How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

  • Strong Theist

    Votes: 21 25.9%
  • De-facto Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Weak Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Pure Agnostic

    Votes: 14 17.3%
  • Weak Atheist

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • De-facto Atheist

    Votes: 8 9.9%
  • Strong Atheist

    Votes: 16 19.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 12 14.8%

  • Total voters
If we believe in your religion, Bond, we have eternal life after we die??

What do i need to do to sign up?

Because if you're right, I'd love eternal life in heaven rather than this shit. I don't need no virgins, a well-versed woman would be enough to keep me happy. I'd be willing to do whatever you want, if you're promising eternal life in heaven after i die.

Can you guarantee it? If I decide to bend the knee and devote my life and death for your cause?

And what if it ends up being a crock of shit? How do I let the living people know not to follow the same route?

First, I'm not the one to guarantee it. It's Jesus.

You don't have to sign up for anything, but many followers end up developing a deeper interest and joining a church group.

>>And what if it ends up being a crock of shit? How do I let the living people know not to follow the same route?<<

Then again, your last sentence doesn't make you seem sincere as one who has true interest in being saved. Why don't you watch my Ben Piershale video on youtube or at least get your mindset into more of an agnostic position and try later? Don't worry. Failure isn't fatal.

The point is, what if I commit to your religion, and then when I die... the supernatural stuff and utopia stuff doesn't happen? And I'm just dead....

I would have committed my life and my wealth to support something that wasn't true, filling the pockets of some other assholes, that are trying to fool everyone else too. And I wouldn't be able to come back to tell you all about my epic fail, and warn you for the future.

Sounds sweet for a person looking for donations and making money!

Doesn't sound sweet for people who question bullshit.

I don't want to join your religion, but I do want to audit the donations, to see where the money really goes.

So what happens if I'M right, but I commit to YOUR religious beliefs?

Talk about something not sounding very sweet.

Exactly why do you want to audit donations? Is any of that money yours? If not, why is it any of your business who gives what? Have you always been a nosy little bastard eaten by envy over what you perceive others to have, or is this a recent thing?
First, I'm not the one to guarantee it. It's Jesus.

You don't have to sign up for anything, but many followers end up developing a deeper interest and joining a church group.

>>And what if it ends up being a crock of shit? How do I let the living people know not to follow the same route?<<

Then again, your last sentence doesn't make you seem sincere as one who has true interest in being saved. Why don't you watch my Ben Piershale video on youtube or at least get your mindset into more of an agnostic position and try later? Don't worry. Failure isn't fatal.

The point is, what if I commit to your religion, and then when I die... the supernatural stuff and utopia stuff doesn't happen? And I'm just dead....

I would have committed my life and my wealth to support something that wasn't true, filling the pockets of some other assholes, that are trying to fool everyone else too. And I wouldn't be able to come back to tell you all about my epic fail, and warn you for the future.

Sounds sweet for a person looking for donations and making money!

Doesn't sound sweet for people who question bullshit.

I don't want to join your religion, but I do want to audit the donations, to see where the money really goes.

>>The point is, what if I commit to your religion, and then when I die... the supernatural stuff and utopia stuff doesn't happen? And I'm just dead...<<

Oh, I understand your point. All too well, I'm afraid. You start talking about God and in a flash you're talking about religion.

The point is you do not get it, nor are qualified to get it, i.e. God, his kingdom, his power, his glory. I guess not everyone will get it, at least the way they want it. Many will fall by the wayside just like they did the first judgment with Noah's Flood. This doesn't mean that you can't change, but no one else can do it for you. Only you.

Second, what you're doing is talking about your own religion of atheism. You probably only mentioned God in order to express and hawk your religion. I get it. It's what lowly internet atheists do.

Third, hell may not be too bad. I dunno. My view is similar to Dante's fictional view that it is comprised of different levels.


I think people left on New Earth can get help, so there's hope for them. The underworld will be vast.

I am a spiritual person. I think there are things we don't understand yet. I believe in the teachings of Jesus, as we're told, I just don't believe he is a supernatural being. I don't believe in your religion. I think you've been hoodwinked from birth.

And you're trying to hoodwink others.

It's ok. You can let go, and join the rest of us, and you'll still go to heaven as long as you're a good person. If it exists.

