How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

  • Strong Theist

    Votes: 21 25.9%
  • De-facto Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Weak Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Pure Agnostic

    Votes: 14 17.3%
  • Weak Atheist

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • De-facto Atheist

    Votes: 8 9.9%
  • Strong Atheist

    Votes: 16 19.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 12 14.8%

  • Total voters
You have no need for preparedness, since you believe in God, and await Heaven.

Wouldn't Heaven be the way to go?

Or are you unsure?

One has to be prepared. This is one of the things God gave us and not to Communists like you. Hey, be thankful you got a pov now.

God gave you the need to prepared for the Rapture. By believing in Jesus.

Not to be prepared for human-caused apocalypses.

In the case of a God-created apocalypse, you should be ready to meet God. And your faith will get you to your utopia. Supposedly...

In the case of human-created apocalypse, you should be prepared.

However, if man creates the apoc, then God created it as well. And you will still meet your maker. No need for preparedness. God never said you must prepare by storing food and water, in order to meet Him.

The only reason you would prepare for life after the apoc, is that you don't believe in your religion. You're not sure...So you're weighing the risks...

And you know that religious fanatics are going to create an apocalypse that your Santa Claus religion will not save you from.

Ha ha. Now your going to preach rapture?

>>God gave you the need to prepared for the Rapture. By believing in Jesus.<<

This is already wrong. Your first sentence is wrong.

As for God-created apocalypse vs human-caused apocalypse, there will be no comparison.

My guess and opinion is if you live to 2060, then you will find out the experience first-hand.

If you believe in Christianity, then Jesus will save you from the Rapture. So there is no need to prepare, besides prayers and donations.

And you have an end-date for humanity, somewhere around 2060? Wow...

How's that going for the things you're selling?

I'm not selling anything. It seems to be you're the one trying to sell your uneducated feces because you think Jesus will save me from the Rapture and no need to prepare, besides prayers and donations. How crass and stupid AF to think this way.

I'm just assuming you're a colossal nincompoop who does not understand nor try to understand. Nothing to be concerned about except having to buy a new pair of shoes after stepping on your face.


Why would you have an end-date of 2060, if you're not selling something?

Or promoting someone who is selling something?
What should people do if they're worried about the world ending in 2060?
BTW F Jeff Bezos.

the difference being their disciple did not crucify them, those were the ones that emerged in the late 4th century and wrote the christian bible where their injustice continues to this day. -

that's you bond, your book of hatred. guns and ammo - is 2060 the Triumph of Good vs Evil, it wont work for you as long as a single good person (Noah) is still alive, after that its all yours.
What should people do if they're worried about the world ending in 2060?

Each person has to find the answers out for themselves.

It's just my opinion based on what I write in the last paragraph of this post. It is prophecized that the Antichrist (the beast) will come into power and will sign a covenant with Israel for seven years (Daniel 9:27) during a period called the "tribulation." During the tribulation, there will be terrible wars, famines, plagues, and natural disasters. God will be pouring out His wrath against sin, evil, and wickedness. The tribulation will include the appearance of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse, and the seven seal, trumpet, and bowl judgments.

About halfway through the seven years, the Antichrist will break the peace covenant with Israel and make war against it. The Antichrist will commit “the abomination of desolation” and set up an image of himself to be worshipped in the Jerusalem temple (Danie 9:27; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-10), which will have been rebuilt. The second half of the tribulation is known as “the great tribulation” (Revelation 7:14) and “the time of Jacob’s trouble” (Jeremiah 30:7).

At the end of the seven-year tribulation, the Antichrist will launch a final attack on Jerusalem, culminating in the battle of Armageddon. Jesus Christ will return, destroy the Antichrist and his armies, and cast them into the lake of fire (Revelation 19:11-21). Christ will then bind Satan in the Abyss for 1000 years and He will rule His earthly kingdom for this thousand-year period (Revelation 20;1-6).

