How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

  • Strong Theist

    Votes: 21 25.9%
  • De-facto Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Weak Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Pure Agnostic

    Votes: 14 17.3%
  • Weak Atheist

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • De-facto Atheist

    Votes: 8 9.9%
  • Strong Atheist

    Votes: 16 19.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 12 14.8%

  • Total voters
Here's something else I discovered about Bill Nye. He's an eugenicist guy. These people are in the Democratic party, but hidden.

Bill Nye The Eugenics Guy: Maybe We Should Penalize People With "Extra Kids"
Well if a woman can't afford to feed helself and she has 5 kids do you want to reward her?

You should ask the liberals and atheists this important question because they provide extra money and programs for kids, welfare, food stamps, low/no taxes, including illegal aliens and the like. Two illegals sneak in and have their child in the US and suddenly we have a new citizen with rights. All part of the communist plot. Fack Bill Nye and your hypocritical arse.

Can you imagine what would happen if a conservative rep or Senator said this?


Yet, Obama's science advisor was a Population Bomber in 1970s. Stands to reason that Nye would see merits of forced sterilization in the name of fake global warming. It's Eugenics all over again thanks to racist Charles Darwin! Bill Nye = Frances Galton!
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Here's something else I discovered about Bill Nye. He's an eugenicist guy. These people are in the Democratic party, but hidden.

Bill Nye The Eugenics Guy: Maybe We Should Penalize People With "Extra Kids"
Well if a woman can't afford to feed helself and she has 5 kids do you want to reward her?

You should ask the liberals and atheists this important question because they provide extra money and programs for kids, welfare, food stamps, low/no taxes, including illegal aliens and the like. Two illegals sneak in and have their child in the US and suddenly we have a new citizen with rights. All part of the communist plot. Fack Bill Nye and your hypocritical arse.

Can you imagine what would happen if a conservative rep or Senator said this?


Yet, Obama's science advisor was a Population Bomber in 1970s. Stands to reason that Nye would see merits of forced sterilization in the name of fake global warming. It's Eugenics all over again thanks to racist Charles Darwin!
You're a nut.
Here's something else I discovered about Bill Nye. He's an eugenicist guy. These people are in the Democratic party, but hidden.

Bill Nye The Eugenics Guy: Maybe We Should Penalize People With "Extra Kids"
Well if a woman can't afford to feed helself and she has 5 kids do you want to reward her?

You should ask the liberals and atheists this important question because they provide extra money and programs for kids, welfare, food stamps, low/no taxes, including illegal aliens and the like. Two illegals sneak in and have their child in the US and suddenly we have a new citizen with rights. All part of the communist plot. Fack Bill Nye and your hypocritical arse.

Can you imagine what would happen if a conservative rep or Senator said this?


Yet, Obama's science advisor was a Population Bomber in 1970s. Stands to reason that Nye would see merits of forced sterilization in the name of fake global warming. It's Eugenics all over again thanks to racist Charles Darwin!
You're a nut.

I'm right. You have no words to even reply.

Climate change is a religion to you atheists and Bill Nye.
Here's something else I discovered about Bill Nye. He's an eugenicist guy. These people are in the Democratic party, but hidden.

Bill Nye The Eugenics Guy: Maybe We Should Penalize People With "Extra Kids"
Well if a woman can't afford to feed helself and she has 5 kids do you want to reward her?

You should ask the liberals and atheists this important question because they provide extra money and programs for kids, welfare, food stamps, low/no taxes, including illegal aliens and the like. Two illegals sneak in and have their child in the US and suddenly we have a new citizen with rights. All part of the communist plot. Fack Bill Nye and your hypocritical arse.

Can you imagine what would happen if a conservative rep or Senator said this?


Yet, Obama's science advisor was a Population Bomber in 1970s. Stands to reason that Nye would see merits of forced sterilization in the name of fake global warming. It's Eugenics all over again thanks to racist Charles Darwin!
You're a nut.

I'm right. You have no words to even reply.

Climate change is a religion to you atheists and Bill Nye.

How would you reply to a nut.

Trying to get one's point across to a nutjob liberal and atheist is usualy futile.
So, what happened to turn agnostics and some believers into non-believers?

Mostly it was religion's declaring war on science and forcing thinking people to make a decision.

I didn't leave Christianity, Christianity left me!

I think it started with challenging Noah's Ark and the great flood. Charles Lyell, an atheist, used his knowledge of geology, and with the help of others such as his pupil, Charles Darwin, and fellow atheist, James Hutton, turned the scientific world against the Bible and Noah's Flood with uniformitarianism vs catastrophism and evloution vs Genesis. Suddenly, people had "science" to help them go wrong. Even racist beliefs of Charles Darwin was turned into social Darwinism, Nazism, Planned Parenthood and the rise of today's communist Antifa. The Biblical prophecies are coming true.
To get technical, you have to understand the world that gave rise to western civilization. There WAS a flood and we think we have geological evidence for it. All old myths, religions, etc talk about the flood & to them, it was world wide in their tiny world. The flood is another example of Christianity stealing from previous religions & myths.

