How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

  • Strong Theist

    Votes: 21 25.9%
  • De-facto Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Weak Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Pure Agnostic

    Votes: 14 17.3%
  • Weak Atheist

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • De-facto Atheist

    Votes: 8 9.9%
  • Strong Atheist

    Votes: 16 19.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 12 14.8%

  • Total voters
I get it. You have contempt for the Christian faith. You have made that abundantly clear. And therefore, I suspect you have blinders on and refuse to see what has been done that is good, noble, and impressive in the name of Christianity.

Sealybobo is the one with contempt (see panel #1). BW is the one without a brain (panel #3).


Well, Sealy has been most civil in the debate and I respect that a lot. BW seems to have a lot of anger, but oh well. He hasn't been all that perso.
nally vindictive so I'll argue with anybody who can put up a competent civil argument. :)
So, in essence, any time a theist claims that there is absolutely a God, they are claiming absolute and full knowledge of the universe (omniscience). If they are not claiming absolute knowledge, than they are going off of faith, but in fact, since they could never EVER know for sure that universal negative, then they are requiring much more faith than a person who claims there is not a God (because finding out if there is not God may not require absolute knowledge).

there is not a comparison between an atheist / theist that is not relative ... between a 4th century christian and the events of the 1st century is a diametric historical event, no matter how the christians believe they are the bearers of that truth they only deceive themselves at the expense of the true religion they purposely are misrepresenting. and at their inevitable demise.

Heh. I quote Psalm 14:1 for sealybobo and you reply. The fool says in his heart ‘There is no God’" (Psalm 14:1). It's like I called you direct when it wasn't meant for you. That's karma.

However, my analogy still holds and destroys the atheists.

"I am in a building with 4 rooms, and I have only been in 1 room. In order to say that every room is empty, I would have to have knowledge of all 4 rooms. I would need to know the entirety of what I am claiming to know.

However, to state the opposite, that the building is not empty, I would at the very least only need to know about one room."

In Jesus' case, it was his sepulchre.
I get it. You have contempt for the Christian faith. You have made that abundantly clear. And therefore, I suspect you have blinders on and refuse to see what has been done that is good, noble, and impressive in the name of Christianity.

Sealybobo is the one with contempt (see panel #1). BW is the one without a brain (panel #3).


Well, Sealy has been most civil in the debate and I respect that a lot. BW seems to have a lot of anger, but oh well. He hasn't been all that personally vindictive so I'll argue with anybody who can put up a competent civil argument. :)

Sealybobo has been the better debater and has been more civil, but recently he seems to have changed for the worse. Just my opinion.
I get it. You have contempt for the Christian faith. You have made that abundantly clear. And therefore, I suspect you have blinders on and refuse to see what has been done that is good, noble, and impressive in the name of Christianity.

Sealybobo is the one with contempt (see panel #1). BW is the one without a brain (panel #3).


Well, Sealy has been most civil in the debate and I respect that a lot. BW seems to have a lot of anger, but oh well. He hasn't been all that perso.
nally vindictive so I'll argue with anybody who can put up a competent civil argument. :)
So, in essence, any time a theist claims that there is absolutely a God, they are claiming absolute and full knowledge of the universe (omniscience). If they are not claiming absolute knowledge, than they are going off of faith, but in fact, since they could never EVER know for sure that universal negative, then they are requiring much more faith than a person who claims there is not a God (because finding out if there is not God may not require absolute knowledge).

there is not a comparison between an atheist / theist that is not relative ... between a 4th century christian and the events of the 1st century is a diametric historical event, no matter how the christians believe they are the bearers of that truth they only deceive themselves at the expense of the true religion they purposely are misrepresenting. and at their inevitable demise.

Heh. I quote Psalm 14:1 for sealybobo and you reply. The fool says in his heart ‘There is no God’" (Psalm 14:1). It's like I called you direct when it wasn't meant for you. That's karma.

However, my analogy still holds and destroys the atheists.

"I am in a building with 4 rooms, and I have only been in 1 room. In order to say that every room is empty, I would have to have knowledge of all 4 rooms. I would need to know the entirety of what I am claiming to know.

However, to state the opposite, that the building is not empty, I would at the very least only need to know about one room."