My thinking is Biblical prophecies do not predict when something will happen, but they leave clues as to what will happen before that time as listed above. Some charismatic world leader is to appear. The other sign will be a great famine the likes of which we have never seen before.

As for prognosticators, the two most successful ones has been Nostradamus and our current Bruce Bueno de Mesquita who uses his own software based on mathematical analysis and gaming theory, to make predictions. He has been contracted to work with the CIA and has been trying to predict if Iran will get the bomb and, if so, what effect it will have. Professor Bueno de Mesquita doesn't think China will continue to be the richest nation although they will be involved in WW III. I first heard the end times will happen in our lifetimes from a young JW. Many JW think the world will end in this lifetime. I'm not sure where they get this. Compared to what the Bible says, future prognostications have been more in the way of entertainment but on serious matters. It would be similar to astrology compared to astronomy.
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BTW F Jeff Bezos.

the difference being their disciple did not crucify them, those were the ones that emerged in the late 4th century and wrote the christian bible where their injustice continues to this day. -

that's you bond, your book of hatred. guns and ammo - is 2060 the Triumph of Good vs Evil, it wont work for you as long as a single good person (Noah) is still alive, after that its all yours.

You are going off your rocker like most liberals. The world isn't going to end by global warming. We won't be living on Mars or other planets or asteroids. We won't find aliens. We didn't start by evolutionary thinking.
BTW F Jeff Bezos.

the difference being their disciple did not crucify them, those were the ones that emerged in the late 4th century and wrote the christian bible where their injustice continues to this day. -

that's you bond, your book of hatred. guns and ammo - is 2060 the Triumph of Good vs Evil, it wont work for you as long as a single good person (Noah) is still alive, after that its all yours.

You are going off your rocker like most liberals. The world isn't going to end by global warming. We won't be living on Mars or other planets or asteroids. We won't find aliens. We didn't start by evolutionary thinking.
You are going off your rocker like most liberals. The world isn't going to end by global warming. We won't be living on Mars or other planets or asteroids. We won't find aliens. We didn't start by evolutionary thinking.

We didn't start by evolutionary thinking ...


wrong bond, a being began to think that has led Flora and Fauna to where they are today ...


of course some think differently than others whatever thinking is that is not physiological. and most likely liberal for what has been successful not the course of deadheads and extinction as christians.
As soon as I posted, "The world won't end from global warming", we get this beaut.

Lefty loon non-science guy Bill Nye says old people must die in order to advance climate change hoax.

I, for one, will be waiting for Bill Nye to age out sooner than later. What an idiotic putz he is. He could be worse than BW which takes a lot to do.

The lefty loon non-science guy told the LA Times.

"It just sounds like people are scared. It just sounds like people are afraid. And the people who are afraid in general — with due respect, and I am now one of them — are older. Climate change deniers, by way of example, are older. It’s generational. So we’re just going to have to wait for those people to “age out,” as they say. “Age out” is a euphemism for “die.” But it’ll happen, I guarantee you — that’ll happen."

Lefty Loon Bill "The Non-Science Guy" Nye Says 'Old People Must Die' To Advance Climate Change Hoax Agenda • Now The End Begins
As soon as I posted, "The world won't end from global warming", we get this beaut.

Lefty loon non-science guy Bill Nye says old people must die in order to advance climate change hoax.

I, for one, will be waiting for Bill Nye to age out sooner than later. What an idiotic putz he is. He could be worse than BW which takes a lot to do.

The lefty loon non-science guy told the LA Times.

"It just sounds like people are scared. It just sounds like people are afraid. And the people who are afraid in general — with due respect, and I am now one of them — are older. Climate change deniers, by way of example, are older. It’s generational. So we’re just going to have to wait for those people to “age out,” as they say. “Age out” is a euphemism for “die.” But it’ll happen, I guarantee you — that’ll happen."

