How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

  • Strong Theist

    Votes: 21 25.9%
  • De-facto Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Weak Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Pure Agnostic

    Votes: 14 17.3%
  • Weak Atheist

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • De-facto Atheist

    Votes: 8 9.9%
  • Strong Atheist

    Votes: 16 19.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 12 14.8%

  • Total voters
sealybobo, my final post for now on that ignoramus Bill Nye. He is not a scientist and does not know what he is talking about. The description fits you, too.

"William Sanford Nye (born November 27, 1955; generally known as Bill Nye or Bill Nye the Science Guy) is an engineer and television personality known for his children's television series Bill Nye the Science Guy, a Disney show which was broadcast on PBS in the 1990s, winning several Emmy Awards. Videos of the show are often used in public schools.[1] He wears a signature bow tie during public appearances.[2] He has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell University, and has received several honorary doctorates.

He is a "science popularizer", that is, one who writes or lectures about scientific topics for the lay public. In this regard he is similar to such past and contemporary popularizers as Humphrey Davy, Michael Faraday, Arthur Eddington, Isaac Asimov, Carl Sagan, and Neil deGrasse Tyson. Some of these people were/are notable scientists in their own right; Mr. Nye is not.

In 2010, he was given the Humanist of the Year award from the American Humanist Association.[3][4] He identifies as an agnostic.

Like many other non-Christians, Nye borrows from a Christian worldview on issues such as ethics.[5]

Mr. Nye's views on various matters relating to science are similar to those of most scientists—he accepts the reality of global climate change, he accepts macroevolution, and he accepts "old Earth" cosmology.

Nye believes that "science is political."[6]

His mother was probably a codebreaker during the Second World War.[7]

Perhaps because of the way he has dealt with his fame, Mr. Nye sometimes exhibits bad judgment in making statements out of his known field of expertise, or says things in an overly theatrical way, that may seem silly when viewed as purely scientific statements. He has recently developed an exaggerated and flamboyant speaking style, to a degree that many traditional scientists may find distasteful."

Bill Nye - Conservapedia

and he accepts "old Earth" cosmology.

OMG are you a YEC?

Today I was in church for a one year memorial. Couple of thoughts. I did consider that before Moses people contemplated how we got here and people considered that something must have put us here.

Well I'm still there. Before religion lied and said god visited we all believed their may be a creator. And I don't mind giving it thanks but religions are ridiculous. Clearly just believing wasn't enough to start a religion they had to make up stories.

Priest was calling himself the gardener and how it's his fault if the garden goes bad. Wait! Isn't god the Gardiner?

Oh yeah, then the priest starts saying god sent his son to us to show how much he loved us and we killed him. You mean god didn't know that was going to happen? This is something I think is a great example of double talk where one time they say he was sent as a sacrifice and then he's trying to say gods initial intension was to send his son to teach love. Gimme a break
Actually I think the Bible is full of claims that Jesus was sent specifically to be crucified for our original sin (That WE did not commit!)

So my question becomes, why was Judas a bad guy for doing what he was told by God to do?

Now here's the weird part. Since we have been saved from original sin by the cross, why do women still suffer pain during childbirth?

Sounds like a double-cross to me

>>Actually I think the Bible is full of claims that Jesus was sent specifically to be crucified for our original sin (That WE did not commit!)<<

It's evidence that the sins were committed and that we are not perfect. One of the problems that humans have is that they're selfish. If someone wrongs us, then we want revenge. We do not obey the law or rules all the time, but if someone else violates the law against us, then we want them prosecuted. Many atheists think like you. They make up their own rules or thinking and expect God to follow. Adam and Eve were perfect. We admire perfection and strive to be perfect. We make note of perfection whether in beauty, complexity, world records and so on. We know that the Lake of Fire will destroy your perfect spiritual self in the next life. What we do not know is what this entails.
sealybobo, my final post for now on that ignoramus Bill Nye. He is not a scientist and does not know what he is talking about. The description fits you, too.

"William Sanford Nye (born November 27, 1955; generally known as Bill Nye or Bill Nye the Science Guy) is an engineer and television personality known for his children's television series Bill Nye the Science Guy, a Disney show which was broadcast on PBS in the 1990s, winning several Emmy Awards. Videos of the show are often used in public schools.[1] He wears a signature bow tie during public appearances.[2] He has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell University, and has received several honorary doctorates.

He is a "science popularizer", that is, one who writes or lectures about scientific topics for the lay public. In this regard he is similar to such past and contemporary popularizers as Humphrey Davy, Michael Faraday, Arthur Eddington, Isaac Asimov, Carl Sagan, and Neil deGrasse Tyson. Some of these people were/are notable scientists in their own right; Mr. Nye is not.

In 2010, he was given the Humanist of the Year award from the American Humanist Association.[3][4] He identifies as an agnostic.

Like many other non-Christians, Nye borrows from a Christian worldview on issues such as ethics.[5]

Mr. Nye's views on various matters relating to science are similar to those of most scientists—he accepts the reality of global climate change, he accepts macroevolution, and he accepts "old Earth" cosmology.

Nye believes that "science is political."[6]

His mother was probably a codebreaker during the Second World War.[7]

Perhaps because of the way he has dealt with his fame, Mr. Nye sometimes exhibits bad judgment in making statements out of his known field of expertise, or says things in an overly theatrical way, that may seem silly when viewed as purely scientific statements. He has recently developed an exaggerated and flamboyant speaking style, to a degree that many traditional scientists may find distasteful."

Bill Nye - Conservapedia

and he accepts "old Earth" cosmology.

OMG are you a YEC?

Today I was in church for a one year memorial. Couple of thoughts. I did consider that before Moses people contemplated how we got here and people considered that something must have put us here.

Well I'm still there. Before religion lied and said god visited we all believed their may be a creator. And I don't mind giving it thanks but religions are ridiculous. Clearly just believing wasn't enough to start a religion they had to make up stories.

Priest was calling himself the gardener and how it's his fault if the garden goes bad. Wait! Isn't god the Gardiner?