However, the way you roll, you're not a good person and you're pushing your religion upon us, and judging us when we decline.

Which means you wouldn't go to heaven, based on the latest papal decrees.

>>I am a spiritual person. I think there are things we don't understand yet. I believe in the teachings of Jesus, as we're told, I just don't believe he is a supernatural being. I don't believe in your religion. I think you've been hoodwinked from birth.

And you're trying to hoodwink others.

It's ok. You can let go, and join the rest of us, and you'll still go to heaven as long as you're a good person. If it exists.

However, the way you roll, you're not a good person and you're pushing your religion upon us, and judging us when we decline.

Which means you wouldn't go to heaven, based on the latest papal decrees<<

You keep changing the subject to the point of making no sense at all. Only you have to account for your life and actions. Today, you claim to believe in the teachings of Jesus, but don't believe in a supernatural being and don't believe in Jesus' religion. This is why you're a nowhere man who is a nobody ha ha, and why people treat you like the rube you are. Being a bigger nowhere man would be perfect for you in the next life. You won't have a spiritually perfect body. I got you pegged as a "Word falsifier who suffers from fevers and headaches" according to Dante's inferno. It's one of the levels in the lower depths, but doesn't sound as bad as the burning stone coffin.
Many other people also say great things on how to follow your life, and help others do the same. It's not just Jesus. And his words were given to us hundreds of years after he died. But still, I love the ideal of "Jesus", and others, that state how we should be kind people and help others rather than turn to greed and "Me Me Me" mentality.

So I live my life the way I think a good person should. I don't need a god to do it. It pains me when I see people insist that you have to worship a god, or you're doomed to "hell" if not. That's the people causing all the problems in the world...

It pains you to see people believing something different from you? Why? Are you that wobbly in your beliefs that you can't tolerate the existence of disagreement?

Given that more people have been slaughtered by those professing hostility toward religion than have ever been slaughtered by all religions combined, I'd say the real issue is your mistaken belief that "all the problems in the world" are defined as "lots of people don't agree with me!"
Christians donate BILLIONS of dollars a year to the Church.

Yet people are starving and dying in many countries, they need support, but the Church says it still needs MORE money to help them...

It's a lot of people, i don't doubt that huge sums are necessary to help them. But I do doubt what the Church uses it's donations for, and I don't think it all goes to the needy. I think a lot of it goes to the "greedy".

Couple of questions, just to clarify.

1) Are any of those billions of dollars yours?

2) Is it any of your damned business what the people who DO own that money do with it?

3) How much of YOUR money have you given to the starving and dying?

4) Wouldn't your energy be better spent in trying to help the starving and dying you claim to care about, rather than ranting and raving about how other people aren't doing it, apparently with absolutely no hard information on the issue?
Well, yes, I do donate money, I just don't do it at the church much anymore. But I actually do go once or twice a year, and I do donate at that time as well. I also donate time and services to help the homeless throughout the year. I do it because I care about people. Not because of a religion.

So to answer your questions, in order...

So what happens if you're right, and you commit to my religious beliefs? Well, first, I don't have a religious belief. I'm just saying to stop killing and judging others over your religious belief. But if you are right, and there is a heaven that judges people based on "goodness", then you will be accepted, just as I will. And we'll hang out together and have some beers once in a while! However, if your heaven demands that I adhere to your religion in order to be accepted, then I don't want to be part of your heaven. And I'll send you happy texts from hell...

Why do I want to audit donations? Because I don't think all of your money goes to help the needy. Because it doesn't take that much money, as is donated, to help the needy people in the world. A huge part of it, is lining people's pockets, and making churches prettier in order to garner new believers/donators. About 40% of what is donated actually goes to charities. You can do 100% by doing it yourself. If the church gave 80% (because I understand they need 20% for maintenance and food/clothing for clergy), they would double their help. However, they never want to eliminate need in a particular area. They need to keep the need, in order to feed the greed. Vatican assets are at about $8.5 billion. So the questions we need to ask, is who is profiting from the excess? And where does that extra 40% go? Wouldn't you rather have 100% go to help people around you?

I didn't say that it pains me that other people believe something different than me, I said that it pains me when I see people that INSIST that I have to follow your god, or face damnation. You are wrong, if you do that.