Lefty Loon Bill "The Non-Science Guy" Nye Says 'Old People Must Die' To Advance Climate Change Hoax Agenda • Now The End Begins
well, if no one else will challenge the above provocative post someone should ...

what bond wrote:
Lefty loon non-science guy Bill Nye says old people must die in order to advance climate change hoax.

what Nye wrote:
It just sounds like people are scared ... Climate change deniers, by way of example, are older ... So we’re just going to have to wait for those people to “age out,” as they say. “Age out” is a euphemism for “die.” But it’ll happen, I guarantee you — that’ll happen."

fact vs fictional misrepresentation ....

again, the christian root uses deception to dissuade an honest debate concerning the future events for Garden Earth - its very viability not dissimilar to their own concoction they created in the 4th century to perpetrate their own agenda and used for that purpose in present time dilemmas. and the natural consequences of evolutionary change.

yes, they the deniers if by chance are reduced in number through attrition, dying their contribution to the genome of life will be altered enough to eventually producing new more liberal, truthful generations that eventually will put to rest not just global warming as a myth but the root cause for all impediments for remission to the Everlasting, the quality standards of life presently being suppressed by the desert religions and their purposeful reactionary components. the christian bible.

let bond reap what he reads, giving future generations hope than their certain path into the dark abyss of the deniers.
As soon as I posted, "The world won't end from global warming", we get this beaut.

Lefty loon non-science guy Bill Nye says old people must die in order to advance climate change hoax.

I, for one, will be waiting for Bill Nye to age out sooner than later. What an idiotic putz he is. He could be worse than BW which takes a lot to do.

The lefty loon non-science guy told the LA Times.

"It just sounds like people are scared. It just sounds like people are afraid. And the people who are afraid in general — with due respect, and I am now one of them — are older. Climate change deniers, by way of example, are older. It’s generational. So we’re just going to have to wait for those people to “age out,” as they say. “Age out” is a euphemism for “die.” But it’ll happen, I guarantee you — that’ll happen."

Lefty Loon Bill "The Non-Science Guy" Nye Says 'Old People Must Die' To Advance Climate Change Hoax Agenda • Now The End Begins
well, if no one else will challenge the above provocative post someone should ...

what bond wrote:
Lefty loon non-science guy Bill Nye says old people must die in order to advance climate change hoax.

what Nye wrote:
It just sounds like people are scared ... Climate change deniers, by way of example, are older ... So we’re just going to have to wait for those people to “age out,” as they say. “Age out” is a euphemism for “die.” But it’ll happen, I guarantee you — that’ll happen."

fact vs fictional misrepresentation ....

again, the christian root uses deception to dissuade an honest debate concerning the future events for Garden Earth - its very viability not dissimilar to their own concoction they created in the 4th century to perpetrate their own agenda and used for that purpose in present time dilemmas. and the natural consequences of evolutionary change.

yes, they the deniers if by chance are reduced in number through attrition, dying their contribution to the genome of life will be altered enough to eventually producing new more liberal, truthful generations that eventually will put to rest not just global warming as a myth but the root cause for all impediments for remission to the Everlasting, the quality standards of life presently being suppressed by the desert religions and their purposeful reactionary components. the christian bible.

let bond reap what he reads, giving future generations hope than their certain path into the dark abyss of the deniers.

No one has died out from climate change, but Bill Nye needs to die out early and I'll be rooting for that. Maybe in a painful AF way such as starvation or falling into a geyser or volcano. He deserves it.



Of course, he could die of embarrassment for being wrong, but this hasn't stopped him before.
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As soon as I posted, "The world won't end from global warming", we get this beaut.

Lefty loon non-science guy Bill Nye says old people must die in order to advance climate change hoax.

I, for one, will be waiting for Bill Nye to age out sooner than later. What an idiotic putz he is. He could be worse than BW which takes a lot to do.

The lefty loon non-science guy told the LA Times.

