How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

  • Strong Theist

    Votes: 21 25.9%
  • De-facto Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Weak Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Pure Agnostic

    Votes: 14 17.3%
  • Weak Atheist

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • De-facto Atheist

    Votes: 8 9.9%
  • Strong Atheist

    Votes: 16 19.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 12 14.8%

  • Total voters
We all take Xmas off. That doesn't mean we are all Christians. We all take Good Friday off too. Doesn't mean we are Christians. But yes I see your point. This countries roots are in Christianity. I'm just saying we are no longer a Christian nation. That is the main religion but we are a melting pot of all the religions. And I don't give a damn what you Christians think about morality just like I don't care what Scientologists, Born Agains, Catholics, Muslims, Mormons and Jehova's believe.

Evidence we are not a Christian nation. Is abortion legal? Do we teach evolution in school?

I heard Carl Sagan talking the other day on a commercial. How we need to take care of this planet. It's the only one we have. This is the kind of morality us atheists have. What's funny is you conservatives love Darwin when it comes to free market capitalism but you don't like the concept when it comes to the creation of our planet and how life got started here. I'd call that cognitive dissonance.

And I hear many parents teaching their children morality without ever bringing up god. Maybe they do the brainwashing in private but I see them teaching their kids without scaring them with hell.

Ethics Without Gods | American Atheists
But yes I see your point. This countries roots are in Christianity. I'm just saying we are no longer a Christian nation.

- I'm just saying we are no longer a Christian nation.

wrong sealy, we are hopefully no longer the 4th century version of the true 1st century enlightenment as a nation yet it is the original 1st century realization yet to be honored the nation continues to aspire including the proper rationalization of the Almighty and the purity of the Everlasting. - and as an epilogue, good riddance to that book.

the paradox is the missing link the 1st century represented in the evolution of humanity that is the inclusion of both secular and Spiritual as a harmonious Being through the proper Triumph to replicate the Everlasting while living on planet Earth, the true 1st century revelation.

I guess I was wrong

I guess I was wrong

... the US was never a christian nation.

The U.S. was founded as a haven for persecuted Christians and has always been a Christian nation. And because it was founded so that Christians would be able to worship as they chose without interference of the Archbishop of Canterbury or the Pope, those of other faiths or of no faith are also able to practice their religion or beliefs without interference and in peace so long as they did not violate the rights of others.
The founders no doubt took into consideration the non believers. And let's not pretend all the founders were christians for example Christians today say no Christians owned slaves. A real christian wouldn't own another human. Christians never take credit for bad Christians. They always say "well he couldn't have been a real christian because Jesus said..."

Or are you finally admitting that Christians owned slaves?

Christians owned slaves, but also fought the Civil War over it. It was the racist Democrats and Darwinists who wanted to continue slavery. You need to have, "Darwin Was A Racist" stamped upon your sloping forehead.

I guess I was wrong

As I've been saying all along. Atheists are usually wrong. This will come back to bite you in the arse later.
Unfortunately, it's not fun when people have taken to greed due to seeing all the bling, covetousness seeing all the beautiful women and men, illicit drugs, or the bizarre hedonistic lifestyle that we are all tempted to want. The temptation of the ToK still hasn't gone away. The truth is it was never meant to go away. If Adam and Eve didn't fall, the ToK would've still been there except Cain wouldn't killed Abel. However, we can't deal with alternative endings, we only have now to deal with and atheism and evolution doesn't promote anything but Communism, i.e. corrupt government power leading to mass genocide, the promotion of the Hollywood values or supreme selfishness.

How belief in evolution changes our behavior
"“If there is no Creator, if everything springs ultimately from natural causes, and if this life is all there is, why ought I do/not do certain things, or act/not act in certain ways?”; “If man is merely the latest in a long chain of animals, why should he be viewed as different from any other animal?” These, and other similar questions, inevitably arise from a belief in evolution.

But if a person freely chooses to believe in evolution, what, then, are the implications of that belief? And how does that belief translate into the reality of daily living? Though it is rare to see evolutionists actually admit it, the simple fact of the matter is that belief in evolution produces a society that is not a very pleasant one in which to live. Several years ago, British evolutionist Richard Dawkins [who has described himself as “a fairly militant atheist, with a fair degree of hostility toward religion” (see Bass, 1990, p. 86)] authored a book titled The Selfish Gene, in which he set forth his theory of genetic determinism. In summarizing the basic thesis of the book, Dawkins said: “You are for nothing. You are here to propagate your selfish genes. There is no higher purpose in life” (Bass, 1990, p. 60). Dawkins explained:

I am not advocating a morality based on evolution. I am saying how things have evolved. I am not saying how we humans morally ought to behave.... My own feeling is that a human society based simply on the gene’s law of universal ruthless selfishness would be a very nasty society in which to live. But unfortunately, however much we may deplore something, it does not stop it being true (1989, pp. 2,3, emp. added).
Dawkins is correct in his assessment that a society based on the truthfulness of evolution would be “a very nasty” place to live. But why is this so? The answer has to do with the implications of belief in evolution."

