How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

How Much of a Theist or Atheist are You?

  • Strong Theist

    Votes: 21 25.9%
  • De-facto Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Weak Theist

    Votes: 3 3.7%
  • Pure Agnostic

    Votes: 14 17.3%
  • Weak Atheist

    Votes: 4 4.9%
  • De-facto Atheist

    Votes: 8 9.9%
  • Strong Atheist

    Votes: 16 19.8%
  • Other

    Votes: 12 14.8%

  • Total voters
no religion required, the Triumph by all concerned will be the final day for Judgement.

The final judgment will happen whether you believe in it or not or whether you are concerned about it or not. Religion is required in order to share what God has stated to his people and what happened throughout history. It also provides a place for worship, learn about one's spirit or spiritual side and to learn about humanity and the supernatural. It also could refer to an institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices such as Buddhism which doesn't deal with the supernatural. The basic belief of Christianity is to have such a system of beauty, complexity and the divine, we need the supernatural. It doesn't just occur in the natural.
The final judgment will happen whether you believe in it or not or whether you are concerned about it or not.

my point was when it will happen - the christian bible claims no such knowledge, that is incorrect. the spoken parable of Noah when there is the Triumph of Good vs Evil by all concerned that are living will be the day for the final Judgement - which Triumph succeeded is the Judgement.

actually, the 1st century enlivenment - ended without a religion.

Religion is required in order to share what God has stated to his (their) people and what happened throughout history.

required is not correct, an atheist that Triumphs whether knowingly or not in the prescribed manor will be Judged accordingly to prosper in the Everlasting.

It also provides a place for worship, learn about one's spirit or spiritual side and to learn about humanity and the supernatural.

history proves there is no one religion above all others, christianity is a political document disguised as a divine supernatural work that when tasked for verification provides no such proof - better to be truthful and open to correction than a history of salacious intrigue against those that would free their Spirit while they are alive.

The basic belief of Christianity is to have such a system of beauty, complexity and the divine, we need the supernatural. It doesn't just occur in the natural.

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.

the above forgery is the basic "belief of christianity" that negates entirely the latter part of your sentence - "to have such a system of beauty, complexity and the divine, we need the supernatural" - christianity is a barrier to the supernatural they have no way in their text to overcome by a submission to an unknown factor that requires having been discovered through their book. there is no such illusion in the spoken religion - for verification that does not exist.

the final Triumph as prescribed by the parable of Noah, by the spoken religion would be required by everyone living to be accomplished something the desert religions by their very existence fail in providing an avenue of inclusion for all that is their resultant failure within their own earliest writings.

>>my point was when it will happen - the christian bible claims no such knowledge, that is incorrect. the spoken parable of Noah when there is the Triumph of Good vs Evil by all concerned that are living will be the day for the final Judgement - which Triumph succeeded is the Judgement.<<

Something I said has set you off.

I can only reply the above. As I said, we do not know, but I can guess. It's around 2060 based on what Nostradamus and Dr. Bruce. Be on the lookout for someone around age 25 now who will become some charismatic world leader.
As I said, we do not know, but I can guess.

the reason you do not know is because the authors of your 4th century book did not take into consideration the Triumph of Good as the final outcome. rendering everything else in your book as irrelevant.

>>the reason you do not know is because the authors of your 4th century book did not take into consideration the Triumph of Good as the final outcome. rendering everything else in your book as irrelevant.<<

The reason we do not know is part of the evidence for God. He said he'll keep the beginning and end from us. That's in the Bible and science backs up the Bible even though it's not a science book. For example, we know that the universe started at a single point. Yet, we do not know if time was ticking then. Most people think it wasn't and time started at that point. Everything else, we can discover for ourselves.

Of course, you get the book wrong. Consider that you do not read the book, nor interpret it correctly, but continue to bring it up or parts of it. Final judgment is not like insurance where you can just be covered for liability. You have to get the full coverage.

For s&g, tell us what you got from Triumph of God (or did you actually mean Good?), as the final outcome. This is a biblical prophecy, so why does it render everything else in the book as irrelevant? We also know what will happen if one studies it or ask the Bible scholars. However, we do not know when it will occur. 2060 is my guess. Maybe I'm motivated to it happening within our lifetimes because friends who seriously studied this think so and Nostradamus and Dr. Bruce has stuff on it. I'll try to post a video of the end with Bible scholars explanations once we heard your ending.
they said they'll keep the beginning and end from us.

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.

is this the origin of your quote ... the forgery has been brought to your attention before without a response. not attaining the knowledge provided by the 4th century bible - The Triumph of Good vs Evil - does not negate the knowledge from existence but that your book is incomplete, renders hopelessness by both quotes that the Triumph as prescribed during antiquity does provide. attaining the knowledge then by the outcome is the greater value than reading an incomplete book.

they said they'll
keep the beginning and end from us.

Of course, you get the book wrong. Consider that you do not read the book, nor interpret it correctly, but continue to bring it up or parts of it. Final judgment is not like insurance where you can just be covered for liability. You have to get the full coverage.
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

the above forgery is where I set aside from reading your 4th century book that is not to say I avoid its presence only its unverified interpretation of the Almighty. the fractured truths within are public domain useful when realized without prejudice for everyone's appreciation.

For s&g, tell us what you got from Triumph of God (or did you actually mean Good?), as the final outcome.

further display of ignorance by a christian, not knowing the Almighty is so by first therein conquering evil theirself to become as they claim - for attaining immortality through the Everlasting. not insurance but the pathway.

numan: I would not deny that a profoundly meaningful Spiritual Reality permeates existence. I strongly think, and even feel, that it does. But whatever it is, it is not a god.

there is your match bond for who has read your book - is that the difference.

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The final judgment will happen whether you believe in it or not or whether you are concerned about it or not. Religion is required in order to share what God has stated to his people and what happened throughout history. It also provides a place for worship, learn about one's spirit or spiritual side and to learn about humanity and the supernatural. It also could refer to an institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices such as Buddhism which doesn't deal with the supernatural. The basic belief of Christianity is to have such a system of beauty, complexity and the divine, we need the supernatural. It doesn't just occur in the natural.
The final judgment will happen whether you believe in it or not or whether you are concerned about it or not.

my point was when it will happen - the christian bible claims no such knowledge, that is incorrect. the spoken parable of Noah when there is the Triumph of Good vs Evil by all concerned that are living will be the day for the final Judgement - which Triumph succeeded is the Judgement.

actually, the 1st century enlivenment - ended without a religion.

Religion is required in order to share what God has stated to his (their) people and what happened throughout history.

required is not correct, an atheist that Triumphs whether knowingly or not in the prescribed manor will be Judged accordingly to prosper in the Everlasting.

It also provides a place for worship, learn about one's spirit or spiritual side and to learn about humanity and the supernatural.

history proves there is no one religion above all others, christianity is a political document disguised as a divine supernatural work that when tasked for verification provides no such proof - better to be truthful and open to correction than a history of salacious intrigue against those that would free their Spirit while they are alive.

The basic belief of Christianity is to have such a system of beauty, complexity and the divine, we need the supernatural. It doesn't just occur in the natural.

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.

the above forgery is the basic "belief of christianity" that negates entirely the latter part of your sentence - "to have such a system of beauty, complexity and the divine, we need the supernatural" - christianity is a barrier to the supernatural they have no way in their text to overcome by a submission to an unknown factor that requires having been discovered through their book. there is no such illusion in the spoken religion - for verification that does not exist.

the final Triumph as prescribed by the parable of Noah, by the spoken religion would be required by everyone living to be accomplished something the desert religions by their very existence fail in providing an avenue of inclusion for all that is their resultant failure within their own earliest writings.

>>my point was when it will happen - the christian bible claims no such knowledge, that is incorrect. the spoken parable of Noah when there is the Triumph of Good vs Evil by all concerned that are living will be the day for the final Judgement - which Triumph succeeded is the Judgement.<<

Something I said has set you off.

I can only reply the above. As I said, we do not know, but I can guess. It's around 2060 based on what Nostradamus and Dr. Bruce. Be on the lookout for someone around age 25 now who will become some charismatic world leader.
As I said, we do not know, but I can guess.

the reason you do not know is because the authors of your 4th century book did not take into consideration the Triumph of Good as the final outcome. rendering everything else in your book as irrelevant.