"It just sounds like people are scared. It just sounds like people are afraid. And the people who are afraid in general — with due respect, and I am now one of them — are older. Climate change deniers, by way of example, are older. It’s generational. So we’re just going to have to wait for those people to “age out,” as they say. “Age out” is a euphemism for “die.” But it’ll happen, I guarantee you — that’ll happen."

Lefty Loon Bill "The Non-Science Guy" Nye Says 'Old People Must Die' To Advance Climate Change Hoax Agenda • Now The End Begins
well, if no one else will challenge the above provocative post someone should ...

what bond wrote:
Lefty loon non-science guy Bill Nye says old people must die in order to advance climate change hoax.

what Nye wrote:
It just sounds like people are scared ... Climate change deniers, by way of example, are older ... So we’re just going to have to wait for those people to “age out,” as they say. “Age out” is a euphemism for “die.” But it’ll happen, I guarantee you — that’ll happen."

fact vs fictional misrepresentation ....

again, the christian root uses deception to dissuade an honest debate concerning the future events for Garden Earth - its very viability not dissimilar to their own concoction they created in the 4th century to perpetrate their own agenda and used for that purpose in present time dilemmas. and the natural consequences of evolutionary change.

yes, they the deniers if by chance are reduced in number through attrition, dying their contribution to the genome of life will be altered enough to eventually producing new more liberal, truthful generations that eventually will put to rest not just global warming as a myth but the root cause for all impediments for remission to the Everlasting, the quality standards of life presently being suppressed by the desert religions and their purposeful reactionary components. the christian bible.

let bond reap what he reads, giving future generations hope than their certain path into the dark abyss of the deniers.

No one has died out from climate change, but Bill Nye needs to die out early and I'll be rooting for that. Maybe in a painful AF way such as starvation or falling into a geyser or volcano. He deserves it.



Of course, he could die of embarrassment for being wrong, but this hasn't stopped him before.
No one has died out from climate change, but Bill Nye needs to die out early and I'll be rooting for that.

two thoughts on the above, the first, climate change is problematic and bond knows that - the second, does anyone know who Bill Nye is, good luck and if the fundamentalist hate him he can't be all bad.

if the argument against evolution is an argument against change, mankind being a flawless specimen built by a creator their argument is as faulty as their 4th century book. which makes sense when taken at face value and their purposeful deceptions.
As soon as I posted, "The world won't end from global warming", we get this beaut.

Lefty loon non-science guy Bill Nye says old people must die in order to advance climate change hoax.

I, for one, will be waiting for Bill Nye to age out sooner than later. What an idiotic putz he is. He could be worse than BW which takes a lot to do.

The lefty loon non-science guy told the LA Times.

"It just sounds like people are scared. It just sounds like people are afraid. And the people who are afraid in general — with due respect, and I am now one of them — are older. Climate change deniers, by way of example, are older. It’s generational. So we’re just going to have to wait for those people to “age out,” as they say. “Age out” is a euphemism for “die.” But it’ll happen, I guarantee you — that’ll happen."

Lefty Loon Bill "The Non-Science Guy" Nye Says 'Old People Must Die' To Advance Climate Change Hoax Agenda • Now The End Begins
well, if no one else will challenge the above provocative post someone should ...

what bond wrote:
Lefty loon non-science guy Bill Nye says old people must die in order to advance climate change hoax.

what Nye wrote:
It just sounds like people are scared ... Climate change deniers, by way of example, are older ... So we’re just going to have to wait for those people to “age out,” as they say. “Age out” is a euphemism for “die.” But it’ll happen, I guarantee you — that’ll happen."

fact vs fictional misrepresentation ....

again, the christian root uses deception to dissuade an honest debate concerning the future events for Garden Earth - its very viability not dissimilar to their own concoction they created in the 4th century to perpetrate their own agenda and used for that purpose in present time dilemmas. and the natural consequences of evolutionary change.

yes, they the deniers if by chance are reduced in number through attrition, dying their contribution to the genome of life will be altered enough to eventually producing new more liberal, truthful generations that eventually will put to rest not just global warming as a myth but the root cause for all impediments for remission to the Everlasting, the quality standards of life presently being suppressed by the desert religions and their purposeful reactionary components. the christian bible.

let bond reap what he reads, giving future generations hope than their certain path into the dark abyss of the deniers.