The Implications of Evolution

What floats your boat to the evolutionists out there?
He said he's not trying to base a morality on religion. Religion is unnecessary as we have secular laws

smh. Atheists are wrong again. Never heard of sharia law?

Then the people of the USA believe that the US is a Christian nation. This is the reason why atheists are trying undermine Christianity in order to promote Communism. I'm referring to moral guidance here, not our laws pertaining to criminal, civil and business matters.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances” (The Constitution of the United States of America, The Bill of Rights, Amendment I)."

Evidence of Christian morality
"If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a Law, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it shall not be a Law” (The Constitution of the United States of America, Article 1, Section 7)."

We all take Xmas off. That doesn't mean we are all Christians. We all take Good Friday off too. Doesn't mean we are Christians. But yes I see your point. This countries roots are in Christianity. I'm just saying we are no longer a Christian nation. That is the main religion but we are a melting pot of all the religions. And I don't give a damn what you Christians think about morality just like I don't care what Scientologists, Born Agains, Catholics, Muslims, Mormons and Jehova's believe.

Evidence we are not a Christian nation. Is abortion legal? Do we teach evolution in school?

I heard Carl Sagan talking the other day on a commercial. How we need to take care of this planet. It's the only one we have. This is the kind of morality us atheists have. What's funny is you conservatives love Darwin when it comes to free market capitalism but you don't like the concept when it comes to the creation of our planet and how life got started here. I'd call that cognitive dissonance.

And I hear many parents teaching their children morality without ever bringing up god. Maybe they do the brainwashing in private but I see them teaching their kids without scaring them with hell.

Ethics Without Gods | American Atheists
But yes I see your point. This countries roots are in Christianity. I'm just saying we are no longer a Christian nation.

- I'm just saying we are no longer a Christian nation.

wrong sealy, we are hopefully no longer the 4th century version of the true 1st century enlightenment as a nation yet it is the original 1st century realization yet to be honored the nation continues to aspire including the proper rationalization of the Almighty and the purity of the Everlasting. - and as an epilogue, good riddance to that book.

the paradox is the missing link the 1st century represented in the evolution of humanity that is the inclusion of both secular and Spiritual as a harmonious Being through the proper Triumph to replicate the Everlasting while living on planet Earth, the true 1st century revelation.
If eventually 51% of us go Muslim will you say we are a Muslim nation? What will you say then?

So we are not a christian nation. That's insulting to the rest of us. The brainwashing is over. Gone are the days we assume everyone believes a god is real or exists.

Lots of atheists in America. Lots of Muslims too.

Do you know what Mormons believe? That's not Christianity. It's a spin-off

Too many lies in your previous posts, sealybobo. Will just have to let you live your life of lies.

We are still a Christian nation and that's why liberals are becoming brainwashed into atheism. Their atheism will lead to Communism. Thus, good people are buying guns and ammo in record numbers to battle the coming purge. Look at what the Chinese Communists did to the Christians and their church over there. Second, it's about winning the creation vs evolution battle. Third, it would be a battle of idealism of Jews vs Muslims over the Middle East and oil. Where Russia and China falls is how their networks end up in vying for the above. Maybe the fourth is the final battle of Armageddon which has been prophecized.
tldr. Wow, sealybobo. Five-posts-in-a-row over secular humanism or the like.

What about the notion of atheists being selfish? Today, we have the popular selfie. I'm not saying it's just for the atheists as we all do it. However, some do it too often or are focused on it. Usually, to post on social media. Is this a trend because of atheism?

Did an atheist die here or what?
Man taking selfie on Germany autobahn killed after getting hit by car

I know losing our religion isn't all good. I think overall we will be better off without it because reality is always better than fiction but I do worry about the results of losing our religion. For example, think about all the preachers who go to war to help out when soldiers get blown up? Not a lot of atheists providing comfort to wounded soldiers. And charity will suffer. But consider charities are mostly all rackets. Maybe if we stop funding rackets then we will eventually getting around to solving the problems we have like poverty.

I don't think a Pope and his fans is a narcissitic nor dangerous selfie. He is male, but not an atheist. Most atheists are male (fact).

