How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

  • Strong Theist

    Votes: 21 25.9%
  • De-facto Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Weak Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Pure Agnostic

    Votes: 14 17.3%
  • Weak Atheist

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • De-facto Atheist

    Votes: 8 9.9%
  • Strong Atheist

    Votes: 16 19.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 12 14.8%

  • Total voters
I looked up radocarbon dating. Lots of flaws with that method. Ironically nuclear testing and coal/oil have ruined the results. Very unreliable. Yet that's what you use.

More recently, accelerator mass spectrometry has become the method of choice

Any addition of carbon to a sample of a different age will cause the measured date to be inaccurate. Contamination with modern carbon causes a sample to appear to be younger than it really is

What???? So you are using a bad method buddy.

Radiocarbon dating is generally limited to dating samples no more than 50,000 years old, as samples older than that have insufficient 14
C to be measurable.

Do you understand what that means? That means your method is only good for measuring a young earth. It's completely ineffective measuring things older than 50,000 years. Did you know that? Of course you did not.
Radiocarbon dating works, but you have to be very careful. It also only works for a few thousand years for dating actual history of man. The error rate is too large for older samples. The half-life of carbon 14 is only 6k years

It works for all living matter for a young earth.

What about radiometric dating? Don't you think the atheist scientists who swear by this method should be careful, too. They could be off by as 4.5 billion years.
We use the radiometric technique that is most accurate for the assumed time span. That is determined by the half-life of the isotope. We might start with one method and then go WTF, we were not even close with our original guess. Then we use a different isotope.

We also use other methods ~ Dating | The Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins Program

No one is questioning the decay and half-life of the isotope. What is being challenged using radiometric dating are the assumptions made of the earth and universe during the beginning of time.

The various isotope dating methods rely upon several assumptions. They are:

  1. Known amounts of daughter isotope (usually zero) at start.
  2. No gain or loss of parent or daughter isotopes by any means other than radioactive decay (closed system).
  3. A constant decay rate.[3]
People like Clair Patterson and Neil DeGrasse Tyson are basing the findings the earth is billions of years old on wrong assumptions. Atheists and their scientists are usually wrong. The Smithsonian is an institution that has been taken over by these atheist scientists.

You know Tyson really pisses you guys off you bring him up as much as Republicans bring up Soros.

>>You know Tyson really pisses you guys off you bring him up as much as Republicans bring up Soros.<<

Degrasse has been doing well for himself. Probably better than Bill Nye as he actually is a scientist. Yet, Tyson subscribes to fake science, fabricates quotes and embellishes stories. I'll be sure to let you and everyone know when he gets his comeuppance.
Do you see that I am right? I may have said that you were a weak theist, but that was in your past. I thought you were more agnostic before or having an open mind and suddenly you're more well, show me the evidence. That path will not lead you to God or truth. For example, the earth and universe is young in the 6K - 10K years old range and they're the same age, but you think I'm the one gravely mistaken.
"For example, the earth and universe is young in the 6K - 10K years old range and they're the same age, but you think I'm the one gravely mistaken.""

haha, good one. Yes, folks, evidence will not lead us to truth. Water is not wet, and down is up. we're ALL mad, here. You, sir, are a master of witty sarcasm.
I know right? Let's humor him

>>I know right? Let's humor him<<

Ha ha, but my retort is the one who laughs last, laughs best. You'll hear my Joker laugh after seeing who was right in the end. OTOH, if the atheist belief is right, then neither us will know or care. There will be no consciousness.

I looked up radocarbon dating. Lots of flaws with that method. Ironically nuclear testing and coal/oil have ruined the results. Very unreliable. Yet that's what you use.

More recently, accelerator mass spectrometry has become the method of choice

Any addition of carbon to a sample of a different age will cause the measured date to be inaccurate. Contamination with modern carbon causes a sample to appear to be younger than it really is

What???? So you are using a bad method buddy.

Radiocarbon dating is generally limited to dating samples no more than 50,000 years old, as samples older than that have insufficient 14
C to be measurable.

Do you understand what that means? That means your method is only good for measuring a young earth. It's completely ineffective measuring things older than 50,000 years. Did you know that? Of course you did not.

