How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

  • Strong Theist

    Votes: 21 25.9%
  • De-facto Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Weak Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Pure Agnostic

    Votes: 14 17.3%
  • Weak Atheist

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • De-facto Atheist

    Votes: 8 9.9%
  • Strong Atheist

    Votes: 16 19.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 12 14.8%

  • Total voters
...Whats your proof that people lose their identity in the spiritual plane or that being one with God is not simply about being of one accord?

And whats the trinity have to do with anything?
I have none since, unlike you, I readily admit it's a belief. There is no proof either way, which is why these things are a matter of faith.

The Trinity is an example of a small group of men dictating to others on what to believe. Religion should be a path to God, not an end to itself. As the wise man said, "There are many paths to the mountaintop".
I agree with your objections to the trinity.

However I disagree with your assertion that my position about what scripture teaches about the subject of being one with God is a position of faith that cannot be proven by what scripture teaches..

I have shown it to you.

If you want to speculate on the nature of God without the benefit of thousands of years of teaching on the subject, you might as well try surviving without technology.
Thousands of years of teaching? Dude, a circle of men cherry-picked from hundreds of books and laid out the biblical canon in 325AD. It hasn't changed any since then. What has changed is that all other ideas on Jesus have been stomped out as heresy and heretics who didn't bend were executed.

They couldn't stomp out or repress what went over their heads in the stories that were included.

Anyway, dude, whether you like and I like it or not, much of modern society as fucked up as it is and the very notions of what is good or evil is based on stupid interpretations of those stories.

Do you need proof of that?

If you want to extirpate false doctrines and every consequent evil they must be pulled up by the roots.
Disagreed you don't hate. Clearly you do....
....For example when you say things like, "you will be punished for rejecting god"....
I've never said that and never would. Quote me or be known as a low-down scumbag lying hypocrite. Betcha a $25 Gold membership you can't! :)
Quote me saying I hate anyone for their religious beliefs. If not you will be known as a low down scumbag lying hypocrite.

I hate the sin not the sinners. I feel sorry for you ignorant fools. And you're holding us back as a species.

Has religion interfered with the advancement of humankind more than it has contributed to it?

the Dark Ages refers to a period of roughly 1,000 years during which the science of the ancient Greek and Roman societies was forgotten, discouraged, and suppressed by medieval Christians. By placing their "holy" book above all else and fighting anything that was not consistent with it, early Christians set back scientific progress approximately 1,000 years.

What is even more troublesome than losing the advances of the ancients to early Christians' war on reality is that there are Christians today working toward similar ends. Recall that opposition to modernism and anti-intellectualism are key components of Christian extremism. The result is that we have a politically influential movement in the United States opposing education, battling science, and working to prevent equality for women, LGBT persons and many other groups.

You know who makes me mad? Nancy Reagan. She was against stem cell until Ronny got Alzheimers. She was against gays before she found out her son was gay. And I'm sure religion played a part in her initial ignorant positions.

If you guys are offended, don't come to a thread like this. You will run into extreme atheists like me.

Being an extreme atheist means you extremely disavow God. It may not mean you're a hater, but it means that you'll likely turn into a Commie. I think atheism is for those people who do not like to think and be rational. Do you find yourself spouting liberal dogma and believe everything they tell you to believe? What's funny is that they claim to be the ones who invented rational thought. The theists are and will be better off.

Some of the current liberal trend is for politics to invade sports and consumerism. The idea is to separate teams and individuals who are liberal vs conservative. The actions are to buy products based on politics. It's silly. Buy what you want or need. It's not Coke vs Pepsi.

That's funny you say that

Why American Sports Are Socialist
Disagreed you don't hate. Clearly you do....
....For example when you say things like, "you will be punished for rejecting god"....
I've never said that and never would. Quote me or be known as a low-down scumbag lying hypocrite. Betcha a $25 Gold membership you can't! :)
Quote me saying I hate anyone for their religious beliefs. If not you will be known as a low down scumbag lying hypocrite.

I hate the sin not the sinners. I feel sorry for you ignorant fools. And you're holding us back as a species.

Has religion interfered with the advancement of humankind more than it has contributed to it?

the Dark Ages refers to a period of roughly 1,000 years during which the science of the ancient Greek and Roman societies was forgotten, discouraged, and suppressed by medieval Christians. By placing their "holy" book above all else and fighting anything that was not consistent with it, early Christians set back scientific progress approximately 1,000 years.

What is even more troublesome than losing the advances of the ancients to early Christians' war on reality is that there are Christians today working toward similar ends. Recall that opposition to modernism and anti-intellectualism are key components of Christian extremism. The result is that we have a politically influential movement in the United States opposing education, battling science, and working to prevent equality for women, LGBT persons and many other groups.

You know who makes me mad? Nancy Reagan. She was against stem cell until Ronny got Alzheimers. She was against gays before she found out her son was gay. And I'm sure religion played a part in her initial ignorant positions.

If you guys are offended, don't come to a thread like this. You will run into extreme atheists like me.

Being an extreme atheist means you extremely disavow God. It may not mean you're a hater, but it means that you'll likely turn into a Commie. I think atheism is for those people who do not like to think and be rational. Do you find yourself spouting liberal dogma and believe everything they tell you to believe? What's funny is that they claim to be the ones who invented rational thought. The theists are and will be better off.

Some of the current liberal trend is for politics to invade sports and consumerism. The idea is to separate teams and individuals who are liberal vs conservative. The actions are to buy products based on politics. It's silly. Buy what you want or need. It's not Coke vs Pepsi.

Atheists are most often called ‘militant’ when they passionately defend reason and advocate critical thinking. The bar theists set for perceived hostility appears to be any atheist simply voicing an opinion in dissent of religious belief. In contrast, the bar atheists set for perceived theistic hostility is any form of religiously motivated violence or oppression.