Oh yeah, then the priest starts saying god sent his son to us to show how much he loved us and we killed him. You mean god didn't know that was going to happen? This is something I think is a great example of double talk where one time they say he was sent as a sacrifice and then he's trying to say gods initial intension was to send his son to teach love. Gimme a break
Actually I think the Bible is full of claims that Jesus was sent specifically to be crucified for our original sin (That WE did not commit!)

So my question becomes, why was Judas a bad guy for doing what he was told by God to do?

Now here's the weird part. Since we have been saved from original sin by the cross, why do women still suffer pain during childbirth?

Sounds like a double-cross to me

Actually I think the Bible is full of claims that Jesus was sent specifically to be crucified for our original sin (That WE did not commit!)

So my question becomes, why was Judas a bad guy for doing what he was told by God to do?

Now here's the weird part. Since we have been saved from original sin by the cross, why do women still suffer pain during childbirth?

Sounds like a double-cross to me<<

Claims? As in science? You are wrong. The Bible isn't a science book, but science does back up the Bible.

Why do atheists and their scientists go so wrong?

>>why do women still suffer pain during childbirth?

Sounds like a double-cross to me<<

Huh? You're all over the place.
So if Jesus was sent to die why did my priest tell the bullshit story about how God sent his son to preach the word of love and we killed him? As if god was hoping we would do the right thing. This story is all over the place.

It's a book of parables and allegories. Based on a lie. Moses and Jesus

So if Jesus was sent to die why did my priest tell the bullshit story about how God sent his son to preach the word of love and we killed him? As if god was hoping we would do the right thing. This story is all over the place.

It's a book of parables and allegories. Based on a lie. Moses and Jesus

You do not have the proper understanding of the Bible. I mentioned Ben-Hur (1959). Maybe you should read up on the author and how his writing the story, albeit fictional account of a true story, influenced him. One start is the link I posted. As for Moses, there is the The Ten Commandments movie. I'm not as familiar with his story.

Why are these "parables and allegories" a lie? How do you know it's a lie? There are many who claim this, and their claims are investigated and found to be disproven or lack merit. Today, we have those who write scientific arguments and the like, and their claims are also rebutted.

Sadly, I see lack of evidence on the atheist's claims. They to seem to make things up or base it on wrong science and think they are right. I think if one investigates these people who make the counter claims, one will find that they are wrong. One of the things about the Bible is that it cannot change, so if any of these counter claims against hold merit, then the stories would have been destroyed long ago as false instead of individual claims of disbelief.

The bottom line is one has to answer the questions whether this life is all there is and all there will be for themselves? Also, whether one will be judged for their actions in the current life. If someone is lucky enough to avoid punishment for their sins such as murder, thievery or false witnesses (lies) against their fellow human and get away with it, then there is no justice in this life.
So if Jesus was sent to die why did my priest tell the bullshit story about how God sent his son to preach the word of love and we killed him?

You do not have the proper understanding of the Bible.

to attest Jesus exists without the bible as in the above spoken, fluent religious discourse provides the true understanding through time the events of past history inclusive the differences that may arise. and as those events left unrecorded who are biblicist to say otherwise. there is no doubt Jesus represented the spoken religion over any other means. the means over time to determine the unknown, proper conclusion.

One of the things about the Bible is that it cannot change, so if any of these counter claims against hold merit, then the stories would have been destroyed long ago as false instead of individual claims of disbelief.

then the stories would have been destroyed long ago as false instead of individual claims of disbelief.

the bible has been changing since it was first introduced and always for the better. where is it etched in stone a bible was ever meant to be written or one is necessary or supersedes the spoken religion over time not from Jesus for one. if nothing else, Jesus represented in the 1st century life as a Free Spirit.
sealybobo, my final post for now on that ignoramus Bill Nye. He is not a scientist and does not know what he is talking about. The description fits you, too.

"William Sanford Nye (born November 27, 1955; generally known as Bill Nye or Bill Nye the Science Guy) is an engineer and television personality known for his children's television series Bill Nye the Science Guy, a Disney show which was broadcast on PBS in the 1990s, winning several Emmy Awards. Videos of the show are often used in public schools.[1] He wears a signature bow tie during public appearances.[2] He has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell University, and has received several honorary doctorates.

He is a "science popularizer", that is, one who writes or lectures about scientific topics for the lay public. In this regard he is similar to such past and contemporary popularizers as Humphrey Davy, Michael Faraday, Arthur Eddington, Isaac Asimov, Carl Sagan, and Neil deGrasse Tyson. Some of these people were/are notable scientists in their own right; Mr. Nye is not.

In 2010, he was given the Humanist of the Year award from the American Humanist Association.[3][4] He identifies as an agnostic.

Like many other non-Christians, Nye borrows from a Christian worldview on issues such as ethics.[5]

Mr. Nye's views on various matters relating to science are similar to those of most scientists—he accepts the reality of global climate change, he accepts macroevolution, and he accepts "old Earth" cosmology.

Nye believes that "science is political."[6]

His mother was probably a codebreaker during the Second World War.[7]

Perhaps because of the way he has dealt with his fame, Mr. Nye sometimes exhibits bad judgment in making statements out of his known field of expertise, or says things in an overly theatrical way, that may seem silly when viewed as purely scientific statements. He has recently developed an exaggerated and flamboyant speaking style, to a degree that many traditional scientists may find distasteful."

Bill Nye - Conservapedia

and he accepts "old Earth" cosmology.

OMG are you a YEC?

Today I was in church for a one year memorial. Couple of thoughts. I did consider that before Moses people contemplated how we got here and people considered that something must have put us here.

Well I'm still there. Before religion lied and said god visited we all believed their may be a creator. And I don't mind giving it thanks but religions are ridiculous. Clearly just believing wasn't enough to start a religion they had to make up stories.

Priest was calling himself the gardener and how it's his fault if the garden goes bad. Wait! Isn't god the Gardiner?

