How much longer will we the American people acccept high grocery prices?

Biden's policies didn't cause the spike in inflation. But those policies have darn sure exacerbated it, prolonged it, pushed it far further into our future than it had to be.

Bullshit. Three things are causing the current spike in inflation

1) Increase in the costs of global commodities. This has already largely passed and companies are already starting to claw back savings. (Don't worry, consumers won't see them).
2) The labor shortage - Simply not enough Gen Z to replace those old Boomers who are retiring, much less their expertise level. So a kid out of college can demand a ridiculous salary, and he'll get it, too.
3) Trump's imposition of trade tariffs on China, where most companies get either components or finished goods. We could probably put a dent in inflation by getting rid of those, but we won't.
Bullshit. Three things are causing the current spike in inflation

1) Increase in the costs of global commodities. This has already largely passed and companies are already starting to claw back savings. (Don't worry, consumers won't see them).
2) The labor shortage - Simply not enough Gen Z to replace those old Boomers who are retiring, much less their expertise level. So a kid out of college can demand a ridiculous salary, and he'll get it, too.
3) Trump's imposition of trade tariffs on China, where most companies get either components or finished goods. We could probably put a dent in inflation by getting rid of those, but we won't.
Bullshit. Three things are causing the current spike in inflation

1) Increase in the costs of global commodities. This has already largely passed and companies are already starting to claw back savings. (Don't worry, consumers won't see them).
2) The labor shortage - Simply not enough Gen Z to replace those old Boomers who are retiring, much less their expertise level. So a kid out of college can demand a ridiculous salary, and he'll get it, too.
3) Trump's imposition of trade tariffs on China, where most companies get either components or finished goods. We could probably put a dent in inflation by getting rid of those, but we won't.
So your solution is to allow China to continue to devastate our currency, industry, and have complete control over all the supply chain? To continue to pay people not to work? And you suggest that the concept of supply and demand no longer works?

Do have a wonderful day Joe.
Look when you jack up the price of fuel and energy, the very thing that's required to grow food, manufacture and transport goods then prices will increase.
So your solution is to allow China to continue to devastate our currency, industry, and have complete control over all the supply chain? To continue to pay people not to work? And you suggest that the concept of supply and demand no longer works?

I don't think it ever did work, to be honest.

We aren't paying people "not to work", so let's start there. Unemployment is at 3.4%, which means that 96.6 of the workforce is employed at something. The labor participation rate is at 62.4%, higher than it was during the height of Trump Plague(TM), where it dropped to 60.1% By way of comparison, the LPR has never exceeded 68%. There has always been that percent of the population that is retired, are full time students, can't work due to physical reasons, or choose to be homemakers instead of employees.

Now, I realize that you think there's a Chinaman hiding under your bed, because that's what Fox News has told you. But let's get real. We are in a global economy, and a lot of those factories in China are now moving to India or Vietnam or Mexico because labor costs are cheaper than they are in China now. We live in a global economy. We buy from China, China buys from us. If we want to balance the scales, we need to find more products the Chinese want.

The ironic thing is, the Chinese actually like and admire America. In Chinse, America is called Měiguó, "the beautiful country". They don't hate us, they want to be more like us.
I don't think it ever did work, to be honest.

We aren't paying people "not to work", so let's start there. Unemployment is at 3.4%, which means that 96.6 of the workforce is employed at something. The labor participation rate is at 62.4%, higher than it was during the height of Trump Plague(TM), where it dropped to 60.1% By way of comparison, the LPR has never exceeded 68%. There has always been that percent of the population that is retired, are full time students, can't work due to physical reasons, or choose to be homemakers instead of employees.

Now, I realize that you think there's a Chinaman hiding under your bed, because that's what Fox News has told you. But let's get real. We are in a global economy, and a lot of those factories in China are now moving to India or Vietnam or Mexico because labor costs are cheaper than they are in China now. We live in a global economy. We buy from China, China buys from us. If we want to balance the scales, we need to find more products the Chinese want.

The ironic thing is, the Chinese actually like and admire America. In Chinse, America is called Měiguó, "the beautiful country". They don't hate us, they want to be more like us.
The unemployment rate is not the labor participation rate which remains very low. The government paid people not to work for far too long.

And if you think the Chinese are not trying to make our economy their economy you simply have not been paying attention. They already have the lion's share of our manufacturing jobs, they're buying up American properties as fast as they can and already have a huge share of business within our borders. Chinese owned Smithfield already controls 26% of the U.S. meat market.

It would pay us all to be aware and pay attention to these things.
Corporations all across America have become incredibly greedy. They’re making up all sorts of excuses for why the grocery prices are still high. Come on Joe Biden where are you ….. you say you’re a man of the people man of the working man where the hell are you? He’ll give away all this money to support “equity clauses” which is nonsense. Where is the Democrat party to stand up for the workingman and force the corporations to lower the prices. If we don’t have any more Democratic voters or we don’t have that many who actually care about working class things anymore ….they have been brainwashed into supporting equity nonsense.