>>the reason you do not know is because the authors of your 4th century book did not take into consideration the Triumph of Good as the final outcome. rendering everything else in your book as irrelevant.<<

The reason we do not know is part of the evidence for God. He said he'll keep the beginning and end from us. That's in the Bible and science backs up the Bible even though it's not a science book. For example, we know that the universe started at a single point. Yet, we do not know if time was ticking then. Most people think it wasn't and time started at that point. Everything else, we can discover for ourselves.

Of course, you get the book wrong. Consider that you do not read the book, nor interpret it correctly, but continue to bring it up or parts of it. Final judgment is not like insurance where you can just be covered for liability. You have to get the full coverage.

For s&g, tell us what you got from Triumph of God (or did you actually mean Good?), as the final outcome. This is a biblical prophecy, so why does it render everything else in the book as irrelevant? We also know what will happen if one studies it or ask the Bible scholars. However, we do not know when it will occur. 2060 is my guess. Maybe I'm motivated to it happening within our lifetimes because friends who seriously studied this think so and Nostradamus and Dr. Bruce has stuff on it. I'll try to post a video of the end with Bible scholars explanations once we heard your ending.
they said they'll keep the beginning and end from us.

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.

is this the origin of your quote ... the forgery has been brought to your attention before without a response. not attaining the knowledge provided by the 4th century bible - The Triumph of Good vs Evil - does not negate the knowledge from existence but that your book is incomplete, renders hopelessness by both quotes that the Triumph as prescribed during antiquity does provide. attaining the knowledge then by the outcome is the greater value than reading an incomplete book.

they said they'll
keep the beginning and end from us.

Of course, you get the book wrong. Consider that you do not read the book, nor interpret it correctly, but continue to bring it up or parts of it. Final judgment is not like insurance where you can just be covered for liability. You have to get the full coverage.
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

the above forgery is where I set aside from reading your 4th century book that is not to say I avoid its presence only its unverified interpretation of the Almighty. the fractured truths within are public domain useful when realized without prejudice for everyone's appreciation.

For s&g, tell us what you got from Triumph of God (or did you actually mean Good?), as the final outcome.

further display of ignorance by a christian, not knowing the Almighty is so by first therein conquering evil theirself to become as they claim - for attaining immortality through the Everlasting. not insurance but the pathway.

numan: I would not deny that a profoundly meaningful Spiritual Reality permeates existence. I strongly think, and even feel, that it does. But whatever it is, it is not a god.

there is your match bond for who has read your book - is that the difference.


Ha ha.

What you write is truly ridiculous because of your atheism religion. It sounds mentally ill. Atheism is a mental illness for you. It leads others to Communism.

Let's review how the world is suppose to end according to the biblical prophecy. You didn't believe it ended before with Noah's Flood, so I doubt the non-believers will be persuaded with a youtube. He left little witnesses and this time he'll leave no witnesses. It starts with a lil faith to be a witness...

no religion required, the Triumph by all concerned will be the final day for Judgement.

The final judgment will happen whether you believe in it or not or whether you are concerned about it or not. Religion is required in order to share what God has stated to his people and what happened throughout history. It also provides a place for worship, learn about one's spirit or spiritual side and to learn about humanity and the supernatural. It also could refer to an institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices such as Buddhism which doesn't deal with the supernatural. The basic belief of Christianity is to have such a system of beauty, complexity and the divine, we need the supernatural. It doesn't just occur in the natural.
The final judgment will happen whether you believe in it or not or whether you are concerned about it or not.

my point was when it will happen - the christian bible claims no such knowledge, that is incorrect. the spoken parable of Noah when there is the Triumph of Good vs Evil by all concerned that are living will be the day for the final Judgement - which Triumph succeeded is the Judgement.

actually, the 1st century enlivenment - ended without a religion.

Religion is required in order to share what God has stated to his (their) people and what happened throughout history.

required is not correct, an atheist that Triumphs whether knowingly or not in the prescribed manor will be Judged accordingly to prosper in the Everlasting.

It also provides a place for worship, learn about one's spirit or spiritual side and to learn about humanity and the supernatural.

history proves there is no one religion above all others, christianity is a political document disguised as a divine supernatural work that when tasked for verification provides no such proof - better to be truthful and open to correction than a history of salacious intrigue against those that would free their Spirit while they are alive.

The basic belief of Christianity is to have such a system of beauty, complexity and the divine, we need the supernatural. It doesn't just occur in the natural.

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.

the above forgery is the basic "belief of christianity" that negates entirely the latter part of your sentence - "to have such a system of beauty, complexity and the divine, we need the supernatural" - christianity is a barrier to the supernatural they have no way in their text to overcome by a submission to an unknown factor that requires having been discovered through their book. there is no such illusion in the spoken religion - for verification that does not exist.

the final Triumph as prescribed by the parable of Noah, by the spoken religion would be required by everyone living to be accomplished something the desert religions by their very existence fail in providing an avenue of inclusion for all that is their resultant failure within their own earliest writings.

>>my point was when it will happen - the christian bible claims no such knowledge, that is incorrect. the spoken parable of Noah when there is the Triumph of Good vs Evil by all concerned that are living will be the day for the final Judgement - which Triumph succeeded is the Judgement.<<

Something I said has set you off.

I can only reply the above. As I said, we do not know, but I can guess. It's around 2060 based on what Nostradamus and Dr. Bruce. Be on the lookout for someone around age 25 now who will become some charismatic world leader.
As I said, we do not know, but I can guess.

the reason you do not know is because the authors of your 4th century book did not take into consideration the Triumph of Good as the final outcome. rendering everything else in your book as irrelevant.

>>the reason you do not know is because the authors of your 4th century book did not take into consideration the Triumph of Good as the final outcome. rendering everything else in your book as irrelevant.<<

The reason we do not know is part of the evidence for God. He said he'll keep the beginning and end from us. That's in the Bible and science backs up the Bible even though it's not a science book. For example, we know that the universe started at a single point. Yet, we do not know if time was ticking then. Most people think it wasn't and time started at that point. Everything else, we can discover for ourselves.

Of course, you get the book wrong. Consider that you do not read the book, nor interpret it correctly, but continue to bring it up or parts of it. Final judgment is not like insurance where you can just be covered for liability. You have to get the full coverage.

For s&g, tell us what you got from Triumph of God (or did you actually mean Good?), as the final outcome. This is a biblical prophecy, so why does it render everything else in the book as irrelevant? We also know what will happen if one studies it or ask the Bible scholars. However, we do not know when it will occur. 2060 is my guess. Maybe I'm motivated to it happening within our lifetimes because friends who seriously studied this think so and Nostradamus and Dr. Bruce has stuff on it. I'll try to post a video of the end with Bible scholars explanations once we heard your ending.
"For example, we know that the universe started at a single point."

No... we only know it expanded rapidly.
my point was when it will happen - the christian bible claims no such knowledge, that is incorrect. the spoken parable of Noah when there is the Triumph of Good vs Evil by all concerned that are living will be the day for the final Judgement - which Triumph succeeded is the Judgement.

actually, the 1st century enlivenment - ended without a religion.

required is not correct, an atheist that Triumphs whether knowingly or not in the prescribed manor will be Judged accordingly to prosper in the Everlasting.

history proves there is no one religion above all others, christianity is a political document disguised as a divine supernatural work that when tasked for verification provides no such proof - better to be truthful and open to correction than a history of salacious intrigue against those that would free their Spirit while they are alive.

the above forgery is the basic "belief of christianity" that negates entirely the latter part of your sentence - "to have such a system of beauty, complexity and the divine, we need the supernatural" - christianity is a barrier to the supernatural they have no way in their text to overcome by a submission to an unknown factor that requires having been discovered through their book. there is no such illusion in the spoken religion - for verification that does not exist.

the final Triumph as prescribed by the parable of Noah, by the spoken religion would be required by everyone living to be accomplished something the desert religions by their very existence fail in providing an avenue of inclusion for all that is their resultant failure within their own earliest writings.

>>my point was when it will happen - the christian bible claims no such knowledge, that is incorrect. the spoken parable of Noah when there is the Triumph of Good vs Evil by all concerned that are living will be the day for the final Judgement - which Triumph succeeded is the Judgement.<<

Something I said has set you off.

I can only reply the above. As I said, we do not know, but I can guess. It's around 2060 based on what Nostradamus and Dr. Bruce. Be on the lookout for someone around age 25 now who will become some charismatic world leader.
As I said, we do not know, but I can guess.

the reason you do not know is because the authors of your 4th century book did not take into consideration the Triumph of Good as the final outcome. rendering everything else in your book as irrelevant.