However, we have the atheists types such as,

"Love ‘em or hate ‘em, selfies are harmless fun — right? Maybe not. According to new research, selfies can say a lot about your personality, and not in a good way.

In a recent Ohio State University study, men who posted more photos of themselves online scored higher in measures of narcissism and psychopathy.

The researchers asked 800 men between the ages of 18 and 40 to fill out an online questionnaire asking about their photo posting habits on social media. The survey included questions about how often they posted photos of themselves on social media, and about whether and how they edited photos before posting. The participants were also asked to fill out standard questionnaires measuring anti-social behaviors and self-objectification (the tendency to overly focus on one’s appearance).

The researchers found that posting more photos was correlated with both narcissism and psychopathy. Editing photos, however, was only associated with narcissism, and not psychopathy. Narcissism measures inflated self-image (often motivated by underlying insecurity), while psychopathy involves a lack of empathy and impulsive behavior.

“That makes sense because psychopathy is characterized by impulsivity,” the study’s lead author, Jesse Fox, said in a statement. “They are going to snap the photos and put them online right away. They want to see themselves. They don’t want to spend time editing.”

These findings don’t mean that men who post selfies are actually narcissists or psychopaths, it does mean that they scored higher than others in these anti-social traits, although they were still within the normal range of behavior."

Study Links Selfies To Narcissism And Psychopathy
Study Links Selfies To Narcissism And Psychopathy | HuffPost

Dangerous Selfies
Dangerous selfies

I never do selfies unless I need to. Like I meet someone on craigslist and she wants to see a pic before she will meet me. Or I am posting a profile on POF
He said he's not trying to base a morality on religion. Religion is unnecessary as we have secular laws

smh. Atheists are wrong again. Never heard of sharia law?

Then the people of the USA believe that the US is a Christian nation. This is the reason why atheists are trying undermine Christianity in order to promote Communism. I'm referring to moral guidance here, not our laws pertaining to criminal, civil and business matters.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances” (The Constitution of the United States of America, The Bill of Rights, Amendment I)."

Evidence of Christian morality
"If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a Law, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it shall not be a Law” (The Constitution of the United States of America, Article 1, Section 7)."

We all take Xmas off. That doesn't mean we are all Christians. We all take Good Friday off too. Doesn't mean we are Christians. But yes I see your point. This countries roots are in Christianity. I'm just saying we are no longer a Christian nation. That is the main religion but we are a melting pot of all the religions. And I don't give a damn what you Christians think about morality just like I don't care what Scientologists, Born Agains, Catholics, Muslims, Mormons and Jehova's believe.

Evidence we are not a Christian nation. Is abortion legal? Do we teach evolution in school?

I heard Carl Sagan talking the other day on a commercial. How we need to take care of this planet. It's the only one we have. This is the kind of morality us atheists have. What's funny is you conservatives love Darwin when it comes to free market capitalism but you don't like the concept when it comes to the creation of our planet and how life got started here. I'd call that cognitive dissonance.

And I hear many parents teaching their children morality without ever bringing up god. Maybe they do the brainwashing in private but I see them teaching their kids without scaring them with hell.

Ethics Without Gods | American Atheists
But yes I see your point. This countries roots are in Christianity. I'm just saying we are no longer a Christian nation.

- I'm just saying we are no longer a Christian nation.

wrong sealy, we are hopefully no longer the 4th century version of the true 1st century enlightenment as a nation yet it is the original 1st century realization yet to be honored the nation continues to aspire including the proper rationalization of the Almighty and the purity of the Everlasting. - and as an epilogue, good riddance to that book.

the paradox is the missing link the 1st century represented in the evolution of humanity that is the inclusion of both secular and Spiritual as a harmonious Being through the proper Triumph to replicate the Everlasting while living on planet Earth, the true 1st century revelation.
If eventually 51% of us go Muslim will you say we are a Muslim nation? What will you say then?

So we are not a christian nation. That's insulting to the rest of us. The brainwashing is over. Gone are the days we assume everyone believes a god is real or exists.

Lots of atheists in America. Lots of Muslims too.

Do you know what Mormons believe? That's not Christianity. It's a spin-off

Too many lies in your previous posts, sealybobo. Will just have to let you live your life of lies.