A ‘militant’ atheist will debate in a University theatre or appeal for the separation of religion and government. A militant theist will kill doctors, stone women to death, incite religious war, restrict sexual and gender equality and convince children they are flawed and worthless – all under the instruction of their imagined ‘god’ or holy book.

It can be argued that there is no such thing as a ‘militant’ atheist, that the term is itself a misnomer, because there is simply no ideology or philosophy in atheism to be militant about. If an atheist is someone who lacks belief in gods, then a ‘militant’ atheist is apparently someone who passionately lacks a belief in gods. All other possible beliefs and ideologies – including any desire to oppress theism – come from outside atheism. This is in contrast to religious belief, which often includes a set of laws and commandments purportedly derived from a supernatural source about which one can be ‘militant’.

Note: ‘Militant’ atheism is most often confused with gosateizm (state atheism), which was based on the ideology of Marxism-Leninism. It was this ideology which was responsible for the oppression and murder of theists under several 20th century communist regimes. Atheism is simply a lack of belief in gods with no inherit moral, political or philosophical baggage.

“I’m sorry if my insensitivity towards your beliefs offends you. But guess what – your religious wars, jihads, crusades, inquisitions, censoring of free speech, brainwashing of children, forcing girls into underage marriages, female genital mutilation, stoning, pederasty, homophobia and rejection of science and reason offend me. So I guess we’re even.”
... GTFU with that shit. Hate? Hah! This is just you getting sensitive because you can't argue your faith rationally and logically. You can't prove it. So you fall back on turning this into a personal thing. I must be angry or bitter. Well that's better than 100 years ago you would have said that was SATAN doing it.
GTFU isn't you making it personal? LOL

Still waiting for you to quote me on the false claim you made. No worries, I'm sure you've been rightfully called a liar several times before.
Have you run out of thing to say so now you are using the "i'm offended" argument? Trying to make us feel guilty for attacking your ridiculous religion?

Atheists are most often called ‘militant’ when they passionately defend reason and advocate critical thinking. The bar theists set for perceived hostility appears to be any atheist simply voicing an opinion in dissent of religious belief. In contrast, the bar atheists set for perceived theistic hostility is any form of religiously motivated violence or oppression.

A ‘militant’ atheist will debate in a University theatre or appeal for the separation of religion and government. A militant theist will kill doctors, stone women to death, incite religious war, restrict sexual and gender equality and convince children they are flawed and worthless – all under the instruction of their imagined ‘god’ or holy book.

It can be argued that there is no such thing as a ‘militant’ atheist, that the term is itself a misnomer, because there is simply no ideology or philosophy in atheism to be militant about. If an atheist is someone who lacks belief in gods, then a ‘militant’ atheist is apparently someone who passionately lacks a belief in gods. All other possible beliefs and ideologies – including any desire to oppress theism – come from outside atheism. This is in contrast to religious belief, which often includes a set of laws and commandments purportedly derived from a supernatural source about which one can be ‘militant’.

Note: ‘Militant’ atheism is most often confused with gosateizm (state atheism), which was based on the ideology of Marxism-Leninism. It was this ideology which was responsible for the oppression and murder of theists under several 20th century communist regimes. Atheism is simply a lack of belief in gods with no inherit moral, political or philosophical baggage.

“I’m sorry if my insensitivity towards your beliefs offends you. But guess what – your religious wars, jihads, crusades, inquisitions, censoring of free speech, brainwashing of children, forcing girls into underage marriages, female genital mutilation, stoning, pederasty, homophobia and rejection of science and reason offend me. So I guess we’re even.”
....and sometimes "militant atheists" are just fucking assholes like militant theists.

Still waiting for you to quote me on the lie you told about me. Sometimes "militant atheists" are just old-fashioned liars.
Atheists are most often called ‘militant’ when they passionately defend reason and advocate critical thinking. The bar theists set for perceived hostility appears to be any atheist simply voicing an opinion in dissent of religious belief. In contrast, the bar atheists set for perceived theistic hostility is any form of religiously motivated violence or oppression.

A ‘militant’ atheist will debate in a University theatre or appeal for the separation of religion and government. A militant theist will kill doctors, stone women to death, incite religious war, restrict sexual and gender equality and convince children they are flawed and worthless – all under the instruction of their imagined ‘god’ or holy book.

It can be argued that there is no such thing as a ‘militant’ atheist, that the term is itself a misnomer, because there is simply no ideology or philosophy in atheism to be militant about. If an atheist is someone who lacks belief in gods, then a ‘militant’ atheist is apparently someone who passionately lacks a belief in gods. All other possible beliefs and ideologies – including any desire to oppress theism – come from outside atheism. This is in contrast to religious belief, which often includes a set of laws and commandments purportedly derived from a supernatural source about which one can be ‘militant’.

Note: ‘Militant’ atheism is most often confused with gosateizm (state atheism), which was based on the ideology of Marxism-Leninism. It was this ideology which was responsible for the oppression and murder of theists under several 20th century communist regimes. Atheism is simply a lack of belief in gods with no inherit moral, political or philosophical baggage.

“I’m sorry if my insensitivity towards your beliefs offends you. But guess what – your religious wars, jihads, crusades, inquisitions, censoring of free speech, brainwashing of children, forcing girls into underage marriages, female genital mutilation, stoning, pederasty, homophobia and rejection of science and reason offend me. So I guess we’re even.”
....and sometimes "militant atheists" are just fucking assholes like militant theists.

Still waiting for you to quote me on the lie you told about me. Sometimes "militant atheists" are just old-fashioned liars.

I already told you when I say YOU I mean YOU PEOPLE. Not you specifically. So what if you don't believe in hell? So what you understand all the stories in the bible are allegories. Many many Christians don't.