>>the reason you do not know is because the authors of your 4th century book did not take into consideration the Triumph of Good as the final outcome. rendering everything else in your book as irrelevant.<<

The reason we do not know is part of the evidence for God. He said he'll keep the beginning and end from us. That's in the Bible and science backs up the Bible even though it's not a science book. For example, we know that the universe started at a single point. Yet, we do not know if time was ticking then. Most people think it wasn't and time started at that point. Everything else, we can discover for ourselves.

Of course, you get the book wrong. Consider that you do not read the book, nor interpret it correctly, but continue to bring it up or parts of it. Final judgment is not like insurance where you can just be covered for liability. You have to get the full coverage.

For s&g, tell us what you got from Triumph of God (or did you actually mean Good?), as the final outcome. This is a biblical prophecy, so why does it render everything else in the book as irrelevant? We also know what will happen if one studies it or ask the Bible scholars. However, we do not know when it will occur. 2060 is my guess. Maybe I'm motivated to it happening within our lifetimes because friends who seriously studied this think so and Nostradamus and Dr. Bruce has stuff on it. I'll try to post a video of the end with Bible scholars explanations once we heard your ending.
they said they'll keep the beginning and end from us.

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.

is this the origin of your quote ... the forgery has been brought to your attention before without a response. not attaining the knowledge provided by the 4th century bible - The Triumph of Good vs Evil - does not negate the knowledge from existence but that your book is incomplete, renders hopelessness by both quotes that the Triumph as prescribed during antiquity does provide. attaining the knowledge then by the outcome is the greater value than reading an incomplete book.

they said they'll
keep the beginning and end from us.

Of course, you get the book wrong. Consider that you do not read the book, nor interpret it correctly, but continue to bring it up or parts of it. Final judgment is not like insurance where you can just be covered for liability. You have to get the full coverage.
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

the above forgery is where I set aside from reading your 4th century book that is not to say I avoid its presence only its unverified interpretation of the Almighty. the fractured truths within are public domain useful when realized without prejudice for everyone's appreciation.

For s&g, tell us what you got from Triumph of God (or did you actually mean Good?), as the final outcome.

further display of ignorance by a christian, not knowing the Almighty is so by first therein conquering evil theirself to become as they claim - for attaining immortality through the Everlasting. not insurance but the pathway.

numan: I would not deny that a profoundly meaningful Spiritual Reality permeates existence. I strongly think, and even feel, that it does. But whatever it is, it is not a god.

there is your match bond for who has read your book - is that the difference.


Ha ha.

What you write is truly ridiculous because of your atheism religion. It sounds mentally ill. Atheism is a mental illness for you. It leads others to Communism.

Let's review how the world is suppose to end according to the biblical prophecy. You didn't believe it ended before with Noah's Flood, so I doubt the non-believers will be persuaded with a youtube. He left little witnesses and this time he'll leave no witnesses. It starts with a lil faith to be a witness...


The Final Battle ...

for christians the word Final will be their epitaph ...

there's something else left out of your book have I mentioned it, The Apex of Knowledge required for the Triumph to be complete, sorry bond your lifetime will expire rereading your book to ever find it.
The final judgment will happen whether you believe in it or not or whether you are concerned about it or not. Religion is required in order to share what God has stated to his people and what happened throughout history. It also provides a place for worship, learn about one's spirit or spiritual side and to learn about humanity and the supernatural. It also could refer to an institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices such as Buddhism which doesn't deal with the supernatural. The basic belief of Christianity is to have such a system of beauty, complexity and the divine, we need the supernatural. It doesn't just occur in the natural.
The final judgment will happen whether you believe in it or not or whether you are concerned about it or not.

my point was when it will happen - the christian bible claims no such knowledge, that is incorrect. the spoken parable of Noah when there is the Triumph of Good vs Evil by all concerned that are living will be the day for the final Judgement - which Triumph succeeded is the Judgement.

actually, the 1st century enlivenment - ended without a religion.

Religion is required in order to share what God has stated to his (their) people and what happened throughout history.

required is not correct, an atheist that Triumphs whether knowingly or not in the prescribed manor will be Judged accordingly to prosper in the Everlasting.

It also provides a place for worship, learn about one's spirit or spiritual side and to learn about humanity and the supernatural.

history proves there is no one religion above all others, christianity is a political document disguised as a divine supernatural work that when tasked for verification provides no such proof - better to be truthful and open to correction than a history of salacious intrigue against those that would free their Spirit while they are alive.

The basic belief of Christianity is to have such a system of beauty, complexity and the divine, we need the supernatural. It doesn't just occur in the natural.

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.

the above forgery is the basic "belief of christianity" that negates entirely the latter part of your sentence - "to have such a system of beauty, complexity and the divine, we need the supernatural" - christianity is a barrier to the supernatural they have no way in their text to overcome by a submission to an unknown factor that requires having been discovered through their book. there is no such illusion in the spoken religion - for verification that does not exist.

the final Triumph as prescribed by the parable of Noah, by the spoken religion would be required by everyone living to be accomplished something the desert religions by their very existence fail in providing an avenue of inclusion for all that is their resultant failure within their own earliest writings.

>>my point was when it will happen - the christian bible claims no such knowledge, that is incorrect. the spoken parable of Noah when there is the Triumph of Good vs Evil by all concerned that are living will be the day for the final Judgement - which Triumph succeeded is the Judgement.<<

Something I said has set you off.

I can only reply the above. As I said, we do not know, but I can guess. It's around 2060 based on what Nostradamus and Dr. Bruce. Be on the lookout for someone around age 25 now who will become some charismatic world leader.
As I said, we do not know, but I can guess.

the reason you do not know is because the authors of your 4th century book did not take into consideration the Triumph of Good as the final outcome. rendering everything else in your book as irrelevant.

>>the reason you do not know is because the authors of your 4th century book did not take into consideration the Triumph of Good as the final outcome. rendering everything else in your book as irrelevant.<<

The reason we do not know is part of the evidence for God. He said he'll keep the beginning and end from us. That's in the Bible and science backs up the Bible even though it's not a science book. For example, we know that the universe started at a single point. Yet, we do not know if time was ticking then. Most people think it wasn't and time started at that point. Everything else, we can discover for ourselves.

Of course, you get the book wrong. Consider that you do not read the book, nor interpret it correctly, but continue to bring it up or parts of it. Final judgment is not like insurance where you can just be covered for liability. You have to get the full coverage.

For s&g, tell us what you got from Triumph of God (or did you actually mean Good?), as the final outcome. This is a biblical prophecy, so why does it render everything else in the book as irrelevant? We also know what will happen if one studies it or ask the Bible scholars. However, we do not know when it will occur. 2060 is my guess. Maybe I'm motivated to it happening within our lifetimes because friends who seriously studied this think so and Nostradamus and Dr. Bruce has stuff on it. I'll try to post a video of the end with Bible scholars explanations once we heard your ending.
"For example, we know that the universe started at a single point."

No... we only know it expanded rapidly.

Atheists are usually wrong and in this case you are. I'm going with Stephen Hawking and what most atheists and Christian scientists agree on.
>>my point was when it will happen - the christian bible claims no such knowledge, that is incorrect. the spoken parable of Noah when there is the Triumph of Good vs Evil by all concerned that are living will be the day for the final Judgement - which Triumph succeeded is the Judgement.<<

Something I said has set you off.

I can only reply the above. As I said, we do not know, but I can guess. It's around 2060 based on what Nostradamus and Dr. Bruce. Be on the lookout for someone around age 25 now who will become some charismatic world leader.
As I said, we do not know, but I can guess.

the reason you do not know is because the authors of your 4th century book did not take into consideration the Triumph of Good as the final outcome. rendering everything else in your book as irrelevant.

>>the reason you do not know is because the authors of your 4th century book did not take into consideration the Triumph of Good as the final outcome. rendering everything else in your book as irrelevant.<<

The reason we do not know is part of the evidence for God. He said he'll keep the beginning and end from us. That's in the Bible and science backs up the Bible even though it's not a science book. For example, we know that the universe started at a single point. Yet, we do not know if time was ticking then. Most people think it wasn't and time started at that point. Everything else, we can discover for ourselves.

Of course, you get the book wrong. Consider that you do not read the book, nor interpret it correctly, but continue to bring it up or parts of it. Final judgment is not like insurance where you can just be covered for liability. You have to get the full coverage.