Hurricane Harvey would have been considered a great flood in olden times & you know how stories get bigger when handed down orally.

Flood myth - Wikipedia

Darwin was no more of a racist than any other of his time (which was a LOT). Racists perverted his science to further white supremacy.

Did Charles Darwin believe in racial inequality?
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So, what happened to turn agnostics and some believers into non-believers?

Mostly it was religion's declaring war on science and forcing thinking people to make a decision.

I didn't leave Christianity, Christianity left me!

I think it started with challenging Noah's Ark and the great flood. Charles Lyell, an atheist, used his knowledge of geology, and with the help of others such as his pupil, Charles Darwin, and fellow atheist, James Hutton, turned the scientific world against the Bible and Noah's Flood with uniformitarianism vs catastrophism and evloution vs Genesis. Suddenly, people had "science" to help them go wrong. Even racist beliefs of Charles Darwin was turned into social Darwinism, Nazism, Planned Parenthood and the rise of today's communist Antifa. The Biblical prophecies are coming true.
To get technical, you have to understand the world that gave rise to western civilization. There WAS a flood and we think we have geological evidence for it. All old myths, religions, etc talk about the flood & to them, it was world wide in their tiny world. The flood is another example of Christianity stealing from previous religions & myths.

Hurricane Harvey would have been considered a great flood in olden times & you know how stories get bigger when handed down orally.

Flood myth - Wikipedia

Darwin was no more of a racist than any other of his time (which was a LOT). Racists perverted his science to further white supremacy.

Did Charles Darwin believe in racial inequality?

You don't believe in global warming do you? It was only a couple decades ago liberals were afraid of global cooling and the ice age and they were trying to scare us with that.

>>I didn't leave Christianity, Christianity left me!<<

Oh no. Jesus would not leave you. He does not change. Will I get a decent answer to my question? I'm afraid not because the liberal and atheist heathens have been filling your head with feces.

>>Hurricane Harvey would have been considered a great flood in olden times & you know how stories get bigger when handed down orally.<<

We know today that Hurricane Harvey is a hurricane and not a flood. It brought great waters upon us, but it does not compare to the great Noah's Flood. Noah's Flood did not just come from the sky about, but waters from the ground below.

>>Flood myth - Wikipedia<<

Wikipedia? That is a BSing heathen website, sir. No, no, no. A better encyclopedia would be Britannica, but since you chose Wikipedia, then let's straighten you out with some Conservapedia. Don't be fooled by damned a-hole atheists' lies. Don't let them make you a monkey. Blacks think that any reference of them descending from apes is racist. Of course, it is. You're a human who descended from humans. And monkeys and apes are apes that descended from earlier apes. Never the twain shall meet. Feed some good science in your brain. Not fake ones as purported by fake scientist Bill Nye.

Great Flood - Conservapedia

From your own article you posted, "As attitudes to race became harsher, sympathies for black people in the Americas more scant, and the fate of "savages" a matter of indifference, Darwin's own sympathies were blunted by the prevailing fatalism. Starkly displaying his own readiness to apply his ideas to society, he observed in The Descent of Man that "the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world".

Though he hoped that man would by then have reached a "more civilised state ... even than the Caucasian," he expressed no hope that extermination might be prevented by the kind of moral and political pressure that had by then achieved the prohibition of slavery in the US. It was simply inevitable. Nature would take its course.

In this passage, widely quoted by opponents of evolutionary theory, Darwin suggests that the break between "man and his nearest allies" will be widened through the extinction of the great apes, leaving a gap between the more civilised man "and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as now between the negro or Australian and the gorilla". No doubt about it: he regards Africans and Australians as closer than Europeans to the apes. This, he implies, is a natural condition that will frustrate any cultural efforts to mitigate it."

Darwin showed his true side in his follow up book, The Descent of Man. He even changed parts of Origin of Species by including "survival of the fittest" in his chapters. We all know that "survial of the fittest" was used by social Darwinists and their racism. It even led to Eugenics and the extermination of Jews by Hitler. Hitler was greatly influenced by Darwin's book and then Eugenics.

The Descent of Man - Conservapedia
Wikipedia. Gads, what is the world coming to? I just USE it for sports, entertainment and the links it provides. I never donate to the liberal, atheist, immoral and sanctimonious dumb basturds. I even change stuff on there just to irritate and annoy the liberals. But Google. That company is different and legit. It needs to be regulated like a public utility.

