How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

  • Strong Theist

    Votes: 21 25.9%
  • De-facto Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Weak Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Pure Agnostic

    Votes: 14 17.3%
  • Weak Atheist

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • De-facto Atheist

    Votes: 8 9.9%
  • Strong Atheist

    Votes: 16 19.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 12 14.8%

  • Total voters
no religion required, the Triumph by all concerned will be the final day for Judgement.

The final judgment will happen whether you believe in it or not or whether you are concerned about it or not. Religion is required in order to share what God has stated to his people and what happened throughout history. It also provides a place for worship, learn about one's spirit or spiritual side and to learn about humanity and the supernatural. It also could refer to an institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices such as Buddhism which doesn't deal with the supernatural. The basic belief of Christianity is to have such a system of beauty, complexity and the divine, we need the supernatural. It doesn't just occur in the natural.
IMHO, the Christian challenge to atheists to disprove God is to prove the Resurrection never happened, find alien life or colonize another planet. We may not be able to colonize our own moon. These things will disprove God's existence.
De-facto Atheist: There may well be a intelligent creator but he is certainly NOT the God of the bible.

How do you know this? To me, it's the God of the Bible. I've read evolution and thought it countered what Genesis said, but after comparing both since 2012, Genesis seems correct and evolution in error.
I've studied the science of evolution and the theology of creationism. There is exhaustive evidence for evolution and NO evidence for creationism. But that is for another thread, I'll just say that everything evolves, including God.

If you think about it, everything we know about God comes 'from' God. For example, outside of the Bible, there is no evidence for an afterlife. In my life I've never encountered anything that was, undisputedly supernatural, no ghosts, no miracles, etc. There is nothing in the Bible that was not common knowledge at the time. No mention of the polar ice caps, Neptune, radioactivity, etc.
IMHO, the Christian challenge to atheists to disprove God is to prove the Resurrection never happened, find alien life or colonize another planet. We may not be able to colonize our own moon. These things will disprove God's existence.
None of those things would disprove the existence of gods.
no religion required, the Triumph by all concerned will be the final day for Judgement.

The final judgment will happen whether you believe in it or not or whether you are concerned about it or not. Religion is required in order to share what God has stated to his people and what happened throughout history. It also provides a place for worship, learn about one's spirit or spiritual side and to learn about humanity and the supernatural. It also could refer to an institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices such as Buddhism which doesn't deal with the supernatural. The basic belief of Christianity is to have such a system of beauty, complexity and the divine, we need the supernatural. It doesn't just occur in the natural.
The final judgment will happen whether you believe in it or not or whether you are concerned about it or not.

my point was when it will happen - the christian bible claims no such knowledge, that is incorrect. the spoken parable of Noah when there is the Triumph of Good vs Evil by all concerned that are living will be the day for the final Judgement - which Triumph succeeded is the Judgement.

actually, the 1st century enlivenment - ended without a religion.

Religion is required in order to share what God has stated to his (their) people and what happened throughout history.

required is not correct, an atheist that Triumphs whether knowingly or not in the prescribed manor will be Judged accordingly to prosper in the Everlasting.

It also provides a place for worship, learn about one's spirit or spiritual side and to learn about humanity and the supernatural.

history proves there is no one religion above all others, christianity is a political document disguised as a divine supernatural work that when tasked for verification provides no such proof - better to be truthful and open to correction than a history of salacious intrigue against those that would free their Spirit while they are alive.

The basic belief of Christianity is to have such a system of beauty, complexity and the divine, we need the supernatural. It doesn't just occur in the natural.

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.

the above forgery is the basic "belief of christianity" that negates entirely the latter part of your sentence - "to have such a system of beauty, complexity and the divine, we need the supernatural" - christianity is a barrier to the supernatural they have no way in their text to overcome by a submission to an unknown factor that requires having been discovered through their book. there is no such illusion in the spoken religion - for verification that does not exist.

the final Triumph as prescribed by the parable of Noah, by the spoken religion would be required by everyone living to be accomplished something the desert religions by their very existence fail in providing an avenue of inclusion for all that is their resultant failure within their own earliest writings.
IMHO, the Christian challenge to atheists to disprove God is to prove the Resurrection never happened, find alien life or colonize another planet. We may not be able to colonize our own moon. These things will disprove God's existence.
There is no way to disprove God, there is no way to prove God. As for the Resurrection, it is not on atheists to disprove but on theists to prove. Is there anyone alive today that has witnessed a resurrection? If Jesus' was a one time thing, then obviously no one alive today can verify it.
De-facto Atheist: There may well be a intelligent creator but he is certainly NOT the God of the bible.

