How much of Trump's adoration is based on pure celebrity?

So here's my question: Surely there is an element of celebrity in this adoration. To what degree does celebrity play in this intense love for such a person? Is he the anti-hero, like a pro wrestling star? And not coincidentally, he has "performed" at pro wrestling events. Thoughts?
Trump is like P.T. Barnum. People loved him on the apprentice.
He was like the greatest show on earth.

We know that anything critical said of Donald Trump will be met with screams of TDS! so that the question will be avoided, and that's fine. For the rest of us:

America is clearly a celebrity-driven country. We know that people like Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian and zillions of YouTubers and TickTockers and InstaGrammers have achieved great wealth and fame and wide acceptance while demonstrating essentially zero actual talent, zero intellect, and zero actual utility. And importantly, some of these people are essentially playing "the bad guy", an anti-hero who people love because their behaviors are anti-social and negative.

This is a terribly shallow way to achieve success, but it sure does work. In America.

At the same time, there is a significant percentage percentage of this country which, literally, loves him. This appears to be a real love, a personal adoration, something that is deep and emotional and real. He's a part of their lives that appears to be at least as important to them as their family and their religion. And while anyone who can't understand this is attacked, it's still fair to wonder about it.

So here's my question: Surely there is an element of celebrity in this adoration. To what degree does celebrity play in this intense love for such a person? Is he the anti-hero, like a pro wrestling star? And not coincidentally, he has "performed" at pro wrestling events. Thoughts?
Personally never admired or was a fan of Trump for his “celebrity“. I have never seen one episode of the Apprentice.

I like the man because he stands up to the Establishment and corruption of Washington. A true outsider. He can’t be bought off like we see with Biden and the Clintons.

Why can’t you lefties ever get it through your head we just despise the radical leftwing Agenda, as well as the dumb neocons who have been and still largely are in charge of the GOP?
People from across the political spectrum are horrified that such a weak, awful, childish, vulgar, ignorant, damaged person can take over a political party.
Yes, NORMAL people.
And worse, that this cancer has metastasized aggressively.
All it took was Obama getting elected, then the nut jobs came out of the woodwork.
They'e still at it.

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( Exclusive) – Every single Republican in Congress should be ready to fight for President Trump in response to partisan Special Counsel Jack Smith's ...
All this time later, we're still trying to come to grips with the fact that this has happened in America.
They've been groomed since Reagan.
Likely, even before with the John Birch Society.
The Trumpsters want to think this horror is because he's so wonderful. That's how cults are.
I don't get that.
WHAT is so "wonderful" about paying a self proclaimed, "Billionaire's" legal bills?
Personally never admired or was a fan of Trump for his “celebrity“. I have never seen one episode of the Apprentice.

I like the man because he stands up to the Establishment and corruption of Washington. A true outsider. He can’t be bought off like we see with Biden and the Clintons.
Trump IS the establishment.
Trump's corruption speaks for itself.
Why can’t you lefties ever get it through your head we just despise the radical leftwing Agenda,
Teabaggers despise common sense.
Teabaggers love autocracies.
as well as the dumb neocons who have been and still largely are in charge of the GOP?
Dumb teabaggers are worse.
The Trump cult is scraping the bottom of the dumbest of dumb barrell.
People from across the political spectrum are horrified that such a weak, awful, childish, vulgar, ignorant, damaged person can take over a political party. And worse, that this cancer has metastasized aggressively.

All this time later, we're still trying to come to grips with the fact that this has happened in America.

The Trumpsters want to think this horror is because he's so wonderful. That's how cults are.
Deplorables believe they are not represented. They keep voting and they get the sidestep. They had to be convinced to vote for Trump. Getting the same old same old every election cycle while the nation tears itself apart from propaganda as it moves further and further left has to end. The first two years of Joe is proof that Progs are about printing fiat currency and forcing people to do things they do not want to, and they glorify themselves for it.
Trump IS the establishment.
Trump's corruption speaks for itself.

Teabaggers despise common sense.
Teabaggers love autocracies.

Dumb teabaggers are worse.
The Trump cult is scraping the bottom of the dumbest of dumb barrell.
Those teabaggers will survive a downturn at a much higher percentage than you enlightened back patting pseudo geniuses will. Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi and Garland those stalwarts of integrity should be investigating Joe for his crimes. Nada.
Those teabaggers will survive a downturn at a much higher percentage than you enlightened back patting pseudo geniuses will.
Then...................Why are they always whining about the deficit, price of fuel, price of groceries and housing?
No fucking ideas, just whining.
Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi and Garland those stalwarts of integrity should be investigating Joe for his crimes. Nada.
Isn't Gym doing that?
Let everyone know, when he has evidence...............or a witness.
Please, please, please..........IMPEACH him.
It's must see, TV.
Adoration? The man is an utter asshole.

Given the choice between an utter asshole who represents American sovereignty and a traitorous pedophile who sells us down the river for personal gain, however, what sane and rational voter would actually choose the latter?

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