How much of Trump's adoration is based on pure celebrity?

Tens of millions of Americans have no idea that the problems are global. Whose fault is that? Is it willful ignorance?
those tens of a million dont care if food prices are high in other countries.....they see what they see at the check out line at the store.....a few short years ago this country used to feed the world as well as ourselves,what happened?....its called incompetence with those who are in charge....

We know that anything critical said of Donald Trump will be met with screams of TDS! so that the question will be avoided, and that's fine. For the rest of us:

America is clearly a celebrity-driven country. We know that people like Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian and zillions of YouTubers and TickTockers and InstaGrammers have achieved great wealth and fame and wide acceptance while demonstrating essentially zero actual talent, zero intellect, and zero actual utility. And importantly, some of these people are essentially playing "the bad guy", an anti-hero who people love because their behaviors are anti-social and negative.

This is a terribly shallow way to achieve success, but it sure does work. In America.

At the same time, there is a significant percentage percentage of this country which, literally, loves him. This appears to be a real love, a personal adoration, something that is deep and emotional and real. He's a part of their lives that appears to be at least as important to them as their family and their religion. And while anyone who can't understand this is attacked, it's still fair to wonder about it.

So here's my question: Surely there is an element of celebrity in this adoration. To what degree does celebrity play in this intense love for such a person? Is he the anti-hero, like a pro wrestling star? And not coincidentally, he has "performed" at pro wrestling events. Thoughts?
Garbage thread.

And not a current event.
Garbage thread.

And not a current event.
The thread is spot on.

Trump did something weird when he ran for president, turning politics into entertainment. It’s bad for the country because people looking for entertainment are looking for drama. Trump delivers the drama to keep people watching and wanting more. The more they get, the more then want it and in order to keep getting the drama, they gotta keep Trump in power.
keep trying to get off track op

How much of Trump's adoration is based on pure celebrity?​

Don't think so, if anything, it's teabaggers trying to derail Trump threads, if YOU don't want to talk about the subject matter................WHY reply?
How much of Trump's adoration is based on pure celebrity?
Like Kim Kardashian?
Trump's cult sure obsesses over him.
They, like Trump always yap/lie about his crowd sizes. your fellow liberals who do their daily i hate trump threads have an obsession with trump or not?...
We just like making fun of a lying retard, who claims to be a genius.
Not me.
I just comment on the news of current events.
YOU think ME ignoring Trump will send him into a tailspin?
I think the vast numbers of those who hate him and can't stop talking about him feed his already over-inflated ego. If you wanted him to go into a tailspin, the lack of attention by the blamemainstreet media, as well as social media silence would completely un-nerve him. I have, however, complete confidence that will never happen, as TRUMP! obsession has clearly set in very deeply and the usual suspects can no more stop talking about him than they can stop breathing.

We know that anything critical said of Donald Trump will be met with screams of TDS! so that the question will be avoided, and that's fine. For the rest of us:

America is clearly a celebrity-driven country. We know that people like Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian and zillions of YouTubers and TickTockers and InstaGrammers have achieved great wealth and fame and wide acceptance while demonstrating essentially zero actual talent, zero intellect, and zero actual utility. And importantly, some of these people are essentially playing "the bad guy", an anti-hero who people love because their behaviors are anti-social and negative.

This is a terribly shallow way to achieve success, but it sure does work. In America.

At the same time, there is a significant percentage percentage of this country which, literally, loves him. This appears to be a real love, a personal adoration, something that is deep and emotional and real. He's a part of their lives that appears to be at least as important to them as their family and their religion. And while anyone who can't understand this is attacked, it's still fair to wonder about it.

So here's my question: Surely there is an element of celebrity in this adoration. To what degree does celebrity play in this intense love for such a person? Is he the anti-hero, like a pro wrestling star? And not coincidentally, he has "performed" at pro wrestling events. Thoughts?
Personally, I don't think very much. People love Trump because Trump represents someone who is not establishment and refuses to play by the swamp rules. It has nothing to do with him hosting Celebrity Apprentice or whatever.
Trump being in the news............YES.
And he's in the news because those who decide what is news know your ears and eyeballs will be glued to their broadcasts and they can sell advertising. He gets more attention than those who have actual power and can cause far greater damage.

IOW, they're giving you what they know you want.
I think the vast numbers of those who hate him and can't stop talking about him feed his already over-inflated ego. If you wanted him to go into a tailspin, the lack of attention by the blamemainstreet media, as well as social media silence would completely un-nerve him. I have, however, complete confidence that will never happen, as TRUMP! obsession has clearly set in very deeply and the usual suspects can no more stop talking about him than they can stop breathing.
When finally, Trump is shut up by a prison sentence or kicks the bucket.................reaching for the bucket of KFC.............


THEN, people will stop talking (and laughing) at the retard.

We know that anything critical said of Donald Trump will be met with screams of TDS! so that the question will be avoided, and that's fine. For the rest of us:

America is clearly a celebrity-driven country. We know that people like Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian and zillions of YouTubers and TickTockers and InstaGrammers have achieved great wealth and fame and wide acceptance while demonstrating essentially zero actual talent, zero intellect, and zero actual utility. And importantly, some of these people are essentially playing "the bad guy", an anti-hero who people love because their behaviors are anti-social and negative.