We are still a Christian nation and that's why liberals are becoming brainwashed into atheism. Their atheism will lead to Communism. Thus, good people are buying guns and ammo in record numbers to battle the coming purge. Look at what the Chinese Communists did to the Christians and their church over there. Second, it's about winning the creation vs evolution battle. Third, it would be a battle of idealism of Jews vs Muslims over the Middle East and oil. Where Russia and China falls is how their networks end up in vying for the above. Maybe the fourth is the final battle of Armageddon which has been prophecized.
What lies? If you spotted them point them out. Number them and I'll address them all. Or forever just live in your world of delusion.


- I'm just saying we are no longer a Christian nation.

wrong sealy, we are hopefully no longer the 4th century version of the true 1st century enlightenment as a nation yet it is the original 1st century realization yet to be honored the nation continues to aspire including the proper rationalization of the Almighty and the purity of the Everlasting. - and as an epilogue, good riddance to that book.

the paradox is the missing link the 1st century represented in the evolution of humanity that is the inclusion of both secular and Spiritual as a harmonious Being through the proper Triumph to replicate the Everlasting while living on planet Earth, the true 1st century revelation.

I guess I was wrong

I guess I was wrong

... the US was never a christian nation.

The U.S. was founded as a haven for persecuted Christians and has always been a Christian nation. And because it was founded so that Christians would be able to worship as they chose without interference of the Archbishop of Canterbury or the Pope, those of other faiths or of no faith are also able to practice their religion or beliefs without interference and in peace so long as they did not violate the rights of others.
The founders no doubt took into consideration the non believers. And let's not pretend all the founders were christians for example Christians today say no Christians owned slaves. A real christian wouldn't own another human. Christians never take credit for bad Christians. They always say "well he couldn't have been a real christian because Jesus said..."

Or are you finally admitting that Christians owned slaves?

Christians owned slaves, but also fought the Civil War over it. It was the racist Democrats and Darwinists who wanted to continue slavery. You need to have, "Darwin Was A Racist" stamped upon your sloping forehead.

I guess I was wrong

As I've been saying all along. Atheists are usually wrong. This will come back to bite you in the arse later.

So conservative mother fuckers today flying those confederate flags in their trucks are liberals? Didn't Jesus teach you not to lie?
I guess I was wrong

I guess I was wrong

... the US was never a christian nation.

The U.S. was founded as a haven for persecuted Christians and has always been a Christian nation. And because it was founded so that Christians would be able to worship as they chose without interference of the Archbishop of Canterbury or the Pope, those of other faiths or of no faith are also able to practice their religion or beliefs without interference and in peace so long as they did not violate the rights of others.
The founders no doubt took into consideration the non believers. And let's not pretend all the founders were christians for example Christians today say no Christians owned slaves. A real christian wouldn't own another human. Christians never take credit for bad Christians. They always say "well he couldn't have been a real christian because Jesus said..."

Or are you finally admitting that Christians owned slaves?

Christians owned slaves, but also fought the Civil War over it. It was the racist Democrats and Darwinists who wanted to continue slavery. You need to have, "Darwin Was A Racist" stamped upon your sloping forehead.

I guess I was wrong

As I've been saying all along. Atheists are usually wrong. This will come back to bite you in the arse later.

So conservative mother fuckers today flying those confederate flags in their trucks are liberals? Didn't Jesus teach you not to lie?

Whether it was Democrats who were racist back then is irrelevent to who and what people are now. Yes, most of the southerners were Democrat but not all were racist.

President Lincoln was Republican and ordered the abolishment of slavery in the southern states via executive fiat, but he was also seriously racist. Further his Proclamation did not apply to Delaware, Missouri, Maryland, and Kentucky, all slave states but all chose to remain loyal to the Union.

Most of the northern slave states abolished slavery before the end of the war but Delaware and Missouri did so only upon ratification of the 13th Amendment in 1865.

But to judge their culture by the standards of our culture is not fair. And to point to how people were THEN as illustrative of how people are now is just silly.

On the other hand, to extrapolate those Confederate battle flags into something racist is also very wrong. While yes, some did fight to retain the slave economy, thousands upon thousands of Confederate soldiers neither owned slaves nor condoned the practice. They were fighting for the right of self determination and not to defend slavery. And that battle flag was theirs too. These days, I would feel safe in saying 99% of those displaying that battle flag are not in the least racist.

And again, most of the change that came about to the ending of slavery and other social changes came from pressure from the Christian community both here in America and in Europe.
... the US was never a christian nation.

The U.S. was founded as a haven for persecuted Christians and has always been a Christian nation. And because it was founded so that Christians would be able to worship as they chose without interference of the Archbishop of Canterbury or the Pope, those of other faiths or of no faith are also able to practice their religion or beliefs without interference and in peace so long as they did not violate the rights of others.
The founders no doubt took into consideration the non believers. And let's not pretend all the founders were christians for example Christians today say no Christians owned slaves. A real christian wouldn't own another human. Christians never take credit for bad Christians. They always say "well he couldn't have been a real christian because Jesus said..."