How do you know this? To me, it's the God of the Bible. I've read evolution and thought it countered what Genesis said, but after comparing both since 2012, Genesis seems correct and evolution in error.
I've studied the science of evolution and the theology of creationism. There is exhaustive evidence for evolution and NO evidence for creationism. But that is for another thread, I'll just say that everything evolves, including God.

If you think about it, everything we know about God comes 'from' God. For example, outside of the Bible, there is no evidence for an afterlife. In my life I've never encountered anything that was, undisputedly supernatural, no ghosts, no miracles, etc. There is nothing in the Bible that was not common knowledge at the time. No mention of the polar ice caps, Neptune, radioactivity, etc.

Plenty of evidence for creation such as the chicken coming before the egg or oak tree before the acorn. It's impossible for an egg or acorn to just happen even in a billion years as evolution claims.

As for finding evidence of God or the supernatural, as you put it, you have to have faith or believe he exists first. It's different from a ghost which I don't believe in.
IMHO, the Christian challenge to atheists to disprove God is to prove the Resurrection never happened, find alien life or colonize another planet. We may not be able to colonize our own moon. These things will disprove God's existence.
None of those things would disprove the existence of gods.

To me, it would disprove the existence of God, but atheists won't be able to do it.
IMHO, the Christian challenge to atheists to disprove God is to prove the Resurrection never happened, find alien life or colonize another planet. We may not be able to colonize our own moon. These things will disprove God's existence.
There is no way to disprove God, there is no way to prove God. As for the Resurrection, it is not on atheists to disprove but on theists to prove. Is there anyone alive today that has witnessed a resurrection? If Jesus' was a one time thing, then obviously no one alive today can verify it.

I'm saying there is to me. However, the atheists nor anyone else will be able to do it.

There isn't anyone alive today to witness the Resurrection, but plenty from the past. Jesus will not be a one time thing. He will come again and then his followers will be resurrected.
no religion required, the Triumph by all concerned will be the final day for Judgement.

The final judgment will happen whether you believe in it or not or whether you are concerned about it or not. Religion is required in order to share what God has stated to his people and what happened throughout history. It also provides a place for worship, learn about one's spirit or spiritual side and to learn about humanity and the supernatural. It also could refer to an institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices such as Buddhism which doesn't deal with the supernatural. The basic belief of Christianity is to have such a system of beauty, complexity and the divine, we need the supernatural. It doesn't just occur in the natural.
The final judgment will happen whether you believe in it or not or whether you are concerned about it or not.

my point was when it will happen - the christian bible claims no such knowledge, that is incorrect. the spoken parable of Noah when there is the Triumph of Good vs Evil by all concerned that are living will be the day for the final Judgement - which Triumph succeeded is the Judgement.

actually, the 1st century enlivenment - ended without a religion.

Religion is required in order to share what God has stated to his (their) people and what happened throughout history.

required is not correct, an atheist that Triumphs whether knowingly or not in the prescribed manor will be Judged accordingly to prosper in the Everlasting.

It also provides a place for worship, learn about one's spirit or spiritual side and to learn about humanity and the supernatural.

history proves there is no one religion above all others, christianity is a political document disguised as a divine supernatural work that when tasked for verification provides no such proof - better to be truthful and open to correction than a history of salacious intrigue against those that would free their Spirit while they are alive.

The basic belief of Christianity is to have such a system of beauty, complexity and the divine, we need the supernatural. It doesn't just occur in the natural.

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.

the above forgery is the basic "belief of christianity" that negates entirely the latter part of your sentence - "to have such a system of beauty, complexity and the divine, we need the supernatural" - christianity is a barrier to the supernatural they have no way in their text to overcome by a submission to an unknown factor that requires having been discovered through their book. there is no such illusion in the spoken religion - for verification that does not exist.

the final Triumph as prescribed by the parable of Noah, by the spoken religion would be required by everyone living to be accomplished something the desert religions by their very existence fail in providing an avenue of inclusion for all that is their resultant failure within their own earliest writings.

>>my point was when it will happen - the christian bible claims no such knowledge, that is incorrect. the spoken parable of Noah when there is the Triumph of Good vs Evil by all concerned that are living will be the day for the final Judgement - which Triumph succeeded is the Judgement.<<

Something I said has set you off.