Radiocarbon dating is fine for living matter that died. It is a trusted, quite adequate and scientifically acceptable. The founder received a Nobel Prize in Chemistry. What awards did yours receive?

If the earth and universe is young as per the Bible, then it would be an scientifically acceptable method to date all the carbon-based life forms such as dinosaurs. We know that dinosaurs are young because they still have their soft tissue.

>>It's completely ineffective measuring things older than 50,000 years. Did you know that? Of course you did not.<<

Of course, with a scientific brain like mine, I knew that, but before we go any further with the science, this could be my iconic role in the next life.

If I was the JB in the movies, then the last thing you see in life will be as follows...

Yet, we do not know what will happen after we die and in the next life. The period before the transition is one of great mystery and could be quite a scary ride for the atheists. Those that you believed and got your information from will the ones who guide you. Right before you go past the point of no return, I'll be the guy who says, "Hey mister, you're on fire."

Yet, we do not know what will happen after we die and in the next life.

surmounting the Apex of Knowledge including the Triumph of Good vs Evil is known as the religion of the Almighty and restrengthened in the 1st century the means to know beforehand ones destiny prior to their expiration. in fact the final Judgement will be for those living who have either accomplished the goal together as one or the goal became forever lost.
sealybobo, I found something you can do to take your mind off the problems you are having with atheism. Alternative nostril breathing with yoga. HRC uses to cope with her gigantic stinging loss to The Donald ha ha. Even going to "church" to listen to last respects or seeing a friend marry has become a chore.

Close your eyes and breathe deep per nostril.

Hillary Clinton demonstrates 'alternate nostril breathing' during CNN interview
"For example, the earth and universe is young in the 6K - 10K years old range and they're the same age, but you think I'm the one gravely mistaken.""

haha, good one. Yes, folks, evidence will not lead us to truth. Water is not wet, and down is up. we're ALL mad, here. You, sir, are a master of witty sarcasm.
I know right? Let's humor him

>>I know right? Let's humor him<<

Ha ha, but my retort is the one who laughs last, laughs best. You'll hear my Joker laugh after seeing who was right in the end. OTOH, if the atheist belief is right, then neither us will know or care. There will be no consciousness.

I looked up radocarbon dating. Lots of flaws with that method. Ironically nuclear testing and coal/oil have ruined the results. Very unreliable. Yet that's what you use.

More recently, accelerator mass spectrometry has become the method of choice

Any addition of carbon to a sample of a different age will cause the measured date to be inaccurate. Contamination with modern carbon causes a sample to appear to be younger than it really is

What???? So you are using a bad method buddy.

Radiocarbon dating is generally limited to dating samples no more than 50,000 years old, as samples older than that have insufficient 14
C to be measurable.

Do you understand what that means? That means your method is only good for measuring a young earth. It's completely ineffective measuring things older than 50,000 years. Did you know that? Of course you did not.

Radiocarbon dating is fine for living matter that died. It is a trusted, quite adequate and scientifically acceptable. The founder received a Nobel Prize in Chemistry. What awards did yours receive?

If the earth and universe is young as per the Bible, then it would be an scientifically acceptable method to date all the carbon-based life forms such as dinosaurs. We know that dinosaurs are young because they still have their soft tissue.

>>It's completely ineffective measuring things older than 50,000 years. Did you know that? Of course you did not.<<

Of course, with a scientific brain like mine, I knew that, but before we go any further with the science, this could be my iconic role in the next life.

If I was the JB in the movies, then the last thing you see in life will be as follows...

Yet, we do not know what will happen after we die and in the next life. The period before the transition is one of great mystery and could be quite a scary ride for the atheists. Those that you believed and got your information from will the ones who guide you. Right before you go past the point of no return, I'll be the guy who says, "Hey mister, you're on fire."

Yet, we do not know what will happen after we die and in the next life.

surmounting the Apex of Knowledge including the Triumph of Good vs Evil is known as the religion of the Almighty and restrengthened in the 1st century the means to know beforehand ones destiny prior to their expiration. in fact the final Judgement will be for those living who have either accomplished the goal together as one or the goal became forever lost.

