How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

  • Strong Theist

    Votes: 21 25.9%
  • De-facto Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Weak Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Pure Agnostic

    Votes: 14 17.3%
  • Weak Atheist

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • De-facto Atheist

    Votes: 8 9.9%
  • Strong Atheist

    Votes: 16 19.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 12 14.8%

  • Total voters
As I have always said, there is no true religion. Nobody knows the truth yet, because they're not dead yet. Anyone who says they know the truth, is trying to sell you something...

In the meantime, all we can do, is disprove the lies, so that we can try to reach the truth without killing each other first.

And try to promote human harmony, instead of religious hatred.

Christianity, many religions and I were promoting happiness as a way for humans to share. The biggest problem people cannot solve is selfishness. It can lead us to war and all kinds of bad things. Atheists have nothing to promote or generally promote "public obscenities, decadence, narcissism, hypocrisy, rampant drug use, extramarital sex leading to the spread of sexually-transmitted disease, abortion, lawlessness and the promotion of the homosexual agenda. Such values have a very negative influence on the life of individuals, and very often lead to death." It's Hollywood values.

Are you serious?

Those acts have been committed throughout human history, And they were rampant way before the influx of atheism came around, and that's because people are getting smarter and getting sick of the atrocities and stupidities, and “Unfathomable pinhead-ery” (Fargo quote :) ). They are part of every human culture prior to ours. And it is very usually the religious lot that commit these acts. And then hide behind their religion in later generations, and deny their transgressions.

Those values are how Christianity and other religions came to take power in the first place!

And now you're blaming it on the atheists?

Geez.... Religious rulers are the most selfish of all people. They take your money, they take your lives, and when you die fighting for them, they maybe give you a blessing. That is your reward for being a follower of their religion. No heaven, no 72 virgins, no hall full of beer and food...

Nobody has come back after dying as a martyr to say any religion is true. It is the most selfish idea ever created, solely to benefit the rulers that sent the believers to die for their cause.

If those acts have been committed through history, then tell the liberals to quit whining about those things and brace themselves up so they have a code of ethics or morality in their lives instead of being degenerates. What part of God destroyed all of humankind do you not understand? Then in addition to atheist claims that they are about nothing, quit trying to palm off liberal socialism on the government. Instead, why don't you learn to support yourself? We do not need the seeds of communism being sown by the atheists. Basically, get a job, work hard and make something of yourself. They maybe people will pay attention to what you have to say instead of the nothingness of atheists.

I have no idea what you were trying to say in that paragraph...

All I can get is that you think atheists want socialism and don't want to get a job or work hard...

First of all, Socialism sucks. Nobody wants to work hard and try to be better in a society that doesn't recognize your efforts. Atheists don't want to live their lives in an assembly line and live like slaves. I don't know where you get that idea. Just because Socialism doesn't allow/recognize supernatural religion (since they want you to believe in the State above all else, because it is based on forms of Christianity), does not mean that atheists are socialists. I totally don't understand that connection...

It sounds like stupid Americana to me. Atheists just don't believe the crap that religions have been trying to convince us is real for the past 4000 years. We have our own ideas, and we're not willing to kill or subjugate others to promote our ideas. It's not a money/power-making enterprise like OT religions are.

All we do is point out the hatred and bitterness religious followers have towards people of other religions, and of their own, and how they need to conquer them and seize their power and wealth. And the followers think they do this in the name of "God", when they're just following orders from a human ruler.

When you can step outside of the box of religious frenzy, you can see the reality that we are trying to point out. And you religious perverts are going to cause a war to end all wars, just because your Santa Claus religion is different than your enemy's.

When we can all realize that we are puppets being drawn to battle for something that is not true or important, maybe we can start fixing things around here.

Have your personal faith, believe whatever you like. Just don't think that you are superior, or follow someone who tells you that they are superior. Because nobody knows who is right/wrong, or semi-right/wrong in matters of faith. Enjoy your faith. Leave others alone. Pretty simple fix, if people would be smart enough to do it globally. Instead we have groups pounding us over the head about how their religion is right, and how we have to join them and contribute money.
As I have always said, there is no true religion. Nobody knows the truth yet, because they're not dead yet. Anyone who says they know the truth, is trying to sell you something...

In the meantime, all we can do, is disprove the lies, so that we can try to reach the truth without killing each other first.

And try to promote human harmony, instead of religious hatred.

Christianity, many religions and I were promoting happiness as a way for humans to share. The biggest problem people cannot solve is selfishness. It can lead us to war and all kinds of bad things. Atheists have nothing to promote or generally promote "public obscenities, decadence, narcissism, hypocrisy, rampant drug use, extramarital sex leading to the spread of sexually-transmitted disease, abortion, lawlessness and the promotion of the homosexual agenda. Such values have a very negative influence on the life of individuals, and very often lead to death." It's Hollywood values.

