How Obama Lost Iraq.

What BS. Bush was spending billions over in that hellhole and the Iraqis STILL were never trained to take their country back. Of course Obama wanted out, America wanted us out of there. Getting into the ME was a huge Bush/Cheney error. T

Most of us have spent months squashing that naïve statement. Now Panetta backing it up.


Panetta's quote:

"Nouri al-Maliki was the elected prime minister. He didn't want the U.S. troops."
Yeah repeating the same shit isnt helpful. al Maliki was not the only player in Iraq. Obama had significant leverage he could have used but didnt.
Your desperation is showing here.

Facts are not desperation. Denying the irrefutable facts is desperation.
That is what you are doing.
Panetta laid out what happened. You are simply denying it, trying to impugn Panetta as "covering his ass" (for what who knows?) and repeating the same taling points because you cannot wrap your head around the idea that Obama failed in Iraq and lost the peace.
Wrong. That's been explained a million times in similar threads for months now. Try reading them.

No, what you mean is, you people defending Bush have lost that argument a million times. Try reading them.
Only in your mind.
In reality Bush was right and all the little Mon morning quarterbackers have been shown to be the little quislings and ignoramuses we all said you were.

It's been a thing of beauty not only watching Panetta but other people that worked for Obama say the same thing we've been saying. Been hilarious.
At this point it is merely the terminally stupid, deliberately dense, and profoundly partisan who can even begin to defend Obama and his atrocious record. Any reasonable person sees he has been totally out his depth and has made terrible decisions. All the evidence supports that.

And once again I remind everyone that the Rabbi praised the withdrawal from Iraq at the time and gave all the 'credit' to President George W. Bush.
Bush crafted the SOFA but left the final status of forces to Obama, who flubbed it. That's the entire basis of this thread and well supported by insiders. Did you miss that?
How do you defeat ISIS, or do you even see them as a threat? And yes, Bush was wrong. It does not change the present reality.

If any Liberal would please address this one simple point or even acknowledge would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance. :)

So now you want Obama to be responsible for ISIS? Imo, it is all a part of the mistake of going in there. ISIS is just another generation of terrorist. We'll have another one to replace them I'm sure.
Obama is directly responsible for the growth of ISIS because he could have taken action that would have prevented it. Not its formation necessarily, but its success i nthe area. And he was sufficiently informed of all this but made a bad decision. Which is the hallmark of his presidency.

There was no action he could take. Period. You have your myth, enjoy it along with all your other myths, but it won't stop being a myth.

And lucky for us we got out. The only mistake here is Obama getting sucked back in.
Yes, the most powerful man in the world had no leverage over a war torn impoverished country that was home to thousands of troops.
Your excuses are laughable.

You supported the withdrawal. We've already posted your support for it and your praise for Bush for it.
As lng as troops were left, which Obama failed to do.
Now you're ddeflecting to what I posted years ago. You are a pathetic fool.
We should have never been there in the first place. The whole Iraq debacle is Bush's fault. It should be laid at his feet, his and his administration's, and nowhere else.

Wrong. That's been explained a million times in similar threads for months now. Try reading them.

No, what you mean is, you people defending Bush have lost that argument a million times. Try reading them.
Only in your mind.
In reality Bush was right and all the little Mon morning quarterbackers have been shown to be the little quislings and ignoramuses we all said you were.

It's been a thing of beauty not only watching Panetta but other people that worked for Obama say the same thing we've been saying. Been hilarious.
At this point it is merely the terminally stupid, deliberately dense, and profoundly partisan who can even begin to defend Obama and his atrocious record. Any reasonable person sees he has been totally out his depth and has made terrible decisions. All the evidence supports that.
The Republicans are only interested in tearing this president and his record down. I think you're all delusional and obsessed.
Wrong. That's been explained a million times in similar threads for months now. Try reading them.

No, what you mean is, you people defending Bush have lost that argument a million times. Try reading them.
Only in your mind.
In reality Bush was right and all the little Mon morning quarterbackers have been shown to be the little quislings and ignoramuses we all said you were.