Or are you finally admitting that Christians owned slaves?

Christians owned slaves, but also fought the Civil War over it. It was the racist Democrats and Darwinists who wanted to continue slavery. You need to have, "Darwin Was A Racist" stamped upon your sloping forehead.

I guess I was wrong

As I've been saying all along. Atheists are usually wrong. This will come back to bite you in the arse later.

So conservative mother fuckers today flying those confederate flags in their trucks are liberals? Didn't Jesus teach you not to lie?

Whether it was Democrats who were racist back then is irrelevent to who and what people are now. Yes, most of the southerners were Democrat but not all were racist.

President Lincoln was Republican and ordered the abolishment of slavery in the southern states via executive fiat, but he was also seriously racist. Further his Proclamation did not apply to Delaware, Missouri, Maryland, and Kentucky, all slave states but all chose to remain loyal to the Union.

Most of the northern slave states abolished slavery before the end of the war but Delaware and Missouri did so only upon ratification of the 13th Amendment in 1865.

But to judge their culture by the standards of our culture is not fair. And to point to how people were THEN as illustrative of how people are now is just silly.

On the other hand, to extrapolate those Confederate battle flags into something racist is also very wrong. While yes, some did fight to retain the slave economy, thousands upon thousands of Confederate soldiers neither owned slaves nor condoned the practice. They were fighting for the right of self determination and not to defend slavery. And that battle flag was theirs too. These days, I would feel safe in saying 99% of those displaying that battle flag are not in the least racist.

And again, most of the change that came about to the ending of slavery and other social changes came from pressure from the Christian community both here in America and in Europe.
I think around here any white guys flying the confederate flag are probably showing off their blatant racism. But I'm here in Michigan in white country. Howell, mi is right next door and hq for the klan. Those guys are Christians too.

You've had some great posts. Thanks for sharing
those in the South that did not have slaves were not for the civil war, that war like the division in the country today was conducted by a vocal, adherent minority - the reason after its conclusion the Southern majority had no inkling for the future to "rise again".
The U.S. was founded as a haven for persecuted Christians and has always been a Christian nation. And because it was founded so that Christians would be able to worship as they chose without interference of the Archbishop of Canterbury or the Pope, those of other faiths or of no faith are also able to practice their religion or beliefs without interference and in peace so long as they did not violate the rights of others.
The founders no doubt took into consideration the non believers. And let's not pretend all the founders were christians for example Christians today say no Christians owned slaves. A real christian wouldn't own another human. Christians never take credit for bad Christians. They always say "well he couldn't have been a real christian because Jesus said..."

Or are you finally admitting that Christians owned slaves?

Christians owned slaves, but also fought the Civil War over it. It was the racist Democrats and Darwinists who wanted to continue slavery. You need to have, "Darwin Was A Racist" stamped upon your sloping forehead.

I guess I was wrong

As I've been saying all along. Atheists are usually wrong. This will come back to bite you in the arse later.

So conservative mother fuckers today flying those confederate flags in their trucks are liberals? Didn't Jesus teach you not to lie?

Whether it was Democrats who were racist back then is irrelevent to who and what people are now. Yes, most of the southerners were Democrat but not all were racist.

President Lincoln was Republican and ordered the abolishment of slavery in the southern states via executive fiat, but he was also seriously racist. Further his Proclamation did not apply to Delaware, Missouri, Maryland, and Kentucky, all slave states but all chose to remain loyal to the Union.

Most of the northern slave states abolished slavery before the end of the war but Delaware and Missouri did so only upon ratification of the 13th Amendment in 1865.

But to judge their culture by the standards of our culture is not fair. And to point to how people were THEN as illustrative of how people are now is just silly.

On the other hand, to extrapolate those Confederate battle flags into something racist is also very wrong. While yes, some did fight to retain the slave economy, thousands upon thousands of Confederate soldiers neither owned slaves nor condoned the practice. They were fighting for the right of self determination and not to defend slavery. And that battle flag was theirs too. These days, I would feel safe in saying 99% of those displaying that battle flag are not in the least racist.

And again, most of the change that came about to the ending of slavery and other social changes came from pressure from the Christian community both here in America and in Europe.
I think around here any white guys flying the confederate flag are probably showing off their blatant racism. But I'm here in Michigan in white country. Howell, mi is right next door and hq for the klan. Those guys are Christians too.