Oh yeah, then the priest starts saying god sent his son to us to show how much he loved us and we killed him. You mean god didn't know that was going to happen? This is something I think is a great example of double talk where one time they say he was sent as a sacrifice and then he's trying to say gods initial intension was to send his son to teach love. Gimme a break
Actually I think the Bible is full of claims that Jesus was sent specifically to be crucified for our original sin (That WE did not commit!)

So my question becomes, why was Judas a bad guy for doing what he was told by God to do?

Now here's the weird part. Since we have been saved from original sin by the cross, why do women still suffer pain during childbirth?

Sounds like a double-cross to me

>>Actually I think the Bible is full of claims that Jesus was sent specifically to be crucified for our original sin (That WE did not commit!)<<

It's evidence that the sins were committed and that we are not perfect.

It is evidence that God is not perfect. You claim he made humans with flaws on purpose? Such a God does not deserve to be worshiped.

One of the problems that humans have is that they're selfish. If someone wrongs us, then we want revenge.

That is exactly why we made God in our image. God has the sin of original selfishness. God has the sin of original revenge.

We do not obey the law or rules all the time, but if someone else violates the law against us, then we want them prosecuted.

Yep, that's God.

Many atheists think like you. They make up their own rules or thinking and expect God to follow.

Do I/we now? Your God tell you this nonsense?

Adam and Eve were perfect.

You just contradicted yourself in the same post.

It's evidence that the sins were committed and that we are not perfect

We admire perfection and strive to be perfect. We make note of perfection whether in beauty, complexity, world records and so on. We know that the Lake of Fire will destroy your perfect spiritual self in the next life. What we do not know is what this entails.

Any God with a lake of fire shirley does not deserve to be worshiped. That is the definition of EVIL.
So if Jesus was sent to die why did my priest tell the bullshit story about how God sent his son to preach the word of love and we killed him?

You do not have the proper understanding of the Bible.

to attest Jesus exists without the bible as in the above spoken, fluent religious discourse provides the true understanding through time the events of past history inclusive the differences that may arise. and as those events left unrecorded who are biblicist to say otherwise. there is no doubt Jesus represented the spoken religion over any other means. the means over time to determine the unknown, proper conclusion.

One of the things about the Bible is that it cannot change, so if any of these counter claims against hold merit, then the stories would have been destroyed long ago as false instead of individual claims of disbelief.

then the stories would have been destroyed long ago as false instead of individual claims of disbelief.

the bible has been changing since it was first introduced and always for the better. where is it etched in stone a bible was ever meant to be written or one is necessary or supersedes the spoken religion over time not from Jesus for one. if nothing else, Jesus represented in the 1st century life as a Free Spirit.
What was your number on the scale?
and he accepts "old Earth" cosmology.

OMG are you a YEC?

Today I was in church for a one year memorial. Couple of thoughts. I did consider that before Moses people contemplated how we got here and people considered that something must have put us here.

Well I'm still there. Before religion lied and said god visited we all believed their may be a creator. And I don't mind giving it thanks but religions are ridiculous. Clearly just believing wasn't enough to start a religion they had to make up stories.

Priest was calling himself the gardener and how it's his fault if the garden goes bad. Wait! Isn't god the Gardiner?

Oh yeah, then the priest starts saying god sent his son to us to show how much he loved us and we killed him. You mean god didn't know that was going to happen? This is something I think is a great example of double talk where one time they say he was sent as a sacrifice and then he's trying to say gods initial intension was to send his son to teach love. Gimme a break
Actually I think the Bible is full of claims that Jesus was sent specifically to be crucified for our original sin (That WE did not commit!)

So my question becomes, why was Judas a bad guy for doing what he was told by God to do?

Now here's the weird part. Since we have been saved from original sin by the cross, why do women still suffer pain during childbirth?

Sounds like a double-cross to me

Actually I think the Bible is full of claims that Jesus was sent specifically to be crucified for our original sin (That WE did not commit!)

So my question becomes, why was Judas a bad guy for doing what he was told by God to do?

Now here's the weird part. Since we have been saved from original sin by the cross, why do women still suffer pain during childbirth?

Sounds like a double-cross to me<<

Claims? As in science? You are wrong. The Bible isn't a science book, but science does back up the Bible.

Why do atheists and their scientists go so wrong?

>>why do women still suffer pain during childbirth?

Sounds like a double-cross to me<<

Huh? You're all over the place.
So if Jesus was sent to die why did my priest tell the bullshit story about how God sent his son to preach the word of love and we killed him? As if god was hoping we would do the right thing. This story is all over the place.

It's a book of parables and allegories. Based on a lie. Moses and Jesus

So if Jesus was sent to die why did my priest tell the bullshit story about how God sent his son to preach the word of love and we killed him? As if god was hoping we would do the right thing. This story is all over the place.

It's a book of parables and allegories. Based on a lie. Moses and Jesus

You do not have the proper understanding of the Bible. I mentioned Ben-Hur (1959). Maybe you should read up on the author and how his writing the story, albeit fictional account of a true story, influenced him. One start is the link I posted. As for Moses, there is the The Ten Commandments movie. I'm not as familiar with his story.

Why are these "parables and allegories" a lie? How do you know it's a lie? There are many who claim this, and their claims are investigated and found to be disproven or lack merit. Today, we have those who write scientific arguments and the like, and their claims are also rebutted.

Sadly, I see lack of evidence on the atheist's claims. They to seem to make things up or base it on wrong science and think they are right. I think if one investigates these people who make the counter claims, one will find that they are wrong. One of the things about the Bible is that it cannot change, so if any of these counter claims against hold merit, then the stories would have been destroyed long ago as false instead of individual claims of disbelief.

The bottom line is one has to answer the questions whether this life is all there is and all there will be for themselves? Also, whether one will be judged for their actions in the current life. If someone is lucky enough to avoid punishment for their sins such as murder, thievery or false witnesses (lies) against their fellow human and get away with it, then there is no justice in this life.
That's right. No justice. When the wolves kill the coyote for being in their territory there is no justice for the coyote and no hell for the wolves.
sealybobo, my final post for now on that ignoramus Bill Nye. He is not a scientist and does not know what he is talking about. The description fits you, too.