For s&g, tell us what you got from Triumph of God (or did you actually mean Good?), as the final outcome. This is a biblical prophecy, so why does it render everything else in the book as irrelevant? We also know what will happen if one studies it or ask the Bible scholars. However, we do not know when it will occur. 2060 is my guess. Maybe I'm motivated to it happening within our lifetimes because friends who seriously studied this think so and Nostradamus and Dr. Bruce has stuff on it. I'll try to post a video of the end with Bible scholars explanations once we heard your ending.
they said they'll keep the beginning and end from us.

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.

is this the origin of your quote ... the forgery has been brought to your attention before without a response. not attaining the knowledge provided by the 4th century bible - The Triumph of Good vs Evil - does not negate the knowledge from existence but that your book is incomplete, renders hopelessness by both quotes that the Triumph as prescribed during antiquity does provide. attaining the knowledge then by the outcome is the greater value than reading an incomplete book.

they said they'll
keep the beginning and end from us.

Of course, you get the book wrong. Consider that you do not read the book, nor interpret it correctly, but continue to bring it up or parts of it. Final judgment is not like insurance where you can just be covered for liability. You have to get the full coverage.
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

the above forgery is where I set aside from reading your 4th century book that is not to say I avoid its presence only its unverified interpretation of the Almighty. the fractured truths within are public domain useful when realized without prejudice for everyone's appreciation.

For s&g, tell us what you got from Triumph of God (or did you actually mean Good?), as the final outcome.

further display of ignorance by a christian, not knowing the Almighty is so by first therein conquering evil theirself to become as they claim - for attaining immortality through the Everlasting. not insurance but the pathway.

numan: I would not deny that a profoundly meaningful Spiritual Reality permeates existence. I strongly think, and even feel, that it does. But whatever it is, it is not a god.

there is your match bond for who has read your book - is that the difference.


Ha ha.

What you write is truly ridiculous because of your atheism religion. It sounds mentally ill. Atheism is a mental illness for you. It leads others to Communism.

Let's review how the world is suppose to end according to the biblical prophecy. You didn't believe it ended before with Noah's Flood, so I doubt the non-believers will be persuaded with a youtube. He left little witnesses and this time he'll leave no witnesses. It starts with a lil faith to be a witness...


The Final Battle ...

for christians the word Final will be their epitaph ...

there's something else left out of your book have I mentioned it, The Apex of Knowledge required for the Triumph to be complete, sorry bond your lifetime will expire rereading your book to ever find it.

Ha ha ha ha. More s&g's due to your inane posts.
the reason you do not know is because the authors of your 4th century book did not take into consideration the Triumph of Good as the final outcome. rendering everything else in your book as irrelevant.

>>the reason you do not know is because the authors of your 4th century book did not take into consideration the Triumph of Good as the final outcome. rendering everything else in your book as irrelevant.<<

The reason we do not know is part of the evidence for God. He said he'll keep the beginning and end from us. That's in the Bible and science backs up the Bible even though it's not a science book. For example, we know that the universe started at a single point. Yet, we do not know if time was ticking then. Most people think it wasn't and time started at that point. Everything else, we can discover for ourselves.

Of course, you get the book wrong. Consider that you do not read the book, nor interpret it correctly, but continue to bring it up or parts of it. Final judgment is not like insurance where you can just be covered for liability. You have to get the full coverage.

For s&g, tell us what you got from Triumph of God (or did you actually mean Good?), as the final outcome. This is a biblical prophecy, so why does it render everything else in the book as irrelevant? We also know what will happen if one studies it or ask the Bible scholars. However, we do not know when it will occur. 2060 is my guess. Maybe I'm motivated to it happening within our lifetimes because friends who seriously studied this think so and Nostradamus and Dr. Bruce has stuff on it. I'll try to post a video of the end with Bible scholars explanations once we heard your ending.
they said they'll keep the beginning and end from us.

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.

is this the origin of your quote ... the forgery has been brought to your attention before without a response. not attaining the knowledge provided by the 4th century bible - The Triumph of Good vs Evil - does not negate the knowledge from existence but that your book is incomplete, renders hopelessness by both quotes that the Triumph as prescribed during antiquity does provide. attaining the knowledge then by the outcome is the greater value than reading an incomplete book.

they said they'll
keep the beginning and end from us.

Of course, you get the book wrong. Consider that you do not read the book, nor interpret it correctly, but continue to bring it up or parts of it. Final judgment is not like insurance where you can just be covered for liability. You have to get the full coverage.
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

the above forgery is where I set aside from reading your 4th century book that is not to say I avoid its presence only its unverified interpretation of the Almighty. the fractured truths within are public domain useful when realized without prejudice for everyone's appreciation.

For s&g, tell us what you got from Triumph of God (or did you actually mean Good?), as the final outcome.

further display of ignorance by a christian, not knowing the Almighty is so by first therein conquering evil theirself to become as they claim - for attaining immortality through the Everlasting. not insurance but the pathway.

numan: I would not deny that a profoundly meaningful Spiritual Reality permeates existence. I strongly think, and even feel, that it does. But whatever it is, it is not a god.

there is your match bond for who has read your book - is that the difference.


Ha ha.

What you write is truly ridiculous because of your atheism religion. It sounds mentally ill. Atheism is a mental illness for you. It leads others to Communism.

Let's review how the world is suppose to end according to the biblical prophecy. You didn't believe it ended before with Noah's Flood, so I doubt the non-believers will be persuaded with a youtube. He left little witnesses and this time he'll leave no witnesses. It starts with a lil faith to be a witness...


The Final Battle ...

for christians the word Final will be their epitaph ...

there's something else left out of your book have I mentioned it, The Apex of Knowledge required for the Triumph to be complete, sorry bond your lifetime will expire rereading your book to ever find it.

Ha ha ha ha. More s&g's due to your inane posts.

Ha ha ha ha. More s&g's due to your inane posts.

Atheism is a mental illness ...

really, and who reads a 4th century book that convinces them they are born as sinners, are unable to cure their infliction nor find any way to accomplish redemption on their own and must trust a person they have never met or have corroborating evidence for the books claims that was put to death over 2,000 years ago without a single shred of verification since that time, 400 years before the books creation to the present.

good luck bond ...
>>the reason you do not know is because the authors of your 4th century book did not take into consideration the Triumph of Good as the final outcome. rendering everything else in your book as irrelevant.<<

The reason we do not know is part of the evidence for God. He said he'll keep the beginning and end from us. That's in the Bible and science backs up the Bible even though it's not a science book. For example, we know that the universe started at a single point. Yet, we do not know if time was ticking then. Most people think it wasn't and time started at that point. Everything else, we can discover for ourselves.

Of course, you get the book wrong. Consider that you do not read the book, nor interpret it correctly, but continue to bring it up or parts of it. Final judgment is not like insurance where you can just be covered for liability. You have to get the full coverage.

For s&g, tell us what you got from Triumph of God (or did you actually mean Good?), as the final outcome. This is a biblical prophecy, so why does it render everything else in the book as irrelevant? We also know what will happen if one studies it or ask the Bible scholars. However, we do not know when it will occur. 2060 is my guess. Maybe I'm motivated to it happening within our lifetimes because friends who seriously studied this think so and Nostradamus and Dr. Bruce has stuff on it. I'll try to post a video of the end with Bible scholars explanations once we heard your ending.
they said they'll keep the beginning and end from us.

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.

is this the origin of your quote ... the forgery has been brought to your attention before without a response. not attaining the knowledge provided by the 4th century bible - The Triumph of Good vs Evil - does not negate the knowledge from existence but that your book is incomplete, renders hopelessness by both quotes that the Triumph as prescribed during antiquity does provide. attaining the knowledge then by the outcome is the greater value than reading an incomplete book.

they said they'll
keep the beginning and end from us.

Of course, you get the book wrong. Consider that you do not read the book, nor interpret it correctly, but continue to bring it up or parts of it. Final judgment is not like insurance where you can just be covered for liability. You have to get the full coverage.
And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

the above forgery is where I set aside from reading your 4th century book that is not to say I avoid its presence only its unverified interpretation of the Almighty. the fractured truths within are public domain useful when realized without prejudice for everyone's appreciation.

For s&g, tell us what you got from Triumph of God (or did you actually mean Good?), as the final outcome.

further display of ignorance by a christian, not knowing the Almighty is so by first therein conquering evil theirself to become as they claim - for attaining immortality through the Everlasting. not insurance but the pathway.

numan: I would not deny that a profoundly meaningful Spiritual Reality permeates existence. I strongly think, and even feel, that it does. But whatever it is, it is not a god.

there is your match bond for who has read your book - is that the difference.