It's been a thing of beauty not only watching Panetta but other people that worked for Obama say the same thing we've been saying. Been hilarious.
At this point it is merely the terminally stupid, deliberately dense, and profoundly partisan who can even begin to defend Obama and his atrocious record. Any reasonable person sees he has been totally out his depth and has made terrible decisions. All the evidence supports that.
The Republicans are only interested in tearing this president and his record down. I think you're all delusional and obsessed.
We dont need to do that. Obama is doing a fine job failing all on his own. He needs zero input from the GOP on foreign policy. What area is the worst? Foreign policy.
What BS. Bush was spending billions over in that hellhole and the Iraqis STILL were never trained to take their country back. Of course Obama wanted out, America wanted us out of there. Getting into the ME was a huge Bush/Cheney error. T

How do you defeat ISIS, or do you even see them as a threat? And yes, Bush was wrong. It does not change the present reality.

If any Liberal would please address this one simple point or even acknowledge would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance. :)

So now you want Obama to be responsible for ISIS? Imo, it is all a part of the mistake of going in there. ISIS is just another generation of terrorist. We'll have another one to replace them I'm sure.
Obama is directly responsible for the growth of ISIS because he could have taken action that would have prevented it. Not its formation necessarily, but its success i nthe area. And he was sufficiently informed of all this but made a bad decision. Which is the hallmark of his presidency.

There was no action he could take. Period. You have your myth, enjoy it along with all your other myths, but it won't stop being a myth.

And lucky for us we got out. The only mistake here is Obama getting sucked back in.

YOU ARE FLAT OUT LYING AND PANETTA NOW CONFIRMS IT! So does Ambassador Chris Hill in my other thread.

But hey, keep the thread in people's it.
Obama's former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta states in a new book what everyone with a grain of intelligence knows.....Obama was so eager to get out of Iraq they did not negotiate in good faith to leave U.S. forces in the Country. Hence, the rise of ISIS and the terrible mess we are currently experiencing in the Middle East.

Here is a key quote.

Washington (AFP) - Former Pentagon chief Leon Panetta has denounced the White House in a new memoir, accusing President Barack Obama's top aides of undercutting efforts to secure a deal in 2011 that could have kept US troops in Iraq.

"Flournoy at the Defense Department argued our case, and those on our side viewed the White House as so eager to rid itself of Iraq that it was willing to withdraw rather than lock in arrangements that would preserve our influence and interests," he wrote.

"To my frustration, the White House coordinated the negotiations but never really led them.

"Officials there seemed content to endorse an agreement if State and Defense could reach one, but without the President’s active advocacy, al-Maliki was allowed to slip away," he wrote.

The deal slipped away.

A link to the full story.

Obama team wanted US out of Iraq Panetta - Yahoo News

Yep, his refusal to leave enough troops in Iraq, created the vacuum for the birth of ISIS. Another Obama success story. :alcoholic:
well no
Obama's former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta states in a new book what everyone with a grain of intelligence knows.....Obama was so eager to get out of Iraq they did not negotiate in good faith to leave U.S. forces in the Country. Hence, the rise of ISIS and the terrible mess we are currently experiencing in the Middle East.

Here is a key quote.

Washington (AFP) - Former Pentagon chief Leon Panetta has denounced the White House in a new memoir, accusing President Barack Obama's top aides of undercutting efforts to secure a deal in 2011 that could have kept US troops in Iraq.

"Flournoy at the Defense Department argued our case, and those on our side viewed the White House as so eager to rid itself of Iraq that it was willing to withdraw rather than lock in arrangements that would preserve our influence and interests," he wrote.

"To my frustration, the White House coordinated the negotiations but never really led them.

"Officials there seemed content to endorse an agreement if State and Defense could reach one, but without the President’s active advocacy, al-Maliki was allowed to slip away," he wrote.

The deal slipped away.

A link to the full story.

Obama team wanted US out of Iraq Panetta - Yahoo News

Yep, his refusal to leave enough troops in Iraq, created the vacuum for the birth of ISIS. Another Obama success story. :alcoholic:
well no
Denial. Also not a river in Egypt.
If you have nothing intelligent to say, shut up.
I remember back several years ago people were proudly showing pictures of purple finger Iraqis after voting. Well as it turns out those purple finger people voted politicians into office that wanted the US out of their nation. They want to remove immunity from our armed forces as apart of the agreement, that's a deal breaker. I have a strong suspicion that they are now regretting that decision.

