How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

  • Strong Theist

    Votes: 21 25.9%
  • De-facto Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Weak Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Pure Agnostic

    Votes: 14 17.3%
  • Weak Atheist

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • De-facto Atheist

    Votes: 8 9.9%
  • Strong Atheist

    Votes: 16 19.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 12 14.8%

  • Total voters
Illogical or irrational or knee jerk conditioned. One or the other. But when it comes to matters of faith and/or those who embrace matters of faith, some who reject that do so with equal fanaticism.
Agreed. Atheists can be as fanatical as theists.

Why there is no god

#32 says you are WRONG!

Militant atheists are just as bad as religious ones.
No, they’re not. There are no calls for slavery, rape or murder in the atheist holy book.

Atheists are most often called ‘militant’ when they passionately defend reason and advocate critical thinking. The bar theists set for perceived hostility appears to be any atheist simply voicing an opinion in dissent of religious belief. In contrast, the bar atheists set for perceived theistic hostility is any form of religiously motivated violence or oppression.

Atheism does not preclude someone from being argumentative or insensitive; those things are simply seen as being preferable to killing one another over an imaginary friend.

A ‘militant’ atheist will debate in a University theatre or appeal for the separation of religion and government. A militant theist will kill doctors, stone women to death, incite religious war, restrict sexual and gender equality and convince children they are flawed and worthless – all under the instruction of their imagined ‘god’ or holy book.

It can be argued that there is no such thing as a ‘militant’ atheist, that the term is itself a misnomer, because there is simply no ideology or philosophy in atheism to be militant about. If an atheist is someone who lacks belief in gods, then a ‘militant’ atheist is apparently someone who passionately lacks a belief in gods. All other possible beliefs and ideologies – including any desire to oppress theism – come from outside atheism. This is in contrast to religious belief, which often includes a set of laws and commandments purportedly derived from a supernatural source about which one can be ‘militant’.

Note: ‘Militant’ atheism is most often confused with gosateizm (state atheism), which was based on the ideology of Marxism-Leninism. It was this ideology which was responsible for the oppression and murder of theists under several 20th century communist regimes. Atheism is simply a lack of belief in gods with no inherit moral, political or philosophical baggage.

See also: The Ethics of Belief (a must read), Richard Dawkins on Militant Atheism, Christian Terrorism, Islamic Terrorism, Atheist Terrorism (no link found).

“I’m sorry if my insensitivity towards your beliefs offends you. But guess what – your religious wars, jihads, crusades, inquisitions, censoring of free speech, brainwashing of children, forcing girls into underage marriages, female genital mutilation, stoning, pederasty, homophobia and rejection of science and reason offend me. So I guess we’re even.” – Anonymous

This weekend I watched a horrible movie where Liam Neeson and Spiderman were Christians spreading the word in Japan. Christians will say how the Japanese atheists killed thousands of Christians but they weren't atheists. They too believed in a higher power. Just not Jesus. But Christians love to call them godless atheists. That is a lie. That's fudging history. Watch the movie and see. It's called Silence. Horrible movie.

Silence (2016) - IMDb
This weekend I watched a horrible movie where Liam Neeson and Spiderman were Christians spreading the word in Japan. Christians will say how the Japanese atheists killed thousands of Christians but they weren't atheists. They too believed in a higher power. Just not Jesus. But Christians love to call them godless atheists. That is a lie. That's fudging history. Watch the movie and see. It's called Silence. Horrible movie.

Silence (2016) - IMDb
Nice atheist spin. Yes, there are religious assholes, including atheist assholes.

What's your point? That Atheists and Theists have abused their fellow human beings? I agree. So what do you think we should do?
This weekend I watched a horrible movie where Liam Neeson and Spiderman were Christians spreading the word in Japan. Christians will say how the Japanese atheists killed thousands of Christians but they weren't atheists. They too believed in a higher power. Just not Jesus. But Christians love to call them godless atheists. That is a lie. That's fudging history. Watch the movie and see. It's called Silence. Horrible movie.

Silence (2016) - IMDb

You were saying? Here is such a sampling of Atheists given power and who used it to murder, enslave, impoverish, and devastate millions of people. You can find many Christians who have done bad things and yes people have suffered. But not on the scale that you find the Atheists wrecking murder and mayhem on such a vast and terrible scale.








