How Much More Of This Can Algore Take?

you show your lack of respect by not capitalizing "Vet",

Why would he? Generally in English, only proper nouns are capitalized, such as names, places, and titles.

No, "generally" even bipolar mutts like RC recognize we Vets are why you're writing your anal-retentive nonsense in English instead of German, or Russian.

That's a load of bullshit for the most part sorry to say. I wouldn't have brought it up but there is only so much of this we "fought to defend your rights" BS that I can take. But be free to explain to me when you fought for my rights.
This might come as a surprise to you, but the US is not the entire world! That's why they call it GLOBAL warming!

Correct. There are still s few loons who believe in Al Gore all over the world. Though their number is diminishing. I bet those deadbeat Norwegian has-been politicians who were on the Nobel committee when it gave Gore the peace prize are feeling pretty shame-faced now.

I'll bet you don't know shit from shinola when it comes to science.

Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University in the world states that AGW is a fact, and a danger to our future. And your opiinion is based on?

One more time.

Why has there been no warming since 1998?
Why would he? Generally in English, only proper nouns are capitalized, such as names, places, and titles.

No, "generally" even bipolar mutts like RC recognize we Vets are why you're writing your anal-retentive nonsense in English instead of German, or Russian.

That's a load of bullshit for the most part sorry to say. I wouldn't have brought it up but there is only so much of this we "fought to defend your rights" BS that I can take. But be free to explain to me when you fought for my rights.

I couldn't care less about your take them for granted so why should I attach any importance to them? I know you think of yourself as some sort of rebel anarchist with your beat to shit AR-15 you don't know how to clean and your bookworm insights into what us combat Vets know first hand. This thread was a joke about algore and some Barrybot tried to tell a Marine about the "Globe"...take a look at our logo and tell me what him or you might know about the "Globe" a retired Marine Colonel does not know....or just STFU which in your case would take less effort.

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No, "generally" even bipolar mutts like RC recognize we Vets are why you're writing your anal-retentive nonsense in English instead of German, or Russian.

That's a load of bullshit for the most part sorry to say. I wouldn't have brought it up but there is only so much of this we "fought to defend your rights" BS that I can take. But be free to explain to me when you fought for my rights.

I couldn't care less about your take them for granted so why should I attach any importance to them? I know you think of yourself as some sort of rebel anarchist with your beat to shit AR-15 you don't know how to clean and your bookworm insights into what us combat Vets know first hand. This thread was a joke about algore and some Barrybot tried to tell a Marine about the "Globe"...take a look at our logo and tell me what him or you might know about the "Globe" a retired Marine Colonel does not know....or just STFU which in your case would take less effort.


You're too high strung to be believed.

And my AR's are in fine shape thank you Colonel Pyle.

"rebel anarchist"? Hardly.
This might come as a surprise to you, but the US is not the entire world! That's why they call it GLOBAL warming!

Correct. There are still s few loons who believe in Al Gore all over the world. Though their number is diminishing. I bet those deadbeat Norwegian has-been politicians who were on the Nobel committee when it gave Gore the peace prize are feeling pretty shame-faced now.

I'll bet you don't know shit from shinola when it comes to science.

Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University in the world states that AGW is a fact, and a danger to our future. And your opiinion is based on?

My opinion is based on extensive reading into the issue over many years. From a rather good understanding of what constitutes good scientific method and wide experience of public affairs.

Not that many decades ago, well within living memory, all the 'National Academies of Science' would have told you that the continents were firmly anchored in their places; that only those who 'did not know shit from shinola', to descend for a moment into the vulgarity that is your preferred mode of expression, could imagine that Africa and South America were once joined. They were shown to be quite spectactularly wrong. So don't try the 'experts say' spiel on me.
Correct. There are still s few loons who believe in Al Gore all over the world. Though their number is diminishing. I bet those deadbeat Norwegian has-been politicians who were on the Nobel committee when it gave Gore the peace prize are feeling pretty shame-faced now.

I'll bet you don't know shit from shinola when it comes to science.

Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University in the world states that AGW is a fact, and a danger to our future. And your opiinion is based on?

My opinion is based on extensive reading into the issue over many years. From a rather good understanding of what constitutes good scientific method and wide experience of public affairs.

Not that many decades ago, well within living memory, all the 'National Academies of Science' would have told you that the continents were firmly anchored in their places; that only those who 'did not know shit from shinola', to descend for a moment into the vulgarity that is your preferred mode of expression, could imagine that Africa and South America were once joined. They were shown to be quite spectactularly wrong. So don't try the 'experts say' spiel on me.