One of the worst things in this country is when poor Americans or working class American accept the talking points from billionaires that you should be happy paying a higher price. This shit would’ve never lasted in the American past when we had an honorable society.

we have work to do my friends
Everything is some one else FAULT, we are just poor victims,
Everything wrong is to be blamed on Any one but us.
Like we are useless tools.
busy fighting each other
While the money & the power
gobble up everything they can.
The extra COVID stimulus payments ended a long time ago. There is no labor shortage. We can lower the prices some by lowering gas but the labor market is saturated with people so that is a non issue. What we need is another big wave of people retiring. That would help things.
The unemployment rate is not the labor participation rate which remains very low. The government paid people not to work for far too long.

Unemployment is low. The Labor Participation Rate is much better than it was under Drumpf.

No, the government didn't pay people not to work, it was just some sectors didn't recover as fast as others.

Now, I am sure that some people did look at the Covid Time, realize that they could afford Mom staying at home instead of Mom doing a menial job, and giving half of that to a daycare.

And if you think the Chinese are not trying to make our economy their economy you simply have not been paying attention. They already have the lion's share of our manufacturing jobs, they're buying up American properties as fast as they can and already have a huge share of business within our borders. Chinese owned Smithfield already controls 26% of the U.S. meat market.

OH, shit, not this again. I recall hearing this same shit in the 1970's when oh my God, the Arabs are buying American property. It was in fact a key plot point of the movie Network. Then in the 1980's, Oh my God, the Japanese are buying stuff.

Let's take your complaint about Smithfield. It wasn't bought up by "China", it was bought by a company in Hong Kong. A company looking to increase its market share in China, where there is an increased demand for American Pork. Or at least until the Orange Shitgibbon started fucking with things, and China went elsewhere for its port, and American farmers of pork and soy beans had to get government bailouts to keep from going broke.

It would pay us all to be aware and pay attention to these things.

Not really. China is nowhere as pure fucking evil as Corporate America.
Unemployment is low. The Labor Participation Rate is much better than it was under Drumpf.

No, the government didn't pay people not to work, it was just some sectors didn't recover as fast as others.

Now, I am sure that some people did look at the Covid Time, realize that they could afford Mom staying at home instead of Mom doing a menial job, and giving half of that to a daycare.

OH, shit, not this again. I recall hearing this same shit in the 1970's when oh my God, the Arabs are buying American property. It was in fact a key plot point of the movie Network. Then in the 1980's, Oh my God, the Japanese are buying stuff.

Let's take your complaint about Smithfield. It wasn't bought up by "China", it was bought by a company in Hong Kong. A company looking to increase its market share in China, where there is an increased demand for American Pork. Or at least until the Orange Shitgibbon started fucking with things, and China went elsewhere for its port, and American farmers of pork and soy beans had to get government bailouts to keep from going broke.

Not really. China is nowhere as pure fucking evil as Corporate America.
I notice you posted no information to dispute what I posted but just recite the assigned talking points.
Again have a nice day.

The extra COVID stimulus payments ended a long time ago. There is no labor shortage. We can lower the prices some by lowering gas but the labor market is saturated with people so that is a non issue. What we need is another big wave of people retiring. That would help things.
People in the food industry say the suppliers are making a killing.
I don't think it ever did work, to be honest.

We aren't paying people "not to work", so let's start there. Unemployment is at 3.4%, which means that 96.6 of the workforce is employed at something. The labor participation rate is at 62.4%, higher than it was during the height of Trump Plague(TM), where it dropped to 60.1% By way of comparison, the LPR has never exceeded 68%. There has always been that percent of the population that is retired, are full time students, can't work due to physical reasons, or choose to be homemakers instead of employees.
"Trump Plague", your desperation is duly noted.

Wow, the economy was shut down and the labor participation rate dropped out of sight. Go figure.

I notice you posted no information to dispute what I posted but just recite the assigned talking points.
Again have a nice day.

Your inability to process information isn't really my problem.

Employment is FAR better now than it was during Trump Plague/Recession/Riots.

Wow, the economy was shut down and the labor participation rate dropped out of sight. Go figure.

Well, 60.1% is hardly "out of sight". But it's a damn site better now than it was.

Here's the thing. A lot of people never got back in after TRUMP PLAGUE because they found they liked staying at home while their spouse carried the family. Now a lot of those people are jumping back in.
Lol. Trump is super rich. Biden himself is also rich. The rich people rule America. So what do you expect from the wealthy? lol. :)

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The short answer is that the people will accept just about anything as long as there is no outrage in the media and there won't be any outrage in the media as long as a democrat is in the W.H.

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