How much of Trump's adoration is based on pure celebrity?

They've been groomed since Reagan.
Likely, even before with the John Birch Society.

I don't get that.
WHAT is so "wonderful" about paying a self proclaimed, "Billionaire's" legal bills?
They're just compelled to create and follow icons. I don't know what hole that fills for them, but they clearly need it.

One possibility is that they're tired of waiting for Jesus to come back, so they've replaced him with a mentally ill celebrity buffoon who is shameless enough to feed their rage.

Which, of course, is weird. But not for the alternate universe.

They're just compelled to create and follow icons. I don't know what hole that fills for them, but they clearly need it.

One possibility is that they're tired of waiting for Jesus to come back, so they've replaced him with a mentally ill celebrity buffoon who is shameless enough to feed their rage.

Which, of course, is weird. But not for the alternate universe.

:dunno: › wiki › JonestownJonestown - Wikipedia

For a year, it appears the commune was run primarily through Social Security checks received by members. Up to $65,000 in monthly welfare payments from US government agencies to Jonestow › wiki › JonestownJonestown - Wikipedia

For a year, it appears the commune was run primarily through Social Security checks received by members. Up to $65,000 in monthly welfare payments from US government agencies to Jonestow › intelligencer › 2021Trump’s Campaign Scammed Small Donors With Auto-Checked Box

Apr 5, 2021 · Donald Trump’s presidential campaign scammed its small donors by including auto-checked boxed authorizing weekly recurring donations, buried beneath larger text that made it hard
See a pattern?

Yep. That's why people from across the political spectrum just don't understand the psychology of this adoration, and are trying to.

The funny (kind of) thing here is that these folks think I'm talking about Trump. They always do. They don't see it.
Well it's easy he, unlike you and your leftist ilk loves the country, and wants prosperity, while you call him a grifter, the true grifters IE the Democrats convince you you need Government to succeed. Of course you are talking about Trump it's in the title of the thread. Keep pretending to be independent
Well it's easy he, unlike you and your leftist ilk loves the country, and wants prosperity, while you call him a grifter, the true grifters IE the Democrats convince you you need Government to succeed. Of course you are talking about Trump it's in the title of the thread. Keep pretending to be independent
WTF? › entry › biden-maui-wildfiresGOPers Rip Biden's Maui Wildfire Response. They All Opposed ...

Aug 23, 2023 · President Joe Biden is embraced by Hawaii Governor Josh Green after delivering remarks as he visits an area devastated by wildfires in Lahaina, Hawaii on Aug. 21. MANDEL NGAN

House Republicans have been criticizing President Joe Biden’s response to the wildfires in Maui, saying that he’s not providing enough federal resources and is instead too focused on supporting Ukraine in its war against Russia.

“FEMA is underfunded by $4 BILLION, Georgia Emergency Management Agency (GEMA) is only funded $1 per Georgian, Hawaii’s Lahaina is in desperate need of help from devastating fire killing 50+ people, and America is broke,” Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) tweeted earlier this month, just after the Maui wildfires took hold.

Why didn't MTG whine about Walmart's lack of response?
Walmart didn't want Hawaiians to "succeed"?

We know that anything critical said of Donald Trump will be met with screams of TDS! so that the question will be avoided, and that's fine. For the rest of us:

America is clearly a celebrity-driven country. We know that people like Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian and zillions of YouTubers and TickTockers and InstaGrammers have achieved great wealth and fame and wide acceptance while demonstrating essentially zero actual talent, zero intellect, and zero actual utility. And importantly, some of these people are essentially playing "the bad guy", an anti-hero who people love because their behaviors are anti-social and negative.

This is a terribly shallow way to achieve success, but it sure does work. In America.

At the same time, there is a significant percentage percentage of this country which, literally, loves him. This appears to be a real love, a personal adoration, something that is deep and emotional and real. He's a part of their lives that appears to be at least as important to them as their family and their religion. And while anyone who can't understand this is attacked, it's still fair to wonder about it.

So here's my question: Surely there is an element of celebrity in this adoration. To what degree does celebrity play in this intense love for such a person? Is he the anti-hero, like a pro wrestling star? And not coincidentally, he has "performed" at pro wrestling events. Thoughts?
Nope, nothing to do with celebrity. Look at the Supreme Court.
Celebrity probably plays a small part for some trumpanzees. The bigger factor is how deplorable he is and how he makes his low life supporters feel like they are part of something.
No, people are obsessed because Trump is a bloviating lair and he never met a microphone he didn't like.
And you are free to ignore him, but can't.
You got that right, it's a cult and Trump knows his cult.

The cult hates the man. Most of us simply acknowledge he's just another politician, but the rest literally and irrationally hate someone they've never met who has not harmed them at all with a hate that consumes almost all their waking moments.
Like I said THAT isn't going to happen.

Fox News Hosts Fawn Over Trump Debate Performance

View attachment 828279
Mediaite › TV
Sep 30, 2020 — President Donald Trump received broad criticism for his loud and interrupting behavior during the first presidential debate of 2020.