In Jesus' case, it was his sepulchre.
Heh. I quote Psalm 14:1 for sealybobo and you reply. The fool says in his heart ‘There is no God’" (Psalm 14:1). It's like I called you direct when it wasn't meant for you. That's karma.

I did not respond to your 14:1, dumbass - because only a child would find meaning where there is non.

However, my analogy still holds and destroys the atheists.

as stated, the two positions are relative - unless the religion has a physical component, the genome of life, something that seemingly terrifies bond into namecalling.

In Jesus' case, it was his sepulchre.

Exclusive: Christ's Burial Place Exposed for First Time in Centuries

An analysis of the original rock may enable them to better understand not only the original form of the tomb chamber, but also how it evolved as the focal point of veneration since it was first identified by Helena, mother of the Roman emperor Constantine, in A.D. 326.

what a shock, the burial site was discovered by "Helena" in 326 AD (4th century) - jeapeers, does anyone wonder how Helena figured that one out ... and no one noted its location during the time it should have meant something.

anyway, sealy claims to be an agnostic atheist that covers your silly soliloquy.
... and has been more civil

for those who are religious ...


its a long struggle against forged religious bigotry against free spirited "folks" that will never conform to their written selfserving manuscript.

civil is in the eye of the beholder.
those in the South that did not have slaves were not for the civil war, that war like the division in the country today was conducted by a vocal, adherent minority - the reason after its conclusion the Southern majority had no inkling for the future to "rise again".
I was impressed to hear southern Baptist condemn the alt right, which clearly exists, and is racist. If it weren't southern Baptist wouldn't condemn them
How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

However, my analogy still holds and destroys the atheists.

"I am in a building with 4 rooms, and I have only been in 1 room. In order to say that every room is empty, I would have to have knowledge of all 4 rooms. I would need to know the entirety of what I am claiming to know.

However, to state the opposite, that the building is not empty, I would at the very least only need to know about one room."

that's true for either presumption - each room would have to be occupied till the exception is found which is the same for if either of the extreme views were to be verified.

the fact is neither extreme view has any more validity than the other when there is no physical evidence to support either position. that is the case presently for religion where no physical proof of any kind exists for any claims pertaining to either view and are only supportable through personalized non verifiable publication as christianity created in their 4th century bible.

the point is christianity is no more a religion than a similar book written by an atheist for the same purpose as being any less a religion than the claim made by christians. and are rightfully designated as political documents without definition than works of religion.

the 1st century was not the work of any single person but an awakening by all the participants to define their own purpose and that of humanity, whether a deity exists or not is irrelevant to the actual goal that still remains an unresolved issue.

I was impressed to hear southern Baptist condemn the alt right, which clearly exists, and is racist. If it weren't southern Baptist wouldn't condemn them

Southern Baptist Convention Votes To Condemn White Supremacy

The Southern Baptist Convention voted to formally "denounce and repudiate" white nationalism and the alt-right movement at the church's annual meeting Wednesday, but only after the denomination's leadership was criticized for initially bypassing the proposal.

true dedication, for sure ... .:eusa_whistle:

there is no degree of belief physical proof would not eliminate.

How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

However, my analogy still holds and destroys the atheists.

"I am in a building with 4 rooms, and I have only been in 1 room. In order to say that every room is empty, I would have to have knowledge of all 4 rooms. I would need to know the entirety of what I am claiming to know.

However, to state the opposite, that the building is not empty, I would at the very least only need to know about one room."

that's true for either presumption - each room would have to be occupied till the exception is found which is the same for if either of the extreme views were to be verified.

the fact is neither extreme view has any more validity than the other when there is no physical evidence to support either position. that is the case presently for religion where no physical proof of any kind exists for any claims pertaining to either view and are only supportable through personalized non verifiable publication as christianity created in their 4th century bible.

the point is christianity is no more a religion than a similar book written by an atheist for the same purpose as being any less a religion than the claim made by christians. and are rightfully designated as political documents without definition than works of religion.

the 1st century was not the work of any single person but an awakening by all the participants to define their own purpose and that of humanity, whether a deity exists or not is irrelevant to the actual goal that still remains an unresolved issue.

