How much will Trump weigh when he goes to jail tomorrow ?

There are MANY who walk the earth and fudge their weight. Its not a big deal. Men lie about their penis size, so what?
You guys don't get it.
This was all about Trump sending us a cryptic message.

6' 3" 215lbs

6 + 3 = 9
2 + 1 + 5 = 8

9 + 8 = 17

The 17th letter of the alphabet is 'Q'.................................................
Yes. Its time to put a stop to all of this unkind carpng [sic]. It is obvious to anyone with a brain that trump is the same height and weight as the late bocing [sic] legemd [sic] Ali.
Here are the proof pix of two legendary athletes.

As much as you've been obsessing, lately, over Trump's physique, care to tell us what you weight, and how tall you are?

Not that I expect that you'd be at all honest about it, but surely you are both shorter, and much heavier than Trump; and yet you somehow feel entitled to denigrate Trump over his weight. I guess that's much unlike how you famously expressed deep disrespect toward me over my profession, when everyone knows that you have no honest profession at all, and are just a worthless parasite that lives on government handouts paid for by other honest people like myself who have to pay taxes to support worthless parasites like you, on top of supporting ourselves.

I wonder if you understand that fat is less dense than muscle, and that therefore, your attempt to compare Trump to Mohammed Ali is invalid. An athlete with lots of muscle and very little fat is going to look trimmer and fitter than someone of average composition who happens to be the same height and weight. And of course, someone like you, that is nearly all fat, and very little muscle, is going to look much less trim and fit than someone of the same height and weight who is of average composition.

Well Bob if you were academically gifted ,or even applied yourself in school, you would have a better job with better working conditions.
Tommy is bald, fat and stupid.

Yes. Its time to put a stop to all of this unkind carpng. It is obvious to anyone with a brain that trump is the same height and weight as the late bocing legemd Ali.

Yes, now can you name another celebrity carrying 7-8 pounds of dead skin cells, 14,440 old man skin wrinkles, 440 brown age spots, and 9 pounds of ugly fat in their head as Joe Biden who also shuffles along in his PC Penny orthopedic loafers tripping over folds in the carpet as his bowels fill up a colon bag?

The issue is that body shaming is a central part of MAGA world. Trump routinely abuses folk who arent [sic] as "perfect" as he is. He mocks disabled folk as well.
He is a pig.

Says a foul creature that is much more pig-like than the one he is calling a pig.

I can think of few others on this forum who are as relentless as you are, at disparaging others for alleged traits that you very obvious have yourself to a much worse degree than that to which you accuse the targets of your disparagements of having them. This thread (and at least one or two others you're made on exactly the same topic) is a perfect example, of you obsessively disparagement Trump for being overweight, when it is rathe obvious that you are morbidly obese to a degree that Trump does not even come close to matching.

I'm not normally one to pick on others for being fat, but in your case, you've made yourself a very fair and obvious target, by being a fat, disgusting pig that somehow feels entitled to pick on others for being much less so.
All you do is troll the threads with idiotic posts. You seem uneducated and bitter with life.

Tommy is bitter and mean because God only gave him a 2-inch penis and about as much sex appeal as an old broken umbrella.

Yes. Its time to put a stop to all of this unkind carpng. It is obvious to anyone with a brain that trump is the same height and weight as the late bocing legemd Ali.
Here are the proof pix of two legendary athletes.
Case closed.

View attachment 820293View attachment 820294
Trump love ^^^^
Yes, now can you name another celebrity carrying 7-8 pounds of dead skin cells, 14,440 old man skin wrinkles, 440 brown age spots, and 9 pounds of ugly fat in their head as Joe Biden who also shuffles along in his PC Penny orthopedic loafers tripping over folds in the carpet as his bowels fill up a colon bag?

View attachment 820527


Yes. Its time to put a stop to all of this unkind carpng. It is obvious to anyone with a brain that trump is the same height and weight as the late bocing legemd Ali.
Here are the proof pix of two legendary athletes.
Case closed.

View attachment 820293View attachment 820294
Fake thread title
No jail
But I fully realize fake and lies are encouraged here, especially in liberal thread titles.
Look, man. Donald Trump is a hunk like Rambo. He is 7 feet tall and weighs 175 pounds, and it is ALLLLLL muscle.

Look! Up in the sky! It's the Trump Shuttle!

Trump can run down ramps faster than a speeding bullet. He can leap bottles of water in a single bound. He is more powerful than a locomotive.

The bookies currently have 278.5 as the hot favourite. Thats a lot more than when he was weighed as Prez.
Would forum members like to venture a figure ?

Im going 275 as my entry.
The good new for the old porker is that prison food will soon burn off the excess. Melania will be forced to make conhugal visits once he can locate his cock.
/---/ Most likely, Trump will always weigh less than your pompous ass, And he's not going to prison.
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