How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

  • Strong Theist

    Votes: 21 25.9%
  • De-facto Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Weak Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Pure Agnostic

    Votes: 14 17.3%
  • Weak Atheist

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • De-facto Atheist

    Votes: 8 9.9%
  • Strong Atheist

    Votes: 16 19.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 12 14.8%

  • Total voters
sealybobo, my final post for now on that ignoramus Bill Nye. He is not a scientist and does not know what he is talking about. The description fits you, too.

"William Sanford Nye (born November 27, 1955; generally known as Bill Nye or Bill Nye the Science Guy) is an engineer and television personality known for his children's television series Bill Nye the Science Guy, a Disney show which was broadcast on PBS in the 1990s, winning several Emmy Awards. Videos of the show are often used in public schools.[1] He wears a signature bow tie during public appearances.[2] He has a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell University, and has received several honorary doctorates.

He is a "science popularizer", that is, one who writes or lectures about scientific topics for the lay public. In this regard he is similar to such past and contemporary popularizers as Humphrey Davy, Michael Faraday, Arthur Eddington, Isaac Asimov, Carl Sagan, and Neil deGrasse Tyson. Some of these people were/are notable scientists in their own right; Mr. Nye is not.

In 2010, he was given the Humanist of the Year award from the American Humanist Association.[3][4] He identifies as an agnostic.

Like many other non-Christians, Nye borrows from a Christian worldview on issues such as ethics.[5]

Mr. Nye's views on various matters relating to science are similar to those of most scientists—he accepts the reality of global climate change, he accepts macroevolution, and he accepts "old Earth" cosmology.

Nye believes that "science is political."[6]

His mother was probably a codebreaker during the Second World War.[7]

Perhaps because of the way he has dealt with his fame, Mr. Nye sometimes exhibits bad judgment in making statements out of his known field of expertise, or says things in an overly theatrical way, that may seem silly when viewed as purely scientific statements. He has recently developed an exaggerated and flamboyant speaking style, to a degree that many traditional scientists may find distasteful."

Bill Nye - Conservapedia

and he accepts "old Earth" cosmology.

OMG are you a YEC?

Today I was in church for a one year memorial. Couple of thoughts. I did consider that before Moses people contemplated how we got here and people considered that something must have put us here.

Well I'm still there. Before religion lied and said god visited we all believed their may be a creator. And I don't mind giving it thanks but religions are ridiculous. Clearly just believing wasn't enough to start a religion they had to make up stories.

Priest was calling himself the gardener and how it's his fault if the garden goes bad. Wait! Isn't god the Gardiner?

Oh yeah, then the priest starts saying god sent his son to us to show how much he loved us and we killed him. You mean god didn't know that was going to happen? This is something I think is a great example of double talk where one time they say he was sent as a sacrifice and then he's trying to say gods initial intension was to send his son to teach love. Gimme a break

This isn't addressed to me, but I'm glad you were in church. What's important with Moses is what he did. Even more important is what happened with Jesus afterward. He save Moses.and us. Yet, it sounds strange to me that you're still considering "something" must have put us here. That's hilarious. Not god. And you're thinking this in church, yet. smh.

Next, you're saying religion lied. You're saying the Bible or God lied. Instead, why don't you look at lying Bill Nye. Why do you think I keep bringing him up? Truth is simple, but he makes it complex and the internet atheists follow him thinking it's science. They must not be able to comprehend he isn't a scientist.

>>Priest was calling himself the gardener and how it's his fault if the garden goes bad. Wait! Isn't god the Gardiner<<

I wasn't there, so can you expound on what you mean by the priest calling himself the gardener. What garden was he tending? His own? Yours? Mine? I have my own gardener, so he prolly didn't mean mine.
We were the vegetables in his garden.

Anyways, Jesus wasn't son of God and Moses didn't talk to God. That's most important. Not the messages or moral to the story. First I need to know did Jonah really live three days in the whale? Jesus said he did. Do you believe that? How about lazeris?