I was impressed to hear southern Baptist condemn the alt right, which clearly exists, and is racist. If it weren't southern Baptist wouldn't condemn them

Southern Baptist Convention Votes To Condemn White Supremacy

The Southern Baptist Convention voted to formally "denounce and repudiate" white nationalism and the alt-right movement at the church's annual meeting Wednesday, but only after the denomination's leadership was criticized for initially bypassing the proposal.

true dedication, for sure ... .:eusa_whistle:

there is no degree of belief physical proof would not eliminate.

So you're saying there were southern Baptist who only reluctently went along
How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

However, my analogy still holds and destroys the atheists.

"I am in a building with 4 rooms, and I have only been in 1 room. In order to say that every room is empty, I would have to have knowledge of all 4 rooms. I would need to know the entirety of what I am claiming to know.

However, to state the opposite, that the building is not empty, I would at the very least only need to know about one room."

that's true for either presumption - each room would have to be occupied till the exception is found which is the same for if either of the extreme views were to be verified.

the fact is neither extreme view has any more validity than the other when there is no physical evidence to support either position. that is the case presently for religion where no physical proof of any kind exists for any claims pertaining to either view and are only supportable through personalized non verifiable publication as christianity created in their 4th century bible.

the point is christianity is no more a religion than a similar book written by an atheist for the same purpose as being any less a religion than the claim made by christians. and are rightfully designated as political documents without definition than works of religion.

the 1st century was not the work of any single person but an awakening by all the participants to define their own purpose and that of humanity, whether a deity exists or not is irrelevant to the actual goal that still remains an unresolved issue.

I was impressed to hear southern Baptist condemn the alt right, which clearly exists, and is racist. If it weren't southern Baptist wouldn't condemn them

Southern Baptist Convention Votes To Condemn White Supremacy

The Southern Baptist Convention voted to formally "denounce and repudiate" white nationalism and the alt-right movement at the church's annual meeting Wednesday, but only after the denomination's leadership was criticized for initially bypassing the proposal.

true dedication, for sure ... .:eusa_whistle:

there is no degree of belief physical proof would not eliminate.

So you're saying there were southern Baptist who only reluctently went along
Reading the article Will help you ...
As I have always said, there is no true religion. Nobody knows the truth yet, because they're not dead yet. Anyone who says they know the truth, is trying to sell you something...

In the meantime, all we can do, is disprove the lies, so that we can try to reach the truth without killing each other first.

And try to promote human harmony, instead of religious hatred.

- I'm just saying we are no longer a Christian nation.

wrong sealy, we are hopefully no longer the 4th century version of the true 1st century enlightenment as a nation yet it is the original 1st century realization yet to be honored the nation continues to aspire including the proper rationalization of the Almighty and the purity of the Everlasting. - and as an epilogue, good riddance to that book.

the paradox is the missing link the 1st century represented in the evolution of humanity that is the inclusion of both secular and Spiritual as a harmonious Being through the proper Triumph to replicate the Everlasting while living on planet Earth, the true 1st century revelation.

I guess I was wrong

I guess I was wrong

... the US was never a christian nation.

The U.S. was founded as a haven for persecuted Christians and has always been a Christian nation. And because it was founded so that Christians would be able to worship as they chose without interference of the Archbishop of Canterbury or the Pope, those of other faiths or of no faith are also able to practice their religion or beliefs without interference and in peace so long as they did not violate the rights of others.
The founders no doubt took into consideration the non believers. And let's not pretend all the founders were christians for example Christians today say no Christians owned slaves. A real christian wouldn't own another human. Christians never take credit for bad Christians. They always say "well he couldn't have been a real christian because Jesus said..."

Or are you finally admitting that Christians owned slaves?

Christians owned slaves, but also fought the Civil War over it. It was the racist Democrats and Darwinists who wanted to continue slavery. You need to have, "Darwin Was A Racist" stamped upon your sloping forehead.

I guess I was wrong

As I've been saying all along. Atheists are usually wrong. This will come back to bite you in the arse later.

Lets expand on that, white Protestant elites owned slaves. The KKK , were protestants.
How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

However, my analogy still holds and destroys the atheists.

"I am in a building with 4 rooms, and I have only been in 1 room. In order to say that every room is empty, I would have to have knowledge of all 4 rooms. I would need to know the entirety of what I am claiming to know.

