How Much More Of This Can Algore Take?

Actually, i am an old fart, and never have been a fortunate son, so I have been there,(Camp Eagle, 101st Abn, 70-71) but I don't see how it is pertinent, other than much of the Mecong Delta is doomed to be submerged because of rising sea level.

I felt it was "pertinent" in light of the boy in question assumed to be my instructor in GLOBAL inclement weather. As if most of these knotheads ever been anywhere else. So I thought I'd bring up an extreme weather incident I'd experienced; being discovered and hunted by enemy cadre in the middle of a monsoon.....imagine if you will, (maybe you have, maybe not) being in a situation the NVA could be a matter of meters from you and you can't see your hand in front of your face from the rain. SE asia has been experiencing terrifying typhoons since the beginning of time....that's what the knotheads are now laying on us....just because the US has been abandoned by the predicted hurricanes, doesn't mean they're not someplace else, right? Wrong. I was pissed and had had it up to here with one-shot-wonders dipping their toe in a thread and vanishing, thinking they'd scored a point on me. I normally suffer fools fairly well....that time I probably didn't.

BTW, your article is 4 yea old and the Delta is doing just fine.

The article is pertinent to the subject, and pertains to both current, an future events. Ice has melted in the last 4 years, it will melt more, so sea-level will rise.

We share some common experiences from 45 years back. Would be glad to discuss them in a thread that is not about "current" events.

The ice field at and around the North Pole has DOUBLED in the last year. The oceans have NOT warmed, the predicted hurricanes that were to destroy Florida never came. And I don't really give a shit what thread I'm in to teach some truth around here. :cool:
I felt it was "pertinent" in light of the boy in question assumed to be my instructor in GLOBAL inclement weather. As if most of these knotheads ever been anywhere else. So I thought I'd bring up an extreme weather incident I'd experienced; being discovered and hunted by enemy cadre in the middle of a monsoon.....imagine if you will, (maybe you have, maybe not) being in a situation the NVA could be a matter of meters from you and you can't see your hand in front of your face from the rain. SE asia has been experiencing terrifying typhoons since the beginning of time....that's what the knotheads are now laying on us....just because the US has been abandoned by the predicted hurricanes, doesn't mean they're not someplace else, right? Wrong. I was pissed and had had it up to here with one-shot-wonders dipping their toe in a thread and vanishing, thinking they'd scored a point on me. I normally suffer fools fairly well....that time I probably didn't.

BTW, your article is 4 yea old and the Delta is doing just fine.

The article is pertinent to the subject, and pertains to both current, an future events. Ice has melted in the last 4 years, it will melt more, so sea-level will rise.

We share some common experiences from 45 years back. Would be glad to discuss them in a thread that is not about "current" events.

The ice field at and around the North Pole has DOUBLED in the last year. The oceans have NOT warmed, the predicted hurricanes that were to destroy Florida never came. And I don't really give a shit what thread I'm in to teach some truth around here. :cool:
North Pole ice is on water. Its existence, or non-existence makes no difference to sea level. That's a fact, though apparently, a new one for you.

On the otherhand, land based ice masses Greenland, Antaractica, Greenland, and glaciers, are melting faster than new accumulations can recover, thus the expected surmise of the Mecong delta, and other low-lying coastal population centers of the world.

Progressives are trying to prepare for, if not avert, that calamity, while conservatives continue to stick their heads in the sand.

North Carolina lawmakers reject sea level rise predictions
The article is pertinent to the subject, and pertains to both current, an future events. Ice has melted in the last 4 years, it will melt more, so sea-level will rise.

We share some common experiences from 45 years back. Would be glad to discuss them in a thread that is not about "current" events.

The ice field at and around the North Pole has DOUBLED in the last year. The oceans have NOT warmed, the predicted hurricanes that were to destroy Florida never came. And I don't really give a shit what thread I'm in to teach some truth around here. :cool:
North Pole ice is on water. Its existence, or non-existence makes no difference to sea level. That's a fact, though apparently, a new one for you.

On the otherhand, land based ice masses Greenland, Antaractica, Greenland, and glaciers, are melting faster than new accumulations can recover, thus the expected surmise of the Mecong delta, and other low-lying coastal population centers of the world.

Progressives are trying to prepare for, if not avert, that calamity, while conservatives continue to stick their heads in the sand.

