How much more of the GOP's backstabbing and betrayal is their voting base going to take?

What makes you think that the "majority of Americans on both sides" don't want "this"?

The vast majority of Americans on both sides have absolutely no comprehension of what "this" is.

The vast majority of Americans are against voting in favor of a treaty that is a 'mystery soup' and the few who have actually read it are against it.

Why the secrecy? Who is it being hidden from? What is the point of hiding this treaty from AQ, ISIS, the Russians, Chinese or whomever if you are going to declassify the thing and let the world read it ONLY AFTER IT PASSES?

The plain intent of classifying this treaty is to hide it from inspection by the public and for that reason alone it should be voted down.

Every Republican who plans to run against Jeb 'sellout-is-a-family-dynastic-business' Bush has just undercut any chance of getting the nomination.

I believe that the reason that it is being kept confidential until being signed is to keep the deliberations and provisions from affecting the various country's economies, either due to panicking over nothing or insider trading. ISIS has nothing to do with it.

As I said before in the other thread, I don't approve of the TPP for the same reason I don't approve of NAFTA, or any other "free trade agreements". They've consistently been sellouts to big business at the expense of the common American worker.

The markets just have to deal with the consequences of any treaty, report, law, etc, so that gives them no excuse for HIDING a treaty/agreement with such a huge impact from the public to review.

Yeah, Mr Transparency, right.

Public arguments over specific positions during the negotiations will cause much more havok then the release of the end result will, over a longer period of time.

The public's right to know trumps the abstract hypothetical 'damage' negotiations might have if made public. Markets have to deal with such forces literally on a daily basis, so why should the TPP be any different?

There is only one reason that makes any sense; they are hiding shit from us that they know would kill the treaty if known.

Would you buy a house if you could not review the closing documents? IF they told you that you could read them only after you signed them, wouldn't that be a clue to you that you need to walk away?

We need to walk away from the TPP.
What makes you think that the "majority of Americans on both sides" don't want "this"?

The vast majority of Americans on both sides have absolutely no comprehension of what "this" is.

The vast majority of Americans are against voting in favor of a treaty that is a 'mystery soup' and the few who have actually read it are against it.

Why the secrecy? Who is it being hidden from? What is the point of hiding this treaty from AQ, ISIS, the Russians, Chinese or whomever if you are going to declassify the thing and let the world read it ONLY AFTER IT PASSES?

The plain intent of classifying this treaty is to hide it from inspection by the public and for that reason alone it should be voted down.

Every Republican who plans to run against Jeb 'sellout-is-a-family-dynastic-business' Bush has just undercut any chance of getting the nomination.
The right's opposition to the measure has more to do with their unwarranted hostility toward the president than the merits of the measure.
What makes you think that the "majority of Americans on both sides" don't want "this"?

The vast majority of Americans on both sides have absolutely no comprehension of what "this" is.

The vast majority of Americans are against voting in favor of a treaty that is a 'mystery soup' and the few who have actually read it are against it.

Why the secrecy? Who is it being hidden from? What is the point of hiding this treaty from AQ, ISIS, the Russians, Chinese or whomever if you are going to declassify the thing and let the world read it ONLY AFTER IT PASSES?

The plain intent of classifying this treaty is to hide it from inspection by the public and for that reason alone it should be voted down.

Every Republican who plans to run against Jeb 'sellout-is-a-family-dynastic-business' Bush has just undercut any chance of getting the nomination.
The right's opposition to the measure has more to do with their unwarranted hostility toward the president than the merits of the measure.

The lefts dismissal of conservative concerns about this secret treaty has more to do with them projecting their own rabid partisan idiocy than anything to do with reality.

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