However, to state the opposite, that the building is not empty, I would at the very least only need to know about one room."

that's true for either presumption - each room would have to be occupied till the exception is found which is the same for if either of the extreme views were to be verified.

the fact is neither extreme view has any more validity than the other when there is no physical evidence to support either position. that is the case presently for religion where no physical proof of any kind exists for any claims pertaining to either view and are only supportable through personalized non verifiable publication as christianity created in their 4th century bible.

the point is christianity is no more a religion than a similar book written by an atheist for the same purpose as being any less a religion than the claim made by christians. and are rightfully designated as political documents without definition than works of religion.

the 1st century was not the work of any single person but an awakening by all the participants to define their own purpose and that of humanity, whether a deity exists or not is irrelevant to the actual goal that still remains an unresolved issue.

I was impressed to hear southern Baptist condemn the alt right, which clearly exists, and is racist. If it weren't southern Baptist wouldn't condemn them

Southern Baptist Convention Votes To Condemn White Supremacy

The Southern Baptist Convention voted to formally "denounce and repudiate" white nationalism and the alt-right movement at the church's annual meeting Wednesday, but only after the denomination's leadership was criticized for initially bypassing the proposal.

true dedication, for sure ... .:eusa_whistle:

there is no degree of belief physical proof would not eliminate.

The Christians have the advantage in knowing one room, i.e. that one with God in it, exists. While the atheists have to keep searching.
As I have always said, there is no true religion. Nobody knows the truth yet, because they're not dead yet. Anyone who says they know the truth, is trying to sell you something...

In the meantime, all we can do, is disprove the lies, so that we can try to reach the truth without killing each other first.

And try to promote human harmony, instead of religious hatred.

Christianity, many religions and I were promoting happiness as a way for humans to share. The biggest problem people cannot solve is selfishness. It can lead us to war and all kinds of bad things. Atheists have nothing to promote or generally promote "public obscenities, decadence, narcissism, hypocrisy, rampant drug use, extramarital sex leading to the spread of sexually-transmitted disease, abortion, lawlessness and the promotion of the homosexual agenda. Such values have a very negative influence on the life of individuals, and very often lead to death." It's Hollywood values.

I guess I was wrong

I guess I was wrong

... the US was never a christian nation.

The U.S. was founded as a haven for persecuted Christians and has always been a Christian nation. And because it was founded so that Christians would be able to worship as they chose without interference of the Archbishop of Canterbury or the Pope, those of other faiths or of no faith are also able to practice their religion or beliefs without interference and in peace so long as they did not violate the rights of others.
The founders no doubt took into consideration the non believers. And let's not pretend all the founders were christians for example Christians today say no Christians owned slaves. A real christian wouldn't own another human. Christians never take credit for bad Christians. They always say "well he couldn't have been a real christian because Jesus said..."

Or are you finally admitting that Christians owned slaves?

Christians owned slaves, but also fought the Civil War over it. It was the racist Democrats and Darwinists who wanted to continue slavery. You need to have, "Darwin Was A Racist" stamped upon your sloping forehead.

I guess I was wrong

As I've been saying all along. Atheists are usually wrong. This will come back to bite you in the arse later.

Lets expand on that, white Protestant elites owned slaves. The KKK , were protestants.

>>Lets expand on that, white Protestant elites owned slaves. The KKK , were protestants.<<

It was the Democrats who kept the Civil War going due to not wanting to give up slavery. The KKK were exclusively Democrats (and the Democrats still have the KKK and racists in their party). Liberals support Darwinism and Darwin was racist. His theories led to eugenics and social Darwinism which caused the Holocaust and black genocide.

I watched a good movie recently on slavery in the US -- Lincoln (2012) by Steven Spielberg.

Last edited:
I guess I was wrong

As I've been saying all along. Atheists are usually wrong. This will come back to bite you in the arse later.[/QUOTE]

Lets expand on that, white Protestant elites owned slaves. The KKK , were protestants

>>Lets expand on that, white Protestant elites owned slaves. The KKK , were protestants.<<

It was the Democrats who kept the Civil War going due to not wanting to give up slavery. The KKK were exclusively Democrats (and the Democrats still have the KKK and racists in their party). Liberals support Darwinism and Darwin was racist. His theories led to eugenics and social Darwinism which caused the Holocaust and black genocide.