The Bible is full of things that didn't happen
I never donate to the liberal, atheist, immoral and sanctimonious dumb basturds. I even change stuff on there just to irritate and annoy the liberals.

howabout rewriting something worthwhile that would benefit the poor soul surly suffering for the forgery they deceivingly included in the fallacious 4th century christian bible -

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.

you write in derision above bond perhaps you just can not get beyond yourself to right a wrong where it would be beneficial for humanity and not just "in their face", christian.

No need to keep rewriting like the atheist scientists.

I'm not about righting a wrong. Only you can do that with the crazy and nutty stories you believe as science. That's why I keep bringing up Bill Nye. You are way below Bill Nye as you're wrong about much more. He doesn't keep bringing up the Bible like he's read it and understands it. OTOH, it's there practically every time you post.
No need to keep rewriting like the atheist scientists.


your books recorded history is enough reason to start completely over again maybe you could learn something from the atheists than just condemning them.

I'm not about righting a wrong.

that's obvious, crucifying someone seems a daily event for your type.

He doesn't keep bringing up the Bible like he's read it and understands it. OTOH, it's there practically every time you post.

I read that book to the first forgery, page one unlike you I had the presence of mind and perspective of history to set it down. the spoken religion from which that book originates and can be compared by those not so corrupt is more than adequate, the religion itself is only five words long anything else is in your case nothing but mirrors and deceit.

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.

that forgery is well known with or without having read it. representing the 1st century requires so egregious an error to be corrected and is part and parcel why this forum exists.
Were is god right now? Why would someone hide if they created the universe? Hello, god if you are there, you have my number. Hello? Damn I got nothing, no dial tone, nothing.
Were is god right now? Why would someone hide if they created the universe? Hello, god if you are there, you have my number. Hello? Damn I got nothing, no dial tone, nothing.
And whenever I go to church the priest is telling impossible stories and no one even questions these stories.

And he is not telling us these are allegories. He's telling us matter of fact. But come here and theists admit it.

Christianity is just as ridiculous as the rest

How dare we ask for proof right? No! How dare he tell me fairytales and provide no proof and then say the only way to heaven is you have to believe the unbelievable
I love it that these mayo eating mofos are going out and spending their disposable income on expensive toys not necessities. Means the economy is good. Thanks Obama for scaring these jackoffs into stimulating the economy
They say atheism is dangerous? Look at the holy war we're in now. Only belief in God can make a suicide bomber. They believe they are doing what God wants.

Only a despicable person, a bonafide devil, would deceive a gullible person into blowing up themselves along with as many innocent people as they can in the name of God.

A gullible person would only think God wants them to do that because they had been deceived or had been driven insane. The real problem is not a belief in God it is the lack of education and the absence of critical thinking that opens people to falling for the lies of obviously evil, pretentious, greedy, and corrupt men whose only concern is leading smooth and easy lives off the blood and suffering of their victims, er, followers...whether religious or political.

Belief in God is really not required.You must have noticed that people who follow no religion and do not have any belief in God can be every bit as despicable as the most corrupt religious fundamentalist bullshit artist out there..

Yes, throw the story away. It's a lie. At least admit they are just stories.

lol,,, you just said;

"It's a great story no doubt. I get the message."

make up your mind please.
I can't get over the fact I don't believe. You can't fake it.
Were is god right now? Why would someone hide if they created the universe? Hello, god if you are there, you have my number. Hello? Damn I got nothing, no dial tone, nothing.
Maybe you didn't make the cut.
They say atheism is dangerous? Look at the holy war we're in now. Only belief in God can make a suicide bomber. They believe they are doing what God wants.

Only a despicable person, a bonafide devil, would deceive a gullible person into blowing up themselves along with as many innocent people as they can in the name of God.

A gullible person would only think God wants them to do that because they had been deceived or had been driven insane. The real problem is not a belief in God it is the lack of education and the absence of critical thinking that opens people to falling for the lies of obviously evil, pretentious, greedy, and corrupt men whose only concern is leading smooth and easy lives off the blood and suffering of their victims, er, followers...whether religious or political.

Belief in God is really not required.You must have noticed that people who follow no religion and do not have any belief in God can be every bit as despicable as the most corrupt religious fundamentalist bullshit artist out there..