>>surmounting the Apex of Knowledge including the Triumph of Good vs Evil is known as the religion of the Almighty and restrengthened in the 1st century the means to know beforehand ones destiny prior to their expiration. in fact the final Judgement will be for those living who have either accomplished the goal together as one or the goal became forever lost.<<

Keep studying the scriptures. Keep doing the things that build your faith in Jesus Christ. Take the Bible quiz.

General Bible Knowledge Quiz
Keep studying the scriptures. Keep doing the things that build your faith in Jesus Christ. Take the Bible quiz.

are you to be taken seriously ...

as you well know I put the christian bible to the side after the first forgery pg.1, the spoken religion from those times lives today helped by the glancing blows of your 4th century book and would exist anyway one manner or another that is my choice for knowledge to reach the Everlasting. Jesus was not innocent and is not whatever is christ and laughable as the Almighty.
I know right? Let's humor him

>>I know right? Let's humor him<<

Ha ha, but my retort is the one who laughs last, laughs best. You'll hear my Joker laugh after seeing who was right in the end. OTOH, if the atheist belief is right, then neither us will know or care. There will be no consciousness.

I looked up radocarbon dating. Lots of flaws with that method. Ironically nuclear testing and coal/oil have ruined the results. Very unreliable. Yet that's what you use.

More recently, accelerator mass spectrometry has become the method of choice

Any addition of carbon to a sample of a different age will cause the measured date to be inaccurate. Contamination with modern carbon causes a sample to appear to be younger than it really is

What???? So you are using a bad method buddy.

Radiocarbon dating is generally limited to dating samples no more than 50,000 years old, as samples older than that have insufficient 14
C to be measurable.

Do you understand what that means? That means your method is only good for measuring a young earth. It's completely ineffective measuring things older than 50,000 years. Did you know that? Of course you did not.

Radiocarbon dating is fine for living matter that died. It is a trusted, quite adequate and scientifically acceptable. The founder received a Nobel Prize in Chemistry. What awards did yours receive?

If the earth and universe is young as per the Bible, then it would be an scientifically acceptable method to date all the carbon-based life forms such as dinosaurs. We know that dinosaurs are young because they still have their soft tissue.

>>It's completely ineffective measuring things older than 50,000 years. Did you know that? Of course you did not.<<

Of course, with a scientific brain like mine, I knew that, but before we go any further with the science, this could be my iconic role in the next life.

If I was the JB in the movies, then the last thing you see in life will be as follows...

Yet, we do not know what will happen after we die and in the next life. The period before the transition is one of great mystery and could be quite a scary ride for the atheists. Those that you believed and got your information from will the ones who guide you. Right before you go past the point of no return, I'll be the guy who says, "Hey mister, you're on fire."

Yet, we do not know what will happen after we die and in the next life.

surmounting the Apex of Knowledge including the Triumph of Good vs Evil is known as the religion of the Almighty and restrengthened in the 1st century the means to know beforehand ones destiny prior to their expiration. in fact the final Judgement will be for those living who have either accomplished the goal together as one or the goal became forever lost.

>>surmounting the Apex of Knowledge including the Triumph of Good vs Evil is known as the religion of the Almighty and restrengthened in the 1st century the means to know beforehand ones destiny prior to their expiration. in fact the final Judgement will be for those living who have either accomplished the goal together as one or the goal became forever lost.<<

Keep studying the scriptures. Keep doing the things that build your faith in Jesus Christ. Take the Bible quiz.

General Bible Knowledge Quiz

I read a couple of scriptures and they are nice inspiring words. I get it. I would love to believe in the lord but unfortunately I don't. I used to. I used to think I had a personal relationship with him but then I realized I was talking to myself.

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.

That cop in Texas must have been an atheist.

And I would love to see you try to walk through flames.
Keep studying the scriptures. Keep doing the things that build your faith in Jesus Christ. Take the Bible quiz.

are you to be taken seriously ...

as you well know I put the christian bible to the side after the first forgery pg.1, the spoken religion from those times lives today helped by the glancing blows of your 4th century book and would exist anyway one manner or another that is my choice for knowledge to reach the Everlasting. Jesus was not innocent and is not whatever is christ and laughable as the Almighty.