And I'm sorry, but where else but here are atheists "militant"? No where. In fact you can't even find us in public, can you? You certainly can't send someone to blow up our church because we don't have one. LOL.
Illogical or irrational or knee jerk conditioned. One or the other. But when it comes to matters of faith and/or those who embrace matters of faith, some who reject that do so with equal fanaticism.
Agreed. Atheists can be as fanatical as theists.

I think in a very real way atheists are MORE fanatical. I mean, theists evangelize because they were told to do so by God, at least in their eyes, and because they want to save other people from miserable lives on Earth and eternal damnation afterward. What the hell is the overriding motivation for atheists to evangelize? But they do it, frequently with more fervor than I've seen from most religious types.
Great question. First, I want to save people too like my neighbor who killed himself because his Catholic mom told him being gay sends you to hell. I never judged him. As an atheist it's OK to be gay.

Eternal damnation offends me. That's another reason I mock.

Just what do you think will be eternal damnation? The burning 24/7 forever is an old Roman Catholic belief which is probably overblown. What about losing your identity?

Doesn't really matter. The point is, religious people who evangelize do so because they believe there will be eternal negative repercussions to people if they don't. What each theist individually believes those repercussions are going to be is irrelevant to the point.

I can use facts, reasoning and historical truths. Just because something could be material doesn't mean it exists as material. For example, the unicorn, the flying spaghetti monster, aliens, multiverses, traveling back to the past and so on. All of these are fictional and only exist in the imagination. We have atheist scientists who believe in aliens or multiverses without one shred of evidence. They claim we will find some microbe on another planet in ten years. They think life can just happen. It's all based on faith. Faith in evolutionary thinking or what they call "science."

Is this short life of ours all there is? No. The evidence is in the Creator and us. He's just like us. He created this wonderful place called Earth and some take it for granted. There are still places I haven't been to, sights I haven't seen, food I haven't tasted and things I haven't experienced. For almost all of us, the experiences of our lifetimes will be here. There are memories of our experiences. That isn't material. You have to ask yourself why there is so much power in love, the mind, ideas, intuition, certain thoughts and more. We also have an immaterial thing called identity. These aren't material things, but they exist. Another is that we all have a sense of justice. We all have a conscience. A couple more immaterial things, but still very powerful. All of these are evidence of an intelligent Creator and the immaterial exist.

That leads us to... Will there will have to be some sort of final judgment over one's life. Isn't that where religion comes in? Even atheists want some kind of punishment for the wicked. Those that murder. Those that provide false witness. Those that commit arson. Those that cheat the system to reward themselves. Even religions without so-called deity or deities think karma, the rebirth of one's spirit or the supernatural exists. The only religion I can think of without this is atheism (maybe they believe in luck). Why? Because atheism is more political than religious.

The biggest takeaway from this is another immaterial thing called identity. We all have that in this life. It's become more important now as one has to be able to prove one's identity.
Disagreed you don't hate. Clearly you do....
....For example when you say things like, "you will be punished for rejecting god"....
I've never said that and never would. Quote me or be known as a low-down scumbag lying hypocrite. Betcha a $25 Gold membership you can't! :)
Quote me saying I hate anyone for their religious beliefs. If not you will be known as a low down scumbag lying hypocrite.

I hate the sin not the sinners. I feel sorry for you ignorant fools. And you're holding us back as a species.

Has religion interfered with the advancement of humankind more than it has contributed to it?

the Dark Ages refers to a period of roughly 1,000 years during which the science of the ancient Greek and Roman societies was forgotten, discouraged, and suppressed by medieval Christians. By placing their "holy" book above all else and fighting anything that was not consistent with it, early Christians set back scientific progress approximately 1,000 years.

What is even more troublesome than losing the advances of the ancients to early Christians' war on reality is that there are Christians today working toward similar ends. Recall that opposition to modernism and anti-intellectualism are key components of Christian extremism. The result is that we have a politically influential movement in the United States opposing education, battling science, and working to prevent equality for women, LGBT persons and many other groups.

You know who makes me mad? Nancy Reagan. She was against stem cell until Ronny got Alzheimers. She was against gays before she found out her son was gay. And I'm sure religion played a part in her initial ignorant positions.

If you guys are offended, don't come to a thread like this. You will run into extreme atheists like me.

Being an extreme atheist means you extremely disavow God. It may not mean you're a hater, but it means that you'll likely turn into a Commie. I think atheism is for those people who do not like to think and be rational. Do you find yourself spouting liberal dogma and believe everything they tell you to believe? What's funny is that they claim to be the ones who invented rational thought. The theists are and will be better off.

Some of the current liberal trend is for politics to invade sports and consumerism. The idea is to separate teams and individuals who are liberal vs conservative. The actions are to buy products based on politics. It's silly. Buy what you want or need. It's not Coke vs Pepsi.

That's funny you say that

Why American Sports Are Socialist

See what I mean? The liberal masters, i.e. the rich want you to think politics should be in everything including sports and consumerism. I can show you an article between Nike (liberal) vs Under Armour (conservative) because UA's CEO spouted something.

My thinking is ignore all that BS. If you like Nike products and their shoes look good and fit you well, then buy it. Don't buy or not buy products because of political beliefs. Also, people with a business shouldn't mix business with politics or religion.
Disagreed you don't hate. Clearly you do....
....For example when you say things like, "you will be punished for rejecting god"....
I've never said that and never would. Quote me or be known as a low-down scumbag lying hypocrite. Betcha a $25 Gold membership you can't! :)
Quote me saying I hate anyone for their religious beliefs. If not you will be known as a low down scumbag lying hypocrite.

I hate the sin not the sinners. I feel sorry for you ignorant fools. And you're holding us back as a species.