Ha ha.

What you write is truly ridiculous because of your atheism religion. It sounds mentally ill. Atheism is a mental illness for you. It leads others to Communism.

Let's review how the world is suppose to end according to the biblical prophecy. You didn't believe it ended before with Noah's Flood, so I doubt the non-believers will be persuaded with a youtube. He left little witnesses and this time he'll leave no witnesses. It starts with a lil faith to be a witness...


The Final Battle ...

for christians the word Final will be their epitaph ...

there's something else left out of your book have I mentioned it, The Apex of Knowledge required for the Triumph to be complete, sorry bond your lifetime will expire rereading your book to ever find it.

Ha ha ha ha. More s&g's due to your inane posts.

Ha ha ha ha. More s&g's due to your inane posts.

Atheism is a mental illness ...

really, and who reads a 4th century book that convinces them they are born as sinners, are unable to cure their infliction nor find any way to accomplish redemption on their own and must trust a person they have never met or have corroborating evidence for the books claims that was put to death over 2,000 years ago without a single shred of verification since that time, 400 years before the books creation to the present.

good luck bond ...

>>really, and who reads a 4th century book that convinces them they are born as sinners, are unable to cure their infliction nor find any way to accomplish redemption on their own and must trust a person they have never met or have corroborating evidence for the books claims that was put to death over 2,000 years ago without a single shred of verification since that time, 400 years before the books creation to the present.

good luck bond ...<<

One doesn't need luck. As I said, it just takes a little faith to get started.

Your interpretations of the Bible are so far off that there is no proper response. There is plenty of evidence and I have provided them here. The Bible isn't a science book, but science has backed it up. Is it my problem if you choose not to comprehend and discover the truth for yourself? Instead, you just continue on with your silly banter.
my point was when it will happen - the christian bible claims no such knowledge, that is incorrect. the spoken parable of Noah when there is the Triumph of Good vs Evil by all concerned that are living will be the day for the final Judgement - which Triumph succeeded is the Judgement.

actually, the 1st century enlivenment - ended without a religion.

required is not correct, an atheist that Triumphs whether knowingly or not in the prescribed manor will be Judged accordingly to prosper in the Everlasting.

history proves there is no one religion above all others, christianity is a political document disguised as a divine supernatural work that when tasked for verification provides no such proof - better to be truthful and open to correction than a history of salacious intrigue against those that would free their Spirit while they are alive.

the above forgery is the basic "belief of christianity" that negates entirely the latter part of your sentence - "to have such a system of beauty, complexity and the divine, we need the supernatural" - christianity is a barrier to the supernatural they have no way in their text to overcome by a submission to an unknown factor that requires having been discovered through their book. there is no such illusion in the spoken religion - for verification that does not exist.

the final Triumph as prescribed by the parable of Noah, by the spoken religion would be required by everyone living to be accomplished something the desert religions by their very existence fail in providing an avenue of inclusion for all that is their resultant failure within their own earliest writings.

>>my point was when it will happen - the christian bible claims no such knowledge, that is incorrect. the spoken parable of Noah when there is the Triumph of Good vs Evil by all concerned that are living will be the day for the final Judgement - which Triumph succeeded is the Judgement.<<

Something I said has set you off.

I can only reply the above. As I said, we do not know, but I can guess. It's around 2060 based on what Nostradamus and Dr. Bruce. Be on the lookout for someone around age 25 now who will become some charismatic world leader.
As I said, we do not know, but I can guess.

the reason you do not know is because the authors of your 4th century book did not take into consideration the Triumph of Good as the final outcome. rendering everything else in your book as irrelevant.

>>the reason you do not know is because the authors of your 4th century book did not take into consideration the Triumph of Good as the final outcome. rendering everything else in your book as irrelevant.<<

The reason we do not know is part of the evidence for God. He said he'll keep the beginning and end from us. That's in the Bible and science backs up the Bible even though it's not a science book. For example, we know that the universe started at a single point. Yet, we do not know if time was ticking then. Most people think it wasn't and time started at that point. Everything else, we can discover for ourselves.

Of course, you get the book wrong. Consider that you do not read the book, nor interpret it correctly, but continue to bring it up or parts of it. Final judgment is not like insurance where you can just be covered for liability. You have to get the full coverage.

For s&g, tell us what you got from Triumph of God (or did you actually mean Good?), as the final outcome. This is a biblical prophecy, so why does it render everything else in the book as irrelevant? We also know what will happen if one studies it or ask the Bible scholars. However, we do not know when it will occur. 2060 is my guess. Maybe I'm motivated to it happening within our lifetimes because friends who seriously studied this think so and Nostradamus and Dr. Bruce has stuff on it. I'll try to post a video of the end with Bible scholars explanations once we heard your ending.
"For example, we know that the universe started at a single point."

No... we only know it expanded rapidly.

Atheists are usually wrong and in this case you are. I'm going with Stephen Hawking and what most atheists and Christian scientists agree on.
"I'm going with Stephen Hawking and what most atheists and Christian scientists agree on."

Then you would agree with me. All, not just most, scientists, including Stephen Hawking, agree that all we know for sure is that the universe exapnded quickly, not that it started as a single point. In fact, they all agree that a singularity was not necessary. You are misrepresenting Stephen Hawking and all the scientists of the world. You really need to go read up.
is this the origin of your quote ... the forgery has been brought to your attention before without a response. not attaining the knowledge provided by the 4th century bible - The Triumph of Good vs Evil - does not negate the knowledge from existence but that your book is incomplete, renders hopelessness by both quotes that the Triumph as prescribed during antiquity does provide. attaining the knowledge then by the outcome is the greater value than reading an incomplete book.

they said they'll
keep the beginning and end from us.

the above forgery is where I set aside from reading your 4th century book that is not to say I avoid its presence only its unverified interpretation of the Almighty. the fractured truths within are public domain useful when realized without prejudice for everyone's appreciation.

further display of ignorance by a christian, not knowing the Almighty is so by first therein conquering evil theirself to become as they claim - for attaining immortality through the Everlasting. not insurance but the pathway.

there is your match bond for who has read your book - is that the difference.


Ha ha.

What you write is truly ridiculous because of your atheism religion. It sounds mentally ill. Atheism is a mental illness for you. It leads others to Communism.

Let's review how the world is suppose to end according to the biblical prophecy. You didn't believe it ended before with Noah's Flood, so I doubt the non-believers will be persuaded with a youtube. He left little witnesses and this time he'll leave no witnesses. It starts with a lil faith to be a witness...


The Final Battle ...

for christians the word Final will be their epitaph ...

there's something else left out of your book have I mentioned it, The Apex of Knowledge required for the Triumph to be complete, sorry bond your lifetime will expire rereading your book to ever find it.

Ha ha ha ha. More s&g's due to your inane posts.

Ha ha ha ha. More s&g's due to your inane posts.

Atheism is a mental illness ...

really, and who reads a 4th century book that convinces them they are born as sinners, are unable to cure their infliction nor find any way to accomplish redemption on their own and must trust a person they have never met or have corroborating evidence for the books claims that was put to death over 2,000 years ago without a single shred of verification since that time, 400 years before the books creation to the present.

good luck bond ...

>>really, and who reads a 4th century book that convinces them they are born as sinners, are unable to cure their infliction nor find any way to accomplish redemption on their own and must trust a person they have never met or have corroborating evidence for the books claims that was put to death over 2,000 years ago without a single shred of verification since that time, 400 years before the books creation to the present.

good luck bond ...<<

One doesn't need luck. As I said, it just takes a little faith to get started.

Your interpretations of the Bible are so far off that there is no proper response. There is plenty of evidence and I have provided them here. The Bible isn't a science book, but science has backed it up. Is it my problem if you choose not to comprehend and discover the truth for yourself? Instead, you just continue on with your silly banter.

Is it my problem if you choose not to comprehend and discover the truth for yourself?

that will never be discovered by reading a book, the goal is purity without sin the christian bible can not provide.

and discover the truth for yourself ...

“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”.

- your (forgery) religion in red contradicts your statement in bold.

Who said, "The gates of hell are paved with liberals?"

"The phrase the “gates of hell” is translated in some versions as the “gates of Hades.” “Gates of hell” or “gates of Hades” is found only once in the entire Scriptures, in Matthew 16:18. In this passage, Jesus is referring to the building of His church: “And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matthew 16:18).

