How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

  • Strong Theist

    Votes: 21 25.9%
  • De-facto Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Weak Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Pure Agnostic

    Votes: 14 17.3%
  • Weak Atheist

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • De-facto Atheist

    Votes: 8 9.9%
  • Strong Atheist

    Votes: 16 19.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 12 14.8%

  • Total voters
Heh. Atheists (which includes agnosticbobo) are wrong again.
If that's your best comeback no wonder we're losing our religion.

This is why Christians have a hard time converting people here. They need to get you alone to privately guilt and fear people into believing. Brainwashing. Make a bad argument here people call you on it.

I said you were wrong agnosticbobo because we're gaining our religion. Religion can answer the questions that face us today such as Hollywood values.
Religion can answer the questions that face us today such as Hollywood values.


you might start by defending your own values bond ... the "good folks" might be a little surprised.


you take to seriously, having a little fun.

Unfortunately, it's not fun when people have taken to greed due to seeing all the bling, covetousness seeing all the beautiful women and men, illicit drugs, or the bizarre hedonistic lifestyle that we are all tempted to want. The temptation of the ToK still hasn't gone away. The truth is it was never meant to go away. If Adam and Eve didn't fall, the ToK would've still been there except Cain wouldn't killed Abel. However, we can't deal with alternative endings, we only have now to deal with and atheism and evolution doesn't promote anything but Communism, i.e. corrupt government power leading to mass genocide, the promotion of the Hollywood values or supreme selfishness.

How belief in evolution changes our behavior
"“If there is no Creator, if everything springs ultimately from natural causes, and if this life is all there is, why ought I do/not do certain things, or act/not act in certain ways?”; “If man is merely the latest in a long chain of animals, why should he be viewed as different from any other animal?” These, and other similar questions, inevitably arise from a belief in evolution.

But if a person freely chooses to believe in evolution, what, then, are the implications of that belief? And how does that belief translate into the reality of daily living? Though it is rare to see evolutionists actually admit it, the simple fact of the matter is that belief in evolution produces a society that is not a very pleasant one in which to live. Several years ago, British evolutionist Richard Dawkins [who has described himself as “a fairly militant atheist, with a fair degree of hostility toward religion” (see Bass, 1990, p. 86)] authored a book titled The Selfish Gene, in which he set forth his theory of genetic determinism. In summarizing the basic thesis of the book, Dawkins said: “You are for nothing. You are here to propagate your selfish genes. There is no higher purpose in life” (Bass, 1990, p. 60). Dawkins explained:

I am not advocating a morality based on evolution. I am saying how things have evolved. I am not saying how we humans morally ought to behave.... My own feeling is that a human society based simply on the gene’s law of universal ruthless selfishness would be a very nasty society in which to live. But unfortunately, however much we may deplore something, it does not stop it being true (1989, pp. 2,3, emp. added).
Dawkins is correct in his assessment that a society based on the truthfulness of evolution would be “a very nasty” place to live. But why is this so? The answer has to do with the implications of belief in evolution."

The Implications of Evolution

What floats your boat to the evolutionists out there?
He said he's not trying to base a morality on religion. Religion is unnecessary as we have secular laws

smh. Atheists are wrong again. Never heard of sharia law?

Then the people of the USA believe that the US is a Christian nation. This is the reason why atheists are trying undermine Christianity in order to promote Communism. I'm referring to moral guidance here, not our laws pertaining to criminal, civil and business matters.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances” (The Constitution of the United States of America, The Bill of Rights, Amendment I)."

Evidence of Christian morality
"If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a Law, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it shall not be a Law” (The Constitution of the United States of America, Article 1, Section 7)."
Speaking of secular, I heard about Secular Humanism for the first time.

Secular humanism is a philosophy that states human beings are the most important figures, and that social problems are best solved without the involvement of a religious doctrine, specifically Christianity. People who are secular humanists purport to focus on ways to better themselves and human beings as a whole. The American Humanist Association's motto on the main page of their website is "good without a God". Christians view secular humanists, like atheists as a whole, as self-centered.

What's hilarious is the group seems to have kicked its founder out over disagreements on how to best run the group. The current group may want more aggressive and militant posture.

So much for something today's atheists can agree upon. In contrast to the Bible, the publication for atheists that have stood the test of time is The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx. LOL BreezeWood #BreezeWoodGetPwn3dAgain.
If that's your best comeback no wonder we're losing our religion.

This is why Christians have a hard time converting people here. They need to get you alone to privately guilt and fear people into believing. Brainwashing. Make a bad argument here people call you on it.

I said you were wrong agnosticbobo because we're gaining our religion. Religion can answer the questions that face us today such as Hollywood values.
Religion can answer the questions that face us today such as Hollywood values.


you might start by defending your own values bond ... the "good folks" might be a little surprised.


you take to seriously, having a little fun.

Unfortunately, it's not fun when people have taken to greed due to seeing all the bling, covetousness seeing all the beautiful women and men, illicit drugs, or the bizarre hedonistic lifestyle that we are all tempted to want. The temptation of the ToK still hasn't gone away. The truth is it was never meant to go away. If Adam and Eve didn't fall, the ToK would've still been there except Cain wouldn't killed Abel. However, we can't deal with alternative endings, we only have now to deal with and atheism and evolution doesn't promote anything but Communism, i.e. corrupt government power leading to mass genocide, the promotion of the Hollywood values or supreme selfishness.