Should Google Be Regulated Like A Utility?
sealybobo, my final post for now on that ignoramus Bill Nye. He is not a scientist and does not know what he is talking about. The description fits you, too.

"William Sanford Nye (born November 27, 1955; generally known as Bill Nye or Bill Nye the Science Guy) is an engineer and television personality known for his children's television series Bill Nye the Science Guy, a Disney show which was broadcast on PBS in the 1990s, winning several Emmy Awards. Videos of the show are often used in public schools.[1] He wears a signature bow tie during public appearances.[2] He has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell University, and has received several honorary doctorates.

He is a "science popularizer", that is, one who writes or lectures about scientific topics for the lay public. In this regard he is similar to such past and contemporary popularizers as Humphrey Davy, Michael Faraday, Arthur Eddington, Isaac Asimov, Carl Sagan, and Neil deGrasse Tyson. Some of these people were/are notable scientists in their own right; Mr. Nye is not.

In 2010, he was given the Humanist of the Year award from the American Humanist Association.[3][4] He identifies as an agnostic.

Like many other non-Christians, Nye borrows from a Christian worldview on issues such as ethics.[5]

Mr. Nye's views on various matters relating to science are similar to those of most scientists—he accepts the reality of global climate change, he accepts macroevolution, and he accepts "old Earth" cosmology.

Nye believes that "science is political."[6]

His mother was probably a codebreaker during the Second World War.[7]

Perhaps because of the way he has dealt with his fame, Mr. Nye sometimes exhibits bad judgment in making statements out of his known field of expertise, or says things in an overly theatrical way, that may seem silly when viewed as purely scientific statements. He has recently developed an exaggerated and flamboyant speaking style, to a degree that many traditional scientists may find distasteful."

Bill Nye - Conservapedia
I never donate to the liberal, atheist, immoral and sanctimonious dumb basturds. I even change stuff on there just to irritate and annoy the liberals.

howabout rewriting something worthwhile that would benefit the poor soul surly suffering for the forgery they deceivingly included in the fallacious 4th century christian bible -

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.

you write in derision above bond perhaps you just can not get beyond yourself to right a wrong where it would be beneficial for humanity and not just "in their face", christian.
sealybobo, my final post for now on that ignoramus Bill Nye. He is not a scientist and does not know what he is talking about. The description fits you, too.

"William Sanford Nye (born November 27, 1955; generally known as Bill Nye or Bill Nye the Science Guy) is an engineer and television personality known for his children's television series Bill Nye the Science Guy, a Disney show which was broadcast on PBS in the 1990s, winning several Emmy Awards. Videos of the show are often used in public schools.[1] He wears a signature bow tie during public appearances.[2] He has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell University, and has received several honorary doctorates.

He is a "science popularizer", that is, one who writes or lectures about scientific topics for the lay public. In this regard he is similar to such past and contemporary popularizers as Humphrey Davy, Michael Faraday, Arthur Eddington, Isaac Asimov, Carl Sagan, and Neil deGrasse Tyson. Some of these people were/are notable scientists in their own right; Mr. Nye is not.

In 2010, he was given the Humanist of the Year award from the American Humanist Association.[3][4] He identifies as an agnostic.

Like many other non-Christians, Nye borrows from a Christian worldview on issues such as ethics.[5]

Mr. Nye's views on various matters relating to science are similar to those of most scientists—he accepts the reality of global climate change, he accepts macroevolution, and he accepts "old Earth" cosmology.

Nye believes that "science is political."[6]

His mother was probably a codebreaker during the Second World War.[7]

Perhaps because of the way he has dealt with his fame, Mr. Nye sometimes exhibits bad judgment in making statements out of his known field of expertise, or says things in an overly theatrical way, that may seem silly when viewed as purely scientific statements. He has recently developed an exaggerated and flamboyant speaking style, to a degree that many traditional scientists may find distasteful."

Bill Nye - Conservapedia

and he accepts "old Earth" cosmology.

OMG are you a YEC?

sealybobo, my final post for now on that ignoramus Bill Nye. He is not a scientist and does not know what he is talking about. The description fits you, too.

"William Sanford Nye (born November 27, 1955; generally known as Bill Nye or Bill Nye the Science Guy) is an engineer and television personality known for his children's television series Bill Nye the Science Guy, a Disney show which was broadcast on PBS in the 1990s, winning several Emmy Awards. Videos of the show are often used in public schools.[1] He wears a signature bow tie during public appearances.[2] He has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell University, and has received several honorary doctorates.

He is a "science popularizer", that is, one who writes or lectures about scientific topics for the lay public. In this regard he is similar to such past and contemporary popularizers as Humphrey Davy, Michael Faraday, Arthur Eddington, Isaac Asimov, Carl Sagan, and Neil deGrasse Tyson. Some of these people were/are notable scientists in their own right; Mr. Nye is not.