Criminals usually do get "Hate-fueled obsession"

Sure................Like teabaggers are over Biden?
Hate to remind you, but Quid Pro Joe is actually president and is thus actually responsible to wield the power of the office responsibly, something a feeble, senile old man should not be tasked with doing.

Impeachment, government shutdown threats loom over ...

View attachment 828281 › 2023/09/11 › politics › impeach...
23 hours ago — ... growing calls on the right to impeach President Joe Biden, ... at the US Capitol Building on July 14, 2023, in Washington, DC.
The bar has been irretrievably lowered.
Celebrity probably plays a small part for some trumpanzees. The bigger factor is how deplorable he is and how he makes his low life supporters feel like they are part of something.
We are part of something...taking America back from the lunatic fringe. Education is probably the biggest problem. Our enemies are educating their kids while we are indoctrinating ours with crap like climate change, lgbtqfu and crt. Sick.
And you are free to ignore him, but can't.
So............WTF are you doing here?

How much of Trump's adoration is based on pure celebrity?​

The cult hates the man. Most of us simply acknowledge he's just another politician, but the rest literally and irrationally hate someone they've never met who has not harmed them at all with a hate that consumes almost all their waking moments.
Sure..........It shows, they only came there to criticize him.

Hate to remind you, but Quid Pro Joe is actually president and is thus actually responsible to wield the power of the office responsibly, something a feeble, senile old man should not be tasked with doing.
Sure beats the other senile old man who occupied the office before him.
The bar has been irretrievably lowered.
You got that right. › trump-suggests-infectingTrump Suggesting Injecting Disinfectant: Video, Transcript

President Trump mused that bringing "light" inside the body or even injecting people's lungs with disinfectants should be investigated as coronavirus treatments, but injecting oneself with...

They're just compelled to create and follow icons. I don't know what hole that fills for them, but they clearly need it.

One possibility is that they're tired of waiting for Jesus to come back, so they've replaced him with a mentally ill celebrity buffoon who is shameless enough to feed their rage.

Which, of course, is weird. But not for the alternate universe.

You do realize that there is a world out there beyond your fertile imagination, don't you?

We know that anything critical said of Donald Trump will be met with screams of TDS! so that the question will be avoided, and that's fine. For the rest of us:

America is clearly a celebrity-driven country. We know that people like Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian and zillions of YouTubers and TickTockers and InstaGrammers have achieved great wealth and fame and wide acceptance while demonstrating essentially zero actual talent, zero intellect, and zero actual utility. And importantly, some of these people are essentially playing "the bad guy", an anti-hero who people love because their behaviors are anti-social and negative.

This is a terribly shallow way to achieve success, but it sure does work. In America.

At the same time, there is a significant percentage percentage of this country which, literally, loves him. This appears to be a real love, a personal adoration, something that is deep and emotional and real. He's a part of their lives that appears to be at least as important to them as their family and their religion. And while anyone who can't understand this is attacked, it's still fair to wonder about it.

So here's my question: Surely there is an element of celebrity in this adoration. To what degree does celebrity play in this intense love for such a person? Is he the anti-hero, like a pro wrestling star? And not coincidentally, he has "performed" at pro wrestling events. Thoughts?
My thoughts are you still haven't recovered from the 2016 election Night Of Tears. Your posting after that event changed significantly. I have no "adoration" for the man. I support Trump because he is the strongest opposition force to the clearly subversive Democrats who are dragging this country down.
My thoughts are you still haven't recovered from the 2016 election Night Of Tears. Your posting after that event changed significantly. I have no "adoration" for the man. I support Trump because he is the strongest opposition force to the clearly subversive Democrats who are dragging this country down.
Early in 2016 he was all about hammering leftist "regressives"

Today, he is in solidarity with them.

You see, Bernie was a threat to the DNC in early 2016, but once Hillary was nominated, the little political operative changed his tune.

We know that anything critical said of Donald Trump will be met with screams of TDS! so that the question will be avoided, and that's fine. For the rest of us:

America is clearly a celebrity-driven country. We know that people like Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian and zillions of YouTubers and TickTockers and InstaGrammers have achieved great wealth and fame and wide acceptance while demonstrating essentially zero actual talent, zero intellect, and zero actual utility. And importantly, some of these people are essentially playing "the bad guy", an anti-hero who people love because their behaviors are anti-social and negative.

This is a terribly shallow way to achieve success, but it sure does work. In America.

At the same time, there is a significant percentage percentage of this country which, literally, loves him. This appears to be a real love, a personal adoration, something that is deep and emotional and real. He's a part of their lives that appears to be at least as important to them as their family and their religion. And while anyone who can't understand this is attacked, it's still fair to wonder about it.

So here's my question: Surely there is an element of celebrity in this adoration. To what degree does celebrity play in this intense love for such a person? Is he the anti-hero, like a pro wrestling star? And not coincidentally, he has "performed" at pro wrestling events. Thoughts?

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