"William Sanford Nye (born November 27, 1955; generally known as Bill Nye or Bill Nye the Science Guy) is an engineer and television personality known for his children's television series Bill Nye the Science Guy, a Disney show which was broadcast on PBS in the 1990s, winning several Emmy Awards. Videos of the show are often used in public schools.[1] He wears a signature bow tie during public appearances.[2] He has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell University, and has received several honorary doctorates.

He is a "science popularizer", that is, one who writes or lectures about scientific topics for the lay public. In this regard he is similar to such past and contemporary popularizers as Humphrey Davy, Michael Faraday, Arthur Eddington, Isaac Asimov, Carl Sagan, and Neil deGrasse Tyson. Some of these people were/are notable scientists in their own right; Mr. Nye is not.

In 2010, he was given the Humanist of the Year award from the American Humanist Association.[3][4] He identifies as an agnostic.

Like many other non-Christians, Nye borrows from a Christian worldview on issues such as ethics.[5]

Mr. Nye's views on various matters relating to science are similar to those of most scientists—he accepts the reality of global climate change, he accepts macroevolution, and he accepts "old Earth" cosmology.

Nye believes that "science is political."[6]

His mother was probably a codebreaker during the Second World War.[7]

Perhaps because of the way he has dealt with his fame, Mr. Nye sometimes exhibits bad judgment in making statements out of his known field of expertise, or says things in an overly theatrical way, that may seem silly when viewed as purely scientific statements. He has recently developed an exaggerated and flamboyant speaking style, to a degree that many traditional scientists may find distasteful."

Bill Nye - Conservapedia

and he accepts "old Earth" cosmology.

OMG are you a YEC?

Today I was in church for a one year memorial. Couple of thoughts. I did consider that before Moses people contemplated how we got here and people considered that something must have put us here.

Well I'm still there. Before religion lied and said god visited we all believed their may be a creator. And I don't mind giving it thanks but religions are ridiculous. Clearly just believing wasn't enough to start a religion they had to make up stories.

Priest was calling himself the gardener and how it's his fault if the garden goes bad. Wait! Isn't god the Gardiner?

Oh yeah, then the priest starts saying god sent his son to us to show how much he loved us and we killed him. You mean god didn't know that was going to happen? This is something I think is a great example of double talk where one time they say he was sent as a sacrifice and then he's trying to say gods initial intension was to send his son to teach love. Gimme a break
Actually I think the Bible is full of claims that Jesus was sent specifically to be crucified for our original sin (That WE did not commit!)

So my question becomes, why was Judas a bad guy for doing what he was told by God to do?

Now here's the weird part. Since we have been saved from original sin by the cross, why do women still suffer pain during childbirth?

Sounds like a double-cross to me

>>Actually I think the Bible is full of claims that Jesus was sent specifically to be crucified for our original sin (That WE did not commit!)<<

It's evidence that the sins were committed and that we are not perfect. One of the problems that humans have is that they're selfish. If someone wrongs us, then we want revenge. We do not obey the law or rules all the time, but if someone else violates the law against us, then we want them prosecuted. Many atheists think like you. They make up their own rules or thinking and expect God to follow. Adam and Eve were perfect. We admire perfection and strive to be perfect. We make note of perfection whether in beauty, complexity, world records and so on. We know that the Lake of Fire will destroy your perfect spiritual self in the next life. What we do not know is what this entails.

"It's evidence that the sins were committed"

We really need to have a talk about what constitutes 'evidence' and what does not. ;)
Only a despicable person, a bonafide devil, would deceive a gullible person into blowing up themselves along with as many innocent people as they can in the name of God.

A gullible person would only think God wants them to do that because they had been deceived or had been driven insane. The real problem is not a belief in God it is the lack of education and the absence of critical thinking that opens people to falling for the lies of obviously evil, pretentious, greedy, and corrupt men whose only concern is leading smooth and easy lives off the blood and suffering of their victims, er, followers...whether religious or political.

Belief in God is really not required.You must have noticed that people who follow no religion and do not have any belief in God can be every bit as despicable as the most corrupt religious fundamentalist bullshit artist out there..

lol,,, you just said;

"It's a great story no doubt. I get the message."

make up your mind please.
I can't get over the fact I don't believe. You can't fake it.

Its a good thing that you can't fake it. You don't believe because you don't understand what the stories are teaching. I don't believe that the story of the creation is a true story of the creation of the universe or solar system by God either, but thats not what the story is about anyway..I don't believe that biologically dead people came out of their graves, ever, even though I do believe that the stories about the dead coming out of their graves in the first century are absolutely true.

When the teaching and the hidden subject about rising from the dead is understood there is no problem believing, especially if you can't fake it and it happens to you.

Comprehension is a choice, something one must deliberately strive for to attain.

If you look and look and keep on looking for hidden meaning in scripture that conforms to and is confirmed by reality you will find it.

If you don't look you will surely find nothing....

"The kingdom of Heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."

can you dig it?
Oh it's a story book?

What do you mean you don't and do believe dead people did come from the grave?

I do not believe that the subject of the resurrection is or ever was about the biologically dead resuming a former physical existence.

The resurrection of the dead is about entry into a new existence, a transformation from confusion to comprehension as dramatic as passing from darkness to light, blindness to sight, death to life.

Jesus being raised as an observant Jew was no different than you being raised Greek orthodox in that it was an accident of birth.

Jesus rose from the dead by leaving the whitewashed tomb of irrational religious beliefs and degrading religious practices which is exactly what happened to you when you walked out of the tomb of irrational religious beliefs and degrading religious practices...

Do you believe in your own story?

When Jesus emerged from the Jordan river after being baptized by John, "the heavens opened up to him."

You are still under the water..time to come up for some air.

Wouldn't it be a terrible shame if you escaped from the tomb only to dig your own grave?
If even 1% of me believed your religion was real but since not, I'll leave you with this. It'd be a darn shame if you came out and found Islam was the truth.