Has religion interfered with the advancement of humankind more than it has contributed to it?

the Dark Ages refers to a period of roughly 1,000 years during which the science of the ancient Greek and Roman societies was forgotten, discouraged, and suppressed by medieval Christians. By placing their "holy" book above all else and fighting anything that was not consistent with it, early Christians set back scientific progress approximately 1,000 years.

What is even more troublesome than losing the advances of the ancients to early Christians' war on reality is that there are Christians today working toward similar ends. Recall that opposition to modernism and anti-intellectualism are key components of Christian extremism. The result is that we have a politically influential movement in the United States opposing education, battling science, and working to prevent equality for women, LGBT persons and many other groups.

You know who makes me mad? Nancy Reagan. She was against stem cell until Ronny got Alzheimers. She was against gays before she found out her son was gay. And I'm sure religion played a part in her initial ignorant positions.

If you guys are offended, don't come to a thread like this. You will run into extreme atheists like me.

Being an extreme atheist means you extremely disavow God. It may not mean you're a hater, but it means that you'll likely turn into a Commie. I think atheism is for those people who do not like to think and be rational. Do you find yourself spouting liberal dogma and believe everything they tell you to believe? What's funny is that they claim to be the ones who invented rational thought. The theists are and will be better off.

Some of the current liberal trend is for politics to invade sports and consumerism. The idea is to separate teams and individuals who are liberal vs conservative. The actions are to buy products based on politics. It's silly. Buy what you want or need. It's not Coke vs Pepsi.

Atheists are most often called ‘militant’ when they passionately defend reason and advocate critical thinking. The bar theists set for perceived hostility appears to be any atheist simply voicing an opinion in dissent of religious belief. In contrast, the bar atheists set for perceived theistic hostility is any form of religiously motivated violence or oppression.

A ‘militant’ atheist will debate in a University theatre or appeal for the separation of religion and government. A militant theist will kill doctors, stone women to death, incite religious war, restrict sexual and gender equality and convince children they are flawed and worthless – all under the instruction of their imagined ‘god’ or holy book.

It can be argued that there is no such thing as a ‘militant’ atheist, that the term is itself a misnomer, because there is simply no ideology or philosophy in atheism to be militant about. If an atheist is someone who lacks belief in gods, then a ‘militant’ atheist is apparently someone who passionately lacks a belief in gods. All other possible beliefs and ideologies – including any desire to oppress theism – come from outside atheism. This is in contrast to religious belief, which often includes a set of laws and commandments purportedly derived from a supernatural source about which one can be ‘militant’.

Note: ‘Militant’ atheism is most often confused with gosateizm (state atheism), which was based on the ideology of Marxism-Leninism. It was this ideology which was responsible for the oppression and murder of theists under several 20th century communist regimes. Atheism is simply a lack of belief in gods with no inherit moral, political or philosophical baggage.

“I’m sorry if my insensitivity towards your beliefs offends you. But guess what – your religious wars, jihads, crusades, inquisitions, censoring of free speech, brainwashing of children, forcing girls into underage marriages, female genital mutilation, stoning, pederasty, homophobia and rejection of science and reason offend me. So I guess we’re even.”

I notice you disavow state atheism which killed more people and committed more violence in the world than all of the religious killings put together. It's part of atheism and that's where atheism around the world is taking us to Communism and state atheism. Furthermore, Darwinism ended up as social Darwinism, Nazi racial policies, the Holocaust and black genocide with Planned Parenthood.

EDIT: I guess I'm not going to get what you believe is eternal damnation. I suppose there is none. Thus, one can infect gays with HIV and get away with it. Or oppose Hollywood values such as "public obscenities, decadence, narcissism, hypocrisy, rampant drug use, extramarital sex leading to the spread of sexually-transmitted disease, abortion, lawlessness and the promotion of the homosexual agenda" and get away with it.
Last edited:
Agreed. Atheists can be as fanatical as theists.

I think in a very real way atheists are MORE fanatical. I mean, theists evangelize because they were told to do so by God, at least in their eyes, and because they want to save other people from miserable lives on Earth and eternal damnation afterward. What the hell is the overriding motivation for atheists to evangelize? But they do it, frequently with more fervor than I've seen from most religious types.
Great question. First, I want to save people too like my neighbor who killed himself because his Catholic mom told him being gay sends you to hell. I never judged him. As an atheist it's OK to be gay.

Eternal damnation offends me. That's another reason I mock.

Just what do you think will be eternal damnation? The burning 24/7 forever is an old Roman Catholic belief which is probably overblown. What about losing your identity?

Doesn't really matter. The point is, religious people who evangelize do so because they believe there will be eternal negative repercussions to people if they don't. What each theist individually believes those repercussions are going to be is irrelevant to the point.

I can use facts, reasoning and historical truths. Just because something could be material doesn't mean it exists as material. For example, the unicorn, the flying spaghetti monster, aliens, multiverses, traveling back to the past and so on. All of these are fictional and only exist in the imagination. We have atheist scientists who believe in aliens or multiverses without one shred of evidence. They claim we will find some microbe on another planet in ten years. They think life can just happen. It's all based on faith. Faith in evolutionary thinking or what they call "science."

Is this short life of ours all there is? No. The evidence is in the Creator and us. He's just like us. He created this wonderful place called Earth and some take it for granted. There are still places I haven't been to, sights I haven't seen, food I haven't tasted and things I haven't experienced. For almost all of us, the experiences of our lifetimes will be here. There are memories of our experiences. That isn't material. You have to ask yourself why there is so much power in love, the mind, ideas, intuition, certain thoughts and more. We also have an immaterial thing called identity. These aren't material things, but they exist. Another is that we all have a sense of justice. We all have a conscience. A couple more immaterial things, but still very powerful. All of these are evidence of an intelligent Creator and the immaterial exist.