How belief in evolution changes our behavior
"“If there is no Creator, if everything springs ultimately from natural causes, and if this life is all there is, why ought I do/not do certain things, or act/not act in certain ways?”; “If man is merely the latest in a long chain of animals, why should he be viewed as different from any other animal?” These, and other similar questions, inevitably arise from a belief in evolution.

But if a person freely chooses to believe in evolution, what, then, are the implications of that belief? And how does that belief translate into the reality of daily living? Though it is rare to see evolutionists actually admit it, the simple fact of the matter is that belief in evolution produces a society that is not a very pleasant one in which to live. Several years ago, British evolutionist Richard Dawkins [who has described himself as “a fairly militant atheist, with a fair degree of hostility toward religion” (see Bass, 1990, p. 86)] authored a book titled The Selfish Gene, in which he set forth his theory of genetic determinism. In summarizing the basic thesis of the book, Dawkins said: “You are for nothing. You are here to propagate your selfish genes. There is no higher purpose in life” (Bass, 1990, p. 60). Dawkins explained:

I am not advocating a morality based on evolution. I am saying how things have evolved. I am not saying how we humans morally ought to behave.... My own feeling is that a human society based simply on the gene’s law of universal ruthless selfishness would be a very nasty society in which to live. But unfortunately, however much we may deplore something, it does not stop it being true (1989, pp. 2,3, emp. added).
Dawkins is correct in his assessment that a society based on the truthfulness of evolution would be “a very nasty” place to live. But why is this so? The answer has to do with the implications of belief in evolution."

The Implications of Evolution

What floats your boat to the evolutionists out there?
He said he's not trying to base a morality on religion. Religion is unnecessary as we have secular laws

smh. Atheists are wrong again. Never heard of sharia law?

Then the people of the USA believe that the US is a Christian nation. This is the reason why atheists are trying undermine Christianity in order to promote Communism. I'm referring to moral guidance here, not our laws pertaining to criminal, civil and business matters.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances” (The Constitution of the United States of America, The Bill of Rights, Amendment I)."

Evidence of Christian morality
"If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a Law, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it shall not be a Law” (The Constitution of the United States of America, Article 1, Section 7)."

We all take Xmas off. That doesn't mean we are all Christians. We all take Good Friday off too. Doesn't mean we are Christians. But yes I see your point. This countries roots are in Christianity. I'm just saying we are no longer a Christian nation. That is the main religion but we are a melting pot of all the religions. And I don't give a damn what you Christians think about morality just like I don't care what Scientologists, Born Agains, Catholics, Muslims, Mormons and Jehova's believe.

Evidence we are not a Christian nation. Is abortion legal? Do we teach evolution in school?

I heard Carl Sagan talking the other day on a commercial. How we need to take care of this planet. It's the only one we have. This is the kind of morality us atheists have. What's funny is you conservatives love Darwin when it comes to free market capitalism but you don't like the concept when it comes to the creation of our planet and how life got started here. I'd call that cognitive dissonance.

And I hear many parents teaching their children morality without ever bringing up god. Maybe they do the brainwashing in private but I see them teaching their kids without scaring them with hell.

Ethics Without Gods | American Atheists
Speaking of secular, I heard about Secular Humanism for the first time.

Secular humanism is a philosophy that states human beings are the most important figures, and that social problems are best solved without the involvement of a religious doctrine, specifically Christianity. People who are secular humanists purport to focus on ways to better themselves and human beings as a whole. The American Humanist Association's motto on the main page of their website is "good without a God". Christians view secular humanists, like atheists as a whole, as self-centered.

What's hilarious is the group seems to have kicked its founder out over disagreements on how to best run the group. The current group may want more aggressive and militant posture.

So much for something today's atheists can agree upon. In contrast to the Bible, the publication for atheists that have stood the test of time is The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx. LOL BreezeWood #BreezeWoodGetPwn3dAgain.

Which bible has stood the test of time? Which version do you read? LOL.

And excuse me but did you just say secular humanism says humans are the most important figures? Isn't that what Christianity believes? Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you think that a god created the universe all for us? And didn't god put everything on earth for us according to your religion? And didn't this god created a heaven for your spirit after you die where you yourself become a god and never get sick and live happy forever?

Get the fuck out of here with your securlary humanism bullshit. LOL.

Atheists aren't a group. We only agree on one thing. God doesn't exist. No offense to him if he does but he has never revealed himself so....

Consider this. If one accepts the prevailing scientific understanding of the development of the universe, yet also believes in one of the major religions, then presumably a god sat idle for 13.7 billion years – waiting as the stars, galaxies and planets formed. Then it watched with complete and utter indifference as modern Homo Sapians evolved, struggled and died for a further 150,000 years. Finally, a few thousand years ago, this god suddenly decided to reveal itself to several people in the most primitive, illiterate and remote portions of humanity in a completely unverifiable way – and then simply disappeared.
Speaking of secular, I heard about Secular Humanism for the first time.

Secular humanism is a philosophy that states human beings are the most important figures, and that social problems are best solved without the involvement of a religious doctrine, specifically Christianity. People who are secular humanists purport to focus on ways to better themselves and human beings as a whole. The American Humanist Association's motto on the main page of their website is "good without a God". Christians view secular humanists, like atheists as a whole, as self-centered.

What's hilarious is the group seems to have kicked its founder out over disagreements on how to best run the group. The current group may want more aggressive and militant posture.