You've had some great posts. Thanks for sharing

There are going to be racists here and there everywhere. But I think you might be selling your neighbors a bit short there. And I have had very VERY little contact with the Klan in my increasingly long lifetime, but every time I have seen 'their' flag displayed, it has been the American stars and stripes flag.
those in the South that did not have slaves were not for the civil war, that war like the division in the country today was conducted by a vocal, adherent minority - the reason after its conclusion the Southern majority had no inkling for the future to "rise again".

You are correct that there were some in the South who did not want war just as there were some in the North who sympathized with the Confederacy. But enough people in the south began to prepare for secession not over slavery but over what they considered oppressive taxation. And Lincoln knew it and the government had guaranteed that slavery would not be interfered with in those states in which it was legal if the states remained loyal to the union.

Once the war began however, patriotic sentiment took over and the die was cast. Those in the south who did not support the Confederacy mostly moved north and fought or supported the Union. And some in the North moved south and fought with the Confederacy. Though Lincoln thought slavery to be morally wrong, he was not an abolitionist. But once the war started he proclaimed emancipation of slaves only in those states that had seceded to urge more black people to flee north. The intention was to undermine the South while providing more manpower for the North.

And yes the majority of the people in both the Union and Confederacy were Christian, but Christians are just as patriotic as anybody else. It is a certain fact that Christians have been on both sides of all great issues facing our nation.
those in the south who did not find justification for slave ownership in the 4th century christian bible and set it aside were those that chose to fight against the barbaric and racial practice, those same that supported slavery are those that chose the KKK in support of their errant cause afterwards. - they are not this country, the slave owners, yet their portrayal as a majority deleteriously enhanced their roles in the events before and after the 1860's "civil" war and continue to languish in the public sector to this day.
those in the south who did not find justification for slave ownership in the 4th century christian bible and set it aside were those that chose to fight against the barbaric and racial practice, those same that supported slavery are those that chose the KKK in support of their errant cause afterwards. - they are not this country, the slave owners, yet their portrayal as a majority deleteriously enhanced their roles in the events before and after the 1860's "civil" war and continue to languish in the public sector to this day.

Your opinion is noted.
those in the South that did not have slaves were not for the civil war, that war like the division in the country today was conducted by a vocal, adherent minority - the reason after its conclusion the Southern majority had no inkling for the future to "rise again".

You are correct that there were some in the South who did not want war just as there were some in the North who sympathized with the Confederacy. But enough people in the south began to prepare for secession not over slavery but over what they considered oppressive taxation. And Lincoln knew it and the government had guaranteed that slavery would not be interfered with in those states in which it was legal if the states remained loyal to the union.

Once the war began however, patriotic sentiment took over and the die was cast. Those in the south who did not support the Confederacy mostly moved north and fought or supported the Union. And some in the North moved south and fought with the Confederacy. Though Lincoln thought slavery to be morally wrong, he was not an abolitionist. But once the war started he proclaimed emancipation of slaves only in those states that had seceded to urge more black people to flee north. The intention was to undermine the South while providing more manpower for the North.

And yes the majority of the people in both the Union and Confederacy were Christian, but Christians are just as patriotic as anybody else. It is a certain fact that Christians have been on both sides of all great issues facing our nation.
Though Lincoln thought slavery to be morally wrong, he was not an abolitionist. But once the war started he proclaimed emancipation of slaves only in those states that had seceded to urge more black people to flee north. The intention was to undermine the South while providing more manpower for the North.

The Emancipation Proclamation 1863 < Abraham Lincoln < Presidents < American History From Revolution To Reconstruction and beyond

It did not apply to slaves in border states fighting on the Union side; nor did it affect slaves in southern areas already under Union control.

thanks, what a surprise - so much for abraham lincoln, must have been a 4th centurier ...

And yes the majority of the people in both the Union and Confederacy were Christian, but Christians are just as patriotic as anybody else. It is a certain fact that Christians have been on both sides of all great issues facing our nation.

how really can that be ... even today that is not really true, I'm not being antagonistic but the history of christianity since the 4th century is basically a straight line of selfishness and oppression against everyone but their own as bonds "good folks" and their insatiable, guns and ammo mentality. that (their) "majority" did not write the US Constitution and are noticeably left out of it - ergo, their resentment and the tap dance that has ensued since its ratification.
those in the South that did not have slaves were not for the civil war, that war like the division in the country today was conducted by a vocal, adherent minority - the reason after its conclusion the Southern majority had no inkling for the future to "rise again".