No one has died out from climate change, but Bill Nye needs to die out early and I'll be rooting for that. Maybe in a painful AF way such as starvation or falling into a geyser or volcano. He deserves it.



Of course, he could die of embarrassment for being wrong, but this hasn't stopped him before.
No one has died out from climate change, but Bill Nye needs to die out early and I'll be rooting for that.

two thoughts on the above, the first, climate change is problematic and bond knows that - the second, does anyone know who Bill Nye is, good luck and if the fundamentalist hate him he can't be all bad.

if the argument against evolution is an argument against change, mankind being a flawless specimen built by a creator their argument is as faulty as their 4th century book. which makes sense when taken at face value and their purposeful deceptions.

>>climate change is problematic<<

The problem is libbies have bought into climate change as "science" and think humans are causing the end of the world. No such thing. Liberals want to blame it on man, so they can control man or other liberals.

Bill Nye is a fake scientist. He's an engineer and lied about fossil layers being neatly stacked and separated and incredulously claimed that one cannot find a single fossil which is in the wrong layer during his debate with Ken Ham. That's total BS.

Atheist is wrong again
Fact Check: Did Bill Nye Tell A Huge Lie About The Fossil Layers?

And you, as another atheist, are wrong, too. The argument is against climate change. We are not flawless, but not ones to cause the end of the world even though we have acquired great destructive power.
And you, as another atheist, are wrong, too. The argument is against climate change. We are not flawless, but not ones to cause the end of the world even though we have acquired great destructive power.

We are not flawless ...

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

the above forgery is where I decide to stop reading the 4th century desert book, I saw early where the destructive history of that religion's performance is ceded. I may miss the deep wisdom of its pages but ultimately the forgeries make that work a book of evil ... I see no where else that Jesus is christ but from the spoken religion “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani” someone that was chosen by the Almighty for his goodness inspite of their flaws. those unwilling to work to modify the desert religions to correctly lead to the True path to the Everlasting are the one's repeating the history of the irreligious. bond is the true atheist.

... and let them have dominion over

it is humanity that has built the A-Bomb that can destroy Garden Earth that has been already used and humanity that built a nuclear reactor on an ocean beach that is seeping radioactive water into the worlds ocean's ... the other species on earth will never do what mankind is already capable of and is their glory before the Almighty and the reason for the extinction of mankind if such is the final Judgement.
And you, as another atheist, are wrong, too. The argument is against climate change. We are not flawless, but not ones to cause the end of the world even though we have acquired great destructive power.

We are not flawless ...

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

the above forgery is where I decide to stop reading the 4th century desert book, I saw early where the destructive history of that religion's performance is ceded. I may miss the deep wisdom of its pages but ultimately the forgeries make that work a book of evil ... I see no where else that Jesus is christ but from the spoken religion “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani” someone that was chosen by the Almighty for his goodness inspite of their flaws. those unwilling to work to modify the desert religions to correctly lead to the True path to the Everlasting are the one's repeating the history of the irreligious. bond is the true atheist.

... and let them have dominion over

it is humanity that has built the A-Bomb that can destroy Garden Earth that has been already used and humanity that built a nuclear reactor on an ocean beach that is seeping radioactive water into the worlds ocean's ... the other species on earth will never do what mankind is already capable of and is their glory before the Almighty and the reason for the extinction of mankind if such is the final Judgement.