So much for something today's atheists can agree upon. In contrast to the Bible, the publication for atheists that have stood the test of time is The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx. LOL BreezeWood #BreezeWoodGetPwn3dAgain.

sec·u·lar hu·man·ism
  1. humanism, with regard in particular to the belief that humanity is capable of morality and self-fulfillment without belief in God.
So without god you would be an evil sick sonofabitch? Interesting. I wouldn't.

People need to believe in god / Without god people will do bad things.
Argument from adverse consequences [2].

Just because something is perceived as having good consequences if it is true, does not actually make it true.

The fact that religiously free societies with a proportionally large number of atheists are generally more peaceful [2][3] than otherwise is evidence this perception is incorrect.

See also: Atheism, Secularity, and Well-Being (a must read).

“With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.” – Steven Weinberg

Speaking of secular, I heard about Secular Humanism for the first time.

Secular humanism is a philosophy that states human beings are the most important figures, and that social problems are best solved without the involvement of a religious doctrine, specifically Christianity. People who are secular humanists purport to focus on ways to better themselves and human beings as a whole. The American Humanist Association's motto on the main page of their website is "good without a God". Christians view secular humanists, like atheists as a whole, as self-centered.

What's hilarious is the group seems to have kicked its founder out over disagreements on how to best run the group. The current group may want more aggressive and militant posture.

So much for something today's atheists can agree upon. In contrast to the Bible, the publication for atheists that have stood the test of time is The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx. LOL BreezeWood #BreezeWoodGetPwn3dAgain.

You are making bad arguments that we've already answered here Why there is no god

Atheists can’t know the difference between right and wrong.
Note: The following answer is a generalization. Atheists are not a homogeneous group. There is no formal moral code resulting from a lack of belief. Atheists can and do subscribe to any number of ethical systems, or may simply decide such things for themselves.

Atheists generally derive their sense of right and wrong from an innate and reasoned understanding of which actions contribute towards a society most hospitable to continual well-being and personal fulfillment. They are accountable to their own conscience and to society at large. They do not require an absolute standard in order to make distinctions between the possible effects of their actions.

Atheists are attuned to the here and now. Their ethics are not derived from some reward or punishment after death, but from a rational consideration of the consequences in this life. Impulsive desires are compassionately, empathetically and intelligently weighed against long term personal and social goals.

As social animals that have evolved to want and give love, to have freedom and security, we have learned that we are safer, stronger and more prosperous in a successful group. Crimes are inherently anti-social behaviours that introduce needless risk and are antithetical to the long-term needs and goals of a happy, stable society.

See also: Enlightened Self-Interest, Secular Ethics, Secular Humanism, Secular Morality, Compassion, Empathy, Sympathy, Conscience, Morality – Good without Gods (a must watch) Sam Harris – Science and Morality (a must watch), Trust, Morality and Oxytocin (a must watch), Christopher Hitchens on Atheist morality.

I have no need for religion, I have a conscience.

#5 here Why there is no god

Why do Christians pick and choose what to believe as the word of God?
The Anglican Church allows women and homosexuals as ordained ministers, hell fire fundamentalist factions spew eternal damnation for gay lifestyle, Protestants can divorce, Catholics can have an annulment but not necessarily re-marry. How can Christians profess adherence to the "word of God", then interpret that word any way they please? Hypothetically - would God be confused by all this selective interpretation? Either he said it or he didn't.

I know lots of Christians who think gays are ok. They think non christians go to heaven. They don't believe it's a sin to jack off thinking about the neighbors wife. I could go on and on about how most Christians cherry pick what they believe based on who they are. If they know gay people, then being gay isn't that big of a sin. But ask a right wing wack job and they'll tell you it's a sure way to go to hell.

I eat meat on good friday. I don't go to confession. I don't believe Satan exists so I don't renounce him because I don't think he's real.
tldr. Wow, sealybobo. Five-posts-in-a-row over secular humanism or the like.

What about the notion of atheists being selfish? Today, we have the popular selfie. I'm not saying it's just for the atheists as we all do it. However, some do it too often or are focused on it. Usually, to post on social media. Is this a trend because of atheism?

Did an atheist die here or what?
Man taking selfie on Germany autobahn killed after getting hit by car
tldr. Wow, sealybobo. Five-posts-in-a-row over secular humanism or the like.

What about the notion of atheists being selfish? Today, we have the popular selfie. I'm not saying it's just for the atheists as we all do it. However, some do it too often or are focused on it. Usually, to post on social media. Is this a trend because of atheism?

Did an atheist die here or what?
Man taking selfie on Germany autobahn killed after getting hit by car

I know losing our religion isn't all good. I think overall we will be better off without it because reality is always better than fiction but I do worry about the results of losing our religion. For example, think about all the preachers who go to war to help out when soldiers get blown up? Not a lot of atheists providing comfort to wounded soldiers. And charity will suffer. But consider charities are mostly all rackets. Maybe if we stop funding rackets then we will eventually getting around to solving the problems we have like poverty.

Religions across the globe and across time have dealt with the question of the origin of all things in a similar way. (An exception is Buddhism, which we will leave aside for now.) To create the world, with all its material things, there needs to be a stage where things exist — space — and an account where their histories unfold — time. To create space and time and the things within them, religions invoke deities capable of existing outside the confines of space and time — and with the power to create things. So, by definition, to be a god is to transcend the confines of space and time, and to exist beyond the boundaries that define our existence. The gods, or God, do not respect the laws of nature that rule material and living things.
I said you were wrong agnosticbobo because we're gaining our religion. Religion can answer the questions that face us today such as Hollywood values.
Religion can answer the questions that face us today such as Hollywood values.


you might start by defending your own values bond ... the "good folks" might be a little surprised.


you take to seriously, having a little fun.