Not according to Leon Panetta...the folks at the Pentagon....and several former Obama National Security Advisers.

But nice try. :thup:

Panetta? Panetta said this on 60 minutes a couple weeks ago:

"Nouri al-Maliki was the elected prime minister. He didn't want the U.S. troops."

The powerful nation on Earth bows down to that little shit? Really? Only in Obama World. The U.S. tells that fucker what to do or no support. Got it?
this is amusing
Obama's former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta states in a new book what everyone with a grain of intelligence knows.....Obama was so eager to get out of Iraq they did not negotiate in good faith to leave U.S. forces in the Country. Hence, the rise of ISIS and the terrible mess we are currently experiencing in the Middle East.

Here is a key quote.

Washington (AFP) - Former Pentagon chief Leon Panetta has denounced the White House in a new memoir, accusing President Barack Obama's top aides of undercutting efforts to secure a deal in 2011 that could have kept US troops in Iraq.

"Flournoy at the Defense Department argued our case, and those on our side viewed the White House as so eager to rid itself of Iraq that it was willing to withdraw rather than lock in arrangements that would preserve our influence and interests," he wrote.

"To my frustration, the White House coordinated the negotiations but never really led them.

"Officials there seemed content to endorse an agreement if State and Defense could reach one, but without the President’s active advocacy, al-Maliki was allowed to slip away," he wrote.

The deal slipped away.

A link to the full story.

Obama team wanted US out of Iraq Panetta - Yahoo News

Yep, his refusal to leave enough troops in Iraq, created the vacuum for the birth of ISIS. Another Obama success story. :alcoholic:
well no
Denial. Also not a river in Egypt.
If you have nothing intelligent to say, shut up.
you'd never post if that was the case.
Obama's former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta states in a new book what everyone with a grain of intelligence knows.....Obama was so eager to get out of Iraq they did not negotiate in good faith to leave U.S. forces in the Country. Hence, the rise of ISIS and the terrible mess we are currently experiencing in the Middle East.

Here is a key quote.

Washington (AFP) - Former Pentagon chief Leon Panetta has denounced the White House in a new memoir, accusing President Barack Obama's top aides of undercutting efforts to secure a deal in 2011 that could have kept US troops in Iraq.

"Flournoy at the Defense Department argued our case, and those on our side viewed the White House as so eager to rid itself of Iraq that it was willing to withdraw rather than lock in arrangements that would preserve our influence and interests," he wrote.

"To my frustration, the White House coordinated the negotiations but never really led them.

"Officials there seemed content to endorse an agreement if State and Defense could reach one, but without the President’s active advocacy, al-Maliki was allowed to slip away," he wrote.

The deal slipped away.

A link to the full story.

Obama team wanted US out of Iraq Panetta - Yahoo News

Yep, his refusal to leave enough troops in Iraq, created the vacuum for the birth of ISIS. Another Obama success story. :alcoholic:
well no
Denial. Also not a river in Egypt.
If you have nothing intelligent to say, shut up.
you'd never post if that was the case.
Yawn. \Proving my point.
Now run along.
What BS. Bush was spending billions over in that hellhole and the Iraqis STILL were never trained to take their country back. Of course Obama wanted out, America wanted us out of there. Getting into the ME was a huge Bush/Cheney error. T

Most of us have spent months squashing that naïve statement. Now Panetta backing it up.


Panetta's quote:

"Nouri al-Maliki was the elected prime minister. He didn't want the U.S. troops."
Yeah repeating the same shit isnt helpful. al Maliki was not the only player in Iraq. Obama had significant leverage he could have used but didnt.
Your desperation is showing here.

Facts are not desperation. Denying the irrefutable facts is desperation.
That is what you are doing.
Panetta laid out what happened. You are simply denying it, trying to impugn Panetta as "covering his ass" (for what who knows?) and repeating the same taling points because you cannot wrap your head around the idea that Obama failed in Iraq and lost the peace.
What BS. Bush was spending billions over in that hellhole and the Iraqis STILL were never trained to take their country back. Of course Obama wanted out, America wanted us out of there. Getting into the ME was a huge Bush/Cheney error. T

How do you defeat ISIS, or do you even see them as a threat? And yes, Bush was wrong. It does not change the present reality.