1 and 2, Yes and No (unless they're using it to fund fundamentalists).

3. I don't keep count, but I'd estimate about 2k per year, but not to the church. And I'm actively involved in helping the community in other ways as well.

4. What? I'm not ranting and raving. The guy that is promoting religious bullshit is ranting and raving. He's a fundie, and thinks that he is better than everyone else because he believes in that religion. He believes he deserves heaven for following the mantra, and that everyone else should roast in hell if they don't.

I highly disagree with that sentiment...
First, I'm not the one to guarantee it. It's Jesus.

You don't have to sign up for anything, but many followers end up developing a deeper interest and joining a church group.

>>And what if it ends up being a crock of shit? How do I let the living people know not to follow the same route?<<

Then again, your last sentence doesn't make you seem sincere as one who has true interest in being saved. Why don't you watch my Ben Piershale video on youtube or at least get your mindset into more of an agnostic position and try later? Don't worry. Failure isn't fatal.

The point is, what if I commit to your religion, and then when I die... the supernatural stuff and utopia stuff doesn't happen? And I'm just dead....

I would have committed my life and my wealth to support something that wasn't true, filling the pockets of some other assholes, that are trying to fool everyone else too. And I wouldn't be able to come back to tell you all about my epic fail, and warn you for the future.

Sounds sweet for a person looking for donations and making money!

Doesn't sound sweet for people who question bullshit.

I don't want to join your religion, but I do want to audit the donations, to see where the money really goes.

>>The point is, what if I commit to your religion, and then when I die... the supernatural stuff and utopia stuff doesn't happen? And I'm just dead...<<

Oh, I understand your point. All too well, I'm afraid. You start talking about God and in a flash you're talking about religion.

The point is you do not get it, nor are qualified to get it, i.e. God, his kingdom, his power, his glory. I guess not everyone will get it, at least the way they want it. Many will fall by the wayside just like they did the first judgment with Noah's Flood. This doesn't mean that you can't change, but no one else can do it for you. Only you.

Second, what you're doing is talking about your own religion of atheism. You probably only mentioned God in order to express and hawk your religion. I get it. It's what lowly internet atheists do.

Third, hell may not be too bad. I dunno. My view is similar to Dante's fictional view that it is comprised of different levels.


I think people left on New Earth can get help, so there's hope for them. The underworld will be vast.

I am a spiritual person. I think there are things we don't understand yet. I believe in the teachings of Jesus, as we're told, I just don't believe he is a supernatural being. I don't believe in your religion. I think you've been hoodwinked from birth.

And you're trying to hoodwink others.

It's ok. You can let go, and join the rest of us, and you'll still go to heaven as long as you're a good person. If it exists.

However, the way you roll, you're not a good person and you're pushing your religion upon us, and judging us when we decline.

Which means you wouldn't go to heaven, based on the latest papal decrees.

>>I am a spiritual person. I think there are things we don't understand yet. I believe in the teachings of Jesus, as we're told, I just don't believe he is a supernatural being. I don't believe in your religion. I think you've been hoodwinked from birth.

And you're trying to hoodwink others.

It's ok. You can let go, and join the rest of us, and you'll still go to heaven as long as you're a good person. If it exists.

However, the way you roll, you're not a good person and you're pushing your religion upon us, and judging us when we decline.

Which means you wouldn't go to heaven, based on the latest papal decrees<<

You keep changing the subject to the point of making no sense at all. Only you have to account for your life and actions. Today, you claim to believe in the teachings of Jesus, but don't believe in a supernatural being and don't believe in Jesus' religion. This is why you're a nowhere man who is a nobody ha ha, and why people treat you like the rube you are. Being a bigger nowhere man would be perfect for you in the next life. You won't have a spiritually perfect body. I got you pegged as a "Word falsifier who suffers from fevers and headaches" according to Dante's inferno. It's one of the levels in the lower depths, but doesn't sound as bad as the burning stone coffin.
Many other people also say great things on how to follow your life, and help others do the same. It's not just Jesus. And his words were given to us hundreds of years after he died. But still, I love the ideal of "Jesus", and others, that state how we should be kind people and help others rather than turn to greed and "Me Me Me" mentality.