I watched a good movie recently on slavery in the US -- Lincoln (2012) by Steven Spielberg.

Well the parties changed a few times, but it was really a southern and northern thing. The KKK were southern whites who developed after the civil war , taking the law into their own hands, for fear of blacks and upset over the freedom of blacks. The KKK in the roaring 20's was southern and were Protestants who could not stand the progression of civil rights, women voting, drinking and cultural changes, which led to prohibition. It was also anti Jews and RC's. Then the next KKK against civil rights.

Yes Darwin was a great scientist. Even back in the Greek days they knew we came from water. Eugenics was nothing new, just got a name and became an issue in Britain and the US. The elites practice it today and have forever. The elites marry the elites (usually) and well they hang out in the same crowd. Poor marry poor because they hang out together. What came from Darwin's work came the study of genetics, although it existed before, but he expanded on it. Everything comes from previous generations. There is no one person who makes a scientific discovery, but its all based on previous studies.

Yes WWII was a world war, over 65 million died. It was a holocaust of many nationalities.

I have not seen that movie but yes I do like era movies.
As I have always said, there is no true religion. Nobody knows the truth yet, because they're not dead yet. Anyone who says they know the truth, is trying to sell you something...

In the meantime, all we can do, is disprove the lies, so that we can try to reach the truth without killing each other first.

And try to promote human harmony, instead of religious hatred.

Christianity, many religions and I were promoting happiness as a way for humans to share. The biggest problem people cannot solve is selfishness. It can lead us to war and all kinds of bad things. Atheists have nothing to promote or generally promote "public obscenities, decadence, narcissism, hypocrisy, rampant drug use, extramarital sex leading to the spread of sexually-transmitted disease, abortion, lawlessness and the promotion of the homosexual agenda. Such values have a very negative influence on the life of individuals, and very often lead to death." It's Hollywood values.

Christianity, many religions and I were promoting happiness as a way for humans to share. The biggest problem people cannot solve is selfishness. It can lead us to war and all kinds of bad things.


unlike their forged 4th century bible there is a recorded history for the desert religions from their beginnings to the present day that dispels any myth for an authenticity as religions and demonstrates their duplicity as political manuscripts for their adherents personal gain.
As I have always said, there is no true religion. Nobody knows the truth yet, because they're not dead yet. Anyone who says they know the truth, is trying to sell you something...

In the meantime, all we can do, is disprove the lies, so that we can try to reach the truth without killing each other first.

And try to promote human harmony, instead of religious hatred.

Christianity, many religions and I were promoting happiness as a way for humans to share. The biggest problem people cannot solve is selfishness. It can lead us to war and all kinds of bad things. Atheists have nothing to promote or generally promote "public obscenities, decadence, narcissism, hypocrisy, rampant drug use, extramarital sex leading to the spread of sexually-transmitted disease, abortion, lawlessness and the promotion of the homosexual agenda. Such values have a very negative influence on the life of individuals, and very often lead to death." It's Hollywood values.

Are you serious?

Those acts have been committed throughout human history, And they were rampant way before the influx of atheism came around, and that's because people are getting smarter and getting sick of the atrocities and stupidities, and “Unfathomable pinhead-ery” (Fargo quote :) ). They are part of every human culture prior to ours. And it is very usually the religious lot that commit these acts. And then hide behind their religion in later generations, and deny their transgressions.

Those values are how Christianity and other religions came to take power in the first place!

And now you're blaming it on the atheists?

Geez.... Religious rulers are the most selfish of all people. They take your money, they take your lives, and when you die fighting for them, they maybe give you a blessing. That is your reward for being a follower of their religion. No heaven, no 72 virgins, no hall full of beer and food...

Nobody has come back after dying as a martyr to say any religion is true. It is the most selfish idea ever created, solely to benefit the rulers that sent the believers to die for their cause.
As I have always said, there is no true religion. Nobody knows the truth yet, because they're not dead yet. Anyone who says they know the truth, is trying to sell you something...

In the meantime, all we can do, is disprove the lies, so that we can try to reach the truth without killing each other first.

And try to promote human harmony, instead of religious hatred.