Unfortunately, it's not fun when people have taken to greed due to seeing all the bling, covetousness seeing all the beautiful women and men, illicit drugs, or the bizarre hedonistic lifestyle that we are all tempted to want. The temptation of the ToK still hasn't gone away. The truth is it was never meant to go away. If Adam and Eve didn't fall, the ToK would've still been there except Cain wouldn't killed Abel. However, we can't deal with alternative endings, we only have now to deal with and atheism and evolution doesn't promote anything but Communism, i.e. corrupt government power leading to mass genocide, the promotion of the Hollywood values or supreme selfishness.

How belief in evolution changes our behavior
"“If there is no Creator, if everything springs ultimately from natural causes, and if this life is all there is, why ought I do/not do certain things, or act/not act in certain ways?”; “If man is merely the latest in a long chain of animals, why should he be viewed as different from any other animal?” These, and other similar questions, inevitably arise from a belief in evolution.

But if a person freely chooses to believe in evolution, what, then, are the implications of that belief? And how does that belief translate into the reality of daily living? Though it is rare to see evolutionists actually admit it, the simple fact of the matter is that belief in evolution produces a society that is not a very pleasant one in which to live. Several years ago, British evolutionist Richard Dawkins [who has described himself as “a fairly militant atheist, with a fair degree of hostility toward religion” (see Bass, 1990, p. 86)] authored a book titled The Selfish Gene, in which he set forth his theory of genetic determinism. In summarizing the basic thesis of the book, Dawkins said: “You are for nothing. You are here to propagate your selfish genes. There is no higher purpose in life” (Bass, 1990, p. 60). Dawkins explained:

I am not advocating a morality based on evolution. I am saying how things have evolved. I am not saying how we humans morally ought to behave.... My own feeling is that a human society based simply on the gene’s law of universal ruthless selfishness would be a very nasty society in which to live. But unfortunately, however much we may deplore something, it does not stop it being true (1989, pp. 2,3, emp. added).
Dawkins is correct in his assessment that a society based on the truthfulness of evolution would be “a very nasty” place to live. But why is this so? The answer has to do with the implications of belief in evolution."

The Implications of Evolution

What floats your boat to the evolutionists out there?
He said he's not trying to base a morality on religion. Religion is unnecessary as we have secular laws

smh. Atheists are wrong again. Never heard of sharia law?

Then the people of the USA believe that the US is a Christian nation. This is the reason why atheists are trying undermine Christianity in order to promote Communism. I'm referring to moral guidance here, not our laws pertaining to criminal, civil and business matters.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances” (The Constitution of the United States of America, The Bill of Rights, Amendment I)."

Evidence of Christian morality
"If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a Law, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it shall not be a Law” (The Constitution of the United States of America, Article 1, Section 7)."

We all take Xmas off. That doesn't mean we are all Christians. We all take Good Friday off too. Doesn't mean we are Christians. But yes I see your point. This countries roots are in Christianity. I'm just saying we are no longer a Christian nation. That is the main religion but we are a melting pot of all the religions. And I don't give a damn what you Christians think about morality just like I don't care what Scientologists, Born Agains, Catholics, Muslims, Mormons and Jehova's believe.

Evidence we are not a Christian nation. Is abortion legal? Do we teach evolution in school?

I heard Carl Sagan talking the other day on a commercial. How we need to take care of this planet. It's the only one we have. This is the kind of morality us atheists have. What's funny is you conservatives love Darwin when it comes to free market capitalism but you don't like the concept when it comes to the creation of our planet and how life got started here. I'd call that cognitive dissonance.

And I hear many parents teaching their children morality without ever bringing up god. Maybe they do the brainwashing in private but I see them teaching their kids without scaring them with hell.

Ethics Without Gods | American Atheists
But yes I see your point. This countries roots are in Christianity. I'm just saying we are no longer a Christian nation.

- I'm just saying we are no longer a Christian nation.

wrong sealy, we are hopefully no longer the 4th century version of the true 1st century enlightenment as a nation yet it is the original 1st century realization yet to be honored the nation continues to aspire including the proper rationalization of the Almighty and the purity of the Everlasting. - and as an epilogue, good riddance to that book.

the paradox is the missing link the 1st century represented in the evolution of humanity that is the inclusion of both secular and Spiritual as a harmonious Being through the proper Triumph to replicate the Everlasting while living on planet Earth, the true 1st century revelation.

you might start by defending your own values bond ... the "good folks" might be a little surprised.


you take to seriously, having a little fun.

Unfortunately, it's not fun when people have taken to greed due to seeing all the bling, covetousness seeing all the beautiful women and men, illicit drugs, or the bizarre hedonistic lifestyle that we are all tempted to want. The temptation of the ToK still hasn't gone away. The truth is it was never meant to go away. If Adam and Eve didn't fall, the ToK would've still been there except Cain wouldn't killed Abel. However, we can't deal with alternative endings, we only have now to deal with and atheism and evolution doesn't promote anything but Communism, i.e. corrupt government power leading to mass genocide, the promotion of the Hollywood values or supreme selfishness.