LOL. And don't even try to tell me the history of the development of plate tectonic theory. It was noted even before the turn of the century in 1900 that the continental shelves fit together rather nicely. In 1902, Thomas Condon, the father of Oregon geology, published a book called "The Two Islands" in which he noted that the 'Two Islands', oceanic sediments and what are today called 'ophialites', appeared to be from much further south than there present location Eastern and Southwestern Oregon. Wegener not only noted the shape of South America and Africa, but showed the similarities of the fossils and rock formations in those two continents.

The problem with all of this is that you simply cannot plow continental material through much denser oceanic basalt. The evidence was there that these continents were once one, but there was no mechanism known for their movement. That had to wait for the seismic profiles of subduction zones, and the mirror image magnetic stripes at the rift zones.

In 1955, I was twelve years old, and read an introductory Geology text my 5th grade teached gave me to do a book report on. And it mentioned Wegener's Continental Drift theory and the evidence for it. And also stated that there was no known mechanism for that to happen. Now I am within a couple of weeks of 70, and am continueing what I started over 40 years ago. They honored over 90 of the credits that I earned over 40 years ago, and I earned another 27 last year, and am working on 9 more right now. And still working fulltime as a millwright in a steel mill. My major? Why, Geology, of course:lol:
I'll bet you don't know shit from shinola when it comes to science.

Every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University in the world states that AGW is a fact, and a danger to our future. And your opiinion is based on?

My opinion is based on extensive reading into the issue over many years. From a rather good understanding of what constitutes good scientific method and wide experience of public affairs.

Not that many decades ago, well within living memory, all the 'National Academies of Science' would have told you that the continents were firmly anchored in their places; that only those who 'did not know shit from shinola', to descend for a moment into the vulgarity that is your preferred mode of expression, could imagine that Africa and South America were once joined. They were shown to be quite spectactularly wrong. So don't try the 'experts say' spiel on me.

LOL. And don't even try to tell me the history of the development of plate tectonic theory. It was noted even before the turn of the century in 1900 that the continental shelves fit together rather nicely. In 1902, Thomas Condon, the father of Oregon geology, published a book called "The Two Islands" in which he noted that the 'Two Islands', oceanic sediments and what are today called 'ophialites', appeared to be from much further south than there present location Eastern and Southwestern Oregon. Wegener not only noted the shape of South America and Africa, but showed the similarities of the fossils and rock formations in those two continents.

The problem with all of this is that you simply cannot plow continental material through much denser oceanic basalt. The evidence was there that these continents were once one, but there was no mechanism known for their movement. That had to wait for the seismic profiles of subduction zones, and the mirror image magnetic stripes at the rift zones.

In 1955, I was twelve years old, and read an introductory Geology text my 5th grade teached gave me to do a book report on. And it mentioned Wegener's Continental Drift theory and the evidence for it. And also stated that there was no known mechanism for that to happen. Now I am within a couple of weeks of 70, and am continueing what I started over 40 years ago. They honored over 90 of the credits that I earned over 40 years ago, and I earned another 27 last year, and am working on 9 more right now. And still working fulltime as a millwright in a steel mill. My major? Why, Geology, of course:lol:

Good for you and good for Condon, who was up against an arrogant and self-satisfied scientific establishment, just as climate realists are today.

I wish you continued success in your studies. And the willingness to question the competence and motivation of 'authority'.
You're too high strung to be believed.

And my AR's are in fine shape thank you Colonel Pyle.

"rebel anarchist"? Hardly.

You stepped to me and got bitch-slapped for it, sonny. And now you've gone the "stolen valor" route like half a dozen other little toads here. I know your kind wants us Vets to be broken and haunted by our time in combat theatres. So when we use a real world experience without appearing guilty and needy, it violates your cartoon image of us and you act out. Most of us take insults like those quietly....I do not. Remember that next time you're inclined to lecture me about my treatment of your fellow shitheels.
I couldn't care less about your rights....

which proves you're not a real Marine.

real Marines fight for freedom and to protect the rights of American citizens.

now what does any of this have to do with Al Gore?

We fight FOR EACH OTHER ya mincing little homo....we kinda dig coming home to easy pussy for it too. Sorry if your fake hero-worship of us just took a hit....we know you leftist cretins hate our guts...real world....that's where we live.
Yes, that's it genius we hate vets, wow how brilliant.