That leads us to... Will there will have to be some sort of final judgment over one's life. Isn't that where religion comes in? Even atheists want some kind of punishment for the wicked. Those that murder. Those that provide false witness. Those that commit arson. Those that cheat the system to reward themselves. Even religions without so-called deity or deities think karma, the rebirth of one's spirit or the supernatural exists. The only religion I can think of without this is atheism (maybe they believe in luck). Why? Because atheism is more political than religious.

The biggest takeaway from this is another immaterial thing called identity. We all have that in this life. It's become more important now as one has to be able to prove one's identity.
Very easy to find the flaws in your logic.

We think there might be life on Europa and there might be multiverse. Key word might. Why do you know there aren't?
....For example when you say things like, "you will be punished for rejecting god"....
I've never said that and never would. Quote me or be known as a low-down scumbag lying hypocrite. Betcha a $25 Gold membership you can't! :)
Quote me saying I hate anyone for their religious beliefs. If not you will be known as a low down scumbag lying hypocrite.

I hate the sin not the sinners. I feel sorry for you ignorant fools. And you're holding us back as a species.

Has religion interfered with the advancement of humankind more than it has contributed to it?

the Dark Ages refers to a period of roughly 1,000 years during which the science of the ancient Greek and Roman societies was forgotten, discouraged, and suppressed by medieval Christians. By placing their "holy" book above all else and fighting anything that was not consistent with it, early Christians set back scientific progress approximately 1,000 years.

What is even more troublesome than losing the advances of the ancients to early Christians' war on reality is that there are Christians today working toward similar ends. Recall that opposition to modernism and anti-intellectualism are key components of Christian extremism. The result is that we have a politically influential movement in the United States opposing education, battling science, and working to prevent equality for women, LGBT persons and many other groups.

You know who makes me mad? Nancy Reagan. She was against stem cell until Ronny got Alzheimers. She was against gays before she found out her son was gay. And I'm sure religion played a part in her initial ignorant positions.

If you guys are offended, don't come to a thread like this. You will run into extreme atheists like me.

Being an extreme atheist means you extremely disavow God. It may not mean you're a hater, but it means that you'll likely turn into a Commie. I think atheism is for those people who do not like to think and be rational. Do you find yourself spouting liberal dogma and believe everything they tell you to believe? What's funny is that they claim to be the ones who invented rational thought. The theists are and will be better off.

Some of the current liberal trend is for politics to invade sports and consumerism. The idea is to separate teams and individuals who are liberal vs conservative. The actions are to buy products based on politics. It's silly. Buy what you want or need. It's not Coke vs Pepsi.

That's funny you say that

Why American Sports Are Socialist

See what I mean? The liberal masters, i.e. the rich want you to think politics should be in everything including sports and consumerism. I can show you an article between Nike (liberal) vs Under Armour (conservative) because UA's CEO spouted something.

My thinking is ignore all that BS. If you like Nike products and their shoes look good and fit you well, then buy it. Don't buy or not buy products because of political beliefs. Also, people with a business shouldn't mix business with politics or religion.
I refuse to even try chic fil a
....For example when you say things like, "you will be punished for rejecting god"....
I've never said that and never would. Quote me or be known as a low-down scumbag lying hypocrite. Betcha a $25 Gold membership you can't! :)
Quote me saying I hate anyone for their religious beliefs. If not you will be known as a low down scumbag lying hypocrite.

I hate the sin not the sinners. I feel sorry for you ignorant fools. And you're holding us back as a species.

Has religion interfered with the advancement of humankind more than it has contributed to it?

the Dark Ages refers to a period of roughly 1,000 years during which the science of the ancient Greek and Roman societies was forgotten, discouraged, and suppressed by medieval Christians. By placing their "holy" book above all else and fighting anything that was not consistent with it, early Christians set back scientific progress approximately 1,000 years.

What is even more troublesome than losing the advances of the ancients to early Christians' war on reality is that there are Christians today working toward similar ends. Recall that opposition to modernism and anti-intellectualism are key components of Christian extremism. The result is that we have a politically influential movement in the United States opposing education, battling science, and working to prevent equality for women, LGBT persons and many other groups.

You know who makes me mad? Nancy Reagan. She was against stem cell until Ronny got Alzheimers. She was against gays before she found out her son was gay. And I'm sure religion played a part in her initial ignorant positions.

If you guys are offended, don't come to a thread like this. You will run into extreme atheists like me.

Being an extreme atheist means you extremely disavow God. It may not mean you're a hater, but it means that you'll likely turn into a Commie. I think atheism is for those people who do not like to think and be rational. Do you find yourself spouting liberal dogma and believe everything they tell you to believe? What's funny is that they claim to be the ones who invented rational thought. The theists are and will be better off.

Some of the current liberal trend is for politics to invade sports and consumerism. The idea is to separate teams and individuals who are liberal vs conservative. The actions are to buy products based on politics. It's silly. Buy what you want or need. It's not Coke vs Pepsi.

That's funny you say that

Why American Sports Are Socialist

See what I mean? The liberal masters, i.e. the rich want you to think politics should be in everything including sports and consumerism. I can show you an article between Nike (liberal) vs Under Armour (conservative) because UA's CEO spouted something.

My thinking is ignore all that BS. If you like Nike products and their shoes look good and fit you well, then buy it. Don't buy or not buy products because of political beliefs. Also, people with a business shouldn't mix business with politics or religion.

But even if they do, what harm is there? If the Chic-fil-a CEO advertises their policy that all their stores will close on Sundays so that their employees can attend church or just have a day off on what he believes is God's Sabbath Day, how does that harm anybody? If Tom and Jerry's choose to put a float in a Gay Nazi parade, how does that harm anybody? Am I going to refuse to buy something in either place because of their religious or political stances? No.

Should I refuse to enjoy "Sister Act", a movie I do enjoy, just because Whoopi Goldberg is politically offensive to me? Or "Moonstruck" (Cher) or "Shall We Dance" (Susan Sarandon.)