Christianity, many religions and I were promoting happiness as a way for humans to share. The biggest problem people cannot solve is selfishness. It can lead us to war and all kinds of bad things. Atheists have nothing to promote or generally promote "public obscenities, decadence, narcissism, hypocrisy, rampant drug use, extramarital sex leading to the spread of sexually-transmitted disease, abortion, lawlessness and the promotion of the homosexual agenda. Such values have a very negative influence on the life of individuals, and very often lead to death." It's Hollywood values.

Are you serious?

Those acts have been committed throughout human history, And they were rampant way before the influx of atheism came around, and that's because people are getting smarter and getting sick of the atrocities and stupidities, and “Unfathomable pinhead-ery” (Fargo quote :) ). They are part of every human culture prior to ours. And it is very usually the religious lot that commit these acts. And then hide behind their religion in later generations, and deny their transgressions.

Those values are how Christianity and other religions came to take power in the first place!

And now you're blaming it on the atheists?

Geez.... Religious rulers are the most selfish of all people. They take your money, they take your lives, and when you die fighting for them, they maybe give you a blessing. That is your reward for being a follower of their religion. No heaven, no 72 virgins, no hall full of beer and food...

Nobody has come back after dying as a martyr to say any religion is true. It is the most selfish idea ever created, solely to benefit the rulers that sent the believers to die for their cause.

If those acts have been committed through history, then tell the liberals to quit whining about those things and brace themselves up so they have a code of ethics or morality in their lives instead of being degenerates. What part of God destroyed all of humankind do you not understand? Then in addition to atheist claims that they are about nothing, quit trying to palm off liberal socialism on the government. Instead, why don't you learn to support yourself? We do not need the seeds of communism being sown by the atheists. Basically, get a job, work hard and make something of yourself. They maybe people will pay attention to what you have to say instead of the nothingness of atheists.
As I have always said, there is no true religion. Nobody knows the truth yet, because they're not dead yet. Anyone who says they know the truth, is trying to sell you something...

In the meantime, all we can do, is disprove the lies, so that we can try to reach the truth without killing each other first.

And try to promote human harmony, instead of religious hatred.

Christianity, many religions and I were promoting happiness as a way for humans to share. The biggest problem people cannot solve is selfishness. It can lead us to war and all kinds of bad things. Atheists have nothing to promote or generally promote "public obscenities, decadence, narcissism, hypocrisy, rampant drug use, extramarital sex leading to the spread of sexually-transmitted disease, abortion, lawlessness and the promotion of the homosexual agenda. Such values have a very negative influence on the life of individuals, and very often lead to death." It's Hollywood values.

Are you serious?

Those acts have been committed throughout human history, And they were rampant way before the influx of atheism came around, and that's because people are getting smarter and getting sick of the atrocities and stupidities, and “Unfathomable pinhead-ery” (Fargo quote :) ). They are part of every human culture prior to ours. And it is very usually the religious lot that commit these acts. And then hide behind their religion in later generations, and deny their transgressions.

Those values are how Christianity and other religions came to take power in the first place!

And now you're blaming it on the atheists?

Geez.... Religious rulers are the most selfish of all people. They take your money, they take your lives, and when you die fighting for them, they maybe give you a blessing. That is your reward for being a follower of their religion. No heaven, no 72 virgins, no hall full of beer and food...

Nobody has come back after dying as a martyr to say any religion is true. It is the most selfish idea ever created, solely to benefit the rulers that sent the believers to die for their cause.

If those acts have been committed through history, then tell the liberals to quit whining about those things and brace themselves up so they have a code of ethics or morality in their lives instead of being degenerates. What part of God destroyed all of humankind do you not understand? Then in addition to atheist claims that they are about nothing, quit trying to palm off liberal socialism on the government. Instead, why don't you learn to support yourself? We do not need the seeds of communism being sown by the atheists. Basically, get a job, work hard and make something of yourself. They maybe people will pay attention to what you have to say instead of the nothingness of atheists.
If those acts have been committed through history, then tell the liberals to quit whining about those things and brace themselves up so they have a code of ethics or morality in their lives instead of being degenerates.


the gal above needs no sermon from someone like you bond, there is no cure for those with their hatred against innocence that chose to live as Free Spirits, free from trappings as the awful 4th century christian bible.

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