Actually, we just don't care for load mouthed blowhards such as yourself who derail threads with their self-centered attention whoring..
Yes, that's it genius we hate vets, wow how brilliant.

Actually, we just don't care for load mouthed blowhards such as yourself who derail threads with their self-centered attention whoring..

That's can't measure up so you take anonymous shots like you did here. You ducked your obligation to serve this Nation and the guilt is seeping in....and guess what, as you get older it will get worse.....suffer bitch.
Isn't there an early cold front hitting the north/northeast this weekend?

I have not seen a PBS documentary on most any subject that didn't refer to GW as common knowledge. Expect them and the leftist MSM to get real ugly about the hoax now being commonly laughed at. Of course they don't care that it's crap science....GW went from a hairbrain theory to a profitable enterprise....Gore is just the tip of the iceberg (pun intended).....there are BILLION$ being wasted on it. With the left's political intentions becoming more clear as they grow more angry about being mocked, they've shut down contrary viewpoints....won't report them. :bow2:
This might come as a surprise to you, but the US is not the entire world! That's why they call it GLOBAL warming!

Ever been on a Recon team in a monsoon in the Central Highlands of Vietnam with a couple hundred hard-core NVA lookin for ya bitch? Of course you haven't and consquently have no business talking shit about the "GLOBE" to it?

Actually, i am an old fart, and never have been a fortunate son, so I have been there,(Camp Eagle, 101st Abn, 70-71) but I don't see how it is pertinent, other than much of the Mecong Delta is doomed to be submerged because of rising sea level.
This might come as a surprise to you, but the US is not the entire world! That's why they call it GLOBAL warming!

Ever been on a Recon team in a monsoon in the Central Highlands of Vietnam with a couple hundred hard-core NVA lookin for ya bitch? Of course you haven't and consquently have no business talking shit about the "GLOBE" to it?

Actually, i am an old fart, and never have been a fortunate son, so I have been there,(Camp Eagle, 101st Abn, 70-71) but I don't see how it is pertinent, other than much of the Mecong Delta is doomed to be submerged because of rising sea level.

I felt it was "pertinent" in light of the boy in question assumed to be my instructor in GLOBAL inclement weather. As if most of these knotheads ever been anywhere else. So I thought I'd bring up an extreme weather incident I'd experienced; being discovered and hunted by enemy cadre in the middle of a monsoon.....imagine if you will, (maybe you have, maybe not) being in a situation the NVA could be a matter of meters from you and you can't see your hand in front of your face from the rain. SE asia has been experiencing terrifying typhoons since the beginning of time....that's what the knotheads are now laying on us....just because the US has been abandoned by the predicted hurricanes, doesn't mean they're not someplace else, right? Wrong. I was pissed and had had it up to here with one-shot-wonders dipping their toe in a thread and vanishing, thinking they'd scored a point on me. I normally suffer fools fairly well....that time I probably didn't.

BTW, your article is 4 years old and the Delta is doing just fine.
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Ever been on a Recon team in a monsoon in the Central Highlands of Vietnam with a couple hundred hard-core NVA lookin for ya bitch? Of course you haven't and consquently have no business talking shit about the "GLOBE" to it?

Actually, i am an old fart, and never have been a fortunate son, so I have been there,(Camp Eagle, 101st Abn, 70-71) but I don't see how it is pertinent, other than much of the Mecong Delta is doomed to be submerged because of rising sea level.

I felt it was "pertinent" in light of the boy in question assumed to be my instructor in GLOBAL inclement weather. As if most of these knotheads ever been anywhere else. So I thought I'd bring up an extreme weather incident I'd experienced; being discovered and hunted by enemy cadre in the middle of a monsoon.....imagine if you will, (maybe you have, maybe not) being in a situation the NVA could be a matter of meters from you and you can't see your hand in front of your face from the rain. SE asia has been experiencing terrifying typhoons since the beginning of time....that's what the knotheads are now laying on us....just because the US has been abandoned by the predicted hurricanes, doesn't mean they're not someplace else, right? Wrong. I was pissed and had had it up to here with one-shot-wonders dipping their toe in a thread and vanishing, thinking they'd scored a point on me. I normally suffer fools fairly well....that time I probably didn't.

BTW, your article is 4 yea old and the Delta is doing just fine.

The article is pertinent to the subject, and pertains to both current, an future events. Ice has melted in the last 4 years, it will melt more, so sea-level will rise.

We share some common experiences from 45 years back. Would be glad to discuss them in a thread that is not about "current" events.
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