But since not even 1% of you believes that you're ok with that right?

I do not belong to any religion. I just told you that I do not believe the same things that you do not believe and for the same reasons. The only difference is that I found deeper meaning hidden in those fantastical stories like a priceless treasure.

You can't say that its not there. I have shown it to you. You can't say that you heard it all before. No one has.

What religion teaches that the drink my blood ritual is a curse spread throughout the Roman empire deliberately to "smite the nations"? What religion teaches that kosher law is not about food? What religion teaches that Jesus healing the blind was a healing of perception not sight? What Christian, Jew or Muslim even knows that the dispute between Jesus and the religious authorities was about what was the only right way to understand and comply with divine Law that leads to eternal life here and now? What religion teaches that Jesus appeared to his disciples in dreams after the crucifixion?

Who has ever said anything like any of that ever before?

You really need to pay closer attention.
Last edited:
So if Jesus was sent to die why did my priest tell the bullshit story about how God sent his son to preach the word of love and we killed him?

You do not have the proper understanding of the Bible.

to attest Jesus exists without the bible as in the above spoken, fluent religious discourse provides the true understanding through time the events of past history inclusive the differences that may arise. and as those events left unrecorded who are biblicist to say otherwise. there is no doubt Jesus represented the spoken religion over any other means. the means over time to determine the unknown, proper conclusion.

One of the things about the Bible is that it cannot change, so if any of these counter claims against hold merit, then the stories would have been destroyed long ago as false instead of individual claims of disbelief.

then the stories would have been destroyed long ago as false instead of individual claims of disbelief.

the bible has been changing since it was first introduced and always for the better. where is it etched in stone a bible was ever meant to be written or one is necessary or supersedes the spoken religion over time not from Jesus for one. if nothing else, Jesus represented in the 1st century life as a Free Spirit.
What was your number on the scale?

I think you're asking sealybobo whom I think started out as an agnostic, but has gone the other way. I was indoctrinated as Catholic, but rebelled around 13 years old and became agnostic-weak theist. I probably became weak-defacto theist around college age. I even studied evolution from the college I went to and believed in it so that made me weaker. Now, I'm a strong theist since starting to read the Bible, understand it better and compared what it said versus what evolution said around 2012. The history has not been about "science," but of politics and atheist vs religious beliefs.

How about you?
So if Jesus was sent to die why did my priest tell the bullshit story about how God sent his son to preach the word of love and we killed him?

You do not have the proper understanding of the Bible.

to attest Jesus exists without the bible as in the above spoken, fluent religious discourse provides the true understanding through time the events of past history inclusive the differences that may arise. and as those events left unrecorded who are biblicist to say otherwise. there is no doubt Jesus represented the spoken religion over any other means. the means over time to determine the unknown, proper conclusion.

One of the things about the Bible is that it cannot change, so if any of these counter claims against hold merit, then the stories would have been destroyed long ago as false instead of individual claims of disbelief.

then the stories would have been destroyed long ago as false instead of individual claims of disbelief.

the bible has been changing since it was first introduced and always for the better. where is it etched in stone a bible was ever meant to be written or one is necessary or supersedes the spoken religion over time not from Jesus for one. if nothing else, Jesus represented in the 1st century life as a Free Spirit.
What was your number on the scale?

I think you're asking sealybobo whom I think started out as an agnostic, but has gone the other way. I was indoctrinated as Catholic, but rebelled around 13 years old and became agnostic-weak theist. I probably became weak-defacto theist around college age. I even studied evolution from the college I went to and believed in it so that made me weaker. Now, I'm a strong theist since starting to read the Bible, understand it better and compared what it said versus what evolution said around 2012. The history has not been about "science," but of politics and atheist vs religious beliefs.

How about you?
I was asking Breezewood. I was a "De Facto Atheist"... So, 6?
Today I was in church for a one year memorial. Couple of thoughts. I did consider that before Moses people contemplated how we got here and people considered that something must have put us here.

Well I'm still there. Before religion lied and said god visited we all believed their may be a creator. And I don't mind giving it thanks but religions are ridiculous. Clearly just believing wasn't enough to start a religion they had to make up stories.

Priest was calling himself the gardener and how it's his fault if the garden goes bad. Wait! Isn't god the Gardiner?

Oh yeah, then the priest starts saying god sent his son to us to show how much he loved us and we killed him. You mean god didn't know that was going to happen? This is something I think is a great example of double talk where one time they say he was sent as a sacrifice and then he's trying to say gods initial intension was to send his son to teach love. Gimme a break
Actually I think the Bible is full of claims that Jesus was sent specifically to be crucified for our original sin (That WE did not commit!)

So my question becomes, why was Judas a bad guy for doing what he was told by God to do?

Now here's the weird part. Since we have been saved from original sin by the cross, why do women still suffer pain during childbirth?

Sounds like a double-cross to me

Actually I think the Bible is full of claims that Jesus was sent specifically to be crucified for our original sin (That WE did not commit!)

So my question becomes, why was Judas a bad guy for doing what he was told by God to do?

Now here's the weird part. Since we have been saved from original sin by the cross, why do women still suffer pain during childbirth?

Sounds like a double-cross to me<<

Claims? As in science? You are wrong. The Bible isn't a science book, but science does back up the Bible.

Why do atheists and their scientists go so wrong?

>>why do women still suffer pain during childbirth?

Sounds like a double-cross to me<<

Huh? You're all over the place.
So if Jesus was sent to die why did my priest tell the bullshit story about how God sent his son to preach the word of love and we killed him? As if god was hoping we would do the right thing. This story is all over the place.

It's a book of parables and allegories. Based on a lie. Moses and Jesus

So if Jesus was sent to die why did my priest tell the bullshit story about how God sent his son to preach the word of love and we killed him? As if god was hoping we would do the right thing. This story is all over the place.

