How Much Should Americans Be Taxed To Reduce The Effects Of Summer & Winter?

God instructed us to control the earth. I assume He also meant the climate if it's harming the earth.
Then you and I need to work together to eliminate heat altogether. The ultimate control!!! Now we just to figure out how much to tax everyone to realize our dream of a perfect climate.
Yup. Nobody has stopped to think about whether the earth is simply going through a natural cycle. I've seen "emissions reducing" measures taking place for most of my 63 years on earth and yet a certain segment of fearmongering Americans are still crouched in their corners biting their nails claiming that it isn't enough. We much do more. Gate's solution is to kill off a good portion of the global population. Greta's answer is that we should swim across the Atlantic rather than taking a ship (except in her case). John Kerry says we shouldn't fly (as he takes private jets just about everywhere he goes). Biden thinks we need to get rid of our cooling utensils.

And all the while, the earth and sun are simply doing what they do.
I saw one idiotic proposal for a science experiment: fill one container with CO2 from a soda machine and the other with ordinary air from the room. Heat both containers and the one containing CO2 will be measurably warmer than the one containing ambient air. Well duh. 100% CO2 will do that. But the CO2 in our atmosphere is .04%.

Now if you put air with all the CO2 removed in one contained and put our ambient air in the other and heated both containers, I'm pretty sure both would heat very close to the same amount. Funny how the climate religionists never suggest that as an experiment.
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These days, the answer to climate control is to tax the hell out of an already burdened taxpayer. When we were kids we just sat under a shade tree or ran through the sprinkers. Ahhh ... the good ol' days.
I was just asking myself how high taxes should be exacted on the working class as a means to fix heat in summer and cold in winter. Have any experts out there done the math? If our taxes are raised by 50% will summer get cooler and winter get warmer? And using that logic, wouldn't we return to Eden-like conditions if we're taxed 100%? Life should be just about perfect when we no longer have any money! Right?

I'm just curious to know who tax hikes will fix all of this scary "climate change" and stuff.

Taxes solve nothing. Power plants should be required to shut down between 9am-5 pm M-F during warm months and sunset to sunrise during cold months.
I don't worship anyone you lunatic. I don't trust anyone unconditionally like yourself. If someone is asking me to give up things while they are keeping theirs I'm going to call out that bullshit.
Yeah, sure. You're a lunatic libertarian conservative who worship charlson hasten.
Southern Utah. It's been over 100 degrees for several days in a row. Just like it was last year and the year before and the year before.
Climate change in Utah encompasses the effects of climate change, attributed to man-made increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide, in the U.S. state of Utah.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency reports that "Utah's climate is changing. The state has warmed about two degrees (F) in the last century. Throughout the western United States, heat waves are becoming more common, and snow is melting earlier in spring. In the coming decades, the changing climate is likely to decrease the flow of water in Utah's rivers, increase the frequency and intensity of wildfires, and decrease the productivity of ranches and farms". Another analysis found that Utah's temperature increase from 1970 to 2019 was the fifth highest in the nation, leading to an increasing intensity of wildfires. A changing climate was also reported as leading to increased flooding in Utah during winter months, followed by hot and dry summers, a cycle potentially harmful for agriculture.

Not quite the same old same.
Humans are the only species of life that has to pay to live on planet earth.
Actually paying for heating and cooling for our comfort and/or our survival is no different than paying for food, shelter, clothing, medicine etc. Somebody has to provide all that and they do so because they get paid to do it. And all of us have money to pay them because we in turn run businesses that provide products or services or we trade our labor, experience, expertise, talents for cash so that we can pay for what we need.

Where taxes come in is what the government takes from our income or adds to the cost of the products and services we use. And it is greatly exacerbated by UNNECESSARY law, rules, regulation that greatly increase the cost of the products and services we use.

And few things in our human history have raised those costs more than government mandates of green energy.

How this relates to your OP is that absolutely nobody can tell us how much all the trillions spent on green energy have reduced the CO2 in the atmosphere. And if the government should take all our money in taxes and require us to use all green energy, most of humanity would starve, freeze, die of heat within a fairly short time. And I'm pretty sure they still couldn't measure how much CO2 was reduced in the atmosphere.
The elite? You mean the ones that you push tax breaks to all the time? Worship at the feet of?

Is the world not warm enough for you yet?
No, we need a few more climate summit meetings with your globalist elite telling us how much we need to cut back on driving. All those private jets should bring the temperature up nice and toasty.
No, we need a few more climate summit meetings with your globalist elite telling us how much we need to cut back on driving. All those private jets should bring the temperature up nice and toasty.

I was just asking myself how high taxes should be exacted on the working class as a means to fix heat in summer and cold in winter. Have any experts out there done the math? If our taxes are raised by 50% will summer get cooler and winter get warmer? And using that logic, wouldn't we return to Eden-like conditions if we're taxed 100%? Life should be just about perfect when we no longer have any money! Right?

I'm just curious to know who tax hikes will fix all of this scary "climate change" and stuff.
Who do you see enacting taxes to reduce the effects of summer and winter?
No, we need a few more climate summit meetings with your globalist elite telling us how much we need to cut back on driving. All those private jets should bring the temperature up nice and toasty.
Can you compare and contrast the amount of coal fired power plants emissions to those of airplanes flown to Climate Change summits.

I'll wait.
I don't worship anyone you lunatic. I don't trust anyone unconditionally like yourself. If someone is asking me to give up things while they are keeping theirs I'm going to call out that bullshit.
What make you think I worship anyone unconditionally?

Also, what do you have to give up that other don't?

Are you a gun nut?
Actually paying for heating and cooling for our comfort and/or our survival is no different than paying for food, shelter, clothing, medicine etc. Somebody has to provide all that and they do so because they get paid to do it. And all of us have money to pay them because we in turn run businesses that provide products or services or we trade our labor, experience, expertise, talents for cash so that we can pay for what we need.

Where taxes come in is what the government takes from our income or adds to the cost of the products and services we use. And it is greatly exacerbated by UNNECESSARY law, rules, regulation that greatly increase the cost of the products and services we use.

And few things in our human history have raised those costs more than government mandates of green energy.

How this relates to your OP is that absolutely nobody can tell us how much all the trillions spent on green energy have reduced the CO2 in the atmosphere. And if the government should take all our money in taxes and require us to use all green energy, most of humanity would starve, freeze, die of heat within a fairly short time. And I'm pretty sure they still couldn't measure how much CO2 was reduced in the atmosphere.
well i'll meet you 1/2 way Fox, in that our gov is saddled w/ the 'welfare of it's constituency'

The constitutional fundies can run w/ that

The crux is extending that notion to a shill governance

Methinks you know where i'm going here....

All I know is John Kerry needs to be tied to a post out in the wilderness someplace.
What make you think I worship anyone unconditionally?

Also, what do you have to give up that other don't?

Are you a gun nut?
I'm a strict Constitutional Conservative. I know that's hard for you loons to understand the freedoms and what not that document gives, but it is what it is.

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