I do confess when Target refused to allow the Salvation Army Santa and kettle in front of their stores and Wal-mart continued that tradition, I chose to go to Wal-mart instead of Target. But that was to reward Wal-mart for what I see as a wonderful tradition, not to punish Target. If what I needed was at Target and not at Wal-mart, I would go to Target.

From one of my favorite all-time movies: "Chocolat":

No, I think we have the ability to hide the less-desirable aspects of ourselves for a very good reason.
IMHO, that's like a crippled person saying that they are crippled for a reason.

OTOH, there is the question of "why are we here?" Human limitations may be part of the mystery. I don't know, but it's something to think about.

Can't imagine why you would consider having privacy inside your own head to be "crippled".
The only reason to have privacy in such a case is to preserve one's identity; a selfish desire to remain apart and not become one with God. :)

Identity is an illusion; a human limitation. When we die, transcending our human limitations would be nice, eh?

No, actually, a very good reason to have such privacy from other humans is because we would be a lot less likable if they knew everything that goes on in our heads . . . which I'm pretty sure I already said.

Please don't start conflating our previous conversation, which has been exclusively about human interaction with "You want to be separate from God". I haven't said a single thing about God yet on this topic.
And, like I already said, since we'd grow up with it, like a two year old learning to share, we'd get used to it.

Perhaps, but it would also create significant changes in who humans are and how they interact and form societies. I highly doubt that we would be the social creatures we are now.
I've never said that and never would. Quote me or be known as a low-down scumbag lying hypocrite. Betcha a $25 Gold membership you can't! :)
Quote me saying I hate anyone for their religious beliefs. If not you will be known as a low down scumbag lying hypocrite.

I hate the sin not the sinners. I feel sorry for you ignorant fools. And you're holding us back as a species.

Has religion interfered with the advancement of humankind more than it has contributed to it?

the Dark Ages refers to a period of roughly 1,000 years during which the science of the ancient Greek and Roman societies was forgotten, discouraged, and suppressed by medieval Christians. By placing their "holy" book above all else and fighting anything that was not consistent with it, early Christians set back scientific progress approximately 1,000 years.

What is even more troublesome than losing the advances of the ancients to early Christians' war on reality is that there are Christians today working toward similar ends. Recall that opposition to modernism and anti-intellectualism are key components of Christian extremism. The result is that we have a politically influential movement in the United States opposing education, battling science, and working to prevent equality for women, LGBT persons and many other groups.

You know who makes me mad? Nancy Reagan. She was against stem cell until Ronny got Alzheimers. She was against gays before she found out her son was gay. And I'm sure religion played a part in her initial ignorant positions.

If you guys are offended, don't come to a thread like this. You will run into extreme atheists like me.

Being an extreme atheist means you extremely disavow God. It may not mean you're a hater, but it means that you'll likely turn into a Commie. I think atheism is for those people who do not like to think and be rational. Do you find yourself spouting liberal dogma and believe everything they tell you to believe? What's funny is that they claim to be the ones who invented rational thought. The theists are and will be better off.

Some of the current liberal trend is for politics to invade sports and consumerism. The idea is to separate teams and individuals who are liberal vs conservative. The actions are to buy products based on politics. It's silly. Buy what you want or need. It's not Coke vs Pepsi.

That's funny you say that

Why American Sports Are Socialist

See what I mean? The liberal masters, i.e. the rich want you to think politics should be in everything including sports and consumerism. I can show you an article between Nike (liberal) vs Under Armour (conservative) because UA's CEO spouted something.

My thinking is ignore all that BS. If you like Nike products and their shoes look good and fit you well, then buy it. Don't buy or not buy products because of political beliefs. Also, people with a business shouldn't mix business with politics or religion.

But even if they do, what harm is there? If the Chic-fil-a CEO advertises their policy that all their stores will close on Sundays so that their employees can attend church or just have a day off on what he believes is God's Sabbath Day, how does that harm anybody? If Tom and Jerry's choose to put a float in a Gay Nazi parade, how does that harm anybody? Am I going to refuse to buy something in either place because of their religious or political stances? No.

Should I refuse to enjoy "Sister Act", a movie I do enjoy, just because Whoopi Goldberg is politically offensive to me? Or "Moonstruck" (Cher) or "Shall We Dance" (Susan Sarandon.)

I do confess when Target refused to allow the Salvation Army Santa and kettle in front of their stores and Wal-mart continued that tradition, I chose to go to Wal-mart instead of Target. But that was to reward Wal-mart for what I see as a wonderful tradition, not to punish Target. If what I needed was at Target and not at Wal-mart, I would go to Target.

From one of my favorite all-time movies: "Chocolat":

I think you mean Ben & Jerry's. :)

To an extent, you're both correct. Mixing political or religious views with business is probably bad business practice, but that doesn't mean people should be stopped from doing so if that's their choice. Freedom means the freedom to be stupid, if that's what floats one's boat.

SHOULD you avoid things simply because one aspect of it is offensive to you? Not if you don't want to. By the same token, there's no "should" about ignoring those aspects, either, if you don't want to.

I stop doing business with companies when their offensive behavior becomes too much for me to ignore. Maybe it's cumulative, or maybe it's just one big thing they do that's too much for me. Depends entirely on the business and what they do. I won't eat Ben & Jerry's or buy Starbucks because their self-righteous proselytizing through their products has just accumulated too much, to the point where it completely overshadows their actual product. I won't watch a movie with Jake Gyllenhaal or Alec Baldwin in it, to name two, because their behavior outside of their acting has become so pervasive in my consciousness that I simply can't forget who they are and see them as their characters any more. I think it's a serious mistake for actors to make the public too aware of them as regular people, because their careers depend on their ability to make us believe in them as their characters, at least for the length of time that the show lasts.