You are correct that there were some in the South who did not want war just as there were some in the North who sympathized with the Confederacy. But enough people in the south began to prepare for secession not over slavery but over what they considered oppressive taxation. And Lincoln knew it and the government had guaranteed that slavery would not be interfered with in those states in which it was legal if the states remained loyal to the union.

Once the war began however, patriotic sentiment took over and the die was cast. Those in the south who did not support the Confederacy mostly moved north and fought or supported the Union. And some in the North moved south and fought with the Confederacy. Though Lincoln thought slavery to be morally wrong, he was not an abolitionist. But once the war started he proclaimed emancipation of slaves only in those states that had seceded to urge more black people to flee north. The intention was to undermine the South while providing more manpower for the North.

And yes the majority of the people in both the Union and Confederacy were Christian, but Christians are just as patriotic as anybody else. It is a certain fact that Christians have been on both sides of all great issues facing our nation.
Though Lincoln thought slavery to be morally wrong, he was not an abolitionist. But once the war started he proclaimed emancipation of slaves only in those states that had seceded to urge more black people to flee north. The intention was to undermine the South while providing more manpower for the North.

The Emancipation Proclamation 1863 < Abraham Lincoln < Presidents < American History From Revolution To Reconstruction and beyond

It did not apply to slaves in border states fighting on the Union side; nor did it affect slaves in southern areas already under Union control.

thanks, what a surprise - so much for abraham lincoln, must have been a 4th centurier ...

And yes the majority of the people in both the Union and Confederacy were Christian, but Christians are just as patriotic as anybody else. It is a certain fact that Christians have been on both sides of all great issues facing our nation.

how really can that be ... even today that is not really true, I'm not being antagonistic but the history of christianity since the 4th century is basically a straight line of selfishness and oppression against everyone but their own as bonds "good folks" and their insatiable, guns and ammo mentality. that (their) "majority" did not write the US Constitution and are noticeably left out of it - ergo, their resentment and the tap dance that has ensued since its ratification.

I get it. You have contempt for the Christian faith. You have made that abundantly clear. And therefore, I suspect you have blinders on and refuse to see what has been done that is good, noble, and impressive in the name of Christianity.

Those 'selfish' Christians are the ones who pushed for an end to slavery and for women's suffrage. Those 'selfish' Christians are the ones who longed for liberty and self governance and gave us the great nation called The United States of America.

Those 'selfish' Christians even now are primarily the ones running the homeless shelters, soup kitchens, thrift shops, relief efforts in countries all around the world, ministries to the disabled, orphanages, leper colonies, and working among some of the world's most poor and desperate people.

So we'll just have to agree to disagree on that one.
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those in the South that did not have slaves were not for the civil war, that war like the division in the country today was conducted by a vocal, adherent minority - the reason after its conclusion the Southern majority had no inkling for the future to "rise again".

You are correct that there were some in the South who did not want war just as there were some in the North who sympathized with the Confederacy. But enough people in the south began to prepare for secession not over slavery but over what they considered oppressive taxation. And Lincoln knew it and the government had guaranteed that slavery would not be interfered with in those states in which it was legal if the states remained loyal to the union.

Once the war began however, patriotic sentiment took over and the die was cast. Those in the south who did not support the Confederacy mostly moved north and fought or supported the Union. And some in the North moved south and fought with the Confederacy. Though Lincoln thought slavery to be morally wrong, he was not an abolitionist. But once the war started he proclaimed emancipation of slaves only in those states that had seceded to urge more black people to flee north. The intention was to undermine the South while providing more manpower for the North.

And yes the majority of the people in both the Union and Confederacy were Christian, but Christians are just as patriotic as anybody else. It is a certain fact that Christians have been on both sides of all great issues facing our nation.
Though Lincoln thought slavery to be morally wrong, he was not an abolitionist. But once the war started he proclaimed emancipation of slaves only in those states that had seceded to urge more black people to flee north. The intention was to undermine the South while providing more manpower for the North.

The Emancipation Proclamation 1863 < Abraham Lincoln < Presidents < American History From Revolution To Reconstruction and beyond

It did not apply to slaves in border states fighting on the Union side; nor did it affect slaves in southern areas already under Union control.

thanks, what a surprise - so much for abraham lincoln, must have been a 4th centurier ...

And yes the majority of the people in both the Union and Confederacy were Christian, but Christians are just as patriotic as anybody else. It is a certain fact that Christians have been on both sides of all great issues facing our nation.

how really can that be ... even today that is not really true, I'm not being antagonistic but the history of christianity since the 4th century is basically a straight line of selfishness and oppression against everyone but their own as bonds "good folks" and their insatiable, guns and ammo mentality. that (their) "majority" did not write the US Constitution and are noticeably left out of it - ergo, their resentment and the tap dance that has ensued since its ratification.