Than Shwe


Kim Jong II


Mao Ze Dung


Pol Pot
Quote me saying I hate anyone for their religious beliefs....
I can't since you keep denying it, but then you make multiple posts like this: Search Results for Query: christian | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Clearly you hate Christians. Should I prove you hate me by your repeated lies and insults posted against me? That'll take a $25 Gold Membership bet. If you don't bet me, what does that prove?
When I say you I mean you theists not you personally. You not knowing that makes you seem a bit slow. And I'm insulting all theists not just Christians.

And I don't hate Christians. They've been brainwashed since birth and they aren't as intelligent or as brave as me. Do you know how hard it was to understand I'm not rejecting God I don't believe a God exists. Because every bit of evidence could have been man made up. If that's true then that wouldn't be gods test.

I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings but when you continue to insist the world is flat bluntness is required. Then I start lumping you altogether.

Anyways, this is where you guys start to get your feeling hurt because you realize every argument you make comes with a fatal flaw
This weekend I watched a horrible movie where Liam Neeson and Spiderman were Christians spreading the word in Japan. Christians will say how the Japanese atheists killed thousands of Christians but they weren't atheists. They too believed in a higher power. Just not Jesus. But Christians love to call them godless atheists. That is a lie. That's fudging history. Watch the movie and see. It's called Silence. Horrible movie.

Silence (2016) - IMDb
Nice atheist spin. Yes, there are religious assholes, including atheist assholes.

What's your point? That Atheists and Theists have abused their fellow human beings? I agree. So what do you think we should do?
Nothing to do. I don't want to stop people from worshipping. I only want to give the message to those who will receive it. The truth. There are people looking for it. It was one of the greatest days in my life when I finally decided the god people talk about doesn't exist. I was freed. And I'm happy to run into a lot of atheists here so I realize I'm not angry evil or going to hell. Other people agree you people are all nuts. And here is where I get to say it loud and proud. Can't do it anywhere else. You people are way too sensitive. So don't come to a sight like this and be shocked or offended.

And for the record I don't want to shake your faith if it provides you with comfort. I want to tell the holier than thou how ridiculous they sound. Sorry if you good people get caught up in the debate. You probably shouldn't be listening or participating.

And what do you care what I say? If you truly believed you would feel sorry for me. You wouldn't be talking about Christians as victims. They are all going to paradise when they die to become gods, right?
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If I truly believed I was going to become a god when I died and live in paradise I would be so anxious to die. I can't wait for the weekend. I'm going up north to ride my quadrunner. Are Christians looking forward to dieing?
This weekend I watched a horrible movie where Liam Neeson and Spiderman were Christians spreading the word in Japan. Christians will say how the Japanese atheists killed thousands of Christians but they weren't atheists. They too believed in a higher power. Just not Jesus. But Christians love to call them godless atheists. That is a lie. That's fudging history. Watch the movie and see. It's called Silence. Horrible movie.

Silence (2016) - IMDb

You were saying? Here is such a sampling of Atheists given power and who used it to murder, enslave, impoverish, and devastate millions of people. You can find many Christians who have done bad things and yes people have suffered. But not on the scale that you find the Atheists wrecking murder and mayhem on such a vast and terrible scale.








Than Shwe


Kim Jong II


Mao Ze Dung


Pol Pot
Ha! They didn't kill because of atheism, did they?

What was the 100 or 30 year wars about? What about the crusades? And don't forget Isis is a religious organization. You own Isis. I realize Christians aren't Isis but Isis is an example of religion gone wrong.
This weekend I watched a horrible movie where Liam Neeson and Spiderman were Christians spreading the word in Japan. Christians will say how the Japanese atheists killed thousands of Christians but they weren't atheists. They too believed in a higher power. Just not Jesus. But Christians love to call them godless atheists. That is a lie. That's fudging history. Watch the movie and see. It's called Silence. Horrible movie.

Silence (2016) - IMDb

You were saying? Here is such a sampling of Atheists given power and who used it to murder, enslave, impoverish, and devastate millions of people. You can find many Christians who have done bad things and yes people have suffered. But not on the scale that you find the Atheists wrecking murder and mayhem on such a vast and terrible scale.








Than Shwe


Kim Jong II


Mao Ze Dung


Pol Pot
Ha! They didn't kill because of atheism, did they?