I can only reply the above. As I said, we do not know, but I can guess. It's around 2060 based on what Nostradamus and Dr. Bruce. Be on the lookout for someone around age 25 now who will become some charismatic world leader.
I am not an agnostic. I am a pure, convinced atheist.

I would not deny that a profoundly meaningful Spiritual Reality permeates existence. I strongly think, and even feel, that it does. But whatever it is, it is not a god.

I agree with what Bernard Shaw wrote about the poet and atheist Percy Bysshe Shelley, whose wonderful poetry is nevertheless filled with profound spiritual insight :

"Shelley was an atheist....He never trifled with the word "God" : he knew that it meant a personal First Cause, Almighty Creator, and Supreme Judge and Ruler of the Universe, and that it did not mean anything else, never had meant anything else, and never whilst the English language lasted would mean anything else. Knowing perfectly well that there was no such person, he did not pretend that the question was an open one, or imply, by calling himself an Agnostic, that there might be such a person for all he knew to the contrary. He did know to the contrary; and he said so."

The historic meaning of the word "god" is so limited, so crude, so permeated with the mental limitations, shallow spirituality and cruelty of Bronze Age barbarians that I think it should be regarded with horror and disgust. The word is so permeated and encrusted with the spiritual filth of the ages that I am sure that it cannot be rehabilitated -- it should be rejected as a broken toy of the mental infancy of the race.

I am quite willing that there be a word to indicate Spiritual Reality -- but not the word "god".
Plenty of evidence for creation such as the chicken coming before the egg or oak tree before the acorn. It's impossible for an egg or acorn to just happen even in a billion years as evolution claims.

Except evolution claims no such thing. You should understand something before you dismiss it.

As for finding evidence of God or the supernatural, as you put it, you have to have faith or believe he exists first. It's different from a ghost which I don't believe in.

So you're saying that if you changed your mind and believed in ghosts they would become real? Would God cease to exist if you stopped believing in him? What does faith have to do with reality?
De-facto Atheist: There may well be a intelligent creator but he is certainly NOT the God of the bible.

How do you know this? To me, it's the God of the Bible. I've read evolution and thought it countered what Genesis said, but after comparing both since 2012, Genesis seems correct and evolution in error.
I've studied the science of evolution and the theology of creationism. There is exhaustive evidence for evolution and NO evidence for creationism. But that is for another thread, I'll just say that everything evolves, including God.

If you think about it, everything we know about God comes 'from' God. For example, outside of the Bible, there is no evidence for an afterlife. In my life I've never encountered anything that was, undisputedly supernatural, no ghosts, no miracles, etc. There is nothing in the Bible that was not common knowledge at the time. No mention of the polar ice caps, Neptune, radioactivity, etc.

Plenty of evidence for creation such as the chicken coming before the egg or oak tree before the acorn. It's impossible for an egg or acorn to just happen even in a billion years as evolution claims.

As for finding evidence of God or the supernatural, as you put it, you have to have faith or believe he exists first. It's different from a ghost which I don't believe in.
That's not evidence for creation. We already know the egg came before the chicken. Like, hundreds of millions of years before the chicken. And plants came before seeds, while seeds came before trees. While you were sitting around guessing and philosophizing, scientists were busy answering those questions.
IMHO, the Christian challenge to atheists to disprove God is to prove the Resurrection never happened, find alien life or colonize another planet. We may not be able to colonize our own moon. These things will disprove God's existence.
None of those things would disprove the existence of gods.

To me, it would disprove the existence of God, but atheists won't be able to do it.
Atheists won't disprove the ressurection? shit they won't, because they won't even try. We already know that it is absurd and physically impossible. That's why you have to claim it is special magic. And no, nobody is going to waste one iota of time or energy to try to disprove "special happy magic". That's kind of the point of introducing magic in the first place.
Plenty of evidence for creation such as the chicken coming before the egg or oak tree before the acorn. It's impossible for an egg or acorn to just happen even in a billion years as evolution claims.

the above is virtually illiterate ....

the various branches of beings are distinguished through their offspring initiated by their particular reproductive mechanism developed exclusively over time explains why the initial life form is indistinguishable from the progression its initial purpose set in motion.

religious creationism according to bond above would have dogs producing chickens not having their own mechanism developed but randomly recreating anything that simply appears for no reason at all. the act itself initiating reproduction would not exist if creationism were the origin of life.
no religion required, the Triumph by all concerned will be the final day for Judgement.