>>surmounting the Apex of Knowledge including the Triumph of Good vs Evil is known as the religion of the Almighty and restrengthened in the 1st century the means to know beforehand ones destiny prior to their expiration. in fact the final Judgement will be for those living who have either accomplished the goal together as one or the goal became forever lost.<<

Lol, I didn't think you were serious.

>>Jesus was not innocent and is not whatever is christ and laughable as the Almighty.<<

Jesus was perfect. How was he not innocent? Why is he laughable as the Almighty? Because of what happened to Jesus, these are some serious charges you are leveling. As for laughing, I've always said that one who laughs last, laughs best.


Full story here
This Was Your Life
>>I know right? Let's humor him<<

Ha ha, but my retort is the one who laughs last, laughs best. You'll hear my Joker laugh after seeing who was right in the end. OTOH, if the atheist belief is right, then neither us will know or care. There will be no consciousness.

I looked up radocarbon dating. Lots of flaws with that method. Ironically nuclear testing and coal/oil have ruined the results. Very unreliable. Yet that's what you use.

More recently, accelerator mass spectrometry has become the method of choice

Any addition of carbon to a sample of a different age will cause the measured date to be inaccurate. Contamination with modern carbon causes a sample to appear to be younger than it really is

What???? So you are using a bad method buddy.

Radiocarbon dating is generally limited to dating samples no more than 50,000 years old, as samples older than that have insufficient 14
C to be measurable.

Do you understand what that means? That means your method is only good for measuring a young earth. It's completely ineffective measuring things older than 50,000 years. Did you know that? Of course you did not.

Radiocarbon dating is fine for living matter that died. It is a trusted, quite adequate and scientifically acceptable. The founder received a Nobel Prize in Chemistry. What awards did yours receive?

If the earth and universe is young as per the Bible, then it would be an scientifically acceptable method to date all the carbon-based life forms such as dinosaurs. We know that dinosaurs are young because they still have their soft tissue.

>>It's completely ineffective measuring things older than 50,000 years. Did you know that? Of course you did not.<<

Of course, with a scientific brain like mine, I knew that, but before we go any further with the science, this could be my iconic role in the next life.

If I was the JB in the movies, then the last thing you see in life will be as follows...

Yet, we do not know what will happen after we die and in the next life. The period before the transition is one of great mystery and could be quite a scary ride for the atheists. Those that you believed and got your information from will the ones who guide you. Right before you go past the point of no return, I'll be the guy who says, "Hey mister, you're on fire."

Yet, we do not know what will happen after we die and in the next life.

surmounting the Apex of Knowledge including the Triumph of Good vs Evil is known as the religion of the Almighty and restrengthened in the 1st century the means to know beforehand ones destiny prior to their expiration. in fact the final Judgement will be for those living who have either accomplished the goal together as one or the goal became forever lost.

>>surmounting the Apex of Knowledge including the Triumph of Good vs Evil is known as the religion of the Almighty and restrengthened in the 1st century the means to know beforehand ones destiny prior to their expiration. in fact the final Judgement will be for those living who have either accomplished the goal together as one or the goal became forever lost.<<

Keep studying the scriptures. Keep doing the things that build your faith in Jesus Christ. Take the Bible quiz.

General Bible Knowledge Quiz

I read a couple of scriptures and they are nice inspiring words. I get it. I would love to believe in the lord but unfortunately I don't. I used to. I used to think I had a personal relationship with him but then I realized I was talking to myself.

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.

That cop in Texas must have been an atheist.

And I would love to see you try to walk through flames.

>>I read a couple of scriptures and they are nice inspiring words. I get it. I would love to believe in the lord but unfortunately I don't.<<

See, now we're seeing the real sealybobo which you hide from me. You weren't this way before. What happened?
Jesus was perfect. How was he not innocent? Why is he laughable as the Almighty? Because of what happened to Jesus, these are some serious charges you are leveling. As for laughing, I've always said that one who laughs last, laughs best.

“Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani” - - “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

the above was spoken by Jesus in their final moments and is a passage of the spoken religion that would never have been included in your book otherwise had it not been spoken, speaks of its authenticity. innocents =/= good is proven by the rebellion of angels in your own text, we live in a carnivorous Garden, truth is tangential to circumstances.