>>it is humanity that has built the A-Bomb that can destroy Garden Earth that has been already used and humanity that built a nuclear reactor on an ocean beach that is seeping radioactive water into the worlds ocean's ... the other species on earth will never do what mankind is already capable of and is their glory before the Almighty and the reason for the extinction of mankind if such is the final Judgement<<

Nobody cares what you worry about. Just put me down like Al E. Neuman, "What me, worry?"
Let us continue about the idiot fake scientist and loser (will be $60K lighter in the bank account) Bill Nye and his latest escapade. He keeps challenging the righteous climate change deniers and falling for their bets. It's up to $60K now. What a rube.

"Meteorologist Joe Bastardi wrote in a scathing opinion piece late last year that the educator, who regularly speaks about man-made climate change, “is not a man of science” but “an actor.”

Bastardi challenged Nye to not only show a link between atmospheric CO2 levels and temperature, but also forecast where global temperatures are headed over the next five years. “Put up or shut up,” the WeatherBELL Analytics chief forecaster said to Nye in the largely overlooked article in The Patriot Post."

Bill Nye Challenges Climate Change Denier With $20,000 Bet | HuffPost
And you, as another atheist, are wrong, too. The argument is against climate change. We are not flawless, but not ones to cause the end of the world even though we have acquired great destructive power.

We are not flawless ...

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

the above forgery is where I decide to stop reading the 4th century desert book, I saw early where the destructive history of that religion's performance is ceded. I may miss the deep wisdom of its pages but ultimately the forgeries make that work a book of evil ... I see no where else that Jesus is christ but from the spoken religion “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani” someone that was chosen by the Almighty for his goodness inspite of their flaws. those unwilling to work to modify the desert religions to correctly lead to the True path to the Everlasting are the one's repeating the history of the irreligious. bond is the true atheist.

... and let them have dominion over

it is humanity that has built the A-Bomb that can destroy Garden Earth that has been already used and humanity that built a nuclear reactor on an ocean beach that is seeping radioactive water into the worlds ocean's ... the other species on earth will never do what mankind is already capable of and is their glory before the Almighty and the reason for the extinction of mankind if such is the final Judgement.

>>it is humanity that has built the A-Bomb that can destroy Garden Earth that has been already used and humanity that built a nuclear reactor on an ocean beach that is seeping radioactive water into the worlds ocean's ... the other species on earth will never do what mankind is already capable of and is their glory before the Almighty and the reason for the extinction of mankind if such is the final Judgement<<

Nobody cares what you worry about. Just put me down like Al E. Neuman, "What me, worry?"
Nobody cares what you worry about. Just put me down like Al E. Neuman, "What me, worry?"

you're not alone bond, why interrupt someone's fun and merriment ... . :dig:
Bill Nye has been on this climate change vs cc denier since 2016. What a nutjobber.

He does not even know what climate change is. It's not the change in weather.

Here's what the No Science Guy said against CNN's meteorologist. Meteorology is a science while what Bill Nye does is not.

He was on CNN to talk about the severe flooding in Louisiana, where at least 13 people were killed and 60,000 homes damaged.

"“For us, on my side of this, this is a result of climate change,” Nye told anchor Chris Cuomo. “It’s only going to get worse.”"

Bill Nye Rips CNN For Having 'Climate Change Denier Meteorologist' | HuffPost

I'd be glad to set up a Bill Nye death watch.
Bill Nye has been on this climate change vs cc denier since 2016. What a nutjobber.

He does not even know what climate change is. It's not the change in weather.

Here's what the No Science Guy said against CNN's meteorologist. Meteorology is a science while what Bill Nye does is not.

He was on CNN to talk about the severe flooding in Louisiana, where at least 13 people were killed and 60,000 homes damaged.

"“For us, on my side of this, this is a result of climate change,” Nye told anchor Chris Cuomo. “It’s only going to get worse.”"

Bill Nye Rips CNN For Having 'Climate Change Denier Meteorologist' | HuffPost

I'd be glad to set up a Bill Nye death watch.

So that I don't waste my time, give me a hint --- are any of your posts actually on the topic here?

This one doesn't even make a point anyway. What are you, a bandwidth sponge?

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