On the other hand, there are companies who do things I don't care for, but I still do business with, because they haven't shoved it into my face sufficiently to make me stay away. There are actors whose personal politics I find distasteful, but they're smart enough to mostly keep it personal and allow to largely ignore it.

Won't shop at Target, because I don't like shopping somewhere I don't feel comfortable using the bathroom.
Agreed. Atheists can be as fanatical as theists.

I think in a very real way atheists are MORE fanatical. I mean, theists evangelize because they were told to do so by God, at least in their eyes, and because they want to save other people from miserable lives on Earth and eternal damnation afterward. What the hell is the overriding motivation for atheists to evangelize? But they do it, frequently with more fervor than I've seen from most religious types.
Great question. First, I want to save people too like my neighbor who killed himself because his Catholic mom told him being gay sends you to hell. I never judged him. As an atheist it's OK to be gay.

Eternal damnation offends me. That's another reason I mock.

Just what do you think will be eternal damnation? The burning 24/7 forever is an old Roman Catholic belief which is probably overblown. What about losing your identity?

Doesn't really matter. The point is, religious people who evangelize do so because they believe there will be eternal negative repercussions to people if they don't. What each theist individually believes those repercussions are going to be is irrelevant to the point.

I can use facts, reasoning and historical truths. Just because something could be material doesn't mean it exists as material. For example, the unicorn, the flying spaghetti monster, aliens, multiverses, traveling back to the past and so on. All of these are fictional and only exist in the imagination. We have atheist scientists who believe in aliens or multiverses without one shred of evidence. They claim we will find some microbe on another planet in ten years. They think life can just happen. It's all based on faith. Faith in evolutionary thinking or what they call "science."

Is this short life of ours all there is? No. The evidence is in the Creator and us. He's just like us. He created this wonderful place called Earth and some take it for granted. There are still places I haven't been to, sights I haven't seen, food I haven't tasted and things I haven't experienced. For almost all of us, the experiences of our lifetimes will be here. There are memories of our experiences. That isn't material. You have to ask yourself why there is so much power in love, the mind, ideas, intuition, certain thoughts and more. We also have an immaterial thing called identity. These aren't material things, but they exist. Another is that we all have a sense of justice. We all have a conscience. A couple more immaterial things, but still very powerful. All of these are evidence of an intelligent Creator and the immaterial exist.

That leads us to... Will there will have to be some sort of final judgment over one's life. Isn't that where religion comes in? Even atheists want some kind of punishment for the wicked. Those that murder. Those that provide false witness. Those that commit arson. Those that cheat the system to reward themselves. Even religions without so-called deity or deities think karma, the rebirth of one's spirit or the supernatural exists. The only religion I can think of without this is atheism (maybe they believe in luck). Why? Because atheism is more political than religious.

The biggest takeaway from this is another immaterial thing called identity. We all have that in this life. It's become more important now as one has to be able to prove one's identity.

Frankly, a dissertation on all the things you think you're right about, and the ways in which you think you're vastly smarter and superior to other people has exactly fuck-all to do with the point.

WHAT, exactly, is the purpose of evangelizing about atheism? Why would you bother to do it?
I think in a very real way atheists are MORE fanatical. I mean, theists evangelize because they were told to do so by God, at least in their eyes, and because they want to save other people from miserable lives on Earth and eternal damnation afterward. What the hell is the overriding motivation for atheists to evangelize? But they do it, frequently with more fervor than I've seen from most religious types.
Great question. First, I want to save people too like my neighbor who killed himself because his Catholic mom told him being gay sends you to hell. I never judged him. As an atheist it's OK to be gay.

Eternal damnation offends me. That's another reason I mock.

Just what do you think will be eternal damnation? The burning 24/7 forever is an old Roman Catholic belief which is probably overblown. What about losing your identity?

Doesn't really matter. The point is, religious people who evangelize do so because they believe there will be eternal negative repercussions to people if they don't. What each theist individually believes those repercussions are going to be is irrelevant to the point.

I can use facts, reasoning and historical truths. Just because something could be material doesn't mean it exists as material. For example, the unicorn, the flying spaghetti monster, aliens, multiverses, traveling back to the past and so on. All of these are fictional and only exist in the imagination. We have atheist scientists who believe in aliens or multiverses without one shred of evidence. They claim we will find some microbe on another planet in ten years. They think life can just happen. It's all based on faith. Faith in evolutionary thinking or what they call "science."

Is this short life of ours all there is? No. The evidence is in the Creator and us. He's just like us. He created this wonderful place called Earth and some take it for granted. There are still places I haven't been to, sights I haven't seen, food I haven't tasted and things I haven't experienced. For almost all of us, the experiences of our lifetimes will be here. There are memories of our experiences. That isn't material. You have to ask yourself why there is so much power in love, the mind, ideas, intuition, certain thoughts and more. We also have an immaterial thing called identity. These aren't material things, but they exist. Another is that we all have a sense of justice. We all have a conscience. A couple more immaterial things, but still very powerful. All of these are evidence of an intelligent Creator and the immaterial exist.

That leads us to... Will there will have to be some sort of final judgment over one's life. Isn't that where religion comes in? Even atheists want some kind of punishment for the wicked. Those that murder. Those that provide false witness. Those that commit arson. Those that cheat the system to reward themselves. Even religions without so-called deity or deities think karma, the rebirth of one's spirit or the supernatural exists. The only religion I can think of without this is atheism (maybe they believe in luck). Why? Because atheism is more political than religious.

The biggest takeaway from this is another immaterial thing called identity. We all have that in this life. It's become more important now as one has to be able to prove one's identity.

Frankly, a dissertation on all the things you think you're right about, and the ways in which you think you're vastly smarter and superior to other people has exactly fuck-all to do with the point.