Are you serious?

Those acts have been committed throughout human history, And they were rampant way before the influx of atheism came around, and that's because people are getting smarter and getting sick of the atrocities and stupidities, and “Unfathomable pinhead-ery” (Fargo quote :) ). They are part of every human culture prior to ours. And it is very usually the religious lot that commit these acts. And then hide behind their religion in later generations, and deny their transgressions.

Those values are how Christianity and other religions came to take power in the first place!

And now you're blaming it on the atheists?

Geez.... Religious rulers are the most selfish of all people. They take your money, they take your lives, and when you die fighting for them, they maybe give you a blessing. That is your reward for being a follower of their religion. No heaven, no 72 virgins, no hall full of beer and food...

Nobody has come back after dying as a martyr to say any religion is true. It is the most selfish idea ever created, solely to benefit the rulers that sent the believers to die for their cause.

If those acts have been committed through history, then tell the liberals to quit whining about those things and brace themselves up so they have a code of ethics or morality in their lives instead of being degenerates. What part of God destroyed all of humankind do you not understand? Then in addition to atheist claims that they are about nothing, quit trying to palm off liberal socialism on the government. Instead, why don't you learn to support yourself? We do not need the seeds of communism being sown by the atheists. Basically, get a job, work hard and make something of yourself. They maybe people will pay attention to what you have to say instead of the nothingness of atheists.

I have no idea what you were trying to say in that paragraph...

All I can get is that you think atheists want socialism and don't want to get a job or work hard...

First of all, Socialism sucks. Nobody wants to work hard and try to be better in a society that doesn't recognize your efforts. Atheists don't want to live their lives in an assembly line and live like slaves. I don't know where you get that idea. Just because Socialism doesn't allow/recognize supernatural religion (since they want you to believe in the State above all else, because it is based on forms of Christianity), does not mean that atheists are socialists. I totally don't understand that connection...

It sounds like stupid Americana to me. Atheists just don't believe the crap that religions have been trying to convince us is real for the past 4000 years. We have our own ideas, and we're not willing to kill or subjugate others to promote our ideas. It's not a money/power-making enterprise like OT religions are.

All we do is point out the hatred and bitterness religious followers have towards people of other religions, and of their own, and how they need to conquer them and seize their power and wealth. And the followers think they do this in the name of "God", when they're just following orders from a human ruler.

When you can step outside of the box of religious frenzy, you can see the reality that we are trying to point out. And you religious perverts are going to cause a war to end all wars, just because your Santa Claus religion is different than your enemy's.

When we can all realize that we are puppets being drawn to battle for something that is not true or important, maybe we can start fixing things around here.

Have your personal faith, believe whatever you like. Just don't think that you are superior, or follow someone who tells you that they are superior. Because nobody knows who is right/wrong, or semi-right/wrong in matters of faith. Enjoy your faith. Leave others alone. Pretty simple fix, if people would be smart enough to do it globally. Instead we have groups pounding us over the head about how their religion is right, and how we have to join them and contribute money.

First, I'm saying that you have no have no identifiable pov. That makes your posts hard to read and understand. It's full of contradictions and not that interesting. Even BreezeWood, who is mentally incompetent, has an identifiable pov of an asylum dweller stuck between the 1st and 4th century. He thinks macroevolution is represented by metamorphosis. Show him your picture, BW. Even in his looney state, he attacks the Bible and subscribes to evolution no matter how bizarre it is.

Second, let's review what I said about atheism.

1. Atheism leads to Communism. Karl Marx said, "Communism begins from the outset with atheism; but atheism is at first far from being communism, indeed, that atheism is still mostly an abstraction."1 He also said, "Religion is the opium of the people."2

1. Marx, Karl. Private Proerty and Communism, 1844
2. Marx, Karl. 1976. Introduction to A contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right. Marx-Engels Collected Works, vol. 3. New York.

As an example for today, we have Bernie Sanders who ran for POTUS as a liberal socialist and is a communist.

2. Atheists claim to have nothing to promote except for the destruction of religion, especially Christianity. This is part of the abstraction that Marx discusses.

3. Atheists actually promote Hollywood values of "public obscenities, decadence, narcissism, hypocrisy, rampant drug use, extramarital sex leading to the spread of sexually-transmitted disease, abortion, lawlessness and the promotion of the homosexual agenda. Such values have a very negative influence on the life of individuals, and very often lead to death." More abstraction.

What are "Hollywood values?"
What are 'Hollywood values'?