Why is he laughable as the Almighty?

the creator of: The Entire Universe, lives on Earth for "33" years and ends up being crucified by a hysterical mob - the same mob that earlier was put to death, Noah is then allowed latter to do the same to the executioner, the Almighty . :eusa_hand: - if nothing else the two events are an irreconcilable contradiction.

there is no physical proof from the time of the event by the individual involved or anyone else etched in stone or another proof than an unverified book written ~ 400 years latter that relied on political appeasement to be written. a nonreligious document.

I've always said that one who laughs last, laughs best ...


your book's history you continue to overlook is the reason and proof of the fallibility of the christian bible, failure to bring to justice the crucifiers that live freely to this day and the implications of its brutality hopefully will not be the last laugh before humanities final Judgement.
Jesus was perfect. How was he not innocent? Why is he laughable as the Almighty? Because of what happened to Jesus, these are some serious charges you are leveling. As for laughing, I've always said that one who laughs last, laughs best.

“Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani” - - “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

the above was spoken by Jesus in their final moments and is a passage of the spoken religion that would never have been included in your book otherwise had it not been spoken, speaks of its authenticity. innocents =/= good is proven by the rebellion of angels in your own text, we live in a carnivorous Garden, truth is tangential to circumstances.

Why is he laughable as the Almighty?

the creator of: The Entire Universe, lives on Earth for "33" years and ends up being crucified by a hysterical mob - the same mob that earlier was put to death, Noah is then allowed latter to do the same to the executioner, the Almighty . :eusa_hand: - if nothing else the two events are an irreconcilable contradiction.

there is no physical proof from the time of the event by the individual involved or anyone else etched in stone or another proof than an unverified book written ~ 400 years latter that relied on political appeasement to be written. a nonreligious document.

I've always said that one who laughs last, laughs best ...

View attachment 149316

your book's history you continue to overlook is the reason and proof of the fallibility of the christian bible, failure to bring to justice the crucifiers that live freely to this day and the implications of its brutality hopefully will not be the last laugh before humanities final Judgement.

>>“Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani” - - “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

the above was spoken by Jesus in their final moments and is a passage of the spoken religion that would never have been included in your book otherwise had it not been spoken, speaks of its authenticity. innocents =/= good is proven by the rebellion of angels in your own text, we live in a carnivorous Garden, truth is tangential to circumstances.<<

It's included in the good book because it fulfills, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, from the words of my groaning?" Psalm 22:1. Haven't we thought this in those times when we have big troubles and longsuffering difficulties in life? It was a fulfillment of a Biblical prophecy.

Another big reason is that which most are familiar with. Jesus "died in our place, on our account, that He might bring us near to God. It was this, doubtless, that intensified His sufferings and part of why Jesus said, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” It was the manifestation of God’s hatred of sin, in some unexplained way, that Jesus experienced in that terrible hour. The suffering He endured was due to us, and it is that suffering by which we can be saved from eternal death."

My personal view is that Jesus saw all the sins of the world flash before his eyes before dying. It was more than what one mortal could bear.

As for the rest, you'll have to take it up with the Jesus himself because I'm not going argue with your askewness.
I admit Christians have their nutjobbers like atheists Bill Nye and Neil DeGrasse Tyson, too. This guy says the world will end this Saturday.

‘Researcher’ Says This Saturday Will be the End of the World

The chances are good that the world will not end this Saturday. God won't tell us when the world will end, but it has been prophecized as such so there is no shortage of Christian doomsday prognosticators.

Bill Nye and Degrasse both think we will perish due to global warming. What a bunch of hooey. It won't be due to global warming causing flooding or due to inclement weather, but the world will be destroyed by fire according to Biblical prophecy.

This also means that we will not colonize other planets to escape the end. Star Wars and other space movies showing us living on other planets are sci-fi. Sorry, colonization of space with the help of Elon Musk's company won't happen in our lifetimes.
Jesus was perfect. How was he not innocent? Why is he laughable as the Almighty? Because of what happened to Jesus, these are some serious charges you are leveling. As for laughing, I've always said that one who laughs last, laughs best.

“Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani” - - “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

the above was spoken by Jesus in their final moments and is a passage of the spoken religion that would never have been included in your book otherwise had it not been spoken, speaks of its authenticity. innocents =/= good is proven by the rebellion of angels in your own text, we live in a carnivorous Garden, truth is tangential to circumstances.

Why is he laughable as the Almighty?

the creator of: The Entire Universe, lives on Earth for "33" years and ends up being crucified by a hysterical mob - the same mob that earlier was put to death, Noah is then allowed latter to do the same to the executioner, the Almighty . :eusa_hand: - if nothing else the two events are an irreconcilable contradiction.

there is no physical proof from the time of the event by the individual involved or anyone else etched in stone or another proof than an unverified book written ~ 400 years latter that relied on political appeasement to be written. a nonreligious document.

I've always said that one who laughs last, laughs best ...

View attachment 149316

your book's history you continue to overlook is the reason and proof of the fallibility of the christian bible, failure to bring to justice the crucifiers that live freely to this day and the implications of its brutality hopefully will not be the last laugh before humanities final Judgement.

>>“Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani” - - “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

the above was spoken by Jesus in their final moments and is a passage of the spoken religion that would never have been included in your book otherwise had it not been spoken, speaks of its authenticity. innocents =/= good is proven by the rebellion of angels in your own text, we live in a carnivorous Garden, truth is tangential to circumstances.<<

It's included in the good book because it fulfills, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from saving me, from the words of my groaning?" Psalm 22:1. Haven't we thought this in those times when we have big troubles and longsuffering difficulties in life? It was a fulfillment of a Biblical prophecy.

Another big reason is that which most are familiar with. Jesus "died in our place, on our account, that He might bring us near to God. It was this, doubtless, that intensified His sufferings and part of why Jesus said, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” It was the manifestation of God’s hatred of sin, in some unexplained way, that Jesus experienced in that terrible hour. The suffering He endured was due to us, and it is that suffering by which we can be saved from eternal death."

My personal view is that Jesus saw all the sins of the world flash before his eyes before dying. It was more than what one mortal could bear.

As for the rest, you'll have to take it up with the Jesus himself because I'm not going argue with your askewness.
Haven't we thought this in those times when we have big troubles and longsuffering difficulties in life?

yes, until a person has passed that limit and realizes the simple futility of such a thought something that would be expected from Jesus were they the subject of the 4th century book. if not they were misled one way or another.

My personal view is that Jesus saw all the sins of the world flash before his eyes before dying. It was more than what one mortal could bear.

it's not that unbalanced to not notice the good as well or to dwell so much on one side and not so compelling as to have to die on a cross that the sinners themselves might resolve their own misdeeds themselves. it's been over 2000 years and humanity still exists, they even voted for Trump and are still here.

As for the rest, you'll have to take it up with the Jesus himself because I'm not going argue with your askewness.

the recorded history of the 4th century book from that time to the present is the askewness that has no legitimate answer. when in that time has there been a period christianity stepped forward and resembled the will of the Almighty. when have they not been at war with free spirited individuals the same as Jesus. are you sure the reason for the crucifixion has been properly portrayed.
I admit Christians have their nutjobbers like atheists Bill Nye and Neil DeGrasse Tyson, too. This guy says the world will end this Saturday.

‘Researcher’ Says This Saturday Will be the End of the World

The chances are good that the world will not end this Saturday. God won't tell us when the world will end, but it has been prophecized as such so there is no shortage of Christian doomsday prognosticators.

Bill Nye and Degrasse both think we will perish due to global warming. What a bunch of hooey. It won't be due to global warming causing flooding or due to inclement weather, but the world will be destroyed by fire according to Biblical prophecy.

This also means that we will not colonize other planets to escape the end. Star Wars and other space movies showing us living on other planets are sci-fi. Sorry, colonization of space with the help of Elon Musk's company won't happen in our lifetimes.
Get your goofy voodoo out of here.
It refers to the basic sinful nature of humanity, the predisposition to commit sins.

their 4th century book they worship is the only sin they will ever have to make to exclude themselves from the Everlasting forever. they just want to bring everyone with them.

self survival is a test, minor deviations are correctable the takeoff can occur for anyone.