It's a book of parables and allegories. Based on a lie. Moses and Jesus

You do not have the proper understanding of the Bible. I mentioned Ben-Hur (1959). Maybe you should read up on the author and how his writing the story, albeit fictional account of a true story, influenced him. One start is the link I posted. As for Moses, there is the The Ten Commandments movie. I'm not as familiar with his story.

Why are these "parables and allegories" a lie? How do you know it's a lie? There are many who claim this, and their claims are investigated and found to be disproven or lack merit. Today, we have those who write scientific arguments and the like, and their claims are also rebutted.

Sadly, I see lack of evidence on the atheist's claims. They to seem to make things up or base it on wrong science and think they are right. I think if one investigates these people who make the counter claims, one will find that they are wrong. One of the things about the Bible is that it cannot change, so if any of these counter claims against hold merit, then the stories would have been destroyed long ago as false instead of individual claims of disbelief.

The bottom line is one has to answer the questions whether this life is all there is and all there will be for themselves? Also, whether one will be judged for their actions in the current life. If someone is lucky enough to avoid punishment for their sins such as murder, thievery or false witnesses (lies) against their fellow human and get away with it, then there is no justice in this life.
That's right. No justice. When the wolves kill the coyote for being in their territory there is no justice for the coyote and no hell for the wolves.

>>That's right. No justice. When the wolves kill the coyote for being in their territory there is no justice for the coyote and no hell for the wolves.<<

I don't think it happens like that. What usually happens is that we, i.e. the majority, are punished for the sins of the few. Isn't this true everywhere? Isn't this the big deal with original sin? It may be different in one area to another, but the laws are usually written this way by humans. This is evidence that God thinks like humans and his laws follow the ones we make. Our justice is his justice, so there is evidence for some kind of final judgment.
So if Jesus was sent to die why did my priest tell the bullshit story about how God sent his son to preach the word of love and we killed him?

You do not have the proper understanding of the Bible.

to attest Jesus exists without the bible as in the above spoken, fluent religious discourse provides the true understanding through time the events of past history inclusive the differences that may arise. and as those events left unrecorded who are biblicist to say otherwise. there is no doubt Jesus represented the spoken religion over any other means. the means over time to determine the unknown, proper conclusion.

One of the things about the Bible is that it cannot change, so if any of these counter claims against hold merit, then the stories would have been destroyed long ago as false instead of individual claims of disbelief.

then the stories would have been destroyed long ago as false instead of individual claims of disbelief.

the bible has been changing since it was first introduced and always for the better. where is it etched in stone a bible was ever meant to be written or one is necessary or supersedes the spoken religion over time not from Jesus for one. if nothing else, Jesus represented in the 1st century life as a Free Spirit.
What was your number on the scale?

I think you're asking sealybobo whom I think started out as an agnostic, but has gone the other way. I was indoctrinated as Catholic, but rebelled around 13 years old and became agnostic-weak theist. I probably became weak-defacto theist around college age. I even studied evolution from the college I went to and believed in it so that made me weaker. Now, I'm a strong theist since starting to read the Bible, understand it better and compared what it said versus what evolution said around 2012. The history has not been about "science," but of politics and atheist vs religious beliefs.

How about you?
I was asking Breezewood. I was a "De Facto Atheist"... So, 6?

My bad. Ha ha since it's Breezewood. With him, it doesn't matter what he is as you'll find out once you post with him a couple of times.
He's a 1. But they don't exist, as I learned earlier in this thread. Therefore, Breezewood does not exist. BreezeWood, I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news: you are a bot.
So if Jesus was sent to die why did my priest tell the bullshit story about how God sent his son to preach the word of love and we killed him?

You do not have the proper understanding of the Bible.

to attest Jesus exists without the bible as in the above spoken, fluent religious discourse provides the true understanding through time the events of past history inclusive the differences that may arise. and as those events left unrecorded who are biblicist to say otherwise. there is no doubt Jesus represented the spoken religion over any other means. the means over time to determine the unknown, proper conclusion.

One of the things about the Bible is that it cannot change, so if any of these counter claims against hold merit, then the stories would have been destroyed long ago as false instead of individual claims of disbelief.

then the stories would have been destroyed long ago as false instead of individual claims of disbelief.

the bible has been changing since it was first introduced and always for the better. where is it etched in stone a bible was ever meant to be written or one is necessary or supersedes the spoken religion over time not from Jesus for one. if nothing else, Jesus represented in the 1st century life as a Free Spirit.
What was your number on the scale?

I think you're asking sealybobo whom I think started out as an agnostic, but has gone the other way. I was indoctrinated as Catholic, but rebelled around 13 years old and became agnostic-weak theist. I probably became weak-defacto theist around college age. I even studied evolution from the college I went to and believed in it so that made me weaker. Now, I'm a strong theist since starting to read the Bible, understand it better and compared what it said versus what evolution said around 2012. The history has not been about "science," but of politics and atheist vs religious beliefs.

How about you?
I was never strong theist. I was weak theist then agnostic then atheist now agnostic atheist
I can't get over the fact I don't believe. You can't fake it.

Its a good thing that you can't fake it. You don't believe because you don't understand what the stories are teaching. I don't believe that the story of the creation is a true story of the creation of the universe or solar system by God either, but thats not what the story is about anyway..I don't believe that biologically dead people came out of their graves, ever, even though I do believe that the stories about the dead coming out of their graves in the first century are absolutely true.

When the teaching and the hidden subject about rising from the dead is understood there is no problem believing, especially if you can't fake it and it happens to you.

Comprehension is a choice, something one must deliberately strive for to attain.

If you look and look and keep on looking for hidden meaning in scripture that conforms to and is confirmed by reality you will find it.

If you don't look you will surely find nothing....

"The kingdom of Heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."

can you dig it?
Oh it's a story book?

What do you mean you don't and do believe dead people did come from the grave?

I do not believe that the subject of the resurrection is or ever was about the biologically dead resuming a former physical existence.

The resurrection of the dead is about entry into a new existence, a transformation from confusion to comprehension as dramatic as passing from darkness to light, blindness to sight, death to life.