Hollywood values out of touch, poll says
Hollywood values out of touch, poll says

Thus, I have described what atheism is and can back it up while you're just a hodgepodge of incoherent mess.
He thinks macroevolution is represented by metamorphosis.


bonds argument was to demonstrate a physical link from one being to another where in nature there needs not be a physical link but a cumulative spiritual mechanism developed over time that transitions from one being to another without a physical pattern of transitional "missing links". the end process occurs as one single event, as demonstrated above from a land creature to an avian. -

Spirituality guides the progression of evolution whether revealed by physical properties or not.

he attacks the Bible and subscribes to evolution no matter how bizarre it is.

to the first century and beyond there exists only one spoken true religion of the Almighty - The Triumph of Good vs Evil. individually and collectively for the Final Judgement all beings will be one or the other. -

whether or not, theist or atheist their complexion will be the same.
First, I'm saying that you have no have no identifiable pov. That makes your posts hard to read and understand. It's full of contradictions and not that interesting.

I only speak truth, logic, and common sense, and value morality and ethics no matter what your beliefs. Which is maybe why we both have a problem understanding each other's posts.

Almost like two different languages...
Second, let's review what I said about atheism.

1. Atheism leads to Communism. Karl Marx said, "Communism begins from the outset with atheism; but atheism is at first far from being communism, indeed, that atheism is still mostly an abstraction."1 He also said, "Religion is the opium of the people."2

1. Marx, Karl. Private Proerty and Communism, 1844
2. Marx, Karl. 1976. Introduction to A contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right. Marx-Engels Collected Works, vol. 3. New York.

As an example for today, we have Bernie Sanders who ran for POTUS as a liberal socialist and is a communist.

2. Atheists claim to have nothing to promote except for the destruction of religion, especially Christianity. This is part of the abstraction that Marx discusses.

3. Atheists actually promote Hollywood values of "public obscenities, decadence, narcissism, hypocrisy, rampant drug use, extramarital sex leading to the spread of sexually-transmitted disease, abortion, lawlessness and the promotion of the homosexual agenda. Such values have a very negative influence on the life of individuals, and very often lead to death." More abstraction.

What are "Hollywood values?"
What are 'Hollywood values'?

Hollywood values out of touch, poll says
Hollywood values out of touch, poll says

Thus, I have described what atheism is and can back it up while you're just a hodgepodge of incoherent mess.

Atheism does not lead to communism. Communism is an ideal that has never been achieved due to human greed. Karl Marx was not a god, he was a human. His book is not scripture, it is an ideal he sought, and it actually isn't that bad. It's pretty good, except for the fact that it can never happen.

What Socialists did was say that it takes X amount of years of Socialism in order to get to Communism, which is total BS. Those varying X amount of years usually exceed the expected life-span of the current ruler, who doesn't want to give up power. So it's lasted for over a hundred years. And nobody wants to give up their power, so the followers must continue to suffer. And the Utopia can never be reached during life.

Socialism is the same as Christianity and other OT religions.

They tell us what to do, tell us what to wear, tell us what to think, tell us what to want... They tell us when and with who we can have sex, and who is ok to kill and enslave. They tell us what we can and cannot eat, and when we can or cannot eat them. They tell us that we have to live our lives suffering for the sins of others. And that we have to contribute to God in terms of money and loyalty, and our lives, in order to get to Utopia, once we die. Our earthly life is simply a punishment to atone for our sins. Once done, and all boxes have been checked, and we're dead, then we get Utopia! Maybe...

Sound familiar?
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First, I'm saying that you have no have no identifiable pov. That makes your posts hard to read and understand. It's full of contradictions and not that interesting.

I only speak truth, logic, and common sense, and value morality and ethics no matter what your beliefs. Which is maybe why we both have a problem understanding each other's posts.

Almost like two different languages...

smh. Even your truth, logic and common sense has no identifiable pov. And you morality and ethics are prolly Hollywood values.
Second, let's review what I said about atheism.

1. Atheism leads to Communism. Karl Marx said, "Communism begins from the outset with atheism; but atheism is at first far from being communism, indeed, that atheism is still mostly an abstraction."1 He also said, "Religion is the opium of the people."2

1. Marx, Karl. Private Proerty and Communism, 1844
2. Marx, Karl. 1976. Introduction to A contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right. Marx-Engels Collected Works, vol. 3. New York.

As an example for today, we have Bernie Sanders who ran for POTUS as a liberal socialist and is a communist.

2. Atheists claim to have nothing to promote except for the destruction of religion, especially Christianity. This is part of the abstraction that Marx discusses.

3. Atheists actually promote Hollywood values of "public obscenities, decadence, narcissism, hypocrisy, rampant drug use, extramarital sex leading to the spread of sexually-transmitted disease, abortion, lawlessness and the promotion of the homosexual agenda. Such values have a very negative influence on the life of individuals, and very often lead to death." More abstraction.