So I live my life the way I think a good person should. I don't need a god to do it. It pains me when I see people insist that you have to worship a god, or you're doomed to "hell" if not. That's the people causing all the problems in the world...

Again, you keep making up things as you go along, which I have said makes you a nowhere man and a nobody. Just review what you wanted earlier and your statements and arguments now. Did you think you were fooling me? No. I can see clearly through you. What we have established is the humans are flawed due to Adam and Eve's original sin. Christians and the religious recognize this. Nobody is perfect. We are selfish creatures. We lie, cheat, steal and break the Ten Commandments. I recognized this early on. All of this cause problems in our lives which atheists fail to admit because they want to continue living their miserable and immoral lives. This is what you claim is your spiritual and good person life. Bah. It's a lie for which you will get fevers and headaches if Dante was correct ;). Seriously though, this is key. If you don't believe me, then believe in William Lane Craig below dealing with an atheist's concerns. Furthermore, atheists will want to become Communists later as we shall see. This is already happening in American society. It's just more lies spewing out of the mouths of atheists. I speak the truth while you are filled with lies and deceptions in your head. It's part of the core for the lowly and low intelligent internet atheists. They can't think for themselves, nor can they think. They just repeat what their liberal masters tell them to say. It's no wonder libs and atheists go bonkers when they find the contradictions in their worldview.

So, good luck with your wrong and askew beliefs and hope you find the right path instead of fevers and headaches.

William Lane Craig and one atheist's fear of hell
Will God’s Judgement Be More Tolerable for Atheists than for Young Earth Creationists? | Reasonable Faith

Definition of atheism
Definition of atheism | Reasonable Faith

His answers for atheists book
Answers For Atheists | Reasonable Faith

>>The guy that is promoting religious bullshit is ranting and raving. He's a fundie, and thinks that he is better than everyone else because he believes in that religion. He believes he deserves heaven for following the mantra, and that everyone else should roast in hell if they don't.<<

I'm not ranting and raving. I'm very calm and speak the truth. It sounds like you're the one upset and ranting and raving. What happened to your peaceful, spiritual "religion?" It didn't take much for you to become angry and fall off the tracks.
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If the earth is going to flood again due to global warming, then isn't it better to live in a high rise, at least above the sixth floor ha ha?

including Global Warming (unjust deforestation) ...

tell us high rise -


how life will be without oxygen in your penthouse ....

From Dante's map of hell, I got you going to the sixth level or heresy level. It states, "Heretics and false teachers locked in burning stone coffins." Does that sound fair to you? And why are there naked women with green hair watching over you ha ha?

where in your 4th century book does a forgery say Jesus said it is required to read your book ... what etchings are there by the Almighty that who you admire, moses did not destroy for the content they like you disagreed with. your 10 commandments are perhaps the worst forgeries of all time.

why are there naked women with green hair watching over you ha ha ...

those levels are not for after you die, bond they are for when you have a physiology to find your way out of them and are set to be unwittingly fallen into - is that a sin, not always. do people find their ways out, yes but not by reading a book, they have to be accomplished by the being theirself.

Well, if I die from lack of oxygen due to global warming, then I die. I won't worry about human made CO2. It's part of breathing out ha ha.

>>where in your 4th century book does a forgery say Jesus said it is required to read your book<<

More BW delusions. It takes a little FAITH to read the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth book. Those who don't miss out since we aren't presented with the Tree of Knowledge this time.

>>those levels are not for after you die, bond they are for when you have a physiology to find your way out of them and are set to be unwittingly fallen into - is that a sin, not always. do people find their ways out, yes but not by reading a book, they have to be accomplished by the being theirself.<<

Dante's Inferno is fiction, but I don't think he's far off with his map of hell. There may be variations from other religions such as reincarnation and the like. What if you come back to life as a cockroach and continue to return as pest like creatures? That would be hellish, too.
James Bond, where do you think I will go after i die? Heaven, or Hell?
If the earth is going to flood again due to global warming, then isn't it better to live in a high rise, at least above the sixth floor ha ha?

including Global Warming (unjust deforestation) ...

tell us high rise -


how life will be without oxygen in your penthouse ....