Jesus being raised as an observant Jew was no different than you being raised Greek orthodox in that it was an accident of birth.

Jesus rose from the dead by leaving the whitewashed tomb of irrational religious beliefs and degrading religious practices which is exactly what happened to you when you walked out of the tomb of irrational religious beliefs and degrading religious practices...

Do you believe in your own story?

When Jesus emerged from the Jordan river after being baptized by John, "the heavens opened up to him."

You are still under the water..time to come up for some air.

Wouldn't it be a terrible shame if you escaped from the tomb only to dig your own grave?
If even 1% of me believed your religion was real but since not, I'll leave you with this. It'd be a darn shame if you came out and found Islam was the truth.

But since not even 1% of you believes that you're ok with that right?

I do not belong to any religion. I just told you that I do not believe the same things that you do not believe and for the same reasons. The only difference is that I found deeper meaning hidden in those fantastical stories like a priceless treasure.

You can't say that its not there. I have shown it to you. You can't say that you heard it all before. No one has.

What religion teaches that the drink my blood ritual is a curse spread throughout the Roman empire deliberately to "smite the nations"? What religion teaches that kosher law is not about food? What religion teaches that Jesus healing the blind was a healing of perception not sight? What Christian, Jew or Muslim even knows that the dispute between Jesus and the religious authorities was about what was the only right way to understand and comply with divine Law that leads to eternal life here and now? What religion teaches that Jesus appeared to his disciples in dreams after the crucifixion?

Who has ever said anything like any of that ever before?

You really need to pay closer attention.
I think the Lord will forgive me in fact he may even reward my intelligence. I mean our intelligence because you agree with me
So if Jesus was sent to die why did my priest tell the bullshit story about how God sent his son to preach the word of love and we killed him?

You do not have the proper understanding of the Bible.

to attest Jesus exists without the bible as in the above spoken, fluent religious discourse provides the true understanding through time the events of past history inclusive the differences that may arise. and as those events left unrecorded who are biblicist to say otherwise. there is no doubt Jesus represented the spoken religion over any other means. the means over time to determine the unknown, proper conclusion.

One of the things about the Bible is that it cannot change, so if any of these counter claims against hold merit, then the stories would have been destroyed long ago as false instead of individual claims of disbelief.

then the stories would have been destroyed long ago as false instead of individual claims of disbelief.

the bible has been changing since it was first introduced and always for the better. where is it etched in stone a bible was ever meant to be written or one is necessary or supersedes the spoken religion over time not from Jesus for one. if nothing else, Jesus represented in the 1st century life as a Free Spirit.
What was your number on the scale?

I think you're asking sealybobo whom I think started out as an agnostic, but has gone the other way. I was indoctrinated as Catholic, but rebelled around 13 years old and became agnostic-weak theist. I probably became weak-defacto theist around college age. I even studied evolution from the college I went to and believed in it so that made me weaker. Now, I'm a strong theist since starting to read the Bible, understand it better and compared what it said versus what evolution said around 2012. The history has not been about "science," but of politics and atheist vs religious beliefs.

How about you?
I was never strong theist. I was weak theist then agnostic then atheist now agnostic atheist

"Agnostic atheist"

I feel like that is redundant, personally, though accurate in distinguishing itself from gnostic atheism. Atheism is the 'de facto' view. Belief in God is not accepted. That's not the same as saying, "There can be no gods".

So I think that we only need a qualifier when identifying gnostic atheism. It's a special case of atheism, like a square is a special case of a rectangle. We don't need to call rectangles, "not square rectangles" AND call squares, squares. We can just call squares, squares.
So if Jesus was sent to die why did my priest tell the bullshit story about how God sent his son to preach the word of love and we killed him?

You do not have the proper understanding of the Bible.

to attest Jesus exists without the bible as in the above spoken, fluent religious discourse provides the true understanding through time the events of past history inclusive the differences that may arise. and as those events left unrecorded who are biblicist to say otherwise. there is no doubt Jesus represented the spoken religion over any other means. the means over time to determine the unknown, proper conclusion.

One of the things about the Bible is that it cannot change, so if any of these counter claims against hold merit, then the stories would have been destroyed long ago as false instead of individual claims of disbelief.

then the stories would have been destroyed long ago as false instead of individual claims of disbelief.

the bible has been changing since it was first introduced and always for the better. where is it etched in stone a bible was ever meant to be written or one is necessary or supersedes the spoken religion over time not from Jesus for one. if nothing else, Jesus represented in the 1st century life as a Free Spirit.
What was your number on the scale?

I think you're asking sealybobo whom I think started out as an agnostic, but has gone the other way. I was indoctrinated as Catholic, but rebelled around 13 years old and became agnostic-weak theist. I probably became weak-defacto theist around college age. I even studied evolution from the college I went to and believed in it so that made me weaker. Now, I'm a strong theist since starting to read the Bible, understand it better and compared what it said versus what evolution said around 2012. The history has not been about "science," but of politics and atheist vs religious beliefs.

How about you?
I was never strong theist. I was weak theist then agnostic then atheist now agnostic atheist

>>I was never strong theist. I was weak theist then agnostic then atheist now agnostic atheist<<

No one would mistake you for a strong theist which would put you in the liar category if you claimed that. Instead, I'll give you the benefit of a doubt as being a weak theist since you attended church a few times. I would guess your beliefs are based on someone or something providing the evidence of the existence of God. However, there is no evidence good enough to convince one who states that except for pain and suffering. If the believers are the ones being truthful, then this becomes another Biblical prophecy fulfilled.
So if Jesus was sent to die why did my priest tell the bullshit story about how God sent his son to preach the word of love and we killed him?

You do not have the proper understanding of the Bible.

to attest Jesus exists without the bible as in the above spoken, fluent religious discourse provides the true understanding through time the events of past history inclusive the differences that may arise. and as those events left unrecorded who are biblicist to say otherwise. there is no doubt Jesus represented the spoken religion over any other means. the means over time to determine the unknown, proper conclusion.

