How much longer will we the American people acccept high grocery prices?

Of course high grocery prices affect Americans of all classes. It affects people who own businesses. So regardless of anything we need to get the grocery prices down.

And yes we need a different system in America like when we used to have where you could get a great job out of high school and work that job for 30 years and then have a pension after.

We all cannot be unique individual to make a bunch of money on her own. It’s just not realistic. It’s great to see trendsetters but we have a population of over 300 million people. We need to have a system for someone to go to college if they want or just graduate high school and get a good job that pays maybe 50 grand a year ….that’s not asking for much.

It is truly not like it used to be in the American past every older American who find World War II would tell you that. Certainly my grandfather knew that and he passed away quite some time ago he grew up in a country where you can get a job at such you for life even if you dropped out of high school.

There is another massive issue at play …. We have a government that is a drug dealer they’re making a 22% sales tax on marijuana around the nation in various states. So they’re making it harder for lower class Americans to rise up the ladder…. well with many fellow Americans stoned out of there mind every day being told by the government that smoking marijuana is OK. “Smoke marijuana and up your BLM sign and just be happy with living in a tiny apartment for the rest of your life” that’s what they’re being told. We need better leader ship in this country. Republicans are to be blamed this as well for men like John Boehner saying that he supports the marijuana industry now that he’s getting paid millions of dollars for doing so ….while when he was in office he was against the marijuana industry. I gave credit to Mike Huckabee in the sense he’s always took a stand against the marijuana industry whether in office or out of office.

We did not have a drug problem and we did not have the social media problem nor the racial division in this country in American past ….
we had a system where young black men and young white men could get a job at Ford motor company, get a job at Republic steel or Bethlehem Steel or General Motors all throughout the country. We don’t have it now
Why not?
Of course high grocery prices affect Americans of all classes. It affects people who own businesses. So regardless of anything we need to get the grocery prices down.

And yes we need a different system in America like when we used to have where you could get a great job out of high school and work that job for 30 years and then have a pension after.

We all cannot be unique individual to make a bunch of money on her own. It’s just not realistic. It’s great to see trendsetters but we have a population of over 300 million people. We need to have a system for someone to go to college if they want or just graduate high school and get a good job that pays maybe 50 grand a year ….that’s not asking for much.

It is truly not like it used to be in the American past every older American who find World War II would tell you that. Certainly my grandfather knew that and he passed away quite some time ago he grew up in a country where you can get a job at such you for life even if you dropped out of high school.

There is another massive issue at play …. We have a government that is a drug dealer they’re making a 22% sales tax on marijuana around the nation in various states. So they’re making it harder for lower class Americans to rise up the ladder…. well with many fellow Americans stoned out of there mind every day being told by the government that smoking marijuana is OK. “Smoke marijuana and up your BLM sign and just be happy with living in a tiny apartment for the rest of your life” that’s what they’re being told. We need better leader ship in this country. Republicans are to be blamed this as well for men like John Boehner saying that he supports the marijuana industry now that he’s getting paid millions of dollars for doing so ….while when he was in office he was against the marijuana industry. I gave credit to Mike Huckabee in the sense he’s always took a stand against the marijuana industry whether in office or out of office.

We did not have a drug problem and we did not have the social media problem nor the racial division in this country in American past ….we had a system where young black men and young white men could get a job at Ford motor company, get a job at Republic steel or Bethlehem Steel or General Motors all throughout the country. We don’t have it now
50 grand? I made 50 grand one year as a teacher, with a master's degree, and that was after working about 15 plus years. I seriously think you have a TBI or drug problem.
Concerned American