In 2010, he was given the Humanist of the Year award from the American Humanist Association.[3][4] He identifies as an agnostic.

Like many other non-Christians, Nye borrows from a Christian worldview on issues such as ethics.[5]

Mr. Nye's views on various matters relating to science are similar to those of most scientists—he accepts the reality of global climate change, he accepts macroevolution, and he accepts "old Earth" cosmology.

Nye believes that "science is political."[6]

His mother was probably a codebreaker during the Second World War.[7]

Perhaps because of the way he has dealt with his fame, Mr. Nye sometimes exhibits bad judgment in making statements out of his known field of expertise, or says things in an overly theatrical way, that may seem silly when viewed as purely scientific statements. He has recently developed an exaggerated and flamboyant speaking style, to a degree that many traditional scientists may find distasteful."

Bill Nye - Conservapedia

and he accepts "old Earth" cosmology.

OMG are you a YEC?

Today I was in church for a one year memorial. Couple of thoughts. I did consider that before Moses people contemplated how we got here and people considered that something must have put us here.

Well I'm still there. Before religion lied and said god visited we all believed their may be a creator. And I don't mind giving it thanks but religions are ridiculous. Clearly just believing wasn't enough to start a religion they had to make up stories.

Priest was calling himself the gardener and how it's his fault if the garden goes bad. Wait! Isn't god the Gardiner?

Oh yeah, then the priest starts saying god sent his son to us to show how much he loved us and we killed him. You mean god didn't know that was going to happen? This is something I think is a great example of double talk where one time they say he was sent as a sacrifice and then he's trying to say gods initial intension was to send his son to teach love. Gimme a break
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sealybobo, my final post for now on that ignoramus Bill Nye. He is not a scientist and does not know what he is talking about. The description fits you, too.

"William Sanford Nye (born November 27, 1955; generally known as Bill Nye or Bill Nye the Science Guy) is an engineer and television personality known for his children's television series Bill Nye the Science Guy, a Disney show which was broadcast on PBS in the 1990s, winning several Emmy Awards. Videos of the show are often used in public schools.[1] He wears a signature bow tie during public appearances.[2] He has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell University, and has received several honorary doctorates.

He is a "science popularizer", that is, one who writes or lectures about scientific topics for the lay public. In this regard he is similar to such past and contemporary popularizers as Humphrey Davy, Michael Faraday, Arthur Eddington, Isaac Asimov, Carl Sagan, and Neil deGrasse Tyson. Some of these people were/are notable scientists in their own right; Mr. Nye is not.

In 2010, he was given the Humanist of the Year award from the American Humanist Association.[3][4] He identifies as an agnostic.

Like many other non-Christians, Nye borrows from a Christian worldview on issues such as ethics.[5]

Mr. Nye's views on various matters relating to science are similar to those of most scientists—he accepts the reality of global climate change, he accepts macroevolution, and he accepts "old Earth" cosmology.

Nye believes that "science is political."[6]

His mother was probably a codebreaker during the Second World War.[7]

Perhaps because of the way he has dealt with his fame, Mr. Nye sometimes exhibits bad judgment in making statements out of his known field of expertise, or says things in an overly theatrical way, that may seem silly when viewed as purely scientific statements. He has recently developed an exaggerated and flamboyant speaking style, to a degree that many traditional scientists may find distasteful."

Bill Nye - Conservapedia

and he accepts "old Earth" cosmology.

OMG are you a YEC?

Today I was in church for a one year memorial. Couple of thoughts. I did consider that before Moses people contemplated how we got here and people considered that something must have put us here.

Well I'm still there. Before religion lied and said god visited we all believed their may be a creator. And I don't mind giving it thanks but religions are ridiculous. Clearly just believing wasn't enough to start a religion they had to make up stories.

Priest was calling himself the gardener and how it's his fault if the garden goes bad. Wait! Isn't god the Gardiner?

Oh yeah, then the priest starts saying god sent his son to us to show how much he loved us and we killed him. You mean god didn't know that was going to happen? This is something I think is a great example of double talk where one time they say he was sent as a sacrifice and then he's trying to say gods initial intension was to send his son to teach love. Gimme a break
Clearly just believing wasn't enough to start a religion they had to make up stories.


chose wisely, grasshopper the made up stories have a way of leading down dark tunnels ... in fact just look at those who end up "believing" them.
sealybobo, my final post for now on that ignoramus Bill Nye. He is not a scientist and does not know what he is talking about. The description fits you, too.

"William Sanford Nye (born November 27, 1955; generally known as Bill Nye or Bill Nye the Science Guy) is an engineer and television personality known for his children's television series Bill Nye the Science Guy, a Disney show which was broadcast on PBS in the 1990s, winning several Emmy Awards. Videos of the show are often used in public schools.[1] He wears a signature bow tie during public appearances.[2] He has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell University, and has received several honorary doctorates.

