How Much More Of This Can Algore Take?

Ever been on a Recon team in a monsoon in the Central Highlands of Vietnam with a couple hundred hard-core NVA lookin for ya bitch? Of course you haven't and consquently have no business talking shit about the "GLOBE" to it?

To be fair, he has every right to talk shit about the "GLOBE", and your service does not give you defacto permission to shut down the conversation. You will of course take this advice wrong, call me a liberal etc, but you know I'm right.

I might say it is a bit unusual for the average nam vet to talk about his exploits and use the word "bitch" in the manner you did.

Tell me what you know about the "average nam vet"...I got a couple seconds. First off you have no right to refer to Vietnam as "nam", you show your lack of respect by not capitalizing "Vet", and I couldn't care less what you think of my treatment of elitist leftist trash here. My service gives me extraordinary rights to shut down a conversation the little prick showed no repect in...rights you do not have. You also have no right to give me your punk-ass advice whether you're a "liberal" or not. What the fuck do you know about anything? Ever been in a monsoon or a typhoon have ya? Do not pretend you are my equal in any manner, got it?

The more you post, the more I think that you were never in 'Nam and are one of those sorry bastards that has to pose as one of their betters in order to have even the faintest amount of self respect.:eusa_hand:
Armchair psychology from guys like oldrocks is about as useful as philosophical opines from guys like Corky.
Wildfires in the US

Continent on Fire: Map Shows 6 Months of Wildfires Burning North America - Wired Science

It’s not clear yet where 2013 will rank among the country’s worst wildfire seasons, but we are well behind last year, which was the third worst since the NIFC began tracking in 1960. This time last year, almost 7.3 million acres had burned, and so far this year, we are closer to half of that at 3.7 million.

Last year’s total charred acreage was over 9.3 million. The record was in 2006 when nearly 9.9 million acres burned, and 2007 saw another 9.3 million acres go up.

Though 2012 was close to a record for total area burned, the total number of fires was 67,774, which is well below the average of around 105,000. Fires are getting bigger. The number of individual fires this year is also behind last year, but not as far behind as in acreage — this year’s 31,258 fires is 71 percent of the 43,932 recorded by this time last year.
This might come as a surprise to you, but the US is not the entire world! That's why they call it GLOBAL warming!

Correct. There are still s few loons who believe in Al Gore all over the world. Though their number is diminishing. I bet those deadbeat Norwegian has-been politicians who were on the Nobel committee when it gave Gore the peace prize are feeling pretty shame-faced now.
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Gore has become filthy rich, while most of you work 9 - 5.

Becoming filthy rich is only acceptable for limo LOLberals. Everyone else is evil and should have their wealth confiscated. LOLberals are nothing if not predictably stupid.

Don't know what your problem is, but I have no problem with people gaining wealth. As long as they pack their fair share of taxes. Those that gain the most from the system should pay the most back in. Kind of like priming the pump.
This might come as a surprise to you, but the US is not the entire world! That's why they call it GLOBAL warming!

Correct. There are still s few loons who believe in Al Gore all over the world. Though their number is diminishing. I bet those deadbeat Norwegian has-been politicians who were on the Nobel committee when it gave Gore the peace prize are feeling pretty shame-faced now.

I'll bet you don't know shit from shinola when it comes to science.

Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University in the world states that AGW is a fact, and a danger to our future. And your opiinion is based on?
Gore has become filthy rich, while most of you work 9 - 5.

Becoming filthy rich is only acceptable for limo LOLberals. Everyone else is evil and should have their wealth confiscated. LOLberals are nothing if not predictably stupid.

Don't know what your problem is, but I have no problem with people gaining wealth. As long as they pack their fair share of taxes. Those that gain the most from the system should pay the most back in. Kind of like priming the pump.

As if the government is the one that gave someone the opportunity to commence in commerce.


"Fair share". The short, down syndromed offspring of LOLberalism.

Yes, you want to steal what you would consider "fair" from someone else.
This might come as a surprise to you, but the US is not the entire world! That's why they call it GLOBAL warming!

Correct. There are still s few loons who believe in Al Gore all over the world. Though their number is diminishing. I bet those deadbeat Norwegian has-been politicians who were on the Nobel committee when it gave Gore the peace prize are feeling pretty shame-faced now.

I'll bet you don't know shit from shinola when it comes to science.

Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University in the world states that AGW is a fact, and a danger to our future. And your opiinion is based on?

What a bold faced lie.
you show your lack of respect by not capitalizing "Vet",

Why would he? Generally in English, only proper nouns are capitalized, such as names, places, and titles.

No, "generally" even bipolar mutts like RC recognize we Vets are why you're writing your anal-retentive nonsense in English instead of German, or Russian.
The more you post, the more I think that you were never in 'Nam and are one of those sorry bastards that has to pose as one of their betters in order to have even the faintest amount of self respect.:eusa_hand:

Whereas the more you post the more I realize you were always an envious stinkin hippie doper who lost every encounter with athletes and Vets your entire miserable life. Nowdays your ponytail is grey, your gut hangs over your cheap jeans, and you're stealing taxpayer money posting here instead of doing your meaningless democrap gubmint job. ESAD ya creep-show Z-ero.
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Correct. There are still s few loons who believe in Al Gore all over the world. Though their number is diminishing. I bet those deadbeat Norwegian has-been politicians who were on the Nobel committee when it gave Gore the peace prize are feeling pretty shame-faced now.

I'll bet you don't know shit from shinola when it comes to science.

Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University in the world states that AGW is a fact, and a danger to our future. And your opiinion is based on?

What a bold faced lie.

Exactly.....the whole charade was built on grant money for nutty professors and to keep NASA funded....phony sensors, phony data collection, phony propaganda from PBS all to deindustrialize the US while leaving China and India exempt from Kyoto. Gore should be indicted, tried, and hanged by his heels at the north pole.

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