How belief in evolution changes our behavior
"“If there is no Creator, if everything springs ultimately from natural causes, and if this life is all there is, why ought I do/not do certain things, or act/not act in certain ways?”; “If man is merely the latest in a long chain of animals, why should he be viewed as different from any other animal?” These, and other similar questions, inevitably arise from a belief in evolution.

But if a person freely chooses to believe in evolution, what, then, are the implications of that belief? And how does that belief translate into the reality of daily living? Though it is rare to see evolutionists actually admit it, the simple fact of the matter is that belief in evolution produces a society that is not a very pleasant one in which to live. Several years ago, British evolutionist Richard Dawkins [who has described himself as “a fairly militant atheist, with a fair degree of hostility toward religion” (see Bass, 1990, p. 86)] authored a book titled The Selfish Gene, in which he set forth his theory of genetic determinism. In summarizing the basic thesis of the book, Dawkins said: “You are for nothing. You are here to propagate your selfish genes. There is no higher purpose in life” (Bass, 1990, p. 60). Dawkins explained:

I am not advocating a morality based on evolution. I am saying how things have evolved. I am not saying how we humans morally ought to behave.... My own feeling is that a human society based simply on the gene’s law of universal ruthless selfishness would be a very nasty society in which to live. But unfortunately, however much we may deplore something, it does not stop it being true (1989, pp. 2,3, emp. added).
Dawkins is correct in his assessment that a society based on the truthfulness of evolution would be “a very nasty” place to live. But why is this so? The answer has to do with the implications of belief in evolution."

The Implications of Evolution

What floats your boat to the evolutionists out there?
He said he's not trying to base a morality on religion. Religion is unnecessary as we have secular laws

smh. Atheists are wrong again. Never heard of sharia law?

Then the people of the USA believe that the US is a Christian nation. This is the reason why atheists are trying undermine Christianity in order to promote Communism. I'm referring to moral guidance here, not our laws pertaining to criminal, civil and business matters.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances” (The Constitution of the United States of America, The Bill of Rights, Amendment I)."

Evidence of Christian morality
"If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a Law, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it shall not be a Law” (The Constitution of the United States of America, Article 1, Section 7)."

We all take Xmas off. That doesn't mean we are all Christians. We all take Good Friday off too. Doesn't mean we are Christians. But yes I see your point. This countries roots are in Christianity. I'm just saying we are no longer a Christian nation. That is the main religion but we are a melting pot of all the religions. And I don't give a damn what you Christians think about morality just like I don't care what Scientologists, Born Agains, Catholics, Muslims, Mormons and Jehova's believe.

Evidence we are not a Christian nation. Is abortion legal? Do we teach evolution in school?

I heard Carl Sagan talking the other day on a commercial. How we need to take care of this planet. It's the only one we have. This is the kind of morality us atheists have. What's funny is you conservatives love Darwin when it comes to free market capitalism but you don't like the concept when it comes to the creation of our planet and how life got started here. I'd call that cognitive dissonance.

And I hear many parents teaching their children morality without ever bringing up god. Maybe they do the brainwashing in private but I see them teaching their kids without scaring them with hell.

Ethics Without Gods | American Atheists
But yes I see your point. This countries roots are in Christianity. I'm just saying we are no longer a Christian nation.

- I'm just saying we are no longer a Christian nation.

wrong sealy, we are hopefully no longer the 4th century version of the true 1st century enlightenment as a nation yet it is the original 1st century realization yet to be honored the nation continues to aspire including the proper rationalization of the Almighty and the purity of the Everlasting. - and as an epilogue, good riddance to that book.

the paradox is the missing link the 1st century represented in the evolution of humanity that is the inclusion of both secular and Spiritual as a harmonious Being through the proper Triumph to replicate the Everlasting while living on planet Earth, the true 1st century revelation.

I guess I was wrong

Unfortunately, it's not fun when people have taken to greed due to seeing all the bling, covetousness seeing all the beautiful women and men, illicit drugs, or the bizarre hedonistic lifestyle that we are all tempted to want. The temptation of the ToK still hasn't gone away. The truth is it was never meant to go away. If Adam and Eve didn't fall, the ToK would've still been there except Cain wouldn't killed Abel. However, we can't deal with alternative endings, we only have now to deal with and atheism and evolution doesn't promote anything but Communism, i.e. corrupt government power leading to mass genocide, the promotion of the Hollywood values or supreme selfishness.

How belief in evolution changes our behavior
"“If there is no Creator, if everything springs ultimately from natural causes, and if this life is all there is, why ought I do/not do certain things, or act/not act in certain ways?”; “If man is merely the latest in a long chain of animals, why should he be viewed as different from any other animal?” These, and other similar questions, inevitably arise from a belief in evolution.

But if a person freely chooses to believe in evolution, what, then, are the implications of that belief? And how does that belief translate into the reality of daily living? Though it is rare to see evolutionists actually admit it, the simple fact of the matter is that belief in evolution produces a society that is not a very pleasant one in which to live. Several years ago, British evolutionist Richard Dawkins [who has described himself as “a fairly militant atheist, with a fair degree of hostility toward religion” (see Bass, 1990, p. 86)] authored a book titled The Selfish Gene, in which he set forth his theory of genetic determinism. In summarizing the basic thesis of the book, Dawkins said: “You are for nothing. You are here to propagate your selfish genes. There is no higher purpose in life” (Bass, 1990, p. 60). Dawkins explained:

I am not advocating a morality based on evolution. I am saying how things have evolved. I am not saying how we humans morally ought to behave.... My own feeling is that a human society based simply on the gene’s law of universal ruthless selfishness would be a very nasty society in which to live. But unfortunately, however much we may deplore something, it does not stop it being true (1989, pp. 2,3, emp. added).
Dawkins is correct in his assessment that a society based on the truthfulness of evolution would be “a very nasty” place to live. But why is this so? The answer has to do with the implications of belief in evolution."

