How much longer will we the American people acccept high grocery prices?

Whatever the case may be the grocery prices were much less under President Trump.

Whether it be the corporations, individual grocery stores, local grocery stores chain grocery stores or the government itself there is work to be done.

And we had a better country in the past a stronger society …one that was more tough. American politician
I can remember a day when during economic downturns the media would be out in full force reporting on the problems people and families are having... but not now... we see nothing on the pain people are feeling... and its because they the media aren't feeling it.... maybe that needs to change...
That is a huge issue right there. Whatever people may feel about politics we have Americans who are starving to death and they’re living paycheck to paycheck. Something like 80% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.

The media is out there concentrating on Ukraine, they’re talking about equity issues, transgender issues I don’t really see CNN or really anyone following Americans around the grocery stores asking them how are you doing this how can you afford this huge hike and prices. Not to mention the working class people with families it is even tougher for them. It’s easy for retired people with pensions(something young people don’t have access to this is a disgrace to this country)
It’s easy for rich people to look at this issue and not care about it.

And you’re certainly bringing up great points Rambunctious

I am a proud Democrat but guess what I voted for maybe one local Democrat in the past four years. And there’s a lot of great points being made by the posters in this thread the question is what can be done to get the grocery prices down so we don’t have Americans starving to death and what can be done about these large numbers of Americans living paycheck to paycheck.

And I said the government should do something about the prices. That doesn’t necessarily have to happen. But here’s the thing I’ve always seen that some Republicans and apparently Democrats now when they hear hey we should get the government involved they start to freak out. Unless we live in a country that is anarchy we have to have government involved in some aspects. Well for example our police force is needed if we didn’t have a police force we would have criminals running wild patrolling the streets certainly doing whatever the hell they wanted to old people. Sure a lot of Americans have guns and would defend themselves but that’s just something to think of. Here’s another thing if we had the corporations doing whatever the hell they wanted like back in the day guess what would happen we would have eight year olds working at sweatshops. And who knows what the prices would be.

So the point is to my fellow American patriots who are Republicans. Don’t freak out at my post I may have said one thing that threw you a little bit off with regards to the government coming in and doing something about prices but it doesn’t have to be that way it could be done in a different manner of course if you can have a solution let’s hear it.

Imagine the price of eggs going from $1.50 to 6 dollars a dozen. So therefore when you hear that inflation is 20 or 30% the numbers actually much much higher.

When we are in an economic downturn though it is a serious concern that some corporations will simply say “ we have to keep the price is higher” when they actually don’t. That is a legitimate point. It’s always been the case throughout history that some corporations are greedy and corrupt while others were honorable. That’s just a fact of life my friends. When you get money involved there’s always going to be corrupt people ….the question is how many of them are there.
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What the hell you talking about essential errands? Other than visiting the doctor, I can't think of any. Gas costing you too much to travel to work, work remotely, countless jobs available. Have your groceries delivered.

My son makes six figures a year, he never leaves his apartment, NEVER. He eats like a king, everything delivered. I can tell you what he has spent on gas the last two years, ZERO. What is it, Walmart, a hundred bucks a year and free delivery. Amazon Prime, is that not free delivery as well?

So, there is this shampoo that I really like, I could buy a two pack, shampoo and conditioner, for ten bucks. Now, just the shampoo or the conditioner alone is nine bucks. Fawk that, I bought baby shampoo, and I cut it with water. I really like steak, I mean good steak, prime beef. But at twenty bucks a pound I will eat chicken. You starting to see how this works?

Just when one might have been tempted to think that you cannot possibly be any more ignorant than you already proven yourself to be, you go ahead and demonstrate that yes, you really can.

How does a construction worker work “remotely”? Or any of very many other kinds of workers? There are jobs that have to be done, for society to function, which require the workers to commute to where the work is to be done.

And if I don't go out shopping, if I have all my groceries delivered, don't you think that the one doing the deliveries needs to buy fuel for his vehicle, and to include that cost in the costs that he passes along to me?
You're preaching to the choir re: greed--I think your post is aimed at the OP. I agree with your view that everyone is greedy. However, the inflation we are seeing now was solidly under control until two years ago when the government artificially inflated the economy by releasing ridiculous amounts of money. Coupled with government overreach in regulations, costs followed. The profits of EVERYONE are not going to go down--nothing in that regard changed. The only thing that did, was the actions of the government trying to manipulate the market. Now inflation is out of control and the government response is more control i.e. an increase in interest rates to remove -- or at least stifle an increase in the money supply. The problem with that is it also stifles industry.
The Progs did a transfer of wealth swindle. They paid all of their special groups, unions off including the Prog local politicians who destroyed their economies in exchange for the worse tax of all. Inflation. Those local and state areas deserve to be suffering now like 2nd and 3rd world nations. That would show failure and with a population with a short memory they have successfully pulled the swindle off. 2 per cent growth is not going to cut it.
Are there particular corporations? If the farmer has to pay more for fertilizer for his crops, and pays more for workers to harvest those crops. Transportation costs are higher due to diesel prices and driver pay. Those costs are passed to the grocery store, which also has to pay more for their workers and utilities. All which get passed on to the consumer.
Yes you make fair points. The question remains what can be done on an all-around basis to get the prices lower to where they were during the trump administration
I can't fault the corporations. They are reacting to economic realities brought on by Joe Biden and the democrats. High Fuel Costs, High mandated wages for unskilled labor, social programs that lead to a shortage of workers because they are supported by the government, equity policies (as you mentioned) in addition to ridiculous regulations on producers and green initiatives. Who could not see this rampant inflation coming. Joe "your taxes will not increase if you make less than $400K" Biden lied through his teeth as he knew that if prices of EVERYTHING increased, then taxes would follow suit to fund his money laundering operation. I put 100% of the blame on Joe Biden and communist/globalist democrats.
The fuel cost is a major issue. They’ve come down a bit which is good. But of course that just dries up the price of groceries. So now the issue is with the oil corporations and the economy in general. So what about the oil corporations would you say that that one single percentage of blame goes to them or maybe they could do a little bit better to lower the prices?

