How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump's presidency

You mean like they were under Obama...
View attachment 111908
WHEN former President Barack Obama said he was “heartened” by anti-Trump protests, he was sending a message of approval to his troops.

No Cookies | Herald Sun
How anyone can worship this pos traitor is beyond me, as he lives all high and might and the morons who are in love with him are lucky they can take their kid to the nearest carnival, or put dinner on the table.
He never did anything for Detroit, he never did anything for Chicago he lied and as these leaders who are tied to the NWO and Global take over head further into it we will see Trump constantly attacked and smeared because this is what scum bags do.

They never stop to think how they are enslaved the leaders sugar coat their words making it seem as if they are doing well for the people , but sadly those people who can't see through it are lead by the nose based on nothing but politcal lies and they fall for it time and time again.
We love Twitler as much as Melania does.

All I care about is results. Will Americans be better off in 4 years? I know rich americans will but what about blue collar?
I don't believe the Republicans want wages to go up. Cuts into profits. Let's see if labor does better under trump because it was clearly bush delay and hastert who sent all the jobs overseas.

Yes Clinton signed NAFTA but daddy bush invented it and Jr abused it.

What a moron. Non-Progressives want to see Economic Growth.
Translation you lied to the poorly educated. You aren't bringing their jobs back.

One way you will manufacture growth will be massive infrastructure programs. I support the spending Republicans are about to do. Long overdue. Obama would have had more growth had we started 8 years ago but the GOP tightened the purse strings on obama
You mean like they were under Obama...
View attachment 111908
WHEN former President Barack Obama said he was “heartened” by anti-Trump protests, he was sending a message of approval to his troops.

No Cookies | Herald Sun
How anyone can worship this pos traitor is beyond me, as he lives all high and might and the morons who are in love with him are lucky they can take their kid to the nearest carnival, or put dinner on the table.
He never did anything for Detroit, he never did anything for Chicago he lied and as these leaders who are tied to the NWO and Global take over head further into it we will see Trump constantly attacked and smeared because this is what scum bags do.

They never stop to think how they are enslaved the leaders sugar coat their words making it seem as if they are doing well for the people , but sadly those people who can't see through it are lead by the nose based on nothing but politcal lies and they fall for it time and time again.
We love Twitler as much as Melania does.

All I care about is results. Will Americans be better off in 4 years? I know rich americans will but what about blue collar?
I don't believe the Republicans want wages to go up. Cuts into profits. Let's see if labor does better under trump because it was clearly bush delay and hastert who sent all the jobs overseas.

Yes Clinton signed NAFTA but daddy bush invented it and Jr abused it.

What a moron. Non-Progressives want to see Economic Growth.
Translation you lied to the poorly educated. You aren't bringing their jobs back.

One way you will manufacture growth will be massive infrastructure programs. I support the spending Republicans are about to do. Long overdue. Obama would have had more growth had we started 8 years ago but the GOP tightened the purse strings on obama

^^^ The heartbreak of Economic and Historical Illiteracy on parade ^^^
1992 & 1993 Congressional make up by party-
(when it was initialed and signed)
102nd Congress (1991–1993)
Congressional Profile
Total Membership:
  • 435 Representatives
  • 4 Delegates
  • 1 Resident Commissioner
Party Divisions:*
  • 267 Democrats
  • 167 Republicans
  • 1 Independent

You mean like they were under Obama...
View attachment 111908
WHEN former President Barack Obama said he was “heartened” by anti-Trump protests, he was sending a message of approval to his troops.

No Cookies | Herald Sun
How anyone can worship this pos traitor is beyond me, as he lives all high and might and the morons who are in love with him are lucky they can take their kid to the nearest carnival, or put dinner on the table.
He never did anything for Detroit, he never did anything for Chicago he lied and as these leaders who are tied to the NWO and Global take over head further into it we will see Trump constantly attacked and smeared because this is what scum bags do.

They never stop to think how they are enslaved the leaders sugar coat their words making it seem as if they are doing well for the people , but sadly those people who can't see through it are lead by the nose based on nothing but politcal lies and they fall for it time and time again.
We love Twitler as much as Melania does.