What was the 100 or 30 year wars about? What about the crusades? And don't forget Isis is a religious organization. You own Isis. I realize Christians aren't Isis but Isis is an example of religion gone wrong.

The 100 years war was a series of conflicts between England and France as they vied for control of the area. The 30 years war was indeed retaliation against Emperor Ferninand who wanted to make Catholicism the official religion, but it was not genocide or mass murder of people. It would be no different than you wanting to make Washington DC officially Atheist and the states objecting mightily to that out of fear that you would then try to impose that policy on them. The conflict was economically devastating to all combatants but it was less a religious war than a war to retain self determination.

The Crusades were all politically motivated, not religiously motivated, and the Inquisition, while terrible, was fairly regionally isolated and short lived.

The point being that Atheism is not some kind of benign live and let live philosophy when it is imposed as policy. It has invariably created large scale oppression and tyranny on a scale that wars involving Christians never have.
This weekend I watched a horrible movie where Liam Neeson and Spiderman were Christians spreading the word in Japan. Christians will say how the Japanese atheists killed thousands of Christians but they weren't atheists. They too believed in a higher power. Just not Jesus. But Christians love to call them godless atheists. That is a lie. That's fudging history. Watch the movie and see. It's called Silence. Horrible movie.

Silence (2016) - IMDb

You were saying? Here is such a sampling of Atheists given power and who used it to murder, enslave, impoverish, and devastate millions of people. You can find many Christians who have done bad things and yes people have suffered. But not on the scale that you find the Atheists wrecking murder and mayhem on such a vast and terrible scale.








Than Shwe


Kim Jong II


Mao Ze Dung


Pol Pot
Ha! They didn't kill because of atheism, did they?

What was the 100 or 30 year wars about? What about the crusades? And don't forget Isis is a religious organization. You own Isis. I realize Christians aren't Isis but Isis is an example of religion gone wrong.

The 100 years war was a series of conflicts between England and France as they vied for control of the area. The 30 years war was indeed retaliation against Emperor Ferninand who wanted to make Catholicism the official religion, but it was not genocide or mass murder of people. It would be no different than you wanting to make Washington DC officially Atheist and the states objecting mightily to that out of fear that you would then try to impose that policy on them. The conflict was economically devastating to all combatants but it was less a religious war than a war to retain self determination.

The Crusades were all politically motivated, not religiously motivated, and the Inquisition, while terrible, was fairly regionally isolated and short lived.

The point being that Atheism is not some kind of benign live and let live philosophy when it is imposed as policy. It has invariably created large scale oppression and tyranny on a scale that wars involving Christians never have.
The point being that Atheism is not some kind of benign live and let live philosophy when it is imposed as policy.

the imposition from history was never from an existing state but the outcome and collapse of corrupt and oppressive regimes in all cases endorsed and supported by organized religions, 4th century christianity in Europe and a natural causal conclusion to the prevailing injustice.
This weekend I watched a horrible movie where Liam Neeson and Spiderman were Christians spreading the word in Japan. Christians will say how the Japanese atheists killed thousands of Christians but they weren't atheists. They too believed in a higher power. Just not Jesus. But Christians love to call them godless atheists. That is a lie. That's fudging history. Watch the movie and see. It's called Silence. Horrible movie.

Silence (2016) - IMDb

You were saying? Here is such a sampling of Atheists given power and who used it to murder, enslave, impoverish, and devastate millions of people. You can find many Christians who have done bad things and yes people have suffered. But not on the scale that you find the Atheists wrecking murder and mayhem on such a vast and terrible scale.








Than Shwe


Kim Jong II


Mao Ze Dung


Pol Pot
Ha! They didn't kill because of atheism, did they?

What was the 100 or 30 year wars about? What about the crusades? And don't forget Isis is a religious organization. You own Isis. I realize Christians aren't Isis but Isis is an example of religion gone wrong.

The 100 years war was a series of conflicts between England and France as they vied for control of the area. The 30 years war was indeed retaliation against Emperor Ferninand who wanted to make Catholicism the official religion, but it was not genocide or mass murder of people. It would be no different than you wanting to make Washington DC officially Atheist and the states objecting mightily to that out of fear that you would then try to impose that policy on them. The conflict was economically devastating to all combatants but it was less a religious war than a war to retain self determination.

The Crusades were all politically motivated, not religiously motivated, and the Inquisition, while terrible, was fairly regionally isolated and short lived.