One of the things about the Bible is that it cannot change, so if any of these counter claims against hold merit, then the stories would have been destroyed long ago as false instead of individual claims of disbelief.

then the stories would have been destroyed long ago as false instead of individual claims of disbelief.

the bible has been changing since it was first introduced and always for the better. where is it etched in stone a bible was ever meant to be written or one is necessary or supersedes the spoken religion over time not from Jesus for one. if nothing else, Jesus represented in the 1st century life as a Free Spirit.
What was your number on the scale?

I think you're asking sealybobo whom I think started out as an agnostic, but has gone the other way. I was indoctrinated as Catholic, but rebelled around 13 years old and became agnostic-weak theist. I probably became weak-defacto theist around college age. I even studied evolution from the college I went to and believed in it so that made me weaker. Now, I'm a strong theist since starting to read the Bible, understand it better and compared what it said versus what evolution said around 2012. The history has not been about "science," but of politics and atheist vs religious beliefs.

How about you?
I was never strong theist. I was weak theist then agnostic then atheist now agnostic atheist

>>I was never strong theist. I was weak theist then agnostic then atheist now agnostic atheist<<

No one would mistake you for a strong theist which would put you in the liar category if you claimed that. Instead, I'll give you the benefit of a doubt as being a weak theist since you attended church a few times. I would guess your beliefs are based on someone or something providing the evidence of the existence of God. However, there is no evidence good enough to convince one who states that except for pain and suffering. If the believers are the ones being truthful, then this becomes another Biblical prophecy fulfilled.
If the churches I attend hooked me up to a lie detector I would have to admit I'm not buying it.

But could there be a creator? Sure. People contemplated that long before Moses claimed he spoke to him. So just like people back then agreed there might be a creator I agree now. But everything beyond that is man made. Virgin births, Mohammad, Joseph Smith, talking snakes, lazarith, Noah, parables, allegories, ramblings, Revelations, covenants, Adam, Jonah, Luke, old and new testament.
to attest Jesus exists without the bible as in the above spoken, fluent religious discourse provides the true understanding through time the events of past history inclusive the differences that may arise. and as those events left unrecorded who are biblicist to say otherwise. there is no doubt Jesus represented the spoken religion over any other means. the means over time to determine the unknown, proper conclusion.

then the stories would have been destroyed long ago as false instead of individual claims of disbelief.

the bible has been changing since it was first introduced and always for the better. where is it etched in stone a bible was ever meant to be written or one is necessary or supersedes the spoken religion over time not from Jesus for one. if nothing else, Jesus represented in the 1st century life as a Free Spirit.
What was your number on the scale?

I think you're asking sealybobo whom I think started out as an agnostic, but has gone the other way. I was indoctrinated as Catholic, but rebelled around 13 years old and became agnostic-weak theist. I probably became weak-defacto theist around college age. I even studied evolution from the college I went to and believed in it so that made me weaker. Now, I'm a strong theist since starting to read the Bible, understand it better and compared what it said versus what evolution said around 2012. The history has not been about "science," but of politics and atheist vs religious beliefs.

How about you?
I was never strong theist. I was weak theist then agnostic then atheist now agnostic atheist

>>I was never strong theist. I was weak theist then agnostic then atheist now agnostic atheist<<

No one would mistake you for a strong theist which would put you in the liar category if you claimed that. Instead, I'll give you the benefit of a doubt as being a weak theist since you attended church a few times. I would guess your beliefs are based on someone or something providing the evidence of the existence of God. However, there is no evidence good enough to convince one who states that except for pain and suffering. If the believers are the ones being truthful, then this becomes another Biblical prophecy fulfilled.
If the churches I attend hooked me up to a lie detector I would have to admit I'm not buying it.

But could there be a creator? Sure. People contemplated that long before Moses claimed he spoke to him. So just like people back then agreed there might be a creator I agree now. But everything beyond that is man made. Virgin births, Mohammad, Joseph Smith, talking snakes, lazarith, Noah, parables, allegories, ramblings, Revelations, covenants, Adam, Jonah, Luke, old and new testament.

You are then a De Facto Atheist. Was this your poll answer?
What was your number on the scale?

I think you're asking sealybobo whom I think started out as an agnostic, but has gone the other way. I was indoctrinated as Catholic, but rebelled around 13 years old and became agnostic-weak theist. I probably became weak-defacto theist around college age. I even studied evolution from the college I went to and believed in it so that made me weaker. Now, I'm a strong theist since starting to read the Bible, understand it better and compared what it said versus what evolution said around 2012. The history has not been about "science," but of politics and atheist vs religious beliefs.

How about you?
I was never strong theist. I was weak theist then agnostic then atheist now agnostic atheist

>>I was never strong theist. I was weak theist then agnostic then atheist now agnostic atheist<<

No one would mistake you for a strong theist which would put you in the liar category if you claimed that. Instead, I'll give you the benefit of a doubt as being a weak theist since you attended church a few times. I would guess your beliefs are based on someone or something providing the evidence of the existence of God. However, there is no evidence good enough to convince one who states that except for pain and suffering. If the believers are the ones being truthful, then this becomes another Biblical prophecy fulfilled.
If the churches I attend hooked me up to a lie detector I would have to admit I'm not buying it.

But could there be a creator? Sure. People contemplated that long before Moses claimed he spoke to him. So just like people back then agreed there might be a creator I agree now. But everything beyond that is man made. Virgin births, Mohammad, Joseph Smith, talking snakes, lazarith, Noah, parables, allegories, ramblings, Revelations, covenants, Adam, Jonah, Luke, old and new testament.

You are then a De Facto Atheist. Was this your poll answer?

I took it before so I don't remember.

But why am I not agnostic? I said there could be a creator. I just don't buy organized religions. Lots of people here don't buy any religions but they believe in God or a creator. I believe there could be but it's also possible there isn't. Since it's never appeared and we don't ever see it I don't believe if it does exists that it thinks about us or cares. That means it too is scientifically explainable. It too must have been created.

And do you think god exists beyond our little universe or is this the only universe? So you put god in a box?

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