The Implications of Evolution

What floats your boat to the evolutionists out there?
He said he's not trying to base a morality on religion. Religion is unnecessary as we have secular laws

smh. Atheists are wrong again. Never heard of sharia law?

Then the people of the USA believe that the US is a Christian nation. This is the reason why atheists are trying undermine Christianity in order to promote Communism. I'm referring to moral guidance here, not our laws pertaining to criminal, civil and business matters.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances” (The Constitution of the United States of America, The Bill of Rights, Amendment I)."

Evidence of Christian morality
"If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a Law, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it shall not be a Law” (The Constitution of the United States of America, Article 1, Section 7)."

We all take Xmas off. That doesn't mean we are all Christians. We all take Good Friday off too. Doesn't mean we are Christians. But yes I see your point. This countries roots are in Christianity. I'm just saying we are no longer a Christian nation. That is the main religion but we are a melting pot of all the religions. And I don't give a damn what you Christians think about morality just like I don't care what Scientologists, Born Agains, Catholics, Muslims, Mormons and Jehova's believe.

Evidence we are not a Christian nation. Is abortion legal? Do we teach evolution in school?

I heard Carl Sagan talking the other day on a commercial. How we need to take care of this planet. It's the only one we have. This is the kind of morality us atheists have. What's funny is you conservatives love Darwin when it comes to free market capitalism but you don't like the concept when it comes to the creation of our planet and how life got started here. I'd call that cognitive dissonance.

And I hear many parents teaching their children morality without ever bringing up god. Maybe they do the brainwashing in private but I see them teaching their kids without scaring them with hell.

Ethics Without Gods | American Atheists
But yes I see your point. This countries roots are in Christianity. I'm just saying we are no longer a Christian nation.

- I'm just saying we are no longer a Christian nation.

wrong sealy, we are hopefully no longer the 4th century version of the true 1st century enlightenment as a nation yet it is the original 1st century realization yet to be honored the nation continues to aspire including the proper rationalization of the Almighty and the purity of the Everlasting. - and as an epilogue, good riddance to that book.

the paradox is the missing link the 1st century represented in the evolution of humanity that is the inclusion of both secular and Spiritual as a harmonious Being through the proper Triumph to replicate the Everlasting while living on planet Earth, the true 1st century revelation.

I guess I was wrong

I guess I was wrong

... the US was never a christian nation.
He said he's not trying to base a morality on religion. Religion is unnecessary as we have secular laws

smh. Atheists are wrong again. Never heard of sharia law?

Then the people of the USA believe that the US is a Christian nation. This is the reason why atheists are trying undermine Christianity in order to promote Communism. I'm referring to moral guidance here, not our laws pertaining to criminal, civil and business matters.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances” (The Constitution of the United States of America, The Bill of Rights, Amendment I)."

Evidence of Christian morality
"If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a Law, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it shall not be a Law” (The Constitution of the United States of America, Article 1, Section 7)."

We all take Xmas off. That doesn't mean we are all Christians. We all take Good Friday off too. Doesn't mean we are Christians. But yes I see your point. This countries roots are in Christianity. I'm just saying we are no longer a Christian nation. That is the main religion but we are a melting pot of all the religions. And I don't give a damn what you Christians think about morality just like I don't care what Scientologists, Born Agains, Catholics, Muslims, Mormons and Jehova's believe.

Evidence we are not a Christian nation. Is abortion legal? Do we teach evolution in school?

I heard Carl Sagan talking the other day on a commercial. How we need to take care of this planet. It's the only one we have. This is the kind of morality us atheists have. What's funny is you conservatives love Darwin when it comes to free market capitalism but you don't like the concept when it comes to the creation of our planet and how life got started here. I'd call that cognitive dissonance.

And I hear many parents teaching their children morality without ever bringing up god. Maybe they do the brainwashing in private but I see them teaching their kids without scaring them with hell.

Ethics Without Gods | American Atheists
But yes I see your point. This countries roots are in Christianity. I'm just saying we are no longer a Christian nation.

- I'm just saying we are no longer a Christian nation.

wrong sealy, we are hopefully no longer the 4th century version of the true 1st century enlightenment as a nation yet it is the original 1st century realization yet to be honored the nation continues to aspire including the proper rationalization of the Almighty and the purity of the Everlasting. - and as an epilogue, good riddance to that book.

the paradox is the missing link the 1st century represented in the evolution of humanity that is the inclusion of both secular and Spiritual as a harmonious Being through the proper Triumph to replicate the Everlasting while living on planet Earth, the true 1st century revelation.

I guess I was wrong

I guess I was wrong

... the US was never a christian nation.

The U.S. was founded as a haven for persecuted Christians and has always been a Christian nation. And because it was founded so that Christians would be able to worship as they chose without interference of the Archbishop of Canterbury or the Pope, those of other faiths or of no faith are also able to practice their religion or beliefs without interference and in peace so long as they did not violate the rights of others.
smh. Atheists are wrong again. Never heard of sharia law?