From Dante's map of hell, I got you going to the sixth level or heresy level. It states, "Heretics and false teachers locked in burning stone coffins." Does that sound fair to you? And why are there naked women with green hair watching over you ha ha?

where in your 4th century book does a forgery say Jesus said it is required to read your book ... what etchings are there by the Almighty that who you admire, moses did not destroy for the content they like you disagreed with. your 10 commandments are perhaps the worst forgeries of all time.

why are there naked women with green hair watching over you ha ha ...

those levels are not for after you die, bond they are for when you have a physiology to find your way out of them and are set to be unwittingly fallen into - is that a sin, not always. do people find their ways out, yes but not by reading a book, they have to be accomplished by the being theirself.

Well, if I die from lack of oxygen due to global warming, then I die. I won't worry about human made CO2. It's part of breathing out ha ha.

>>where in your 4th century book does a forgery say Jesus said it is required to read your book<<

More BW delusions. It takes a little FAITH to read the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth book. Those who don't miss out since we aren't presented with the Tree of Knowledge this time.

>>those levels are not for after you die, bond they are for when you have a physiology to find your way out of them and are set to be unwittingly fallen into - is that a sin, not always. do people find their ways out, yes but not by reading a book, they have to be accomplished by the being theirself.<<

Dante's Inferno is fiction, but I don't think he's far off with his map of hell. There may be variations from other religions such as reincarnation and the like. What if you come back to life as a cockroach and continue to return as pest like creatures? That would be hellish, too.
More BW delusions. It takes a little FAITH to read the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth book. Those who don't miss out since we aren't presented with the Tree of Knowledge this time.

The atheist's equivalent of the Good Book would be Darwin's book.

you've never explained why ToE from any publication would be atheistic, is it the lack of fear for an unknown ... you're a madman in many respects it is your influence as you mentioned Charlottsville that blinds not just yourself but others from the Tree of Knowledge, your book. the other publications are alive yours is dead.

you and moses removed the Environmental Protection Agency as the 11th commandment, that was your last laugh. good luck.
The "christians" always end up like this ...

Always fighting over who is the better christian, always yelling at each other that "My god is better than your god".

Its idiotic but hey, their god(s) must be so proud.

James Bond, where do you think I will go after i die? Heaven, or Hell?

This is a leading question and no answer will satisfy you, but I'll do my best. The correct answer is I don't know because I do not know what will happen between now and time of your end of this life. As in The Terminator movie, the future is not set. Some of it is predetermined or predestined, but with free will, the final destination can be changed. By predestination, I mean you did not get to choose your parents or whether you were born with a disability or talent. It's not that your future is determined already.

However, I can give an educated guess from your way of thinking and not accepting what Christians are telling you. This would apply to everyone else, too. I would have to go with thumbs down. The same as most would eat from the Tree of Knowledge if God provided a negative test. A heinous test of John 3:16 came from a criminal who was facing life in prison and afterward committed suicide. Aaron Hernandez became a famous football player and infamous murderer during his lifetime. Will he get another chance on Earth because he believed? I doubt it, but I'm not the judge. Another example would be Roger Ebert of movie review fame. He died not being a believer and his wife was Christian. I would think he ended up in a place like limbo which is still part of hell. Obviously, this is just my opinion from what I know.

Finally, I have come to think the only way to convince ALL atheists that God exists is through pain and suffering. I do not know any other proof that is more effective than this in convincing someone who will not accept any other evidence.
If the earth is going to flood again due to global warming, then isn't it better to live in a high rise, at least above the sixth floor ha ha?

including Global Warming (unjust deforestation) ...

tell us high rise -


how life will be without oxygen in your penthouse ....

From Dante's map of hell, I got you going to the sixth level or heresy level. It states, "Heretics and false teachers locked in burning stone coffins." Does that sound fair to you? And why are there naked women with green hair watching over you ha ha?

where in your 4th century book does a forgery say Jesus said it is required to read your book ... what etchings are there by the Almighty that who you admire, moses did not destroy for the content they like you disagreed with. your 10 commandments are perhaps the worst forgeries of all time.

why are there naked women with green hair watching over you ha ha ...

those levels are not for after you die, bond they are for when you have a physiology to find your way out of them and are set to be unwittingly fallen into - is that a sin, not always. do people find their ways out, yes but not by reading a book, they have to be accomplished by the being theirself.