Yes, throw the story away. It's a lie. At least admit they are just stories.

lol,,, you just said;

"It's a great story no doubt. I get the message."

make up your mind please.
I can't get over the fact I don't believe. You can't fake it.

Its a good thing that you can't fake it. You don't believe because you don't understand what the stories are teaching. I don't believe that the story of the creation is a true story of the creation of the universe or solar system by God either, but thats not what the story is about anyway..I don't believe that biologically dead people came out of their graves, ever, even though I do believe that the stories about the dead coming out of their graves in the first century are absolutely true.

When the teaching and the hidden subject about rising from the dead is understood there is no problem believing, especially if you can't fake it and it happens to you.

Comprehension is a choice, something one must deliberately strive for to attain.

If you look and look and keep on looking for hidden meaning in scripture that conforms to and is confirmed by reality you will find it.

If you don't look you will surely find nothing....

"The kingdom of Heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."

can you dig it?
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They say atheism is dangerous? Look at the holy war we're in now. Only belief in God can make a suicide bomber. They believe they are doing what God wants.

Only a despicable person, a bonafide devil, would deceive a gullible person into blowing up themselves along with as many innocent people as they can in the name of God.

A gullible person would only think God wants them to do that because they had been deceived or had been driven insane. The real problem is not a belief in God it is the lack of education and the absence of critical thinking that opens people to falling for the lies of obviously evil, pretentious, greedy, and corrupt men whose only concern is leading smooth and easy lives off the blood and suffering of their victims, er, followers...whether religious or political.

Belief in God is really not required.You must have noticed that people who follow no religion and do not have any belief in God can be every bit as despicable as the most corrupt religious fundamentalist bullshit artist out there..

Yes, throw the story away. It's a lie. At least admit they are just stories.

lol,,, you just said;

"It's a great story no doubt. I get the message."

make up your mind please.
I can't get over the fact I don't believe. You can't fake it.

Its a good thing that you can't fake it. You don't believe because you don't understand what the stories are teaching. I don't believe that the story of the creation is a true story of the creation of the universe or solar system by God either, but thats not what the story is about anyway..I don't believe that biologically dead people came out of their graves, ever, even though I do believe that the stories about the dead coming out of their graves in the first century are absolutely true.

When the teaching and the hidden subject about rising from the dead is understood there is no problem believing, especially if you can't fake it and it happens to you.

Comprehension is a choice, something one must deliberately strive for to attain.

If you look and look and keep on looking for hidden meaning in scripture that conforms to and is confirmed by reality you will find it.

If you don't look you will surely find nothing....

"The kingdom of Heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."

can you dig it?
Oh it's a story book?

What do you mean you don't and do believe dead people did come from the grave?
They say atheism is dangerous? Look at the holy war we're in now. Only belief in God can make a suicide bomber. They believe they are doing what God wants.

Only a despicable person, a bonafide devil, would deceive a gullible person into blowing up themselves along with as many innocent people as they can in the name of God.

A gullible person would only think God wants them to do that because they had been deceived or had been driven insane. The real problem is not a belief in God it is the lack of education and the absence of critical thinking that opens people to falling for the lies of obviously evil, pretentious, greedy, and corrupt men whose only concern is leading smooth and easy lives off the blood and suffering of their victims, er, followers...whether religious or political.

Belief in God is really not required.You must have noticed that people who follow no religion and do not have any belief in God can be every bit as despicable as the most corrupt religious fundamentalist bullshit artist out there..

Yes, throw the story away. It's a lie. At least admit they are just stories.

lol,,, you just said;

"It's a great story no doubt. I get the message."

make up your mind please.
I can't get over the fact I don't believe. You can't fake it.

Its a good thing that you can't fake it. You don't believe because you don't understand what the stories are teaching. I don't believe that the story of the creation is a true story of the creation of the universe or solar system by God either, but thats not what the story is about anyway..I don't believe that biologically dead people came out of their graves, ever, even though I do believe that the stories about the dead coming out of their graves in the first century are absolutely true.

When the teaching and the hidden subject about rising from the dead is understood there is no problem believing, especially if you can't fake it and it happens to you.

Comprehension is a choice, something one must deliberately strive for to attain.