All I care about is results. Will Americans be better off in 4 years? I know rich americans will but what about blue collar?
I don't believe the Republicans want wages to go up. Cuts into profits. Let's see if labor does better under trump because it was clearly bush delay and hastert who sent all the jobs overseas.

Yes Clinton signed NAFTA but daddy bush invented it and Jr abused it.
View attachment 111908
WHEN former President Barack Obama said he was “heartened” by anti-Trump protests, he was sending a message of approval to his troops.

No Cookies | Herald Sun
How anyone can worship this pos traitor is beyond me, as he lives all high and might and the morons who are in love with him are lucky they can take their kid to the nearest carnival, or put dinner on the table.
He never did anything for Detroit, he never did anything for Chicago he lied and as these leaders who are tied to the NWO and Global take over head further into it we will see Trump constantly attacked and smeared because this is what scum bags do.

They never stop to think how they are enslaved the leaders sugar coat their words making it seem as if they are doing well for the people , but sadly those people who can't see through it are lead by the nose based on nothing but politcal lies and they fall for it time and time again.
The Election was Stolen – Here’s How…

Friday, November 11, 2016
Before a single vote was cast, the election was fixed by GOP and Trump operatives.

Starting in 2013 – just as the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act – a coterie of Trump operatives, under the direction of Kris Kobach, Kansas Secretary of State, created a system to purge 1.1 million Americans of color from the voter rolls of GOP–controlled states.

The system, called Crosscheck, is detailed in my Rolling Stone report,
The GOP’s Stealth War on Voters,” 8/24/2016.

Crosscheck in action:
Trump victory margin in Michigan: 13,107
Michigan Crosscheck purge list: 449,922

Trump victory margin in Arizona: 85,257
Arizona Crosscheck purge list: 270,824

Trump victory margin in North Carolina: 177,008
North Carolina Crosscheck purge list: 589,393

On Tuesday, we saw Crosscheck elect a Republican Senate and as President, Donald Trump. The electoral putsch was aided by nine other methods of attacking the right to vote of Black, Latino and Asian-American voters, methods detailed in my book and film, including “Caging,” “purging,” blocking legitimate registrations, and wrongly shunting millions to “provisional” ballots that will never be counted.

Trump signaled the use of “Crosscheck” when he claimed the election is “rigged” because “people are voting many, many times.” His operative Kobach, who also advised Trump on building a wall on the southern border, devised a list of 7.2 million “potential” double voters—1.1 million of which were removed from the voter rolls by Tuesday. The list is loaded overwhelmingly with voters of color and the poor. Here's a sample of the list
The Election was Stolen – Here’s How... - Greg Palast
1992 & 1993 Congressional make up by party-
(when it was initialed and signed)
102nd Congress (1991–1993)
Congressional Profile
Total Membership:
  • 435 Representatives
  • 4 Delegates
  • 1 Resident Commissioner
Party Divisions:*
  • 267 Democrats
  • 167 Republicans
  • 1 Independent

You mean like they were under Obama...
View attachment 111908
WHEN former President Barack Obama said he was “heartened” by anti-Trump protests, he was sending a message of approval to his troops.

No Cookies | Herald Sun
How anyone can worship this pos traitor is beyond me, as he lives all high and might and the morons who are in love with him are lucky they can take their kid to the nearest carnival, or put dinner on the table.
He never did anything for Detroit, he never did anything for Chicago he lied and as these leaders who are tied to the NWO and Global take over head further into it we will see Trump constantly attacked and smeared because this is what scum bags do.

They never stop to think how they are enslaved the leaders sugar coat their words making it seem as if they are doing well for the people , but sadly those people who can't see through it are lead by the nose based on nothing but politcal lies and they fall for it time and time again.
We love Twitler as much as Melania does.

All I care about is results. Will Americans be better off in 4 years? I know rich americans will but what about blue collar?
I don't believe the Republicans want wages to go up. Cuts into profits. Let's see if labor does better under trump because it was clearly bush delay and hastert who sent all the jobs overseas.

Yes Clinton signed NAFTA but daddy bush invented it and Jr abused it.
Want to know the truth? Free trade was coming regardless of party. The rich own both parties but they own/control the gop a little more.

Just look at trumps appointees. Billionaires devoss, rex, etc.