I get it. You have contempt for the Christian faith. You have made that abundantly clear. And therefore, I suspect you have blinders on and refuse to see what has been done that is good, noble, and impressive in the name of Christianity.

Those 'selfish' Christians are the ones who pushed for an end to slavery and for women's suffrage. Those 'selfish' Christians are the ones who longed for liberty and self governance and gave us the great nation called The United States of America.

Those 'selfish' Christians even now are primarily the ones running the homeless shelters, soup kitchens, thrift shops, relief efforts in countries all around the world, ministries to the disabled, orphanages, leper colonies, and working among some of the world's most poor and desperate people.

So we'll just have to agree to disagree on that one.
You have contempt for the Christian faith. You have made that abundantly clear.

you have proven to be disingenuous in the past, as you well know I distinguish the difference between the 1st century events and the reactionary duplicity of 4th century christianity -

there is a question to be answered, - were the events of the 1st century conciliatory to "slavery" et-all or was that time an awakening from servitude as an embellishment for the individuals worth as a Free Spirit and for self determination ... the fact alone without recuse of the past proves the 4th century bible is not a work of "religion" but a political manuscript to perpetuate the very elements of the 1st century it serves to disavow.

"No one comes to the Father except through me."

if as you say you oppose those practices, past and present why are they not removed from your book as the above where in the 4th century they were included, as forgeries - some would rather correct the past than read and live a deceitful fallacy.
I get it. You have contempt for the Christian faith. You have made that abundantly clear. And therefore, I suspect you have blinders on and refuse to see what has been done that is good, noble, and impressive in the name of Christianity.

Sealybobo is the one with contempt (see panel #1). BW is the one without a brain (panel #3).

What lies? If you spotted them point them out. Number them and I'll address them all. Or forever just live in your world of delusion.


I'd have to number every sentence then.

It'll be easier if I just explained it to you.

This explains why atheism is actually stupid, and requires as much faith, if not much more, to be an atheist.

All atheists posit what’s called a universal negative. A universal negative requires absolute knowledge (omniscience) whereas a universal positive may not require that.

For instance, let’s say I am in a building with 4 rooms, and I have only been in 1 room. In order to say that every room is empty, I would have to have knowledge of all 4 rooms. I would need to know the entirety of what I am claiming to know.

However, to state the opposite, that the building is not empty, I would at the very least only need to know about one room.

So, in essence, any time an atheist claims that there is absolutely no God, they are claiming absolute and full knowledge of the universe (omniscience). If they are not claiming absolute knowledge, than they are going off of faith, but in fact, since they could never EVER know for sure that universal negative, then they are requiring much more faith than a person who claims there is a God (because finding out if there is a God may not require absolute knowledge).

But hey, I don’t need to say it, it was written quite a long time ago "the fool says in his heart ‘There is no God’" (Psalm 14:1)

There you go. You are here.
I get it. You have contempt for the Christian faith. You have made that abundantly clear. And therefore, I suspect you have blinders on and refuse to see what has been done that is good, noble, and impressive in the name of Christianity.

Sealybobo is the one with contempt (see panel #1). BW is the one without a brain (panel #3).


Well, Sealy has been most civil in the debate and I respect that a lot. BW seems to have a lot of anger, but oh well. He hasn't been all that personally vindictive so I'll argue with anybody who can put up a competent civil argument. :)
I get it. You have contempt for the Christian faith. You have made that abundantly clear. And therefore, I suspect you have blinders on and refuse to see what has been done that is good, noble, and impressive in the name of Christianity.

Sealybobo is the one with contempt (see panel #1). BW is the one without a brain (panel #3).


Well, Sealy has been most civil in the debate and I respect that a lot. BW seems to have a lot of anger, but oh well. He hasn't been all that perso.
nally vindictive so I'll argue with anybody who can put up a competent civil argument. :)
So, in essence, any time a theist claims that there is absolutely a God, they are claiming absolute and full knowledge of the universe (omniscience). If they are not claiming absolute knowledge, than they are going off of faith, but in fact, since they could never EVER know for sure that universal negative, then they are requiring much more faith than a person who claims there is not a God (because finding out if there is not God may not require absolute knowledge).

there is not a comparison between an atheist / theist that is not relative ... between a 4th century christian and the events of the 1st century is a diametric historical event, no matter how the christians believe they are the bearers of that truth they only deceive themselves at the expense of the true religion they purposely are misrepresenting. and at their inevitable demise.

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