The point being that Atheism is not some kind of benign live and let live philosophy when it is imposed as policy. It has invariably created large scale oppression and tyranny on a scale that wars involving Christians never have.
In other words when dictators want to rule they ban religions because religions stand up for the people. But other than being a secular nation I don't want to ban all religions. What if I find God tomorrow. I want to be free to worship if I choose
Illogical or irrational or knee jerk conditioned. One or the other. But when it comes to matters of faith and/or those who embrace matters of faith, some who reject that do so with equal fanaticism.
Agreed. Atheists can be as fanatical as theists.

I think in a very real way atheists are MORE fanatical. I mean, theists evangelize because they were told to do so by God, at least in their eyes, and because they want to save other people from miserable lives on Earth and eternal damnation afterward. What the hell is the overriding motivation for atheists to evangelize? But they do it, frequently with more fervor than I've seen from most religious types.
This weekend I watched a horrible movie where Liam Neeson and Spiderman were Christians spreading the word in Japan. Christians will say how the Japanese atheists killed thousands of Christians but they weren't atheists. They too believed in a higher power. Just not Jesus. But Christians love to call them godless atheists. That is a lie. That's fudging history. Watch the movie and see. It's called Silence. Horrible movie.

Silence (2016) - IMDb

You were saying? Here is such a sampling of Atheists given power and who used it to murder, enslave, impoverish, and devastate millions of people. You can find many Christians who have done bad things and yes people have suffered. But not on the scale that you find the Atheists wrecking murder and mayhem on such a vast and terrible scale.








Than Shwe


Kim Jong II


Mao Ze Dung


Pol Pot
Ha! They didn't kill because of atheism, did they?

What was the 100 or 30 year wars about? What about the crusades? And don't forget Isis is a religious organization. You own Isis. I realize Christians aren't Isis but Isis is an example of religion gone wrong.

The 100 years war was a series of conflicts between England and France as they vied for control of the area. The 30 years war was indeed retaliation against Emperor Ferninand who wanted to make Catholicism the official religion, but it was not genocide or mass murder of people. It would be no different than you wanting to make Washington DC officially Atheist and the states objecting mightily to that out of fear that you would then try to impose that policy on them. The conflict was economically devastating to all combatants but it was less a religious war than a war to retain self determination.

The Crusades were all politically motivated, not religiously motivated, and the Inquisition, while terrible, was fairly regionally isolated and short lived.

The point being that Atheism is not some kind of benign live and let live philosophy when it is imposed as policy. It has invariably created large scale oppression and tyranny on a scale that wars involving Christians never have.
In other words when dictators want to rule they ban religions because religions stand up for the people. But other than being a secular nation I don't want to ban all religions. What if I find God tomorrow. I want to be free to worship if I choose

That is what all people who value liberty want.
Illogical or irrational or knee jerk conditioned. One or the other. But when it comes to matters of faith and/or those who embrace matters of faith, some who reject that do so with equal fanaticism.
Agreed. Atheists can be as fanatical as theists.

I think in a very real way atheists are MORE fanatical. I mean, theists evangelize because they were told to do so by God, at least in their eyes, and because they want to save other people from miserable lives on Earth and eternal damnation afterward. What the hell is the overriding motivation for atheists to evangelize? But they do it, frequently with more fervor than I've seen from most religious types.
Great question. First, I want to save people too like my neighbor who killed himself because his Catholic mom told him being gay sends you to hell. I never judged him. As an atheist it's OK to be gay.

Eternal damnation offends me. That's another reason I mock.
Illogical or irrational or knee jerk conditioned. One or the other. But when it comes to matters of faith and/or those who embrace matters of faith, some who reject that do so with equal fanaticism.
Agreed. Atheists can be as fanatical as theists.

I think in a very real way atheists are MORE fanatical. I mean, theists evangelize because they were told to do so by God, at least in their eyes, and because they want to save other people from miserable lives on Earth and eternal damnation afterward. What the hell is the overriding motivation for atheists to evangelize? But they do it, frequently with more fervor than I've seen from most religious types.
Great question. First, I want to save people too like my neighbor who killed himself because his Catholic mom told him being gay sends you to hell. I never judged him. As an atheist it's OK to be gay.