He is a "science popularizer", that is, one who writes or lectures about scientific topics for the lay public. In this regard he is similar to such past and contemporary popularizers as Humphrey Davy, Michael Faraday, Arthur Eddington, Isaac Asimov, Carl Sagan, and Neil deGrasse Tyson. Some of these people were/are notable scientists in their own right; Mr. Nye is not.

In 2010, he was given the Humanist of the Year award from the American Humanist Association.[3][4] He identifies as an agnostic.

Like many other non-Christians, Nye borrows from a Christian worldview on issues such as ethics.[5]

Mr. Nye's views on various matters relating to science are similar to those of most scientists—he accepts the reality of global climate change, he accepts macroevolution, and he accepts "old Earth" cosmology.

Nye believes that "science is political."[6]

His mother was probably a codebreaker during the Second World War.[7]

Perhaps because of the way he has dealt with his fame, Mr. Nye sometimes exhibits bad judgment in making statements out of his known field of expertise, or says things in an overly theatrical way, that may seem silly when viewed as purely scientific statements. He has recently developed an exaggerated and flamboyant speaking style, to a degree that many traditional scientists may find distasteful."

Bill Nye - Conservapedia

and he accepts "old Earth" cosmology.

OMG are you a YEC?


>>OMG are you a YEC?<<

YEC the one truth and follows what the Bible says.

Bill Nye is wrong again like those commie atheists are usually wrong. Nothing funny about burning up, Bill. And why criticize Rev. Joel Osteen when he opened up his megachurch for the flood victims? Bill Nye did jack diddly and all just gave complaints about Harvey being caused by global warming. Such malarkey.

YEC means don't be on the lookout for a global warming flood, but fire.
sealybobo, my final post for now on that ignoramus Bill Nye. He is not a scientist and does not know what he is talking about. The description fits you, too.

"William Sanford Nye (born November 27, 1955; generally known as Bill Nye or Bill Nye the Science Guy) is an engineer and television personality known for his children's television series Bill Nye the Science Guy, a Disney show which was broadcast on PBS in the 1990s, winning several Emmy Awards. Videos of the show are often used in public schools.[1] He wears a signature bow tie during public appearances.[2] He has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell University, and has received several honorary doctorates.

He is a "science popularizer", that is, one who writes or lectures about scientific topics for the lay public. In this regard he is similar to such past and contemporary popularizers as Humphrey Davy, Michael Faraday, Arthur Eddington, Isaac Asimov, Carl Sagan, and Neil deGrasse Tyson. Some of these people were/are notable scientists in their own right; Mr. Nye is not.

In 2010, he was given the Humanist of the Year award from the American Humanist Association.[3][4] He identifies as an agnostic.

Like many other non-Christians, Nye borrows from a Christian worldview on issues such as ethics.[5]

Mr. Nye's views on various matters relating to science are similar to those of most scientists—he accepts the reality of global climate change, he accepts macroevolution, and he accepts "old Earth" cosmology.

Nye believes that "science is political."[6]

His mother was probably a codebreaker during the Second World War.[7]

Perhaps because of the way he has dealt with his fame, Mr. Nye sometimes exhibits bad judgment in making statements out of his known field of expertise, or says things in an overly theatrical way, that may seem silly when viewed as purely scientific statements. He has recently developed an exaggerated and flamboyant speaking style, to a degree that many traditional scientists may find distasteful."

Bill Nye - Conservapedia

and he accepts "old Earth" cosmology.

OMG are you a YEC?

Today I was in church for a one year memorial. Couple of thoughts. I did consider that before Moses people contemplated how we got here and people considered that something must have put us here.

Well I'm still there. Before religion lied and said god visited we all believed their may be a creator. And I don't mind giving it thanks but religions are ridiculous. Clearly just believing wasn't enough to start a religion they had to make up stories.

Priest was calling himself the gardener and how it's his fault if the garden goes bad. Wait! Isn't god the Gardiner?

Oh yeah, then the priest starts saying god sent his son to us to show how much he loved us and we killed him. You mean god didn't know that was going to happen? This is something I think is a great example of double talk where one time they say he was sent as a sacrifice and then he's trying to say gods initial intension was to send his son to teach love. Gimme a break

This isn't addressed to me, but I'm glad you were in church. What's important with Moses is what he did. Even more important is what happened with Jesus afterward. He save Moses.and us. Yet, it sounds strange to me that you're still considering "something" must have put us here. That's hilarious. Not god. And you're thinking this in church, yet. smh.

