How much longer will we the American people acccept high grocery prices?

You got that right. Have you priced bags of apples,potatoes or onions lately?Hamburger? Bacon?

Only thing from depression era cooking reasonably priced would be the dandy lions from your yard…if you even have a yard :)
What policy can you cite?
That's why I'm gettin' chickens within a week. Homie don't play dat!
Good for you . That’s great that you could raise them on your own. A lot of folks can’t do that.

Today at the local grocery store well of course it’s a huge chain they got to maybe 30 or 40 of these grocery stores they’re making excuses they have some sign up they’re saying hey we know about the high inflation we’re sorry about the high prices we’re doing everything we can. We’ve heard this one before there’s all sorts of issues of these big-time corporations make. And it’s always the workingman who pays….. and it’s not a 30% inflation inflation increase sometimes it’s like a 300% inflation increase or 600% inflation increase depending on what you’re buying.

We got bad leader ship now… and I wonder if one day we’re going to have “Bidenvilles“ just like we used to have Hooverville‘s during the great depression.
How much longer do we need to hear you whine? I’m happy to forward you a copy of my grandmother’s depression era cookbook to help you figure it out if you’d like.
Black Lives Matter and far left folks who support them are the biggest complainers in this country by far and wide. You’re talking to me man you’re talking to a winner I was told I might not ever walk again couldn’t even feed myself couldn’t move my arms. Now I can walk for 2-3 miles. I cook for myself all the time. I’m always eating good food fresh food. Lots of protein. I don’t eat that shit from the fast food restaurants. I’m not on dope. I am my own Man.

now look it’s OK let me help you through this brother. Just breathe in and out in and out. And realize that In 2024 you have to put your vote in for Trump or DeSantis whoever it may be. Our Economy under Trump was leaps and bounds better compared to how it is now.

How do you like the working man in this country having to pay jacked up prices for not only the groceries but they can’t even afford a house. Do you like the sights of young people having to move back in with their parents. ? Oh I suppose you’re one of the lucky ones I guess ….. Who knows maybe you’re one of the leaders of BLM and you’re getting by by stealing millions of dollars from poor Americans.

I am with you we are united we are both in this thing together and I am just urging you to go back to your democratic core principles. Think about what John F. Kennedy would do. We need to think about what we could do for our country. And right now we got high grocery prices, high housing prices , high interest rates all of it is really bad for the workingman. We don’t have union jobs like we used to. We got a lot of work to do to right the wrongs.
Good for you . That’s great that you could raise them on your own. A lot of folks can’t do that.

Today at the local grocery store well of course it’s a huge chain they got to maybe 30 or 40 of these grocery stores they’re making excuses they have some sign up they’re saying hey we know about the high inflation we’re sorry about the high prices we’re doing everything we can. We’ve heard this one before there’s all sorts of issues of these big-time corporations make. And it’s always the workingman who pays….. and it’s not a 30% inflation inflation increase sometimes it’s like a 300% inflation increase or 600% inflation increase depending on what you’re buying.

We got bad leader ship now… and I wonder if one day we’re going to have “Bidenvilles“ just like we used to have Hooverville‘s during the great depression.
So, what policy of our leadership caused the price of chicken to raise?

Be specific fuckup.
You got that right. Have you priced bags of apples,potatoes or onions lately?Hamburger? Bacon?

Only thing from depression era cooking reasonably priced would be the dandy lions from your yard…if you even have a yard :)
Don’t you just eat dirt as a southerner?
Cry harder. The get your ass on that plane for Ukraine you ignorant fuck. Xiden’s policies have caused 40 year high inflation. It was in all the actual papers.
Again, what specific policy caused the price of chicken to increase?
Survive what? $4 eggs? :auiqs.jpg:
Being snide does not serve you well.

Who is hurt the most by these drastic increases in prices?

Corporations all across America have become incredibly greedy. They’re making up all sorts of excuses for why the grocery prices are still high. Come on Joe Biden where are you ….. you say you’re a man of the people man of the working man where the hell are you? He’ll give away all this money to support “equity clauses” which is nonsense. Where is the Democrat party to stand up for the workingman and force the corporations to lower the prices. If we don’t have any more Democratic voters or we don’t have that many who actually care about working class things anymore ….they have been brainwashed into supporting equity nonsense.

One of the worst things in this country is when poor Americans or working class American accept the talking points from billionaires that you should be happy paying a higher price. This shit would’ve never lasted in the American past when we had an honorable society.

we have work to do my friends
Don't you get it? Only woke CRT, drag queens in elementary schools matter.
Again, what specific policy caused the price of chicken to increase?

Bird flu has led to the deaths of more than 50 million farm birds and sickened dozens of mammals. 3 charts show whether humans should be worried.

Hilary Brueck
Feb 8, 2023, 11:09 AM
In addition to killing an unusually high number of both wild and domestic birds, this bird flu has also infected at least six people worldwide, including one patient in the US who suffered mild symptoms. But, so far, there's no evidence that the virus can transmit from person to person, which is why experts continue to stress that the risk to the public is low — for now.
Current unemployment 3.4% - lower than the former 1-term fuckup.

Current LFP rate 62.4%.
As of February 2023. What would be the unemployment rate IF President Biden had returned the LFP rate to President Trump's level, 63.4%?

What policy can you cite?
Published November 17, 2021 12:12pm EST

How Biden's policies ignited inflation

Inflation has soared from 2% to 6.2% in nine months

By Stephen Moore FOXBusiness

Inflation, as we all learned from our elementary economics textbook, is too many dollars chasing too few goods.
Hold that thought and everything else falls into place.

Because this simple and inviolable law of economics and finance explains in one sentence why the Biden government spending bills have accelerated the rise in consumer prices to their highest rates in nearly 30 years.

Remember: there have been three massive spending bills flushed into the economy this year – already -- and mostly financed with debt: the $1.9 trillion blue state bailout bill back in the spring and the $1.2 trillion infrastructure/green energy bill.

Published November 17, 2021 12:12pm EST

How Biden's policies ignited inflation

Inflation has soared from 2% to 6.2% in nine months

By Stephen Moore FOXBusiness

Inflation, as we all learned from our elementary economics textbook, is too many dollars chasing too few goods.
Hold that thought and everything else falls into place.

Because this simple and inviolable law of economics and finance explains in one sentence why the Biden government spending bills have accelerated the rise in consumer prices to their highest rates in nearly 30 years.

Remember: there have been three massive spending bills flushed into the economy this year – already -- and mostly financed with debt: the $1.9 trillion blue state bailout bill back in the spring and the $1.2 trillion infrastructure/green energy bill.


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