I 100% agree with you that those who are blowing money on useless things like McDonald’s, fast food sneakers… that’s a problem that money could be going to helping their young children or similar that’s a problem. But there’s a whole Nother part of our population that has been left behind. They don’t have access to anything because they don’t have the jobs that they used to be able to get. And so these are hard-working folks that wanna work hard but they don’t have a way up the ladder….. and these are white people these are Black people living all over the country they don’t have the same opportunities the country used to offer them.
Someone posted a video of a middle aged homeless woman in Portland a couple weeks ago. The gist was she loved being homeless. Paraphrased she said what's not to like? I get up in the morning and get high, go to the mission for breakfast, come back here and get high. Go down to the soup kitchen or the mission for lunch. Come back here and get high, take a nap, go down to the food bank or Salvation Army for dinner, come back here and get high. Go to sleep, get up and do it again. Sorry, I think the government is the cause and could be the solution if they quit making it easy for the homeless. People have no incentive to get off of the streets.
Everyone can invest in a retirement. It's called "pay yourself first" If you started putting $10 a week into an interest bearing account when you were 20, increasing it as you earn more, by the time you are 50 you would have a hell of a nest egg and if you invested it correctly as it grew, theres your pension. Everyone seems to have the idea that you need an employer or the government to do things for you--screw them. Be self-sufficient. After all -- you are selling your labor and expertise, that is YOUR product.
There are no interest bearing accounts for $10 a week.

Unless they charge you $20 a week to have one.

There aren't even any more Series E savings bonds. You couldn't invest a small amount into your country even if you wanted to.
If China owns Farming Operations and land in 17 States I would say some of what I’ve purchased lately
China owns 192,000 acres out of 35 million owned by foreign investors. There is 895 million acres of farmland in the US.
That is microscopic for China and miniscule for everyone else, and it's less than 1/2 a percent of foreign owned and it's also .0214 percent nationwide.
Prices have been going up since the start of the pandemic. Grocery stores and manufacturers have been price gouging for the last few years. If you wanted to change then enforce price gouging laws on essential goods.
China owns 192,000 acres out of 35 million owned by foreign investors. There is 895 million acres of farmland in the US.
That is microscopic for China and miniscule for everyone else, and it's less than 1/2 a percent of foreign owned and it's also .0214 percent nationwide.
China spent 6.1 billion on US real estate last year

Prices have been going up since the start of the pandemic. Grocery stores and manufacturers have been price gouging for the last few years. If you wanted to change then enforce price gouging laws on essential goods.
Also keep in mind that the blob bailed out the farmers...twice. This was on top of the subsidy.




China spent 6.1 billion on US real estate last year

Do you not know the difference in farmland and housing?

Do you have a drug problem also?
Straight Edger since 2004 , you need to reload some .380 ACP and GTF off teh interwebz

Straight Edger since 2004 , you need to reload some .380 ACP and GTF off teh interwebz
Straight Edger since 2004 , you need to reload some .380 ACP and GTF off teh interwebz
If I’m reading that correctly you’re making the right choice. It’s people like you who stand up to “the man “ every day with the lifestyle you live. You’re not easily controlled

A new study has found that smoking weed can actually be more dangerous than smoking cigarettes. But again l what’s gonna happen the big time marijuana industry which is backed by billions of dollars , backed by Republicans and Democrats alike will tell you “oh it’s a miracle drug”

“Well there’s nothing wrong with weed. Just smoke and get stoned out of your skull every single day”

“Don’t worry about it all those people who hate marijuana are racist and No fun…just like in reefer madness”

“Oh I can smoke weed and have no issue”

a lot of Americans do smoke weed and they can function just fine. But now in the past years we have much stronger material on the markets like dabbing and there’s not really long term studies on that one so watch out. The problem is huge swaths of Americans simply cannot smoke weed and function. And we wonder why we have laziness in this country, we wonder why we smell weed everywhere we go it is now a major problem in Las Vegas where everywhere you go it smells like dope. Was never like that back in the day.

It’s not that marijuana users are losers. The losers are the drug dealers making billions of dollars off of this including the US government leaders.

Big marijuana again backed by the United States government which is no different than a mafia gang leader. …think about it the US government doesn’t have to do a damn thing they get their 22% just by sitting there letting the little drug dealers do all the work for them….

I would have to say to my conservative friends here this is really the issue of our time. Marijuana use leads to many morally bankrupt parents, this is what leads to children who have one parent raising them. In large part it is marijuana use. And when the United States government is making a ton of money from it…. not just from a marijuana use but from a dysfunction that comes from marijuana use …the useless economic spending that comes with it like blowing a bunch of money on fast food and other nonsense…… why would anyone in government actually stand up and do the right thing and truly get out there to make marijuana illegal throughout the country? I’ll tell you why

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