Then the people of the USA believe that the US is a Christian nation. This is the reason why atheists are trying undermine Christianity in order to promote Communism. I'm referring to moral guidance here, not our laws pertaining to criminal, civil and business matters.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances” (The Constitution of the United States of America, The Bill of Rights, Amendment I)."

Evidence of Christian morality
"If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a Law, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it shall not be a Law” (The Constitution of the United States of America, Article 1, Section 7)."

We all take Xmas off. That doesn't mean we are all Christians. We all take Good Friday off too. Doesn't mean we are Christians. But yes I see your point. This countries roots are in Christianity. I'm just saying we are no longer a Christian nation. That is the main religion but we are a melting pot of all the religions. And I don't give a damn what you Christians think about morality just like I don't care what Scientologists, Born Agains, Catholics, Muslims, Mormons and Jehova's believe.

Evidence we are not a Christian nation. Is abortion legal? Do we teach evolution in school?

I heard Carl Sagan talking the other day on a commercial. How we need to take care of this planet. It's the only one we have. This is the kind of morality us atheists have. What's funny is you conservatives love Darwin when it comes to free market capitalism but you don't like the concept when it comes to the creation of our planet and how life got started here. I'd call that cognitive dissonance.

And I hear many parents teaching their children morality without ever bringing up god. Maybe they do the brainwashing in private but I see them teaching their kids without scaring them with hell.

Ethics Without Gods | American Atheists
But yes I see your point. This countries roots are in Christianity. I'm just saying we are no longer a Christian nation.

- I'm just saying we are no longer a Christian nation.

wrong sealy, we are hopefully no longer the 4th century version of the true 1st century enlightenment as a nation yet it is the original 1st century realization yet to be honored the nation continues to aspire including the proper rationalization of the Almighty and the purity of the Everlasting. - and as an epilogue, good riddance to that book.

the paradox is the missing link the 1st century represented in the evolution of humanity that is the inclusion of both secular and Spiritual as a harmonious Being through the proper Triumph to replicate the Everlasting while living on planet Earth, the true 1st century revelation.

I guess I was wrong

I guess I was wrong

... the US was never a christian nation.

The U.S. was founded as a haven for persecuted Christians and has always been a Christian nation. And because it was founded so that Christians would be able to worship as they chose without interference of the Archbishop of Canterbury or the Pope, those of other faiths or of no faith are also able to practice their religion or beliefs without interference and in peace so long as they did not violate the rights of others.
The founders no doubt took into consideration the non believers. And let's not pretend all the founders were christians for example Christians today say no Christians owned slaves. A real christian wouldn't own another human. Christians never take credit for bad Christians. They always say "well he couldn't have been a real christian because Jesus said..."

Or are you finally admitting that Christians owned slaves?

you might start by defending your own values bond ... the "good folks" might be a little surprised.


you take to seriously, having a little fun.

Unfortunately, it's not fun when people have taken to greed due to seeing all the bling, covetousness seeing all the beautiful women and men, illicit drugs, or the bizarre hedonistic lifestyle that we are all tempted to want. The temptation of the ToK still hasn't gone away. The truth is it was never meant to go away. If Adam and Eve didn't fall, the ToK would've still been there except Cain wouldn't killed Abel. However, we can't deal with alternative endings, we only have now to deal with and atheism and evolution doesn't promote anything but Communism, i.e. corrupt government power leading to mass genocide, the promotion of the Hollywood values or supreme selfishness.

How belief in evolution changes our behavior
"“If there is no Creator, if everything springs ultimately from natural causes, and if this life is all there is, why ought I do/not do certain things, or act/not act in certain ways?”; “If man is merely the latest in a long chain of animals, why should he be viewed as different from any other animal?” These, and other similar questions, inevitably arise from a belief in evolution.

But if a person freely chooses to believe in evolution, what, then, are the implications of that belief? And how does that belief translate into the reality of daily living? Though it is rare to see evolutionists actually admit it, the simple fact of the matter is that belief in evolution produces a society that is not a very pleasant one in which to live. Several years ago, British evolutionist Richard Dawkins [who has described himself as “a fairly militant atheist, with a fair degree of hostility toward religion” (see Bass, 1990, p. 86)] authored a book titled The Selfish Gene, in which he set forth his theory of genetic determinism. In summarizing the basic thesis of the book, Dawkins said: “You are for nothing. You are here to propagate your selfish genes. There is no higher purpose in life” (Bass, 1990, p. 60). Dawkins explained:

I am not advocating a morality based on evolution. I am saying how things have evolved. I am not saying how we humans morally ought to behave.... My own feeling is that a human society based simply on the gene’s law of universal ruthless selfishness would be a very nasty society in which to live. But unfortunately, however much we may deplore something, it does not stop it being true (1989, pp. 2,3, emp. added).
Dawkins is correct in his assessment that a society based on the truthfulness of evolution would be “a very nasty” place to live. But why is this so? The answer has to do with the implications of belief in evolution."

The Implications of Evolution

What floats your boat to the evolutionists out there?
He said he's not trying to base a morality on religion. Religion is unnecessary as we have secular laws

smh. Atheists are wrong again. Never heard of sharia law?

Then the people of the USA believe that the US is a Christian nation. This is the reason why atheists are trying undermine Christianity in order to promote Communism. I'm referring to moral guidance here, not our laws pertaining to criminal, civil and business matters.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances” (The Constitution of the United States of America, The Bill of Rights, Amendment I)."