Hey, wow, what a completely pointless burst of vitriol. Thanks for sharing.
Hey, wow, what a completely pointless burst of vitriol. Thanks for sharing.

always willing to help a sinner ...

Given that you don't believe in sin, I can't imagine what level of help you think you could offer, unless it's how to be as amoral as you are. I'll let you know if I ever want that.

I'm always amused by people arrogant enough to believe they can teach others to practice beliefs they themselves don't share.
Given that you don't believe in sin, I can't imagine what level of help you think you could offer, unless it's how to be as amoral as you are. I'll let you know if I ever want that.

It refers to the basic sinful nature of humanity, the predisposition to commit sins.

evil (sin) exists as that does occur the process to maturity is not a specific predisposition as you believe it exists, sin though a state may in some form exist for some individuals of various degrees but not sin by religion. your 4th century religion remaining primitive would be referred to as a misdirected predisposition dictated through print.

I'm always amused by people arrogant enough to believe they can teach others to practice beliefs they themselves don't share.

it is you who believes you share the thoughts of the 1st century, nothing could be further from the truth.

And once again, if I ever sustain a massive head injury and find myself wanting your opinions and guidance on my beliefs, I'll be sure to let you know.
their 4th century book they worship is the only sin they will ever have to make to exclude themselves from the Everlasting forever. they just want to bring everyone with them.

self survival is a test, minor deviations are correctable the takeoff can occur for anyone.

Hey, wow, what a completely pointless burst of vitriol. Thanks for sharing.
Hey, wow, what a completely pointless burst of vitriol. Thanks for sharing.

always willing to help a sinner ...

Given that you don't believe in sin, I can't imagine what level of help you think you could offer, unless it's how to be as amoral as you are. I'll let you know if I ever want that.

I'm always amused by people arrogant enough to believe they can teach others to practice beliefs they themselves don't share.
Given that you don't believe in sin, I can't imagine what level of help you think you could offer, unless it's how to be as amoral as you are. I'll let you know if I ever want that.

It refers to the basic sinful nature of humanity, the predisposition to commit sins.

evil (sin) exists as that does occur the process to maturity is not a specific predisposition as you believe it exists, sin though a state may in some form exist for some individuals of various degrees but not sin by religion. your 4th century religion remaining primitive would be referred to as a misdirected predisposition dictated through print.

I'm always amused by people arrogant enough to believe they can teach others to practice beliefs they themselves don't share.

it is you who believes you share the thoughts of the 1st century, nothing could be further from the truth.

And once again, if I ever sustain a massive head injury and find myself wanting your opinions and guidance on my beliefs, I'll be sure to let you know.
And once again, if I ever sustain a massive head injury and find myself wanting your opinions and guidance on my beliefs, I'll be sure to let you know.

honey, forget about me, delaying the inevitable would not be in your best interest seek help while there is time try another book than the 4th century forgeries that have lost for you your way in life there's always hope even for someone as lost as yourself. good luck.
Hey, wow, what a completely pointless burst of vitriol. Thanks for sharing.
Hey, wow, what a completely pointless burst of vitriol. Thanks for sharing.

always willing to help a sinner ...

Given that you don't believe in sin, I can't imagine what level of help you think you could offer, unless it's how to be as amoral as you are. I'll let you know if I ever want that.

I'm always amused by people arrogant enough to believe they can teach others to practice beliefs they themselves don't share.
Given that you don't believe in sin, I can't imagine what level of help you think you could offer, unless it's how to be as amoral as you are. I'll let you know if I ever want that.

It refers to the basic sinful nature of humanity, the predisposition to commit sins.

evil (sin) exists as that does occur the process to maturity is not a specific predisposition as you believe it exists, sin though a state may in some form exist for some individuals of various degrees but not sin by religion. your 4th century religion remaining primitive would be referred to as a misdirected predisposition dictated through print.

I'm always amused by people arrogant enough to believe they can teach others to practice beliefs they themselves don't share.

it is you who believes you share the thoughts of the 1st century, nothing could be further from the truth.

And once again, if I ever sustain a massive head injury and find myself wanting your opinions and guidance on my beliefs, I'll be sure to let you know.
And once again, if I ever sustain a massive head injury and find myself wanting your opinions and guidance on my beliefs, I'll be sure to let you know.

honey, forget about me, delaying the inevitable would not be in your best interest seek help while there is time try another book than the 4th century forgeries that have lost for you your way in life there's always hope even for someone as lost as yourself. good luck.