At that time Jesus had not yet established His church. In fact, this is the first instance of the word church in the New Testament. The word church, as used by Jesus, is derived from the Greek ekklasia, which means the “called out” or “assembly.” In other words, the church that Jesus is referencing as His church is the assembly of people who have been called out of the world by the gospel of Christ.

Bible scholars debate the actual meaning of the phrase “and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” One of the better interpretations to the meaning of this phrase is as follows. In ancient times, the cities were surrounded by walls with gates, and in battles the gates of these cities would usually be the first place their enemies assaulted. This was because the protection of the city was determined by the strength or power of its gates.

As such, the “gates of hell” or “gates of Hades” means the power of Hades. The name “Hades” was originally the name of the god who presided over the realm of the dead and was often referred to as the “house of Hades.” It designated the place to which everyone who departs this life descends, regardless of their moral character. In the New Testament, Hades is the realm of the dead, and in this verse Hades or hell is represented as a mighty city with its gates representing its power.

Jesus refers here to His impending death. Though He would be crucified and buried, He would rise from the dead and build His church. Jesus is emphasizing the fact that the powers of death could not hold Him in. Not only would the church be established in spite of the powers of Hades or hell, but the church would thrive in spite of these powers. The church will never fail, though generation after generation succumbs to the power of physical death, yet other generations will arise to perpetuate the church. And it will continue until it has fulfilled its mission on earth as Jesus has commanded:

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:18–20).

It is clear that Jesus was declaring that death has no power to hold God's people captive. Its gates are not strong enough to overpower and keep imprisoned the church of God. The Lord has conquered death (Romans 8:2; Acts 2:24). And because “death no longer is master over Him” (Romans 6:9), it is no longer master over those who belong to Him.

Satan has the power of death, and he will always use that power to try to destroy the church of Christ. But we have this promise from Jesus that His church, the “called out” will prevail: “Yet a little while and the world will see me no more, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live” (John 14:19)."

What are the gates of hell?
I know right? Let's humor him

>>I know right? Let's humor him<<

Ha ha, but my retort is the one who laughs last, laughs best. You'll hear my Joker laugh after seeing who was right in the end. OTOH, if the atheist belief is right, then neither us will know or care. There will be no consciousness.
"OTOH, if the atheist belief is right, then neither us will know or care. "

You should care now. You have a limited time here, and you are wasting it on magical nonsense and looking ahead to an afterlife that does not exist. You should care about that possibility.
I love it when they ask what if we are wrong. What if they're wrong? Maybe Mormons or jehovas are right
Apparently, if they find out they are wrong while still in this life, they will all degenerate into immoral savages, pillaging and raping. Just ask 'em. They'll tell you that there is no morality without gods. Many will say this is why atheists can't and don't have "true morality". Maybe we should all just nod and agree with their gods -- all of them! -- to save ourselves from the potential genocidal marauding of wayward, godless religious people......
You know who bug me? Big game hunters who claim to be moral or religious. How do you kill a lion for sport and think you are a moral person? That's something I'd never do and I don't think a god is watching me.

>>Big game hunters who claim to be moral or religious. How do you kill a lion for sport and think you are a moral person? That's something I'd never do and I don't think a god is watching me.<<

Sorry, sealybobo. I missed some great posts of yours due to being busy with my new project. Many times, I avoid the PC or internet in order to get other work done.

It really depends on the danger of the hunter being killed and how difficult it is in my book. That is, a big game hunter has to be very skilled, to be able to track and bag his quarry. People who cheat the laws deserve to be killed such as that dentist who had a lion being kept in a zoo preserve flushed out into an open area and then shot and killed. We can't kill this person, so we put it out on social media so he can be ridiculed and maybe end up losing his livelihood.

What you are exhibiting is what we inherited from God, and that is judging our fellow man. We all have an innate sense of fairness and justice. I try not judge unless I am forced to such as on a jury, when hiring someone or judging work performance. It's too easy to judge someone by their cover and it is usually misleading. Many times, I have to say to myself, don't judge, don't judge, don't judge. This way, I can interact with this person or group without being already in a negative frame of mind and judge them more fairly if I need to. Also, it helps keep a better attitude when interacting with these people or groups. Jesus has the power to look in our hearts and judge immediately how honest and fair we were in our lives. That's why he is the final judge, jury and executioner. It's one of the reasons why I accept original sin. No matter how charitable or philanthropic I am with my time and money, I still have my selfish self. The times and situations where I helped myself get ahead. It's not just one-upsmanship.

EDIT: You also had an awesome post and link regarding socialism and sports. I'll have to read and get back to you.
Last edited:
If even 1% of me believed your religion was real but since not, I'll leave you with this. It'd be a darn shame if you came out and found Islam was the truth.

But since not even 1% of you believes that you're ok with that right?

I do not belong to any religion. I just told you that I do not believe the same things that you do not believe and for the same reasons. The only difference is that I found deeper meaning hidden in those fantastical stories like a priceless treasure.

You can't say that its not there. I have shown it to you. You can't say that you heard it all before. No one has.

What religion teaches that the drink my blood ritual is a curse spread throughout the Roman empire deliberately to "smite the nations"? What religion teaches that kosher law is not about food? What religion teaches that Jesus healing the blind was a healing of perception not sight? What Christian, Jew or Muslim even knows that the dispute between Jesus and the religious authorities was about what was the only right way to understand and comply with divine Law that leads to eternal life here and now? What religion teaches that Jesus appeared to his disciples in dreams after the crucifixion?

Who has ever said anything like any of that ever before?

You really need to pay closer attention.
I think the Lord will forgive me in fact he may even reward my intelligence. I mean our intelligence because you agree with me

You don't need to be forgiven. Not believing what the stories are not about is not a sin.

To discover what the stories are actually about, take another closer look.

Remember what Jesus said? One must humble himself like a little child to enter the kingdom of heaven..

Take his advice mr smarty pants.

Read scripture again as if you were a little child knowing the stories are like fairy tales teaching something hidden that is not necessarily directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used.

Then, if you have the intelligence, you will indeed be rewarded beyond anything that you have ever imagined in your wildest dreams....Not in some distant future and not after you die, but in the very day that you do it.
Oh I get the messages in the stories

If that was true you wouldn't be trashing it all as superstitious nonsense.

I will tell you a little secret.

Some things, like understanding a foreign language, just can't be faked.

>>If that was true you wouldn't be trashing it all as superstitious nonsense.

I will tell you a little secret.

Some things, like understanding a foreign language, just can't be faked.
If that was true you wouldn't be trashing it all as superstitious nonsense.<<

Very few people are agnostic even though they would not challenge theists, i.e. they are open minded enough to acknowledge the possible existence of God and then do something about it. The key is to do something about like pray sincerely to God to reveal himself. Might as well lump them into the atheist category since they see and evaluate but take no action.
>>my point was when it will happen - the christian bible claims no such knowledge, that is incorrect. the spoken parable of Noah when there is the Triumph of Good vs Evil by all concerned that are living will be the day for the final Judgement - which Triumph succeeded is the Judgement.<<

Something I said has set you off.

I can only reply the above. As I said, we do not know, but I can guess. It's around 2060 based on what Nostradamus and Dr. Bruce. Be on the lookout for someone around age 25 now who will become some charismatic world leader.
As I said, we do not know, but I can guess.

the reason you do not know is because the authors of your 4th century book did not take into consideration the Triumph of Good as the final outcome. rendering everything else in your book as irrelevant.

>>the reason you do not know is because the authors of your 4th century book did not take into consideration the Triumph of Good as the final outcome. rendering everything else in your book as irrelevant.<<

The reason we do not know is part of the evidence for God. He said he'll keep the beginning and end from us. That's in the Bible and science backs up the Bible even though it's not a science book. For example, we know that the universe started at a single point. Yet, we do not know if time was ticking then. Most people think it wasn't and time started at that point. Everything else, we can discover for ourselves.

Of course, you get the book wrong. Consider that you do not read the book, nor interpret it correctly, but continue to bring it up or parts of it. Final judgment is not like insurance where you can just be covered for liability. You have to get the full coverage.