Well, if I die from lack of oxygen due to global warming, then I die. I won't worry about human made CO2. It's part of breathing out ha ha.

>>where in your 4th century book does a forgery say Jesus said it is required to read your book<<

More BW delusions. It takes a little FAITH to read the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth book. Those who don't miss out since we aren't presented with the Tree of Knowledge this time.

>>those levels are not for after you die, bond they are for when you have a physiology to find your way out of them and are set to be unwittingly fallen into - is that a sin, not always. do people find their ways out, yes but not by reading a book, they have to be accomplished by the being theirself.<<

Dante's Inferno is fiction, but I don't think he's far off with his map of hell. There may be variations from other religions such as reincarnation and the like. What if you come back to life as a cockroach and continue to return as pest like creatures? That would be hellish, too.
More BW delusions. It takes a little FAITH to read the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth book. Those who don't miss out since we aren't presented with the Tree of Knowledge this time.

The atheist's equivalent of the Good Book would be Darwin's book.

you've never explained why ToE from any publication would be atheistic, is it the lack of fear for an unknown ... you're a madman in many respects it is your influence as you mentioned Charlottsville that blinds not just yourself but others from the Tree of Knowledge, your book. the other publications are alive yours is dead.

you and moses removed the Environmental Protection Agency as the 11th commandment, that was your last laugh. good luck.

>>you've never explained why ToE from any publication would be atheistic, is it the lack of fear for an unknown ... you're a madman in many respects it is your influence as you mentioned Charlottsville that blinds not just yourself but others from the Tree of Knowledge, your book. the other publications are alive yours is dead.

you and moses removed the Environmental Protection Agency as the 11th commandment, that was your last laugh. good luck.<<

The "christians" always end up like this ...

Always fighting over who is the better christian, always yelling at each other that "My god is better than your god".

Its idiotic but hey, their god(s) must be so proud.


>>Always fighting over who is the better christian, always yelling at each other that "My god is better than your god".

Its idiotic but hey, their god(s) must be so proud.<<

We weren't talking about this, but hell is real.
The first time I heard of a scale being around was through Richard Dawkins, one of the founders of the New Atheism group. Since I do not have a differing widely known scale, I use his. He's eliminating other beliefs and the like for those whose beliefs lie elsewhere, so I include "Other" in my poll.

  1. Strong Theist: I do not question the existence of God, I KNOW he exists.
  2. De-facto Theist: I cannot know for certain but I strongly believe in God and I live my life on the assumption that he is there.
  3. Weak Theist: I am very uncertain, but I am inclined to believe in God.
  4. Pure Agnostic: God’s existence and non-existence are exactly equiprobable.
  5. Weak Atheist: I do not know whether God exists but I’m inclined to be skeptical.
  6. De-facto Atheist: I cannot know for certain but I think God is very improbable and I live my life under the assumption that he is not there.
  7. Strong Atheist: I am 100% sure that there is no God.
If this has been posted before, then please forgive. I did a search and did not find.
First post in this thread.

As a scientist I cannot deny the possibility of a God, just not your God as I usually tell people. So I voted de-facto athiest. I was born a southern baptist with ministers on mom's side, so I was brain-washed before I ever could think. I now call myself a reformed southern baptist, VERY reformed and did that at a very young age. God is in my language and cannot be removed. Like "Oh God" and also assorted cuss words.
James Bond, where do you think I will go after i die? Heaven, or Hell?
Several things here.

According to Revelations, no one goes anywhere. Nevertheless you are a long time worm food. The dead will rise during the Rapture and Judgement occurs then. That is after 1000 years of rule by the Anti-Christ.

Enough of the Bible.

Now firstly I have serious problems with a jealous God demanding worship. He is God and doesn't need it. He sounds like man, ie man invented God.

If we assume a true God, you will go to heaven (which is the earth, by the way, not outer space nor the clouds, according to the Bible) just for being a good boy or girl. You do not need to believe in nothing.

Hitler's death bed conversions, ie Christianity's get outta jail free card, won't save you.
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James Bond, where do you think I will go after i die? Heaven, or Hell?
generic answer -

setting your Spirit free is done before you die as the goal otherwise that may end up figuratively in the coffin with your bones ... or ashes.
If the earth is going to flood again due to global warming, then isn't it better to live in a high rise, at least above the sixth floor ha ha?

including Global Warming (unjust deforestation) ...

tell us high rise -


how life will be without oxygen in your penthouse ....