Evidence of Christian morality
"If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten Days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a Law, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it shall not be a Law” (The Constitution of the United States of America, Article 1, Section 7)."

We all take Xmas off. That doesn't mean we are all Christians. We all take Good Friday off too. Doesn't mean we are Christians. But yes I see your point. This countries roots are in Christianity. I'm just saying we are no longer a Christian nation. That is the main religion but we are a melting pot of all the religions. And I don't give a damn what you Christians think about morality just like I don't care what Scientologists, Born Agains, Catholics, Muslims, Mormons and Jehova's believe.

Evidence we are not a Christian nation. Is abortion legal? Do we teach evolution in school?

I heard Carl Sagan talking the other day on a commercial. How we need to take care of this planet. It's the only one we have. This is the kind of morality us atheists have. What's funny is you conservatives love Darwin when it comes to free market capitalism but you don't like the concept when it comes to the creation of our planet and how life got started here. I'd call that cognitive dissonance.

And I hear many parents teaching their children morality without ever bringing up god. Maybe they do the brainwashing in private but I see them teaching their kids without scaring them with hell.

Ethics Without Gods | American Atheists
But yes I see your point. This countries roots are in Christianity. I'm just saying we are no longer a Christian nation.

- I'm just saying we are no longer a Christian nation.

wrong sealy, we are hopefully no longer the 4th century version of the true 1st century enlightenment as a nation yet it is the original 1st century realization yet to be honored the nation continues to aspire including the proper rationalization of the Almighty and the purity of the Everlasting. - and as an epilogue, good riddance to that book.

the paradox is the missing link the 1st century represented in the evolution of humanity that is the inclusion of both secular and Spiritual as a harmonious Being through the proper Triumph to replicate the Everlasting while living on planet Earth, the true 1st century revelation.
If eventually 51% of us go Muslim will you say we are a Muslim nation? What will you say then?

So we are not a christian nation. That's insulting to the rest of us. The brainwashing is over. Gone are the days we assume everyone believes a god is real or exists.

Lots of atheists in America. Lots of Muslims too.

Do you know what Mormons believe? That's not Christianity. It's a spin-off
We all take Xmas off. That doesn't mean we are all Christians. We all take Good Friday off too. Doesn't mean we are Christians. But yes I see your point. This countries roots are in Christianity. I'm just saying we are no longer a Christian nation. That is the main religion but we are a melting pot of all the religions. And I don't give a damn what you Christians think about morality just like I don't care what Scientologists, Born Agains, Catholics, Muslims, Mormons and Jehova's believe.

Evidence we are not a Christian nation. Is abortion legal? Do we teach evolution in school?

I heard Carl Sagan talking the other day on a commercial. How we need to take care of this planet. It's the only one we have. This is the kind of morality us atheists have. What's funny is you conservatives love Darwin when it comes to free market capitalism but you don't like the concept when it comes to the creation of our planet and how life got started here. I'd call that cognitive dissonance.

And I hear many parents teaching their children morality without ever bringing up god. Maybe they do the brainwashing in private but I see them teaching their kids without scaring them with hell.

Ethics Without Gods | American Atheists
But yes I see your point. This countries roots are in Christianity. I'm just saying we are no longer a Christian nation.

- I'm just saying we are no longer a Christian nation.

wrong sealy, we are hopefully no longer the 4th century version of the true 1st century enlightenment as a nation yet it is the original 1st century realization yet to be honored the nation continues to aspire including the proper rationalization of the Almighty and the purity of the Everlasting. - and as an epilogue, good riddance to that book.

the paradox is the missing link the 1st century represented in the evolution of humanity that is the inclusion of both secular and Spiritual as a harmonious Being through the proper Triumph to replicate the Everlasting while living on planet Earth, the true 1st century revelation.

I guess I was wrong

I guess I was wrong

... the US was never a christian nation.

The U.S. was founded as a haven for persecuted Christians and has always been a Christian nation. And because it was founded so that Christians would be able to worship as they chose without interference of the Archbishop of Canterbury or the Pope, those of other faiths or of no faith are also able to practice their religion or beliefs without interference and in peace so long as they did not violate the rights of others.
The founders no doubt took into consideration the non believers. And let's not pretend all the founders were christians for example Christians today say no Christians owned slaves. A real christian wouldn't own another human. Christians never take credit for bad Christians. They always say "well he couldn't have been a real christian because Jesus said..."

Or are you finally admitting that Christians owned slaves?

They were all Christian or adherents of Christian values. None of the founders condoned slavery but yes, some of them did own slaves that were part of family plantations. I haven't been able to find where they actually purchased slaves themselves and all believed slavery should be abolished.

Washington for instance freed all his slaves in his will but not during his lifetime as it was illegal in Virginia for him to do so.

Be careful about judging people more than 200 years ago by the culture and standards of the 21st century. The Founders put the policy into place to gradually end the practice of slavery in the USA. They prohibited the slave trade, i.e. bringing new slaves into the country, and they made sure that no new states forming out of U.S. territories would be slave states. That was all they could do constitutionally, yet most of the slave states had ended slavery on their own by the Civil War. Had there been no Civil War, those states would almost certainly have ended the practice on their own by the end of the 19th Century.

But yes, Christians owned slavery and it was also via the pressure and policies pushed by Christians that ended the practice.

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