North Carolina lawmakers reject sea level rise predictions

Okay fine....I tried to be civil to you but that's no longer possible......look ASSHOLE, you can believe what you please but you will not continue to hurt the US by crippling our industry and coal and oil production with your it? There's nothing "progressive" about lying through your teeth. And if you're making money by continuing with this charade, I fully intend to lend any help I can to seeing your kind jailed for fraud. Fair warning.
But but Algore was just on tv last night talking about how he was right.
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its been 7 months since the polar weather hit florida in March,,,well? I am still waiting for an explanation!!

It isn't unusual for the Polar Jet Stream to dip this far south. It has happened before.

This concept might be difficult to explain though - I'm not a scientist - but the globe didn't get any colder when Florida got colder. That cold air already existed in the Arctic and Canada, before it escaped to the US south.

Think of opening a refrigerator door, and the formerly trapped cold air hits you - you, and the area around you are suddenly colder, but just as that cold air is coming at you, warm air from the room is replacing the cold air inside the refrigerator ! No net gain or loss of temperature.

Same thing happened when it got colder in Florida - it got warmer in the Arctic!
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i am really concerned for the millions of penguins in the north pole this winter, what if they all catch pnuemonia or bronchitis? they wont get any treatment unless they sign up for Obama-Care.
i am really concerned for the millions of penguins in the north pole this winter, what if they all catch pnuemonia or bronchitis? they wont get any treatment unless they sign up for Obama-Care.

Wrong pole!

But i suppose combining a half-witted Obama criticism with a half-witted environmental criticism, make complete sense in right-wing world!
The ice field at and around the North Pole has DOUBLED in the last year. The oceans have NOT warmed, the predicted hurricanes that were to destroy Florida never came. And I don't really give a shit what thread I'm in to teach some truth around here. :cool:
North Pole ice is on water. Its existence, or non-existence makes no difference to sea level. That's a fact, though apparently, a new one for you.

On the otherhand, land based ice masses Greenland, Antaractica, Greenland, and glaciers, are melting faster than new accumulations can recover, thus the expected surmise of the Mecong delta, and other low-lying coastal population centers of the world.

Progressives are trying to prepare for, if not avert, that calamity, while conservatives continue to stick their heads in the sand.

North Carolina lawmakers reject sea level rise predictions

Okay fine....I tried to be civil to you but that's no longer possible......look ASSHOLE, you can believe what you please but you will not continue to hurt the US by crippling our industry and coal and oil production with your it? There's nothing "progressive" about lying through your teeth. And if you're making money by continuing with this charade, I fully intend to lend any help I can to seeing your kind jailed for fraud. Fair warning.

Your "civil" could use some work. I think it just a bit rusty. And your butthurt meter doesn't seem accurate either. But mainly, that's ok, though I do wish you would use scientific sources for your scientific data.
Correct. There are still s few loons who believe in Al Gore all over the world. Though their number is diminishing. I bet those deadbeat Norwegian has-been politicians who were on the Nobel committee when it gave Gore the peace prize are feeling pretty shame-faced now.

I'll bet you don't know shit from shinola when it comes to science.

Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University in the world states that AGW is a fact, and a danger to our future. And your opiinion is based on?

One more time.

Why has there been no warming since 1998?
Yet there has been! We've had the warmest period since man has been recording temperatures!

The oceans have warmed, and the sea ice, land ice, and glaciers over the world contine to melt.

And it hasn't been cooling since 1998. 2005 was hotter than 1998. What's more, globally, the hottest 12-month period ever recorded was from June 2009 to May 2010.

Increase in heat will not necessarily be straight line, but it will continue to warm!

Oddly, many who deny global warming say it is actually cooling! Where is the evidence of that?
Your "civil" could use some work. I think it just a bit rusty. And your butthurt meter doesn't seem accurate either. But mainly, that's ok, though I do wish you would use scientific sources for your scientific data.

You hid your idiocy long enough to get civil replies from me....once it was clear you're a lying asshole left hanging by the weather we've had, I saw no reason to continue being civil. As to "butt-hurt" I'd reprhase that next time if I were you since you're still wearing part of my boot in yours.
Yet there has been! We've had the warmest period since man has been recording temperatures!

The oceans have warmed, and the sea ice, land ice, and glaciers over the world contine to melt.

And it hasn't been cooling since 1998. 2005 was hotter than 1998. What's more, globally, the hottest 12-month period ever recorded was from June 2009 to May 2010.

Increase in heat will not necessarily be straight line, but it will continue to warm!

Oddly, many who deny global warming say it is actually cooling! Where is the evidence of that?


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