If I'm the one who's "lost", why are YOU the one desperately looking for attention, yapping at the heels of every religious thread you can find like a Chihuahua with bladder problems?
always willing to help a sinner ...

Given that you don't believe in sin, I can't imagine what level of help you think you could offer, unless it's how to be as amoral as you are. I'll let you know if I ever want that.

I'm always amused by people arrogant enough to believe they can teach others to practice beliefs they themselves don't share.
Given that you don't believe in sin, I can't imagine what level of help you think you could offer, unless it's how to be as amoral as you are. I'll let you know if I ever want that.

It refers to the basic sinful nature of humanity, the predisposition to commit sins.

evil (sin) exists as that does occur the process to maturity is not a specific predisposition as you believe it exists, sin though a state may in some form exist for some individuals of various degrees but not sin by religion. your 4th century religion remaining primitive would be referred to as a misdirected predisposition dictated through print.

I'm always amused by people arrogant enough to believe they can teach others to practice beliefs they themselves don't share.

it is you who believes you share the thoughts of the 1st century, nothing could be further from the truth.

And once again, if I ever sustain a massive head injury and find myself wanting your opinions and guidance on my beliefs, I'll be sure to let you know.
And once again, if I ever sustain a massive head injury and find myself wanting your opinions and guidance on my beliefs, I'll be sure to let you know.

honey, forget about me, delaying the inevitable would not be in your best interest seek help while there is time try another book than the 4th century forgeries that have lost for you your way in life there's always hope even for someone as lost as yourself. good luck.

If I'm the one who's "lost", why are YOU the one desperately looking for attention, yapping at the heels of every religious thread you can find like a Chihuahua with bladder problems?
If I'm the one who's "lost", why are YOU the one desperately looking for attention, yapping at the heels of every religious thread you can find like a Chihuahua with bladder problems?

"link" your response is disingenuous for this thread or anyother thread I have participated in ...

I try and reflect the religion of the Almighty, The Triumph of Good vs Evil enlivened by the 1st century the 4th century christian bible is a forgery that I do what I can to redirect the evil misrepresentation it has committed from that time to the present day. if you think believing a political document disguised as a religion is the way to live your life that's your issue not mine or your inability to conduct yourself accordingly.
De-facto Atheist: There may well be a intelligent creator but he is certainly NOT the God of the bible.

How do you know this? To me, it's the God of the Bible. I've read evolution and thought it countered what Genesis said, but after comparing both since 2012, Genesis seems correct and evolution in error.
I admit Christians have their nutjobbers like atheists Bill Nye and Neil DeGrasse Tyson, too. This guy says the world will end this Saturday.

‘Researcher’ Says This Saturday Will be the End of the World

The chances are good that the world will not end this Saturday. God won't tell us when the world will end, but it has been prophecized as such so there is no shortage of Christian doomsday prognosticators.

Bill Nye and Degrasse both think we will perish due to global warming. What a bunch of hooey. It won't be due to global warming causing flooding or due to inclement weather, but the world will be destroyed by fire according to Biblical prophecy.

This also means that we will not colonize other planets to escape the end. Star Wars and other space movies showing us living on other planets are sci-fi. Sorry, colonization of space with the help of Elon Musk's company won't happen in our lifetimes.
Get your goofy voodoo out of here.

The end of the world is coming, and the atheists will burn that day, but not on this day. This is the serious part. No one will know that day. One can only guess. There are some intelligent people who think it will happen within our lifetime. I didn't agree, but if you follow the two best prognosticators out there, Nostradamus and Dr. Bruce Benito de Mesquita, then it may be around 2060. Thus, the prognosticators seem to think it will happen within our lifetimes, too. I don't think the Bible gives a date.

>>Get your goofy voodoo out of here.<<

What about this goofy voodoo? Check out the number one reason the atheists think the end will occur within our lifetimes in this vid.

EDIT: As a Christian, my guess it will be a gamma ray burst, assuming the Trinity is part of the EMS in our world.
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