1992 & 1993 Congressional make up by party-
(when it was initialed and signed)
102nd Congress (1991–1993)
Congressional Profile
Total Membership:
  • 435 Representatives
  • 4 Delegates
  • 1 Resident Commissioner
Party Divisions:*
  • 267 Democrats
  • 167 Republicans
  • 1 Independent

You mean like they were under Obama...
View attachment 111908
WHEN former President Barack Obama said he was “heartened” by anti-Trump protests, he was sending a message of approval to his troops.

No Cookies | Herald Sun
How anyone can worship this pos traitor is beyond me, as he lives all high and might and the morons who are in love with him are lucky they can take their kid to the nearest carnival, or put dinner on the table.
He never did anything for Detroit, he never did anything for Chicago he lied and as these leaders who are tied to the NWO and Global take over head further into it we will see Trump constantly attacked and smeared because this is what scum bags do.

They never stop to think how they are enslaved the leaders sugar coat their words making it seem as if they are doing well for the people , but sadly those people who can't see through it are lead by the nose based on nothing but politcal lies and they fall for it time and time again.
We love Twitler as much as Melania does.

All I care about is results. Will Americans be better off in 4 years? I know rich americans will but what about blue collar?
I don't believe the Republicans want wages to go up. Cuts into profits. Let's see if labor does better under trump because it was clearly bush delay and hastert who sent all the jobs overseas.

Yes Clinton signed NAFTA but daddy bush invented it and Jr abused it.
Want to know the truth? Free trade was coming regardless of party. The rich own both parties but they own/control the gop a little more.

Just look at trumps appointees. Billionaires devoss, rex, etc.
Obabble is becoming the Worst Ex-President in history.

OFA is close, if not already, to being an organized crime syndicate. This "organizing" is designed to violate the Constitutional Rights of others. It should be investigated under RICO.
Still miss him, don't you?
Obabble is becoming the Worst Ex-President in history.

OFA is close, if not already, to being an organized crime syndicate. This "organizing" is designed to violate the Constitutional Rights of others. It should be investigated under RICO.
Still miss him, don't you?
We can't sabotage Twitler. Either the Republicans do good or they don't.

Republicans need to realize the election is over. Stop blaming Democrats when u fail
View attachment 111908
WHEN former President Barack Obama said he was “heartened” by anti-Trump protests, he was sending a message of approval to his troops.

No Cookies | Herald Sun
How anyone can worship this pos traitor is beyond me, as he lives all high and might and the morons who are in love with him are lucky they can take their kid to the nearest carnival, or put dinner on the table.
He never did anything for Detroit, he never did anything for Chicago he lied and as these leaders who are tied to the NWO and Global take over head further into it we will see Trump constantly attacked and smeared because this is what scum bags do.

They never stop to think how they are enslaved the leaders sugar coat their words making it seem as if they are doing well for the people , but sadly those people who can't see through it are lead by the nose based on nothing but politcal lies and they fall for it time and time again.
Obama's really got in your heads, hasn't he?
Obabble is becoming the Worst Ex-President in history.

OFA is close, if not already, to being an organized crime syndicate. This "organizing" is designed to violate the Constitutional Rights of others. It should be investigated under RICO.
Still miss him, don't you?

I'm not you, hun. Although many here still think we are the same person, I would have thought you would be able to make the distinction.
Obabble is becoming the Worst Ex-President in history.

OFA is close, if not already, to being an organized crime syndicate. This "organizing" is designed to violate the Constitutional Rights of others. It should be investigated under RICO.
Still miss him, don't you?

I'm not you, hun. Although many here still think we are the same person, I would have thought you would be able to make the distinction. still miss him. Can't stop talking about him.
Obabble is becoming the Worst Ex-President in history.

OFA is close, if not already, to being an organized crime syndicate. This "organizing" is designed to violate the Constitutional Rights of others. It should be investigated under RICO.
Still miss him, don't you?

I'm not you, hun. Although many here still think we are the same person, I would have thought you would be able to make the distinction. still miss him. Can't stop talking about him.

Well, using that logic, then you LW Loons must ADORE Trump.
Obama had his eight years, he needs to fade away now and let the new administrstion have their opportunity to lead.

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