For s&g, tell us what you got from Triumph of God (or did you actually mean Good?), as the final outcome. This is a biblical prophecy, so why does it render everything else in the book as irrelevant? We also know what will happen if one studies it or ask the Bible scholars. However, we do not know when it will occur. 2060 is my guess. Maybe I'm motivated to it happening within our lifetimes because friends who seriously studied this think so and Nostradamus and Dr. Bruce has stuff on it. I'll try to post a video of the end with Bible scholars explanations once we heard your ending.
"For example, we know that the universe started at a single point."

No... we only know it expanded rapidly.

Atheists are usually wrong and in this case you are. I'm going with Stephen Hawking and what most atheists and Christian scientists agree on.
"I'm going with Stephen Hawking and what most atheists and Christian scientists agree on."

Then you would agree with me. All, not just most, scientists, including Stephen Hawking, agree that all we know for sure is that the universe exapnded quickly, not that it started as a single point. In fact, they all agree that a singularity was not necessary. You are misrepresenting Stephen Hawking and all the scientists of the world. You really need to go read up.

>>Then you would agree with me. All, not just most, scientists, including Stephen Hawking, agree that all we know for sure is that the universe exapnded quickly, not that it started as a single point. In fact, they all agree that a singularity was not necessary. You are misrepresenting Stephen Hawking and all the scientists of the world. You really need to go read up.<<

I usually don't like to quote wiki, but in this case I'll use the liberal website for ease of use.


The Big Bang theory, which states that the universe expanded from and was a singularity whose radius was zero, is widely accepted by physicists.

Cosmogony - Wikipedia.
>>I know right? Let's humor him<<

Ha ha, but my retort is the one who laughs last, laughs best. You'll hear my Joker laugh after seeing who was right in the end. OTOH, if the atheist belief is right, then neither us will know or care. There will be no consciousness.
"OTOH, if the atheist belief is right, then neither us will know or care. "

You should care now. You have a limited time here, and you are wasting it on magical nonsense and looking ahead to an afterlife that does not exist. You should care about that possibility.
I love it when they ask what if we are wrong. What if they're wrong? Maybe Mormons or jehovas are right
Apparently, if they find out they are wrong while still in this life, they will all degenerate into immoral savages, pillaging and raping. Just ask 'em. They'll tell you that there is no morality without gods. Many will say this is why atheists can't and don't have "true morality". Maybe we should all just nod and agree with their gods -- all of them! -- to save ourselves from the potential genocidal marauding of wayward, godless religious people......
You know who bug me? Big game hunters who claim to be moral or religious. How do you kill a lion for sport and think you are a moral person? That's something I'd never do and I don't think a god is watching me.

>>Big game hunters who claim to be moral or religious. How do you kill a lion for sport and think you are a moral person? That's something I'd never do and I don't think a god is watching me.<<

Sorry, sealybobo. I missed some great posts of yours due to being busy with my new project. Many times, I avoid the PC or internet in order to get other work done.

It really depends on the danger of the hunter being killed and how difficult it is in my book. That is, a big game hunter has to be very skilled, to be able to track and bag his quarry. People who cheat the laws deserve to be killed such as that dentist who had a lion being kept in a zoo preserve flushed out into an open area and then shot and killed. We can't kill this person, so we put it out on social media so he can be ridiculed and maybe end up losing his livelihood.

What you are exhibiting is what we inherited from God, and that is judging our fellow man. We all have an innate sense of fairness and justice. I try not judge unless I am forced to such as on a jury, when hiring someone or judging work performance. It's too easy to judge someone by their cover and it is usually misleading. Many times, I have to say to myself, don't judge, don't judge, don't judge. This way, I can interact with this person or group without being already in a negative frame of mind and judge them more fairly if I need to. Also, it helps keep a better attitude when interacting with these people or groups. Jesus has the power to look in our hearts and judge immediately how honest and fair we were in our lives. That's why he is the final judge, jury and executioner. It's one of the reasons why I accept original sin. No matter how charitable or philanthropic I am with my time and money, I still have my selfish self. The times and situations where I helped myself get ahead. It's not just one-upsmanship.

EDIT: You also had an awesome post and link regarding socialism and sports. I'll have to read and get back to you.
Miley Cyrus had a shaman tell her she's a good person because she feels for the lesser animals. I agree that's a great sign of a good person. If it were up to me all cows would be free range
I do not belong to any religion. I just told you that I do not believe the same things that you do not believe and for the same reasons. The only difference is that I found deeper meaning hidden in those fantastical stories like a priceless treasure.

You can't say that its not there. I have shown it to you. You can't say that you heard it all before. No one has.

What religion teaches that the drink my blood ritual is a curse spread throughout the Roman empire deliberately to "smite the nations"? What religion teaches that kosher law is not about food? What religion teaches that Jesus healing the blind was a healing of perception not sight? What Christian, Jew or Muslim even knows that the dispute between Jesus and the religious authorities was about what was the only right way to understand and comply with divine Law that leads to eternal life here and now? What religion teaches that Jesus appeared to his disciples in dreams after the crucifixion?

Who has ever said anything like any of that ever before?

You really need to pay closer attention.
I think the Lord will forgive me in fact he may even reward my intelligence. I mean our intelligence because you agree with me

You don't need to be forgiven. Not believing what the stories are not about is not a sin.

To discover what the stories are actually about, take another closer look.

Remember what Jesus said? One must humble himself like a little child to enter the kingdom of heaven..

Take his advice mr smarty pants.

Read scripture again as if you were a little child knowing the stories are like fairy tales teaching something hidden that is not necessarily directly connected to the literal meanings of the words used.

Then, if you have the intelligence, you will indeed be rewarded beyond anything that you have ever imagined in your wildest dreams....Not in some distant future and not after you die, but in the very day that you do it.
Oh I get the messages in the stories

If that was true you wouldn't be trashing it all as superstitious nonsense.

I will tell you a little secret.

Some things, like understanding a foreign language, just can't be faked.

>>If that was true you wouldn't be trashing it all as superstitious nonsense.

I will tell you a little secret.

Some things, like understanding a foreign language, just can't be faked.
If that was true you wouldn't be trashing it all as superstitious nonsense.<<

Very few people are agnostic even though they would not challenge theists, i.e. they are open minded enough to acknowledge the possible existence of God and then do something about it. The key is to do something about like pray sincerely to God to reveal himself. Might as well lump them into the atheist category since they see and evaluate but take no action.
For years I prayed and at least tried to believe but like you said you can't fake it. Although I believe agnostics are faking their indecisiveness due to wishful thinking and cognitive dissonance and the fact we don't know
the reason you do not know is because the authors of your 4th century book did not take into consideration the Triumph of Good as the final outcome. rendering everything else in your book as irrelevant.

>>the reason you do not know is because the authors of your 4th century book did not take into consideration the Triumph of Good as the final outcome. rendering everything else in your book as irrelevant.<<

The reason we do not know is part of the evidence for God. He said he'll keep the beginning and end from us. That's in the Bible and science backs up the Bible even though it's not a science book. For example, we know that the universe started at a single point. Yet, we do not know if time was ticking then. Most people think it wasn't and time started at that point. Everything else, we can discover for ourselves.

Of course, you get the book wrong. Consider that you do not read the book, nor interpret it correctly, but continue to bring it up or parts of it. Final judgment is not like insurance where you can just be covered for liability. You have to get the full coverage.

For s&g, tell us what you got from Triumph of God (or did you actually mean Good?), as the final outcome. This is a biblical prophecy, so why does it render everything else in the book as irrelevant? We also know what will happen if one studies it or ask the Bible scholars. However, we do not know when it will occur. 2060 is my guess. Maybe I'm motivated to it happening within our lifetimes because friends who seriously studied this think so and Nostradamus and Dr. Bruce has stuff on it. I'll try to post a video of the end with Bible scholars explanations once we heard your ending.
"For example, we know that the universe started at a single point."

No... we only know it expanded rapidly.

Atheists are usually wrong and in this case you are. I'm going with Stephen Hawking and what most atheists and Christian scientists agree on.
"I'm going with Stephen Hawking and what most atheists and Christian scientists agree on."

Then you would agree with me. All, not just most, scientists, including Stephen Hawking, agree that all we know for sure is that the universe exapnded quickly, not that it started as a single point. In fact, they all agree that a singularity was not necessary. You are misrepresenting Stephen Hawking and all the scientists of the world. You really need to go read up.

>>Then you would agree with me. All, not just most, scientists, including Stephen Hawking, agree that all we know for sure is that the universe exapnded quickly, not that it started as a single point. In fact, they all agree that a singularity was not necessary. You are misrepresenting Stephen Hawking and all the scientists of the world. You really need to go read up.<<

I usually don't like to quote wiki, but in this case I'll use the liberal website for ease of use.