From Dante's map of hell, I got you going to the sixth level or heresy level. It states, "Heretics and false teachers locked in burning stone coffins." Does that sound fair to you? And why are there naked women with green hair watching over you ha ha?

where in your 4th century book does a forgery say Jesus said it is required to read your book ... what etchings are there by the Almighty that who you admire, moses did not destroy for the content they like you disagreed with. your 10 commandments are perhaps the worst forgeries of all time.

why are there naked women with green hair watching over you ha ha ...

those levels are not for after you die, bond they are for when you have a physiology to find your way out of them and are set to be unwittingly fallen into - is that a sin, not always. do people find their ways out, yes but not by reading a book, they have to be accomplished by the being theirself.

Well, if I die from lack of oxygen due to global warming, then I die. I won't worry about human made CO2. It's part of breathing out ha ha.

>>where in your 4th century book does a forgery say Jesus said it is required to read your book<<

More BW delusions. It takes a little FAITH to read the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth book. Those who don't miss out since we aren't presented with the Tree of Knowledge this time.

>>those levels are not for after you die, bond they are for when you have a physiology to find your way out of them and are set to be unwittingly fallen into - is that a sin, not always. do people find their ways out, yes but not by reading a book, they have to be accomplished by the being theirself.<<

Dante's Inferno is fiction, but I don't think he's far off with his map of hell. There may be variations from other religions such as reincarnation and the like. What if you come back to life as a cockroach and continue to return as pest like creatures? That would be hellish, too.
More BW delusions. It takes a little FAITH to read the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth book. Those who don't miss out since we aren't presented with the Tree of Knowledge this time.

The atheist's equivalent of the Good Book would be Darwin's book.

you've never explained why ToE from any publication would be atheistic, is it the lack of fear for an unknown ... you're a madman in many respects it is your influence as you mentioned Charlottsville that blinds not just yourself but others from the Tree of Knowledge, your book. the other publications are alive yours is dead.

you and moses removed the Environmental Protection Agency as the 11th commandment, that was your last laugh. good luck.

>>you've never explained why ToE from any publication would be atheistic, is it the lack of fear for an unknown ... you're a madman in many respects it is your influence as you mentioned Charlottsville that blinds not just yourself but others from the Tree of Knowledge, your book. the other publications are alive yours is dead.

you and moses removed the Environmental Protection Agency as the 11th commandment, that was your last laugh. good luck.<<


EarthLink - Politics

Energy Dept: Government should ease rules on power plants

The Energy Department report also heaped blame on environmental regulations. It said that the largest number of coal plant retirements occurred in 2015, the deadline for operators to install new pollution-control equipment.

cry us a river christian.
I got better fish to fry, so watched Ben-Hur (1959), a film based on Lew Wallace's novel of seeing the real life Jesus through fictional character Judah Ben-Hur's eye. I cried a few times at the end. I was watching it on my notebook at the library and a man sitting adjacent to me was looking, but I didn't care. He must've been wondering what I was watching. It was touching to me because both my mother and sister are gone and Jesus gave Judah Ben-Hur life and heart. He ended up taking away his sword. The story is different because it doesn't focus on the Bible and make it Biblical true tale. I recommend the movie to all and will have to read the novel. What's coincidental is he is another JB that has come into my life.

The Real Story of Ben-Hur's 'Tale of the Christ'
The Real Story of Ben-Hur's 'Tale of the Christ'

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So, what happened to turn agnostics and some believers into non-believers? I think it started with challenging Noah's Ark and the great flood. Charles Lyell, an atheist, used his knowledge of geology, and with the help of others such as his pupil, Charles Darwin, and fellow atheist, James Hutton, turned the scientific world against the Bible and Noah's Flood with uniformitarianism vs catastrophism and evloution vs Genesis. Suddenly, people had "science" to help them go wrong. Even racist beliefs of Charles Darwin was turned into social Darwinism, Nazism, Planned Parenthood and the rise of today's communist Antifa. The Biblical prophecies are coming true.

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