast food sneakers… that’s a problem that money could be going to helping their young children or similar that’s a problem. But there’s a whole Nother part of our population that has been left behind. They don’t have access to anything because they don’t have the jobs that they used to be able to get. And so these are hard-working folks that wanna work hard but they don’t have a way up the ladder….. and these are white people these are Black people living all over the country they don’t have the same opportunities the country used to offer them.
I’m getting by. What do you say rather what does the country say those living in massive communist Style tiny apartments in inner cities who simply have no room for a garden.

So many poor Americans are stuck in a trap of using the little money they have to buy drugs, to buy alcohol to buy cigarettes at high prices and they’re in an endless cycle ….it wasn’t like this in the American past.

Greta says they should eat bugs, so I guess that would be a place to start.
Of course high grocery prices affect Americans of all classes. It affects people who own businesses. So regardless of anything we need to get the grocery prices down.

And yes we need a different system in America like when we used to have where you could get a great job out of high school and work that job for 30 years and then have a pension after.

We all cannot be unique individual to make a bunch of money on her own. It’s just not realistic. It’s great to see trendsetters but we have a population of over 300 million people. We need to have a system for someone to go to college if they want or just graduate high school and get a good job that pays maybe 50 grand a year ….that’s not asking for much.

It is truly not like it used to be in the American past every older American who find World War II would tell you that. Certainly my grandfather knew that and he passed away quite some time ago he grew up in a country where you can get a job at such you for life even if you dropped out of high school.

There is another massive issue at play …. We have a government that is a drug dealer they’re making a 22% sales tax on marijuana around the nation in various states. So they’re making it harder for lower class Americans to rise up the ladder…. well with many fellow Americans stoned out of there mind every day being told by the government that smoking marijuana is OK. “Smoke marijuana and up your BLM sign and just be happy with living in a tiny apartment for the rest of your life” that’s what they’re being told. We need better leader ship in this country. Republicans are to be blamed this as well for men like John Boehner saying that he supports the marijuana industry now that he’s getting paid millions of dollars for doing so ….while when he was in office he was against the marijuana industry. I gave credit to Mike Huckabee in the sense he’s always took a stand against the marijuana industry whether in office or out of office.

We did not have a drug problem and we did not have the social media problem nor the racial division in this country in American past ….we had a system where young black men and young white men could get a job at Ford motor company, get a job at Republic steel or Bethlehem Steel or General Motors all throughout the country. We don’t have it now
That’s a good point there because we started to lose tons of the steel and auto jobs right around that time in the 1990s.
Steel became so expensive due to unions raising the price more than the market could bear,

What makes you think we lost auto jobs in the 1990s? The years 2008-2009 were the worst years for the auto industry.
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That’s a good point there about China. By the way when it comes to us shipping jobs overseas that’s something that Republicans are partially responsible for. So a lot of Republicans(don’t worry Democrats aren’t doing anything about this they’re way too concentrated on race issues) well perhaps some of them look at an issue like this and they hand wave it they say oh it’s fine the corporations just wanna make more money. It’s like are you kidding me that’s a disgrace and there’s no place in America to think like that to act like that. No bring the jobs back to this country

The US government which is a drug dealer making 22% sales tax on marijuana sales. They have so many Americans republican and democrat right where they want them. They have us arguing with each other over nonsense they have them agreeing with big time corporations they have them agreeing with BLM they got them high on dope. We got so many Americans zonked out on Instagram and Twitter and social media they’re staring at their phones all day. Wow we have work to do to make things right in this country.

We have work to do as Americans and we will get the job done….. because we’ve been through much worse that’s for sure and we will get through this current tide of challenges.
The US government does not sell marijuana. You must be on some kind of drugs to believe that it sells a product that it outlaws.

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