WHAT, exactly, is the purpose of evangelizing about atheism? Why would you bother to do it?

Lots of reasons. For one it's the truth. 2, theism is holding us back. It makes people dumb. Luckily there are a lot more atheists out there than you know.

New Study Suggests U.S. Has A Lot Of 'Closet' Atheists | The Huffington Post
Perhaps, but it would also create significant changes in who humans are and how they interact and form societies. I highly doubt that we would be the social creatures we are now.
Agreed except I think we'd be even more sociable. You seem to think such a thing would be bad, while I think it would be the next step in our evolution.
Perhaps, but it would also create significant changes in who humans are and how they interact and form societies. I highly doubt that we would be the social creatures we are now.
Agreed except I think we'd be even more sociable. You seem to think such a thing would be bad, while I think it would be the next step in our evolution.
Sometimes religion has united us other times it has divided us. Maybe there was a time when they were useful but now they seem better when kept private. It's one of the 3 things you don't discuss. Politics race and religio
Perhaps, but it would also create significant changes in who humans are and how they interact and form societies. I highly doubt that we would be the social creatures we are now.
Agreed except I think we'd be even more sociable. You seem to think such a thing would be bad, while I think it would be the next step in our evolution.
Sometimes religion has united us other times it has divided us. Maybe there was a time when they were useful but now they seem better when kept private. It's one of the 3 things you don't discuss. Politics race and religio
Religion, like politics, is simply a tool which can be used wisely or wrongly.
I think in a very real way atheists are MORE fanatical. I mean, theists evangelize because they were told to do so by God, at least in their eyes, and because they want to save other people from miserable lives on Earth and eternal damnation afterward. What the hell is the overriding motivation for atheists to evangelize? But they do it, frequently with more fervor than I've seen from most religious types.
Great question. First, I want to save people too like my neighbor who killed himself because his Catholic mom told him being gay sends you to hell. I never judged him. As an atheist it's OK to be gay.

Eternal damnation offends me. That's another reason I mock.

Just what do you think will be eternal damnation? The burning 24/7 forever is an old Roman Catholic belief which is probably overblown. What about losing your identity?

Doesn't really matter. The point is, religious people who evangelize do so because they believe there will be eternal negative repercussions to people if they don't. What each theist individually believes those repercussions are going to be is irrelevant to the point.

I can use facts, reasoning and historical truths. Just because something could be material doesn't mean it exists as material. For example, the unicorn, the flying spaghetti monster, aliens, multiverses, traveling back to the past and so on. All of these are fictional and only exist in the imagination. We have atheist scientists who believe in aliens or multiverses without one shred of evidence. They claim we will find some microbe on another planet in ten years. They think life can just happen. It's all based on faith. Faith in evolutionary thinking or what they call "science."

Is this short life of ours all there is? No. The evidence is in the Creator and us. He's just like us. He created this wonderful place called Earth and some take it for granted. There are still places I haven't been to, sights I haven't seen, food I haven't tasted and things I haven't experienced. For almost all of us, the experiences of our lifetimes will be here. There are memories of our experiences. That isn't material. You have to ask yourself why there is so much power in love, the mind, ideas, intuition, certain thoughts and more. We also have an immaterial thing called identity. These aren't material things, but they exist. Another is that we all have a sense of justice. We all have a conscience. A couple more immaterial things, but still very powerful. All of these are evidence of an intelligent Creator and the immaterial exist.

That leads us to... Will there will have to be some sort of final judgment over one's life. Isn't that where religion comes in? Even atheists want some kind of punishment for the wicked. Those that murder. Those that provide false witness. Those that commit arson. Those that cheat the system to reward themselves. Even religions without so-called deity or deities think karma, the rebirth of one's spirit or the supernatural exists. The only religion I can think of without this is atheism (maybe they believe in luck). Why? Because atheism is more political than religious.

The biggest takeaway from this is another immaterial thing called identity. We all have that in this life. It's become more important now as one has to be able to prove one's identity.

Frankly, a dissertation on all the things you think you're right about, and the ways in which you think you're vastly smarter and superior to other people has exactly fuck-all to do with the point.

WHAT, exactly, is the purpose of evangelizing about atheism? Why would you bother to do it?
Frankly, a dissertation on all the things you think you're right about, and the ways in which you think you're vastly smarter and superior to other people has exactly fuck-all to do with the point.

their 10,000 page 4th century book is an insatiable opioid for their single minded world view.

WHAT, exactly, is the purpose of evangelizing about atheism? Why would you bother to do it?

Will there will have to be some sort of final judgment over one's life. Isn't that where religion comes in? Even atheists want some kind of punishment for the wicked.

That leads us to... Will there will have to be some sort of final judgment over one's life. Isn't that where religion comes in? Even atheists want some kind of punishment for the wicked. Those that murder. Those that provide false witness. Those that commit arson. Those that cheat the system to reward themselves. Even religions without so-called deity or deities think karma, the rebirth of one's spirit or the supernatural exists. The only religion I can think of without this is atheism (maybe they believe in luck). Why? Because atheism is more political than religious.

bonds beliefs are entwined by the errant message of christianity, to dwell on failure than the positive outcome their religion has no way of reconciling, the end of sin.

bond: Because atheism is more political than religious ...

coming from a christian whose 4th century 10,000 pg book is nothing but a political / socioeconomic agenda disguised as a religion ...

bond: there will have to be some sort of final judgment over one's life ...

as the true religion of the 1st century, that will only occur if the individual triumphs one or the other, Good vs Evil to determine the correct outcome entitling Admission to the Everlasting.

the faults so described by bond are the very objectives the 1st century religion recognizes as the objectives necessary to be corrected on Earth before any individual will be made possible for Remission and the salvation of humanity.

the punishment is for those that allow the crime as much as those that commit it.

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