Eternal damnation offends me. That's another reason I mock.
You can make something out of almost anything. I hope you don't mind if I call BS on your self professed altruism.
Disagreed you don't hate. Clearly you do....
....For example when you say things like, "you will be punished for rejecting god"....
I've never said that and never would. Quote me or be known as a low-down scumbag lying hypocrite. Betcha a $25 Gold membership you can't! :)
Quote me saying I hate anyone for their religious beliefs. If not you will be known as a low down scumbag lying hypocrite.

I hate the sin not the sinners. I feel sorry for you ignorant fools. And you're holding us back as a species.

Has religion interfered with the advancement of humankind more than it has contributed to it?

the Dark Ages refers to a period of roughly 1,000 years during which the science of the ancient Greek and Roman societies was forgotten, discouraged, and suppressed by medieval Christians. By placing their "holy" book above all else and fighting anything that was not consistent with it, early Christians set back scientific progress approximately 1,000 years.

What is even more troublesome than losing the advances of the ancients to early Christians' war on reality is that there are Christians today working toward similar ends. Recall that opposition to modernism and anti-intellectualism are key components of Christian extremism. The result is that we have a politically influential movement in the United States opposing education, battling science, and working to prevent equality for women, LGBT persons and many other groups.

You know who makes me mad? Nancy Reagan. She was against stem cell until Ronny got Alzheimers. She was against gays before she found out her son was gay. And I'm sure religion played a part in her initial ignorant positions.

If you guys are offended, don't come to a thread like this. You will run into extreme atheists like me.

Being an extreme atheist means you extremely disavow God. It may not mean you're a hater, but it means that you'll likely turn into a Commie. I think atheism is for those people who do not like to think and be rational. Do you find yourself spouting liberal dogma and believe everything they tell you to believe? What's funny is that they claim to be the ones who invented rational thought. The theists are and will be better off.

Some of the current liberal trend is for politics to invade sports and consumerism. The idea is to separate teams and individuals who are liberal vs conservative. The actions are to buy products based on politics. It's silly. Buy what you want or need. It's not Coke vs Pepsi.
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Illogical or irrational or knee jerk conditioned. One or the other. But when it comes to matters of faith and/or those who embrace matters of faith, some who reject that do so with equal fanaticism.
Agreed. Atheists can be as fanatical as theists.

I think in a very real way atheists are MORE fanatical. I mean, theists evangelize because they were told to do so by God, at least in their eyes, and because they want to save other people from miserable lives on Earth and eternal damnation afterward. What the hell is the overriding motivation for atheists to evangelize? But they do it, frequently with more fervor than I've seen from most religious types.
Great question. First, I want to save people too like my neighbor who killed himself because his Catholic mom told him being gay sends you to hell. I never judged him. As an atheist it's OK to be gay.

Eternal damnation offends me. That's another reason I mock.

Just what do you think will be eternal damnation? The burning 24/7 forever is an old Roman Catholic belief which is probably overblown. What about losing your identity?
Illogical or irrational or knee jerk conditioned. One or the other. But when it comes to matters of faith and/or those who embrace matters of faith, some who reject that do so with equal fanaticism.
Agreed. Atheists can be as fanatical as theists.

I think in a very real way atheists are MORE fanatical. I mean, theists evangelize because they were told to do so by God, at least in their eyes, and because they want to save other people from miserable lives on Earth and eternal damnation afterward. What the hell is the overriding motivation for atheists to evangelize? But they do it, frequently with more fervor than I've seen from most religious types.
Great question. First, I want to save people too like my neighbor who killed himself because his Catholic mom told him being gay sends you to hell. I never judged him. As an atheist it's OK to be gay.

Eternal damnation offends me. That's another reason I mock.

Just what do you think will be eternal damnation? The burning 24/7 forever is an old Roman Catholic belief which is probably overblown. What about losing your identity?

Doesn't really matter. The point is, religious people who evangelize do so because they believe there will be eternal negative repercussions to people if they don't. What each theist individually believes those repercussions are going to be is irrelevant to the point.
... GTFU with that shit. Hate? Hah! This is just you getting sensitive because you can't argue your faith rationally and logically. You can't prove it. So you fall back on turning this into a personal thing. I must be angry or bitter. Well that's better than 100 years ago you would have said that was SATAN doing it.
GTFU isn't you making it personal? LOL

Still waiting for you to quote me on the false claim you made. No worries, I'm sure you've been rightfully called a liar several times before.

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