Next, you're saying religion lied. You're saying the Bible or God lied. Instead, why don't you look at lying Bill Nye. Why do you think I keep bringing him up? Truth is simple, but he makes it complex and the internet atheists follow him thinking it's science. They must not be able to comprehend he isn't a scientist.

>>Priest was calling himself the gardener and how it's his fault if the garden goes bad. Wait! Isn't god the Gardiner<<

I wasn't there, so can you expound on what you mean by the priest calling himself the gardener. What garden was he tending? His own? Yours? Mine? I have my own gardener, so he prolly didn't mean mine.
sealybobo, my final post for now on that ignoramus Bill Nye. He is not a scientist and does not know what he is talking about. The description fits you, too.

"William Sanford Nye (born November 27, 1955; generally known as Bill Nye or Bill Nye the Science Guy) is an engineer and television personality known for his children's television series Bill Nye the Science Guy, a Disney show which was broadcast on PBS in the 1990s, winning several Emmy Awards. Videos of the show are often used in public schools.[1] He wears a signature bow tie during public appearances.[2] He has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell University, and has received several honorary doctorates.

He is a "science popularizer", that is, one who writes or lectures about scientific topics for the lay public. In this regard he is similar to such past and contemporary popularizers as Humphrey Davy, Michael Faraday, Arthur Eddington, Isaac Asimov, Carl Sagan, and Neil deGrasse Tyson. Some of these people were/are notable scientists in their own right; Mr. Nye is not.

In 2010, he was given the Humanist of the Year award from the American Humanist Association.[3][4] He identifies as an agnostic.

Like many other non-Christians, Nye borrows from a Christian worldview on issues such as ethics.[5]

Mr. Nye's views on various matters relating to science are similar to those of most scientists—he accepts the reality of global climate change, he accepts macroevolution, and he accepts "old Earth" cosmology.

Nye believes that "science is political."[6]

His mother was probably a codebreaker during the Second World War.[7]

Perhaps because of the way he has dealt with his fame, Mr. Nye sometimes exhibits bad judgment in making statements out of his known field of expertise, or says things in an overly theatrical way, that may seem silly when viewed as purely scientific statements. He has recently developed an exaggerated and flamboyant speaking style, to a degree that many traditional scientists may find distasteful."

Bill Nye - Conservapedia

and he accepts "old Earth" cosmology.

OMG are you a YEC?

Today I was in church for a one year memorial. Couple of thoughts. I did consider that before Moses people contemplated how we got here and people considered that something must have put us here.

Well I'm still there. Before religion lied and said god visited we all believed their may be a creator. And I don't mind giving it thanks but religions are ridiculous. Clearly just believing wasn't enough to start a religion they had to make up stories.

Priest was calling himself the gardener and how it's his fault if the garden goes bad. Wait! Isn't god the Gardiner?

Oh yeah, then the priest starts saying god sent his son to us to show how much he loved us and we killed him. You mean god didn't know that was going to happen? This is something I think is a great example of double talk where one time they say he was sent as a sacrifice and then he's trying to say gods initial intension was to send his son to teach love. Gimme a break
Actually I think the Bible is full of claims that Jesus was sent specifically to be crucified for our original sin (That WE did not commit!)

So my question becomes, why was Judas a bad guy for doing what he was told by God to do?

Now here's the weird part. Since we have been saved from original sin by the cross, why do women still suffer pain during childbirth?

Sounds like a double-cross to me
sealybobo, my final post for now on that ignoramus Bill Nye. He is not a scientist and does not know what he is talking about. The description fits you, too.

"William Sanford Nye (born November 27, 1955; generally known as Bill Nye or Bill Nye the Science Guy) is an engineer and television personality known for his children's television series Bill Nye the Science Guy, a Disney show which was broadcast on PBS in the 1990s, winning several Emmy Awards. Videos of the show are often used in public schools.[1] He wears a signature bow tie during public appearances.[2] He has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell University, and has received several honorary doctorates.

He is a "science popularizer", that is, one who writes or lectures about scientific topics for the lay public. In this regard he is similar to such past and contemporary popularizers as Humphrey Davy, Michael Faraday, Arthur Eddington, Isaac Asimov, Carl Sagan, and Neil deGrasse Tyson. Some of these people were/are notable scientists in their own right; Mr. Nye is not.

In 2010, he was given the Humanist of the Year award from the American Humanist Association.[3][4] He identifies as an agnostic.

Like many other non-Christians, Nye borrows from a Christian worldview on issues such as ethics.[5]

Mr. Nye's views on various matters relating to science are similar to those of most scientists—he accepts the reality of global climate change, he accepts macroevolution, and he accepts "old Earth" cosmology.