If you look and look and keep on looking for hidden meaning in scripture that conforms to and is confirmed by reality you will find it.

If you don't look you will surely find nothing....

"The kingdom of Heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."

can you dig it?
Oh it's a story book?

What do you mean you don't and do believe dead people did come from the grave?

I do not believe that the subject of the resurrection is or ever was about the biologically dead resuming a former physical existence.

The resurrection of the dead is about entry into a new existence, a transformation from confusion to comprehension as dramatic as passing from darkness to light, blindness to sight, death to life.

Jesus being raised as an observant Jew was no different than you being raised Greek orthodox in that it was an accident of birth.

Jesus rose from the dead by leaving the whitewashed tomb of irrational religious beliefs and degrading religious practices which is exactly what happened to you when you walked out of the tomb of irrational religious beliefs and degrading religious practices...

Do you believe in your own story?

When Jesus emerged from the Jordan river after being baptized by John, "the heavens opened up to him."

You are still under the water..time to come up for some air.

Wouldn't it be a terrible shame if you escaped from the tomb only to dig your own grave?
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They say atheism is dangerous? Look at the holy war we're in now. Only belief in God can make a suicide bomber. They believe they are doing what God wants.

Only a despicable person, a bonafide devil, would deceive a gullible person into blowing up themselves along with as many innocent people as they can in the name of God.

A gullible person would only think God wants them to do that because they had been deceived or had been driven insane. The real problem is not a belief in God it is the lack of education and the absence of critical thinking that opens people to falling for the lies of obviously evil, pretentious, greedy, and corrupt men whose only concern is leading smooth and easy lives off the blood and suffering of their victims, er, followers...whether religious or political.

Belief in God is really not required.You must have noticed that people who follow no religion and do not have any belief in God can be every bit as despicable as the most corrupt religious fundamentalist bullshit artist out there..

Yes, throw the story away. It's a lie. At least admit they are just stories.

lol,,, you just said;

"It's a great story no doubt. I get the message."

make up your mind please.
I can't get over the fact I don't believe. You can't fake it.

Its a good thing that you can't fake it. You don't believe because you don't understand what the stories are teaching. I don't believe that the story of the creation is a true story of the creation of the universe or solar system by God either, but thats not what the story is about anyway..I don't believe that biologically dead people came out of their graves, ever, even though I do believe that the stories about the dead coming out of their graves in the first century are absolutely true.

When the teaching and the hidden subject about rising from the dead is understood there is no problem believing, especially if you can't fake it and it happens to you.

Comprehension is a choice, something one must deliberately strive for to attain.

If you look and look and keep on looking for hidden meaning in scripture that conforms to and is confirmed by reality you will find it.

If you don't look you will surely find nothing....

"The kingdom of Heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."

can you dig it?
Oh it's a story book?

What do you mean you don't and do believe dead people did come from the grave?

I do not believe that the subject of the resurrection is or ever was about the biologically dead resuming a former physical existence.

The resurrection of the dead is about entry into a new existence, a transformation from confusion to comprehension as dramatic as passing from darkness to light, blindness to sight, death to life.

Jesus being raised as an observant Jew was no different than you being raised Greek orthodox in that it was an accident of birth.

Jesus rose from the dead by leaving the whitewashed tomb of irrational religious beliefs and degrading religious practices which is exactly what happened to you when you walked out of the tomb of irrational religious beliefs and degrading religious practices...

Do you believe in your own story?

When Jesus emerged from the Jordan river after being baptized by John, "the heavens opened up to him."

You are still under the water..time to come up for some air.

Wouldn't it be a terrible shame if you escaped from the tomb only to dig your own grave?
If even 1% of me believed your religion was real but since not, I'll leave you with this. It'd be a darn shame if you came out and found Islam was the truth.

