How much will Trump weigh when he goes to jail tomorrow ?

When Dr. Ronny Jackson gave an update on Trump's health, Trump claimed he weighed 239 and the media and expert guess ers doubted he was 239 and estimated around 260 or so, if memory serves.

I didn't think Trump is any smaller now, than when entering office....
Here are the proof pix of two legendary athletes.
Case closed.

View attachment 820293View attachment 820294
Here's a photo of Ali giving Donald Trump the 2007 Muhammad Ali Humanitarian award.

Yes. Its time to put a stop to all of this unkind carpng. It is obvious to anyone with a brain that trump is the same height and weight as the late bocing legemd Ali.
Here are the proof pix of two legendary athletes.
Case closed.

View attachment 820293View attachment 820294
Even you can’t be this stupid. :)
He’s the one lying about his weight, not me

& his financial worth...

& his biz'nez savvy...

& his stable geniusness...

& his ability to declassify uber top secret intel with his mind...

& & & ...
It needs to be something he can put on a mug or t shirt.
Score one for the proverbial stopped clock!
The 215 was self-reported, you moron.

Do you actually believe that he’s actually 215? Lmao.
That's why the whole thread was moronic. Admittedly, I've only seen jail intake in the movies and TV, but they all seem the same and never include "Now, stand on the scale."

They didn't weigh me when I got my drivers license. My doctor weighs me, and I had to weigh-in in the Army, but anyone else just asks.

I sometimes give an aspirational weight. If that's a crime, we're going to need a LOT more prisons, and only skinny people will be left to be guards.
He's a congenital liar, a compulsive liar, even when he doesn't have to lie, and they just don't care.

They're at war with evil. Seriously.
That's your TDS talking.

You TDS afflicted morons are always claiming that Trump lies to you all the time because that what the fake news media has brainwashed you idiots into believing.

However, whenever you TDS afflicted morons are challenged to directly quote these alleged lies and prove that they are lies you scurry away with your collective tails between your legs.

Yes. Its time to put a stop to all of this unkind carpng. It is obvious to anyone with a brain that trump is the same height and weight as the late bocing legemd Ali.
Here are the proof pix of two legendary athletes.
Case closed.

View attachment 820293View attachment 820294
He's not that much smaller than The Hulkster and Andre The Giant, oh Ye from Welsh sheepfucker land!

That's your TDS talking.

You TDS afflicted morons are always claiming that Trump lies to you all the time because that what the fake news media has brainwashed you idiots into believing.

However, whenever you TDS afflicted morons are challenged to directly quote these alleged lies and prove that they are lies you scurry away with your collective tails between your legs.
That's your TDS talking, cultist.

Yes. Its time to put a stop to all of this unkind carpng. It is obvious to anyone with a brain that trump is the same height and weight as the late bocing legemd Ali.
Here are the proof pix of two legendary athletes.
Case closed.

View attachment 820293View attachment 820294
Wow comparing a pic of a 70 year old to a 20 something…I mean you got him there

The desperation is amazing
Trump is probably 260 or 270, which makes him obese

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