The Big Bang theory, which states that the universe expanded from and was a singularity whose radius was zero, is widely accepted by physicists.

Cosmogony - Wikipedia.
From literally the EXACT same Wikipedia page (that you clearly did not read):

"Physicists are undecided whether this means the universe began from a singularity, or that current knowledge is insufficient to describe the universe at that time."

"It is debated 'how closely' models based on general relativity alone can be used to extrapolate toward the singularity—certainly no closer than the end of the Planck epoch."

In exact agreement with what I said, and in contradiction to your claim.

The Big Bang theory envisions the universe beginning from a singularity, a mathematical concept of infinite temperature and infinite density packed into a single point of space. But scientists don't think this is what actually happened.

"It wouldn't really be infinite," explained physicist Paul Steinhardt, director of the Princeton Center for Theoretical Science at Princeton University in Princeton, N.J., and another architect of inflation. "Infinity just means a mathematical breakdown. It's a statement that you shouldn?t have extrapolated your equations back that far because they just blew up in your face."
the reason you do not know is because the authors of your 4th century book did not take into consideration the Triumph of Good as the final outcome. rendering everything else in your book as irrelevant.

>>the reason you do not know is because the authors of your 4th century book did not take into consideration the Triumph of Good as the final outcome. rendering everything else in your book as irrelevant.<<

The reason we do not know is part of the evidence for God. He said he'll keep the beginning and end from us. That's in the Bible and science backs up the Bible even though it's not a science book. For example, we know that the universe started at a single point. Yet, we do not know if time was ticking then. Most people think it wasn't and time started at that point. Everything else, we can discover for ourselves.

Of course, you get the book wrong. Consider that you do not read the book, nor interpret it correctly, but continue to bring it up or parts of it. Final judgment is not like insurance where you can just be covered for liability. You have to get the full coverage.

For s&g, tell us what you got from Triumph of God (or did you actually mean Good?), as the final outcome. This is a biblical prophecy, so why does it render everything else in the book as irrelevant? We also know what will happen if one studies it or ask the Bible scholars. However, we do not know when it will occur. 2060 is my guess. Maybe I'm motivated to it happening within our lifetimes because friends who seriously studied this think so and Nostradamus and Dr. Bruce has stuff on it. I'll try to post a video of the end with Bible scholars explanations once we heard your ending.
"For example, we know that the universe started at a single point."

No... we only know it expanded rapidly.

Atheists are usually wrong and in this case you are. I'm going with Stephen Hawking and what most atheists and Christian scientists agree on.
"I'm going with Stephen Hawking and what most atheists and Christian scientists agree on."

Then you would agree with me. All, not just most, scientists, including Stephen Hawking, agree that all we know for sure is that the universe exapnded quickly, not that it started as a single point. In fact, they all agree that a singularity was not necessary. You are misrepresenting Stephen Hawking and all the scientists of the world. You really need to go read up.

>>Then you would agree with me. All, not just most, scientists, including Stephen Hawking, agree that all we know for sure is that the universe exapnded quickly, not that it started as a single point. In fact, they all agree that a singularity was not necessary. You are misrepresenting Stephen Hawking and all the scientists of the world. You really need to go read up.<<

I usually don't like to quote wiki, but in this case I'll use the liberal website for ease of use.


The Big Bang theory, which states that the universe expanded from and was a singularity whose radius was zero, is widely accepted by physicists.

Cosmogony - Wikipedia.
A decent discussion of the issue:

Did The Universe Really Begin With a Singularity?

I’ve talked over the years with many experts in “quantum gravity” [the poorly understood but required blend of Einstein’s gravity and quantum physics, a blend that will be needed to explain extreme gravitational phenomena] and I’ve never spoken to one who believed that the universe began with a real singularity. Why? Because

  • the singularity arises from using Einstein’s equations for gravity
  • but we know Einstein’s equations aren’t sufficient — they aren’t able to describe certain extreme gravitational phenomena.
Specifically, when the density and heat become extremely large, quantum physics of gravity becomes important. But Einstein’s equations ignore all these quantum effects. So we already know that in certain extreme conditions, Einstein’s equations simply don’t apply. How could we then use those very same equations to conclude there’s a singularity at the beginning of the universe?

We can’t...."

"....Yet all over the media and all over the web, we can find articles, including ones published just after this week’s cosmic announcement of new evidence in favor of inflation, that state with great confidence that in the Big Bang Theory the universe started from a singularity. So I’m honestly very confused. Who is still telling the media and the public that the universe really started with a singularity, or that the modern Big Bang Theory says that it does? I’ve never heard an expert physicist say that. And with good reason: when singularities and other infinities have turned up in our equations in the past, those singularities disappeared when our equations, or our understanding of how to use our equations, improved...."

"...The modern Big Bang Theory really starts after this period of ignorance, with a burst of inflation that creates a large expanding universe, and the end of inflation which allows for the creation of the heat of the Hot Big Bang. The equations for the theory, as it currently stands, can be used to make predictions even thoughwe don’t know the precise nature of our universe’s birth. Yes, a singularity often turns up in our equations when we extend them as far as they can go in the past; but a singularity of this sort is far from likely to be an aspect of nature, and instead should be interpreted as a sign of what we don’t yet understand."
"OTOH, if the atheist belief is right, then neither us will know or care. "

You should care now. You have a limited time here, and you are wasting it on magical nonsense and looking ahead to an afterlife that does not exist. You should care about that possibility.
I love it when they ask what if we are wrong. What if they're wrong? Maybe Mormons or jehovas are right
Apparently, if they find out they are wrong while still in this life, they will all degenerate into immoral savages, pillaging and raping. Just ask 'em. They'll tell you that there is no morality without gods. Many will say this is why atheists can't and don't have "true morality". Maybe we should all just nod and agree with their gods -- all of them! -- to save ourselves from the potential genocidal marauding of wayward, godless religious people......
You know who bug me? Big game hunters who claim to be moral or religious. How do you kill a lion for sport and think you are a moral person? That's something I'd never do and I don't think a god is watching me.

>>Big game hunters who claim to be moral or religious. How do you kill a lion for sport and think you are a moral person? That's something I'd never do and I don't think a god is watching me.<<

Sorry, sealybobo. I missed some great posts of yours due to being busy with my new project. Many times, I avoid the PC or internet in order to get other work done.

It really depends on the danger of the hunter being killed and how difficult it is in my book. That is, a big game hunter has to be very skilled, to be able to track and bag his quarry. People who cheat the laws deserve to be killed such as that dentist who had a lion being kept in a zoo preserve flushed out into an open area and then shot and killed. We can't kill this person, so we put it out on social media so he can be ridiculed and maybe end up losing his livelihood.

What you are exhibiting is what we inherited from God, and that is judging our fellow man. We all have an innate sense of fairness and justice. I try not judge unless I am forced to such as on a jury, when hiring someone or judging work performance. It's too easy to judge someone by their cover and it is usually misleading. Many times, I have to say to myself, don't judge, don't judge, don't judge. This way, I can interact with this person or group without being already in a negative frame of mind and judge them more fairly if I need to. Also, it helps keep a better attitude when interacting with these people or groups. Jesus has the power to look in our hearts and judge immediately how honest and fair we were in our lives. That's why he is the final judge, jury and executioner. It's one of the reasons why I accept original sin. No matter how charitable or philanthropic I am with my time and money, I still have my selfish self. The times and situations where I helped myself get ahead. It's not just one-upsmanship.

EDIT: You also had an awesome post and link regarding socialism and sports. I'll have to read and get back to you.
Miley Cyrus had a shaman tell her she's a good person because she feels for the lesser animals. I agree that's a great sign of a good person. If it were up to me all cows would be free range

More evidence for God as you are judging a person by their empathy towards lower animals. God made man the caretaker of all the animals and all of this was fine until the day that Adam ate the forbidden fruit. Afterward, he had trouble raising crops from the land and taking care of the animals wasn't as easy as before because they started eating each other due to lack of abundance.

As for Miley Cyrus, the public perception of her isn't the same as what she's like in real life. This was told to me from someone who knows their family. That said, who knows what goes on behind closed doors because she identifies herself as pansexual and has a male celeb fiancee. Is it part of her act, or does her act bleed over into her real life? Pansexuality and the rest came after the fall. I think before that was sex between and man and a woman and no pain, i.e. labor, during childbirth.

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