But since not even 1% of you believes that you're ok with that right?
Were is god right now? Why would someone hide if they created the universe? Hello, god if you are there, you have my number. Hello? Damn I got nothing, no dial tone, nothing.
Maybe you didn't make the cut.
Yeah, that's possible I am an pretty evil person. I hate violence, am a vegetarian (most of the time) and for the most part try to live and let live. God must have it out for innocent people. Or, it's all just random chaos.
Were is god right now? Why would someone hide if they created the universe? Hello, god if you are there, you have my number. Hello? Damn I got nothing, no dial tone, nothing.
Maybe you didn't make the cut.
Yeah, that's possible I am an pretty evil person. I hate violence, am a vegetarian (most of the time) and for the most part try to live and let live. God must have it out for innocent people. Or, it's all just random chaos.
who really do not make the cut are the 4th century crucifiers who pretend they have, christians. big surprise for them just like during the Great Flood.

* Jesus is going to save them ... . :eusa_hand:
the evidence continues ...

EarthLink - U.S. News

Lee descendant resigns as pastor over racial justice comment

The general's distant nephew, the Rev. Robert W. Lee IV, issued a statement Monday saying he resigned from Bethany United Church of Christ near Winston-Salem after the congregation decided to put his tenure to a vote.

He said some church members were uncomfortable with his remarks praising the Black Lives Matter movement during the Aug. 27 MTV Video Music Awards. He was introducing the mother of Heather Heyer, who was killed during demonstrations over a Robert E. Lee statue in Charlottesville, Virginia.

He said some church members were uncomfortable with his remarks praising the Black Lives Matter movement during the Aug. 27 MTV Video Music Awards.

... and those people "Bethany United Church of Christ" refer to themselves as Theists, they are nothing but centuries old criminals.
Religion to me, is a difficult thing to understand. There's the social component (probably the most important) that acts like a glue to hold communities together, that I understand, so I can't condemn religion on those grounds. I understand that Religious groups give aid to the poor and aid in disasters, and their actions have to be recognized. But the core concept of this belief in a central supreme being, and then to add to that, that THEY and only THEY comprehend and KNOW what the will of God is, seems pretentious and silly, and that's the part I can't wrap my mind around.
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Were is god right now? Why would someone hide if they created the universe? Hello, god if you are there, you have my number. Hello? Damn I got nothing, no dial tone, nothing.
Maybe you didn't make the cut.
Yeah, that's possible I am an pretty evil person. I hate violence, am a vegetarian (most of the time) and for the most part try to live and let live. God must have it out for innocent people. Or, it's all just random chaos.

Ding's an asshole but because he believes a stupid story he feels like he has made the cut. I got news for you, he has not made the cut. There is no cut. When he dies he is worm dirt too.

The only benefit he gets is the feeling/hope that one day he's going to be in a heaven. You and I don't buy that so as much as we would like there to be a heaven, there aint one. Sorry DingBAT.

Americans flocking to larger churches?

The Amazon Effect: Worshippers Flocking to Larger Churches | HuffPost

BTW F Jeff Bezos.
Just like people don't go to Mom and pop shops they go to superstores.

Eventually metro Detroit won't have enough Greeks to have 7 greek Orthodox churches they'll have one big one

>>Just like people don't go to Mom and pop shops they go to superstores.<<

I still go to mom and pop stores if they're good and convenient. I like to support local businesses, but go to Wal Mart, Costco and superstores for the low prices. You can't just go by price and I don't. I don't have a megachurch where I live, but they would have to be good down deep with a good pastor if people and I are going to go. But at least, they represent organizations that help out in time of need such as with Hurricane Harvey. It's not always a straightforward decision, but I recognize and appreciate the strength in numbers.
Were is god right now? Why would someone hide if they created the universe? Hello, god if you are there, you have my number. Hello? Damn I got nothing, no dial tone, nothing.
Maybe you didn't make the cut.
Yeah, that's possible I am an pretty evil person. I hate violence, am a vegetarian (most of the time) and for the most part try to live and let live. God must have it out for innocent people. Or, it's all just random chaos.

Ding's an asshole but because he believes a stupid story he feels like he has made the cut. I got news for you, he has not made the cut. There is no cut. When he dies he is worm dirt too.

The only benefit he gets is the feeling/hope that one day he's going to be in a heaven. You and I don't buy that so as much as we would like there to be a heaven, there aint one. Sorry DingBAT.

>>There is no cut. When he dies he is worm dirt too. <<

And what evidence do you have that Jesus didn't die to save us? Since you're so certain of the truth.

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