The final judgment will happen whether you believe in it or not or whether you are concerned about it or not. Religion is required in order to share what God has stated to his people and what happened throughout history. It also provides a place for worship, learn about one's spirit or spiritual side and to learn about humanity and the supernatural. It also could refer to an institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices such as Buddhism which doesn't deal with the supernatural. The basic belief of Christianity is to have such a system of beauty, complexity and the divine, we need the supernatural. It doesn't just occur in the natural.
The final judgment will happen whether you believe in it or not or whether you are concerned about it or not.

my point was when it will happen - the christian bible claims no such knowledge, that is incorrect. the spoken parable of Noah when there is the Triumph of Good vs Evil by all concerned that are living will be the day for the final Judgement - which Triumph succeeded is the Judgement.

actually, the 1st century enlivenment - ended without a religion.

Religion is required in order to share what God has stated to his (their) people and what happened throughout history.

required is not correct, an atheist that Triumphs whether knowingly or not in the prescribed manor will be Judged accordingly to prosper in the Everlasting.

It also provides a place for worship, learn about one's spirit or spiritual side and to learn about humanity and the supernatural.

history proves there is no one religion above all others, christianity is a political document disguised as a divine supernatural work that when tasked for verification provides no such proof - better to be truthful and open to correction than a history of salacious intrigue against those that would free their Spirit while they are alive.

The basic belief of Christianity is to have such a system of beauty, complexity and the divine, we need the supernatural. It doesn't just occur in the natural.

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.

the above forgery is the basic "belief of christianity" that negates entirely the latter part of your sentence - "to have such a system of beauty, complexity and the divine, we need the supernatural" - christianity is a barrier to the supernatural they have no way in their text to overcome by a submission to an unknown factor that requires having been discovered through their book. there is no such illusion in the spoken religion - for verification that does not exist.

the final Triumph as prescribed by the parable of Noah, by the spoken religion would be required by everyone living to be accomplished something the desert religions by their very existence fail in providing an avenue of inclusion for all that is their resultant failure within their own earliest writings.

>>my point was when it will happen - the christian bible claims no such knowledge, that is incorrect. the spoken parable of Noah when there is the Triumph of Good vs Evil by all concerned that are living will be the day for the final Judgement - which Triumph succeeded is the Judgement.<<

Something I said has set you off.

I can only reply the above. As I said, we do not know, but I can guess. It's around 2060 based on what Nostradamus and Dr. Bruce. Be on the lookout for someone around age 25 now who will become some charismatic world leader.
As I said, we do not know, but I can guess.

the reason you do not know is because the authors of your 4th century book did not take into consideration the Triumph of Good as the final outcome. rendering everything else in your book as irrelevant.
I am not an agnostic. I am a pure, convinced atheist.

I would not deny that a profoundly meaningful Spiritual Reality permeates existence. I strongly think, and even feel, that it does. But whatever it is, it is not a god.

I agree with what Bernard Shaw wrote about the poet and atheist Percy Bysshe Shelley, whose wonderful poetry is nevertheless filled with profound spiritual insight :

"Shelley was an atheist....He never trifled with the word "God" : he knew that it meant a personal First Cause, Almighty Creator, and Supreme Judge and Ruler of the Universe, and that it did not mean anything else, never had meant anything else, and never whilst the English language lasted would mean anything else. Knowing perfectly well that there was no such person, he did not pretend that the question was an open one, or imply, by calling himself an Agnostic, that there might be such a person for all he knew to the contrary. He did know to the contrary; and he said so."

The historic meaning of the word "god" is so limited, so crude, so permeated with the mental limitations, shallow spirituality and cruelty of Bronze Age barbarians that I think it should be regarded with horror and disgust. The word is so permeated and encrusted with the spiritual filth of the ages that I am sure that it cannot be rehabilitated -- it should be rejected as a broken toy of the mental infancy of the race.

I am quite willing that there be a word to indicate Spiritual Reality -- but not the word "god".

>>I would not deny that a profoundly meaningful Spiritual Reality permeates existence. I strongly think, and even feel, that it does. But whatever it is, it is not a god.<<

We each have a spirit within us. Is that what you mean? If a spirit exists within us, then the supernatural exists. Why can't God exist as the supreme spirit?