What about the keystone pipeline. If that was to go through in the way people have said it should. How much of a difference could it make wet the price of fuel and therefore the price of groceries?
You're preaching to the choir re: greed--I think your post is aimed at the OP. I agree with your view that everyone is greedy. However, the inflation we are seeing now was solidly under control until two years ago when the government artificially inflated the economy by releasing ridiculous amounts of money. Coupled with government overreach in regulations, costs followed. The profits of EVERYONE are not going to go down--nothing in that regard changed. The only thing that did, was the actions of the government trying to manipulate the market. Now inflation is out of control and the government response is more control i.e. an increase in interest rates to remove -- or at least stifle an increase in the money supply. The problem with that is it also stifles industry.
Biden's policies didn't cause the spike in inflation. But those policies have darn sure exacerbated it, prolonged it, pushed it far further into our future than it had to be.
The short answer is that the people will accept just about anything as long as there is no outrage in the media and there won't be any outrage in the media as long as a democrat is in the W.H.
I keep on having to remind myself that we live in a country where huge swaths of Americans accepted the government telling them to wear a mask…. and accepted the government lockdowns. I mean if the government was capable of doing that to us what else is next? Certainly something to consider my friends
With 10 Million newly arrived Future Citizenry ( Illegals / Getaways / Visa Overstayers / Refugees ) then expect shortages & higher prices indefinitely
It certainly is an issue to look at their fail zero. That’s a good point to bring up
Corporations all across America have become incredibly greedy. They’re making up all sorts of excuses for why the grocery prices are still high. Come on Joe Biden where are you ….. you say you’re a man of the people man of the working man where the hell are you? He’ll give away all this money to support “equity clauses” which is nonsense. Where is the Democrat party to stand up for the workingman and force the corporations to lower the prices. If we don’t have any more Democratic voters or we don’t have that many who actually care about working class things anymore ….they have been brainwashed into supporting equity nonsense.

One of the worst things in this country is when poor Americans or working class American accept the talking points from billionaires that you should be happy paying a higher price. This shit would’ve never lasted in the American past when we had an honorable society.

we have work to do my friends
Do you know what the net profit margin is for grocery stores? I didn't think so.

The word you were looking for in your headline is ACCEPT.
I can remember a day when during economic downturns the media would be out in full force reporting on the problems people and families are having... but not now... we see nothing on the pain people are feeling... and its because they the media aren't feeling it.... maybe that needs to change...
Here's why. Fox News has covered it extensively. As you know.

What is causing inflation is stupid shits still buying stuff when the price goes up. What part of supply and demand do you not understand.

Yeah imagine that, stupid people still buying food when they're hungry.

Damn you're dumb.

4.8 million people in CA, and about 27 million nationwide, receive food stamps.

There's no discount for EBT.

Not let China buy up & Control 25% of our Farmlands would be a start

That’s a good point there about China. By the way when it comes to us shipping jobs overseas that’s something that Republicans are partially responsible for. So a lot of Republicans(don’t worry Democrats aren’t doing anything about this they’re way too concentrated on race issues) well perhaps some of them look at an issue like this and they hand wave it they say oh it’s fine the corporations just wanna make more money. It’s like are you kidding me that’s a disgrace and there’s no place in America to think like that to act like that. No bring the jobs back to this country

The US government which is a drug dealer making 22% sales tax on marijuana sales. They have so many Americans republican and democrat right where they want them. They have us arguing with each other over nonsense they have them agreeing with big time corporations they have them agreeing with BLM they got them high on dope. We got so many Americans zonked out on Instagram and Twitter and social media they’re staring at their phones all day. Wow we have work to do to make things right in this country.

We have work to do as Americans and we will get the job done….. because we’ve been through much worse that’s for sure and we will get through this current tide of challenges.
That’s a good point there about China. By the way when it comes to us shipping jobs overseas that’s something that Republicans are partially responsible for. So a lot of Republicans(don’t worry Democrats aren’t doing anything about this they’re way too concentrated on race issues) well perhaps some of them look at an issue like this and they hand wave it they say oh it’s fine the corporations just wanna make more money. It’s like are you kidding me that’s a disgrace and there’s no place in America to think like that to act like that. No bring the jobs back to this country

Do US government which is a drug dealer making 22% sales tax on marijuana sales. They have so many Americans republican and democrat right where they want them. They have us arguing with each other over nonsense they have them agreeing with big time corporations they have them agreeing with BLM they got them high on dope.

We have work to do as Americans and we will get the job done because we’ve been through much worse that’s for sure and we will get through this current tide of challenges.
The Clinton era saw our Machinery & factories as Expendable

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