Nye believes that "science is political."[6]

His mother was probably a codebreaker during the Second World War.[7]

Perhaps because of the way he has dealt with his fame, Mr. Nye sometimes exhibits bad judgment in making statements out of his known field of expertise, or says things in an overly theatrical way, that may seem silly when viewed as purely scientific statements. He has recently developed an exaggerated and flamboyant speaking style, to a degree that many traditional scientists may find distasteful."

Bill Nye - Conservapedia

and he accepts "old Earth" cosmology.

OMG are you a YEC?

Today I was in church for a one year memorial. Couple of thoughts. I did consider that before Moses people contemplated how we got here and people considered that something must have put us here.

Well I'm still there. Before religion lied and said god visited we all believed their may be a creator. And I don't mind giving it thanks but religions are ridiculous. Clearly just believing wasn't enough to start a religion they had to make up stories.

Priest was calling himself the gardener and how it's his fault if the garden goes bad. Wait! Isn't god the Gardiner?

Oh yeah, then the priest starts saying god sent his son to us to show how much he loved us and we killed him. You mean god didn't know that was going to happen? This is something I think is a great example of double talk where one time they say he was sent as a sacrifice and then he's trying to say gods initial intension was to send his son to teach love. Gimme a break
Clearly just believing wasn't enough to start a religion they had to make up stories.


chose wisely, grasshopper the made up stories have a way of leading down dark tunnels ... in fact just look at those who end up "believing" them.

>>Clearly just believing wasn't enough to start a religion they had to make up stories.<<

Just what part is the story? None of it was made up. Evolution was made up by Hutton, Lyell and Darwin. God created natural selection. The earth being 4.5 billions of years old was made up by geologist Clair Patterson in 1956. I've said it many times before. I've studied evolution and the Bible. You know none of this. You believe in fairy tales ha ha.
I never donate to the liberal, atheist, immoral and sanctimonious dumb basturds. I even change stuff on there just to irritate and annoy the liberals.

howabout rewriting something worthwhile that would benefit the poor soul surly suffering for the forgery they deceivingly included in the fallacious 4th century christian bible -

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.

you write in derision above bond perhaps you just can not get beyond yourself to right a wrong where it would be beneficial for humanity and not just "in their face", christian.

No need to keep rewriting like the atheist scientists.

I'm not about righting a wrong. Only you can do that with the crazy and nutty stories you believe as science. That's why I keep bringing up Bill Nye. You are way below Bill Nye as you're wrong about much more. He doesn't keep bringing up the Bible like he's read it and understands it. OTOH, it's there practically every time you post.
sealybobo, my final post for now on that ignoramus Bill Nye. He is not a scientist and does not know what he is talking about. The description fits you, too.

"William Sanford Nye (born November 27, 1955; generally known as Bill Nye or Bill Nye the Science Guy) is an engineer and television personality known for his children's television series Bill Nye the Science Guy, a Disney show which was broadcast on PBS in the 1990s, winning several Emmy Awards. Videos of the show are often used in public schools.[1] He wears a signature bow tie during public appearances.[2] He has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell University, and has received several honorary doctorates.

He is a "science popularizer", that is, one who writes or lectures about scientific topics for the lay public. In this regard he is similar to such past and contemporary popularizers as Humphrey Davy, Michael Faraday, Arthur Eddington, Isaac Asimov, Carl Sagan, and Neil deGrasse Tyson. Some of these people were/are notable scientists in their own right; Mr. Nye is not.

In 2010, he was given the Humanist of the Year award from the American Humanist Association.[3][4] He identifies as an agnostic.

Like many other non-Christians, Nye borrows from a Christian worldview on issues such as ethics.[5]

Mr. Nye's views on various matters relating to science are similar to those of most scientists—he accepts the reality of global climate change, he accepts macroevolution, and he accepts "old Earth" cosmology.

Nye believes that "science is political."[6]

His mother was probably a codebreaker during the Second World War.[7]

Perhaps because of the way he has dealt with his fame, Mr. Nye sometimes exhibits bad judgment in making statements out of his known field of expertise, or says things in an overly theatrical way, that may seem silly when viewed as purely scientific statements. He has recently developed an exaggerated and flamboyant speaking style, to a degree that many traditional scientists may find distasteful."

Bill Nye - Conservapedia

and he accepts "old Earth" cosmology.

OMG are you a YEC?

Today I was in church for a one year memorial. Couple of thoughts. I did consider that before Moses people contemplated how we got here and people considered that something must have put us here.

Well I'm still there. Before religion lied and said god visited we all believed their may be a creator. And I don't mind giving it thanks but religions are ridiculous. Clearly just believing wasn't enough to start a religion they had to make up stories.

Priest was calling himself the gardener and how it's his fault if the garden goes bad. Wait! Isn't god the Gardiner?