Let's call it a life force for argument's sake. We cannot bring back someone's life force once it has passed the point of no return. Neither can we create this life force. Yet, like you said it exists. It's a complex system to create. It didn't just happen. There was some cause.
Plenty of evidence for creation such as the chicken coming before the egg or oak tree before the acorn. It's impossible for an egg or acorn to just happen even in a billion years as evolution claims.

Except evolution claims no such thing. You should understand something before you dismiss it.

As for finding evidence of God or the supernatural, as you put it, you have to have faith or believe he exists first. It's different from a ghost which I don't believe in.

So you're saying that if you changed your mind and believed in ghosts they would become real? Would God cease to exist if you stopped believing in him? What does faith have to do with reality?
no religion required, the Triumph by all concerned will be the final day for Judgement.

The final judgment will happen whether you believe in it or not or whether you are concerned about it or not. Religion is required in order to share what God has stated to his people and what happened throughout history. It also provides a place for worship, learn about one's spirit or spiritual side and to learn about humanity and the supernatural. It also could refer to an institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices such as Buddhism which doesn't deal with the supernatural. The basic belief of Christianity is to have such a system of beauty, complexity and the divine, we need the supernatural. It doesn't just occur in the natural.
The final judgment will happen whether you believe in it or not or whether you are concerned about it or not.

my point was when it will happen - the christian bible claims no such knowledge, that is incorrect. the spoken parable of Noah when there is the Triumph of Good vs Evil by all concerned that are living will be the day for the final Judgement - which Triumph succeeded is the Judgement.

actually, the 1st century enlivenment - ended without a religion.

Religion is required in order to share what God has stated to his (their) people and what happened throughout history.

required is not correct, an atheist that Triumphs whether knowingly or not in the prescribed manor will be Judged accordingly to prosper in the Everlasting.

It also provides a place for worship, learn about one's spirit or spiritual side and to learn about humanity and the supernatural.

history proves there is no one religion above all others, christianity is a political document disguised as a divine supernatural work that when tasked for verification provides no such proof - better to be truthful and open to correction than a history of salacious intrigue against those that would free their Spirit while they are alive.

The basic belief of Christianity is to have such a system of beauty, complexity and the divine, we need the supernatural. It doesn't just occur in the natural.

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.

the above forgery is the basic "belief of christianity" that negates entirely the latter part of your sentence - "to have such a system of beauty, complexity and the divine, we need the supernatural" - christianity is a barrier to the supernatural they have no way in their text to overcome by a submission to an unknown factor that requires having been discovered through their book. there is no such illusion in the spoken religion - for verification that does not exist.

the final Triumph as prescribed by the parable of Noah, by the spoken religion would be required by everyone living to be accomplished something the desert religions by their very existence fail in providing an avenue of inclusion for all that is their resultant failure within their own earliest writings.

>>my point was when it will happen - the christian bible claims no such knowledge, that is incorrect. the spoken parable of Noah when there is the Triumph of Good vs Evil by all concerned that are living will be the day for the final Judgement - which Triumph succeeded is the Judgement.<<

Something I said has set you off.

I can only reply the above. As I said, we do not know, but I can guess. It's around 2060 based on what Nostradamus and Dr. Bruce. Be on the lookout for someone around age 25 now who will become some charismatic world leader.
As I said, we do not know, but I can guess.

the reason you do not know is because the authors of your 4th century book did not take into consideration the Triumph of Good as the final outcome. rendering everything else in your book as irrelevant.

>>the reason you do not know is because the authors of your 4th century book did not take into consideration the Triumph of Good as the final outcome. rendering everything else in your book as irrelevant.<<

The reason we do not know is part of the evidence for God. He said he'll keep the beginning and end from us. That's in the Bible and science backs up the Bible even though it's not a science book. For example, we know that the universe started at a single point. Yet, we do not know if time was ticking then. Most people think it wasn't and time started at that point. Everything else, we can discover for ourselves.

Of course, you get the book wrong. Consider that you do not read the book, nor interpret it correctly, but continue to bring it up or parts of it. Final judgment is not like insurance where you can just be covered for liability. You have to get the full coverage.

For s&g, tell us what you got from Triumph of God (or did you actually mean Good?), as the final outcome. This is a biblical prophecy, so why does it render everything else in the book as irrelevant? We also know what will happen if one studies it or ask the Bible scholars. However, we do not know when it will occur. 2060 is my guess. Maybe I'm motivated to it happening within our lifetimes because friends who seriously studied this think so and Nostradamus and Dr. Bruce has stuff on it. I'll try to post a video of the end with Bible scholars explanations once we heard your ending.

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