This is a terribly shallow way to achieve success, but it sure does work. In America.

At the same time, there is a significant percentage percentage of this country which, literally, loves him. This appears to be a real love, a personal adoration, something that is deep and emotional and real. He's a part of their lives that appears to be at least as important to them as their family and their religion. And while anyone who can't understand this is attacked, it's still fair to wonder about it.

So here's my question: Surely there is an element of celebrity in this adoration. To what degree does celebrity play in this intense love for such a person? Is he the anti-hero, like a pro wrestling star? And not coincidentally, he has "performed" at pro wrestling events. Thoughts?
It isnt much different over here. Johnsons popularity in part was due to him appearing on panel shows and being funny.

Its all a part of society becoming trivialised. When Blair started commenting on soap operas in news conferences the die was set.

Add in 24 hour news and social media and they have a lot of space to fill. So politics gets trivialised and turned into a soap opera.

Trump has no charm and even less policies. He has no answer to Americas problems. Johnson created problems rather than sort them.. But they are entertaining.

And that is the new normal.
And he's in the news because those who decide what is news know your ears and eyeballs will be glued to their broadcasts and they can sell advertising.
IF he would just SHUT UP.
He gets more attention than those who have actual power and can cause far greater damage.
You got that right.
Trump's cult is more unhinged than he is.
IOW, they're giving you what they know you want.
Tell him to SHUT UP.
JFK was a shitty President. The only thing he got right in his administration was the tax cuts. However, the Press and Hollywood loved him.

Most people had a very distorted view of him.
IF he would just SHUT UP.

You got that right.
Trump's cult is more unhinged than he is.

Tell him to SHUT UP.
TRUMP! gets attention when he says stuff because people are obsessed with him. They hang on every word he says, every word he writes, hoping against hope that they'll catch something they can complain about. Ignore him and watch him implode when it sinks in that nobody's paying attention anymore.

And don't try to pretend it's only because he's under indictment because He's been getting more attention than any other politician since the campaign of '16. It's hate-fueled obsession. Think of it this way, if your day sucks because TRUMP! is free to walk the streets and it would be awesome if you finally saw him in prison, you have a problem.
TRUMP! gets attention when he says stuff because people are obsessed with him.
No, people are obsessed because Trump is a bloviating lair and he never met a microphone he didn't like.
They hang on every word he says, every word he writes,
You got that right, it's a cult and Trump knows his cult.

hoping against hope that they'll catch something they can complain about. Ignore him and watch him implode when it sinks in that nobody's paying attention anymore.
Like I said THAT isn't going to happen.

Fox News Hosts Fawn Over Trump Debate Performance​

Mediaite › TV

Sep 30, 2020 — President Donald Trump received broad criticism for his loud and interrupting behavior during the first presidential debate of 2020.
And don't try to pretend it's only because he's under indictment because He's been getting more attention than any other politician since the campaign of '16. It's hate-fueled obsession.
Criminals usually do get "Hate-fueled obsession"
Think of it this way, if your day sucks because TRUMP! is free to walk the streets and it would be awesome if you finally saw him in prison, you have a problem.
Sure................Like teabaggers are over Biden?

Impeachment, government shutdown threats loom over ...​

1694530159267.png › 2023/09/11 › politics › impeach...

23 hours ago — ... growing calls on the right to impeach President Joe Biden, ... at the US Capitol Building on July 14, 2023, in Washington, DC.
No, people are obsessed because Trump is a bloviating lair and he never met a microphone he didn't like.
People from across the political spectrum are horrified that such a weak, awful, childish, vulgar, ignorant, damaged person can take over a political party. And worse, that this cancer has metastasized aggressively.

All this time later, we're still trying to come to grips with the fact that this has happened in America.

The Trumpsters want to think this horror is because he's so wonderful. That's how cults are.
People from across the political spectrum are horrified that such a weak, awful, childish, vulgar, ignorant, damaged person can take over a political party. And worse, that this cancer has metastasized aggressively.

All this time later, we're still trying to come to grips with the fact that this has happened in America.

The Trumpsters want to think this horror is because he's so wonderful. That's how cults are.

You voted for a guy who raped his own daughter when she was 12 (according to her).
joe every politician when they fuck up affects someone personally.....trump was no look at him differently because the fucking democrats jumped all over the guy the minute he sat in the oval like many others let the trump hysteria take over....

No, Trump was particularly unfit to be president, and everyone realized that at the start.

Seriously, read his Truth Social Feed, this is a man who is seriously unhinged.

How much of Trump's adoration is based on pure celebrity?​

Don't think so, if anything, it's teabaggers trying to derail Trump threads, if YOU don't want to talk about the subject matter................WHY reply?

Like Kim Kardashian?
Trump's cult sure obsesses over him.
They, like Trump always yap/lie about his crowd sizes.

We just like making fun of a lying retard, who claims to be a genius.
is it an obsession with trump or not?.....quit avoiding the question.....

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