Oh yeah, then the priest starts saying god sent his son to us to show how much he loved us and we killed him. You mean god didn't know that was going to happen? This is something I think is a great example of double talk where one time they say he was sent as a sacrifice and then he's trying to say gods initial intension was to send his son to teach love. Gimme a break
Actually I think the Bible is full of claims that Jesus was sent specifically to be crucified for our original sin (That WE did not commit!)

So my question becomes, why was Judas a bad guy for doing what he was told by God to do?

Now here's the weird part. Since we have been saved from original sin by the cross, why do women still suffer pain during childbirth?

Sounds like a double-cross to me

Actually I think the Bible is full of claims that Jesus was sent specifically to be crucified for our original sin (That WE did not commit!)

So my question becomes, why was Judas a bad guy for doing what he was told by God to do?

Now here's the weird part. Since we have been saved from original sin by the cross, why do women still suffer pain during childbirth?

Sounds like a double-cross to me<<

Claims? As in science? You are wrong. The Bible isn't a science book, but science does back up the Bible.

Why do atheists and their scientists go so wrong?

>>why do women still suffer pain during childbirth?

Sounds like a double-cross to me<<

Huh? You're all over the place.
sealybobo, my final post for now on that ignoramus Bill Nye. He is not a scientist and does not know what he is talking about. The description fits you, too.

"William Sanford Nye (born November 27, 1955; generally known as Bill Nye or Bill Nye the Science Guy) is an engineer and television personality known for his children's television series Bill Nye the Science Guy, a Disney show which was broadcast on PBS in the 1990s, winning several Emmy Awards. Videos of the show are often used in public schools.[1] He wears a signature bow tie during public appearances.[2] He has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell University, and has received several honorary doctorates.

He is a "science popularizer", that is, one who writes or lectures about scientific topics for the lay public. In this regard he is similar to such past and contemporary popularizers as Humphrey Davy, Michael Faraday, Arthur Eddington, Isaac Asimov, Carl Sagan, and Neil deGrasse Tyson. Some of these people were/are notable scientists in their own right; Mr. Nye is not.

In 2010, he was given the Humanist of the Year award from the American Humanist Association.[3][4] He identifies as an agnostic.

Like many other non-Christians, Nye borrows from a Christian worldview on issues such as ethics.[5]

Mr. Nye's views on various matters relating to science are similar to those of most scientists—he accepts the reality of global climate change, he accepts macroevolution, and he accepts "old Earth" cosmology.

Nye believes that "science is political."[6]

His mother was probably a codebreaker during the Second World War.[7]

Perhaps because of the way he has dealt with his fame, Mr. Nye sometimes exhibits bad judgment in making statements out of his known field of expertise, or says things in an overly theatrical way, that may seem silly when viewed as purely scientific statements. He has recently developed an exaggerated and flamboyant speaking style, to a degree that many traditional scientists may find distasteful."

Bill Nye - Conservapedia

and he accepts "old Earth" cosmology.

OMG are you a YEC?

Today I was in church for a one year memorial. Couple of thoughts. I did consider that before Moses people contemplated how we got here and people considered that something must have put us here.

Well I'm still there. Before religion lied and said god visited we all believed their may be a creator. And I don't mind giving it thanks but religions are ridiculous. Clearly just believing wasn't enough to start a religion they had to make up stories.

Priest was calling himself the gardener and how it's his fault if the garden goes bad. Wait! Isn't god the Gardiner?

Oh yeah, then the priest starts saying god sent his son to us to show how much he loved us and we killed him. You mean god didn't know that was going to happen? This is something I think is a great example of double talk where one time they say he was sent as a sacrifice and then he's trying to say gods initial intension was to send his son to teach love. Gimme a break
Actually I think the Bible is full of claims that Jesus was sent specifically to be crucified for our original sin (That WE did not commit!)

So my question becomes, why was Judas a bad guy for doing what he was told by God to do?

Now here's the weird part. Since we have been saved from original sin by the cross, why do women still suffer pain during childbirth?

Sounds like a double-cross to me

Actually I think the Bible is full of claims that Jesus was sent specifically to be crucified for our original sin (That WE did not commit!)

So my question becomes, why was Judas a bad guy for doing what he was told by God to do?

Now here's the weird part. Since we have been saved from original sin by the cross, why do women still suffer pain during childbirth?

Sounds like a double-cross to me<<

Claims? As in science? You are wrong. The Bible isn't a science book, but science does back up the Bible.

Why do atheists and their scientists go so wrong?

>>why do women still suffer pain during childbirth?

Sounds like a double-cross to me<<

Huh? You're all over the place.
So if Jesus was sent to die why did my priest tell the bullshit story about how God sent his son to preach the word of love and we killed him? As if god was hoping we would do the right thing. This story is all over the place.

It's a book of parables and allegories. Based on a lie. Moses and Jesus

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