If any Liberal would please address this one simple point or even acknowledge would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance. :)

So now you want Obama to be responsible for ISIS? Imo, it is all a part of the mistake of going in there. ISIS is just another generation of terrorist. We'll have another one to replace them I'm sure.
Obama is directly responsible for the growth of ISIS because he could have taken action that would have prevented it. Not its formation necessarily, but its success i nthe area. And he was sufficiently informed of all this but made a bad decision. Which is the hallmark of his presidency.

There was no action he could take. Period. You have your myth, enjoy it along with all your other myths, but it won't stop being a myth.

And lucky for us we got out. The only mistake here is Obama getting sucked back in.

YOU ARE FLAT OUT LYING AND PANETTA NOW CONFIRMS IT! So does Ambassador Chris Hill in my other thread.

But hey, keep the thread in people's it.

"Nouri al-Maliki was the elected prime minister. He didn't want the U.S. troops." Panetta

What BS. Bush was spending billions over in that hellhole and the Iraqis STILL were never trained to take their country back. Of course Obama wanted out, America wanted us out of there. Getting into the ME was a huge Bush/Cheney error. T

How do you defeat ISIS, or do you even see them as a threat? And yes, Bush was wrong. It does not change the present reality.

If any Liberal would please address this one simple point or even acknowledge would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance. :)

So now you want Obama to be responsible for ISIS? Imo, it is all a part of the mistake of going in there. ISIS is just another generation of terrorist. We'll have another one to replace them I'm sure.

Of course I want Obama to be responsible for defeating ISIS. He is the commander-in-chief...right? Isn't that his job?

So how do we defeat ISIS and global jihad?
What BS. Bush was spending billions over in that hellhole and the Iraqis STILL were never trained to take their country back. Of course Obama wanted out, America wanted us out of there. Getting into the ME was a huge Bush/Cheney error. T

How do you defeat ISIS, or do you even see them as a threat? And yes, Bush was wrong. It does not change the present reality.

If any Liberal would please address this one simple point or even acknowledge would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance. :)

So now you want Obama to be responsible for ISIS? Imo, it is all a part of the mistake of going in there. ISIS is just another generation of terrorist. We'll have another one to replace them I'm sure.

ISIS is being run by officers from Saddam's army. The army that Bush and Paul Bremer disbanded, a blunder that had serious repercussions lasting years in Iraq;

ISIS is an ongoing effect of that blunder.

Link or I call bullshit. :D
I wonder what happens when the US keeps an occupying force in a muslim country :eusa_think: Lemme see......

Add to that, who is going to pay for it. :eusa_eh: Any rw'ers in this thread want their taxes raised so that it isn't put on the grandkids credit card :doubt: (the last Repub President did that :eusa_shhh: )
How many more threads on this lie?

It was BUSH who lost Iraq - long before Obama was elected.
Yes, it was dat BOOSH! BOOSH achieved every objective set for the US at the outset of the war, despite downright traitorous behavior in Congress. When BOOOSH left Iraq was a relatively stable democracy. That somehow translates in libspeak as failure.
Obama fucked up the SOFA, refused to exert leverage to insure troops staying, ignored advice of trusted advisors and is now reaping the results and somehow he's blameless.
The Kool Aid is thick with this one.

With 150,000 troops still deployed in the field when he left, yeah, it was relatively stable. But President Bush Signs the SOFA where he obligated the country to remove all our troops by 2012 and somehow that is President Obama's fault? Republican logic at it's finest. Ignoring the fact that it was Iraq's call, not the Presidents trusted advisers, who made the decision to block all offers for a residual force. He is guilty of supporting the PM after the Bush Bug Out, well after Maliki's intentions of excluding the Sunnis was known.

So where is Panetta wrong....specifically?

How can someones opinion be wrong? Any long term agreement had to go through the Iraqi parliament and there was too much opposition to any residual force for it to pass. Doesn't mean that Panettas advice was wrong does it?
I wonder what happens when the US keeps an occupying force in a muslim country :eusa_think: Lemme see......

Add to that, who is going to pay for it. :eusa_eh: Any rw'ers in this thread want their taxes raised so that it isn't put on the grandkids credit card :doubt: (the last Repub President did that :eusa_shhh: )
We've had a force in Kuwait for years. Remind meof the terrible consequences of that.

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