What are "Hollywood values?"
What are 'Hollywood values'?

Hollywood values out of touch, poll says
Hollywood values out of touch, poll says

Thus, I have described what atheism is and can back it up while you're just a hodgepodge of incoherent mess.

>>Atheism does not lead to communism.<<

You are out of touch. I've read Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin and it's happening here on USMB and in the US. What's the big news in the US? Russia and finding the Democrats behind it. How it starts is atheism as an abstraction. It's attacking Christianity in the US now. And the Communists in China are destorying churches, so that Christians there have to hide. I'm tired of discussing things with posters who do not read links and start spewing lies. Isn't lying to the people part of Communism? Yes it is.

In China, a church-state showdown of biblical proportions
In China, a church-state showdown of biblical proportions

Trump Continues to Turn the Tables on the Obama Administration Regarding Russia Narrative
Trump Continues to Turn the Tables on the Obama Administration Regarding Russia Narrative

Sketchy firm behind Trump dossier is stalling investigators[/QUOTE]
Breaking news... Russia and China are not Communist countries. Communism has never existed.

From Business Dictionary's definition of Communism

Economic and social system in which all (or nearly all) property and resources are collectively owned by a classless society and not by individual citizens. Based on the 1848 publication 'Communist Manifesto' by two German political philosophers, Karl Marx (1818-1883) and his close associate Friedrich Engels (1820-1895), it envisaged common ownership of all land and capital and withering away of the coercive power of the state. In such a society, social relations were to be regulated on the fairest of all principles: from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. Differences between manual and intellectual labor and between rural and urban life were to disappear, opening up the way for unlimited development of human potential.

In view of the above, there has never been a truly communist state although the Soviet Union of the past and China, Cuba, and North Korea of today stake their claims. See also Marxism and Socialism.

Read more: How has this term impacted your life?
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What is your definition of Communism? Russian and Chinese people?
What is your definition of Communism? Russian and Chinese people?

>>Russia and China are not Communist countries. Communism has never existed.<<

You blew it already with your previous answer. It's no wonder you're lonely.
Not at all, just pointing out that peeps like you view Russians or Orientals, or Cubans, and just assume them to be supposed "Communists", even though that never existed.

It's stupid "Americana", and it makes you look silly... And a bunch of you here do it.

Call the dictatorships what they are, not this stupidity instilled in your brain about Communism.
Not at all, just pointing out that peeps like you view Russians or Orientals, or Cubans, and just assume them to be supposed "Communists", even though that never existed.

It's stupid "Americana", and it makes you look silly... And a bunch of you here do it.

Call the dictatorships what they are, not this stupidity instilled in your brain about Communism.

More ignorant opinions from a nobody. You have no recognizede pov and aren't even American. What you are is an internet atheist.
Not at all, just pointing out that peeps like you view Russians or Orientals, or Cubans, and just assume them to be supposed "Communists", even though that never existed.

It's stupid "Americana", and it makes you look silly... And a bunch of you here do it.

Call the dictatorships what they are, not this stupidity instilled in your brain about Communism.

More ignorant opinions from a nobody. You have no recognizede pov and aren't even American. What you are is an internet atheist.
More ignorant opinions from a nobody.

and what is the person that could worship an unverified 4th century political document masquerading as a religion be that is possibly of any value to an evolving species seeking remission to the Everlasting by "conquering" evil. -

the very evil that is meant to be conquered.
the very evil that is meant to be conquered.

First, it's the atheists who are evil. The Bible says so.

"Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?" 2 Corinthians 6:14

"Everyone who goes on ahead and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God. Whoever abides in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house or give him any greeting, for whoever greets him takes part in his wicked works." 2 John 1:9-11

Second, just what do you mean by conquered?
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Of course, the believers keep an eye out for potential catastrophes. They're the ones who think that earth was formed more from catastrophes than minute changes over millions and billions years of time (uniformitarianism). It's difficult to predict if this will indeed happen, but it is an area of concern. Better to be prepared just in case.
You have no need for preparedness, since you believe in God, and await Heaven.

Wouldn't Heaven be the way to go?

Or are you unsure?
Not at all, just pointing out that peeps like you view Russians or Orientals, or Cubans, and just assume them to be supposed "Communists", even though that never existed.

It's stupid "Americana", and it makes you look silly... And a bunch of you here do it.

Call the dictatorships what they are, not this stupidity instilled in your brain about Communism.

More ignorant opinions from a nobody. You have no recognizede pov and aren't even American. What you are is an internet atheist.
My POV is well-defined. What you are is a religious shrill, promoting your apocalyptic prophecy...

What benefit do you get from it? Are you getting paid?

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